Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Chapter 323 Painful Luo Chen

At the same time, Douluo Continent, Soto City.

After several days of trekking, Luo Chen also successfully arrived at Soto City in the former Tiandou Empire.

Although Soto City is now the territory of the Wuhun Empire, its role as a "granary" remains unchanged.

Luo Chen found an inn in Soto City to stay. He first reported safety through the communication rune stone and Feng Xiaoyu, and then started his action.

The best place in the city to find out news is undoubtedly the bar, because in the bar, people always express their opinions freely.

And their views are naturally the general direction of public opinion in Soto City.

What Luo Chen wanted to know was the public opinion in Soto City!

Zuixian Bar, this is the largest bar in Soto City. Through the bead curtain covering the door of the bar, Luo Chen can vaguely see the feasting and feasting inside. Although he is not interested in places like bars, but for the sake of After completing the task assigned to him by Gu Chen, he walked straight towards the Zuixian Bar.

Pulling open the bead curtain at the door of the bar, Luo Chen strolled inside.

As soon as he entered the bar, Luo Chen felt the smell of tobacco and alcohol in the mixed air. The music was turned up to the maximum, almost deafening people's ears. Both men and women were twisting their waists and hips crazily on the dance floor. , women dressed in cool clothes were laughing and playing among the men, teasing those men who couldn't control themselves with frivolous words.

"Have a cocktail, thank you!" Luo Chen walked to the bar, gently touched the countertop, and said.

The bartender in the bar was a tall woman with burgundy hair. She came to Luo Chen, holding a glass of cocktail that had been mixed in her hand.

She placed the cocktail in front of Luo Chen and said, "One Gintama coin, thank you."

Luo Chen took out a silver soul coin from the space soul guide and placed it on the counter. Then he took the cocktail from the red-haired woman's hand and found a wooden table in the corner of the bar to sit down.

He looked at the cocktail in his hand. The cocktail was held in a wide-mouthed goblet. The cocktail was sea blue, very eye-catching, and gave people a refreshing feeling.

He raised his glass and took a sip. A sour, bitter and refreshing taste filled his mouth, with a unique tropical flavor.

However, Luo Chen did not intend to continue drinking. He placed the cocktail in front of him again, and his spiritual power spread outward, listening to the conversations of the drinkers around him.

Soon, comments about Gu Chen reached Luo Chen's ears.

"Well, a few months ago, after Emperor Gu Chen completely destroyed the Xingluo Empire, the mainland has been unified by the Wuhun Empire. It seems that our Tiandou Empire is really dead."

"Isn't that right? If it weren't for that Gu Chen, maybe our Tiandou Empire would still have a chance!"

"Damn Gu Chen! I really hate him..."

"Have you heard? Some nobles from our Tiandou Empire have gathered in our Soto City. It is said that they are going to form an army and re-establish the Tiandou Empire."

"Really? Then I must join the army. I am a member of the Tiandou Empire no matter what. As for the Spirit Empire and Gu Chen, go and die!"

Listening to the guests in the bar talking wantonly, Luo Chen's face became very gloomy.

He did not expect that the public opinion in this bar would turn out to be one-sided. Whether this public opinion was guided by the so-called nobles lurking in Soto City, or whether it was spontaneously initiated by these drinkers, no matter what, they had nothing to do with Gu Chen. The hatred cannot be changed.

Luo Chen stood up suddenly. He walked up to these people and tried to argue: "What do you know? Since Gu Chen came to power, has he done anything that wronged the people? Why do you resent him?"

You know, Gu Chen is the person Luo Chen admires the most. Even if someone insults Luo Chen himself, Luo Chen may not be angry, but he can't stand others' slander against Gu Chen!

A man said sarcastically: "Treating the people badly? Haha, why don't you ask that Gu Chen to return the Tiandou Empire to us? The Spirit Empire is just garbage!"

Another woman also said: "You don't know where this wild boy comes from, but you still speak for that Gu Chen?!"

Even the previous female bartender who had a good impression on Luo Chen snorted coldly after hearing Luo Chen's words: "Gu Chen? You're just an orphan, how can you rule us? ?”

"You, you guys!" Luo Chen didn't expect that he just wanted to protect Gu Chen, but he was attacked by everyone in the bar. He also didn't expect that Gu Chen's image in Soto City would be so bad. negative.

In the entire Zuixian Bar, no one spoke for Luo Chen.

Under the stimulation of alcohol, the words spoken by these drinkers became more and more filthy. Luo Chen couldn't bear it and ran away.

"No, it should only be like this in this bar. Someone must be pushing it from behind!" Luo Chen walked onto the street and muttered to himself.

However, he was disappointed.

In five days, Luo Chen visited almost all bars, hotels, inns and other public places in Soto City, and even asked residents on the streets of Soto City.

However, the residents of Soto City all have a negative view of Gu Chen.

What impressed Luo Chen the most was that when he asked a woman holding a child, the child in her arms, who was no more than two years old, actually said: "Gu Chen? Not that fatuous person from the Spirit Empire?" Emperor?"

In order to reduce the distribution of officials, after Qian Xunji occupied Soto City, he did not send officials from the court to serve. Instead, he directly used the original officials of Soto City.

However, the officials of Soto City are very loyal to the Tiandou Empire!

Faced with the demands of the nobles who fled from Tiandou City, these officials quickly chose to join. Therefore, these officials not only turned a blind eye to the slander of Emperor Gu Chen in Soto City, but also cooperated with the nobles in Adding fuel to the flames from behind.

"Why, why is this happening?!" Luo Chen stood on the street and said in despair.

The timing of Luo Chen's arrival was really coincidental. On the fifth day, rebels were openly recruiting troops on the streets of Soto City.

Instead of stopping them, the soldiers in the city helped these people maintain order and recruit troops.

Luo Chen felt very painful about the situation in Soto City. This was no longer something that could be solved by killing the nobles of the Tiandou Empire.

Obviously, the hatred of the entire Soto City residents towards Gu Chen can be said to come from the bottom of their hearts.

Thanks to book friend Feng Xiao Xiaoqian and Yi Shuihan for the 100 book coins reward, and thanks to book friend Tang Men Yutian, fjxc, Jiuyou Netherworld, Charming Brother, Two, Everything in the Sky, Discovery of the Sun, Kiss Tiramisu, Lone Star Thank you for your monthly ticket, Xiaobai!

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