Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Chapter 372 Unsealed, Altar of Death!

Deathly Silence replied: "This is a method of using death energy. The Death Soul Trap Array can bind the enemy within it with death energy. It can also separate its soul from the body as time goes by. Solitary confinement. If the breath of death is used to release the Death Soul Trap Array, the speed of soul stripping will be doubled."

"However, I cannot teach them to you. Because these things are the rewards for the seventh test of the Young Master's Death God Exam. If I teach them to you, I will break the rules." Deathly Silence continued.

Ye Wuyou was a little disappointed, so he had no choice but to nod his head, and then said: "By the way, Great Enshrinement, what is the breath of death you just mentioned?"

Deadly said: "The so-called breath of death is the product of the sublimation of death. Only the inheritor of Lord Death, that is, you, the young master, can possess it. Those of us who are worshippers, even after passing Lord Death's test, have He has the ability to control the breath of death, but in the end it can only be the breath of death and cannot be transformed into the breath of death."

While chatting with Ye Wuyou, Dead Silence cast a spell to open the door of the Death God's Heritage Temple and invited Gu Chen and Ye Wuyou to enter.

After entering the Death God's inheritance temple, Ye Wuyou got to the point: "Great enshrinement, may I ask where the Death God's inheritance artifact is now?"

Deathly Silence walked to the center of the Death God's inheritance temple, pointed at the altar with six corners burning with will-o'-the-wisps, and said with a smile: "Far away in the sky and close in front of you, young master."

Ye Wuyou opened his eyes wide and asked in disbelief: "You won't tell me that this Death Altar is the Death God's inherited artifact, right? But shouldn't the Death God's artifact be the Death Scythe?"

Deathly Silence said with a smile: "Yes, but Lord Death's artifact can be transformed into the divine power of Death, and this altar is made up of the divine power of Death. As long as you can activate this altar, you can release the artifact passed down by Death. The seal on it.”

Unexpectedly, the altar of death used by Ye Wuyou to condense the crystals of death was the god of death's artifact!

It's no wonder that the death energy on the altar of the God of Death is so strong.

"So, what should I do?" Ye Wuyou asked.

Deathly Silence said: "Young Master, when you went through the fourth trial of the God of Death, you should be able to feel the rich death aura that filled the altar of the God of Death, right? In fact, those death auras are not just from the gathering of heaven and earth. Most of them escaped from the inside of the Death Altar."

"The first thing you have to do is to use the death energy control method you obtained to gather the escaped death energy and prevent the death energy from the death altar from continuing to escape. Otherwise, what you do next will be It's all in vain. Then, you must inject enough death energy into the Death Altar to maximize the death energy stored in it. At that time, the Death Altar will be activated and transformed into the original appearance of the Death Scythe."

"In the current Death God Altar, due to the continuous escape of death energy over the years, although new death energy has been added, it is still declining. The death energy contained in the current Death God Altar has only reached the level of the Death God Altar. Thirty percent of the death energy that can be carried. In other words, you must obtain 70% of the death energy that the Death Altar can carry, and inject it into it to activate the altar!"

Ye Wuyou listened, frowning.

When he completed the fourth test of the Death God exam before, he had personally experienced the richness of the death energy in the Death God altar. If these were just the escape of death energy, then he really didn't know about 70% of its death. Qi, how huge it will be!

Perhaps it is a hundred times, or even a thousand times, the death energy contained in the death crystals he once condensed?

"Gu Chen, please excuse me." Ye Wuyou didn't hesitate, he had no choice. He whispered to Gu Chen, and then walked up to the altar of death.

As soon as he entered the altar of death, a large amount of death energy rushed towards Ye Wuyou. Without any hesitation, Ye Wuyou converted all the soul power in his body into death energy.

Ye Wuyou used the method of controlling the death energy and used his own body as a carrier to integrate the death energy into his body.

"Damn it, this Death God Altar is still exuding death energy. How can we stop it?" Ye Wuyou calmly felt the death energy around him. Soon, he realized that the death energy from the Death God Altar was in addition to In addition to the gathering from the outside world, there is also a large amount of death energy, which floats from the will-o'-the-wisps in six directions around the edge of the Death Altar.

It seems that the six will-o'-the-wisps are the source of the death energy escaping from the Death Altar, and are also the gaps in the Death Altar.

The will-o'-the-wisp must be extinguished and the gap blocked to prevent the death energy from continuing to escape!

Ye Wuyou understood very well in his heart, but how should he extinguish this will-o'-the-wisp?

"Only by condensation of death energy can the will-o'-the-wisp be extinguished!"

At this moment, a very familiar voice appeared in Ye Wuyou's spiritual sea. Ye Wuyou was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Gu Chen under the altar of death.

Wasn't that voice just now Gu Chen's voice?

However, Gu Chen didn't know what method he used, but he actually blinded the perception of the nine great worshippers and imprinted the prompt directly into his own spiritual sea.

Facing Ye Wuyou's questioning gaze, Gu Chen nodded slightly.

Ye Wuyou looked at the six will-o'-the-wisps again, released the realm of death, and felt the six will-o'-the-wisps carefully. He found that these six will-o'-the-wisps were not real flames, but were made of extremely rich death energy. There is no warmth at all.

Yes, isn't this will-o'-the-wisp just the dead energy in the energy state? It turns into a gaseous state and then condenses into tiny water droplets?

It is better to call it a will-o'-the-wisp than a fog of death!

As long as you continue to condense the death energy and turn it into a liquid state, the will-o'-the-wisp will naturally extinguish, thereby once again sealing the gap in the death altar where the death energy escapes.

Ye Wuyou first came to the first will-o'-the-wisp, which was the weaker one among the six.

Persimmons should be picked soft when pinched. Without any experience, it is the best choice to use this weakly burning will-o'-the-wisp as an object.

Ye Wuyou stretched out his hands slightly, and two powerful streams of death energy burst out from his palms and merged into the will-o'-the-wisp. The will-o'-the-wisp fire seemed to burn even more intensely with the injection of death energy.

But Ye Wuyou did not stop, but continued to control the output of death energy in and around his body, making the will-o'-the-wisp burn even more intensely.

But after the will-o'-the-wisp burned to a certain extent, it suddenly stopped burning, and a drop of ink-like but crystal clear liquid seemed to appear in the middle of the will-o'-the-wisp.

This is a liquid condensed from the rich death energy in the will-o'-the-wisp, death energy condensation!

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