Douluo: Humans are peerless, fake gods

Chapter 374 An Angry Shrek Denounces Su Luoheng 】

"White Tiger Martial Soul is a bit good!"

"Is this the level of the top beast martial soul? It's no match for Senior Xiaotao's evil fire phoenix!"

"Every move is hit, Dai Huabin is a real piece of rubbish!"

"What the fuck is embarrassing Shrek!"


For a while, everyone was discussing.

Under Dai Huabin's self-certification, the White Tiger Martial Soul was already in a precarious position, and in the hearts of the Shrek academies, it plummeted even more. Almost got kicked out of the rank of top beast spirit.

"Ah... Hua Bin!!"

Zhu Lu covered her mouth, her eyes were red.

Miserable shouts overwhelmed all discussions.

I saw the arena.

Dai Huabin was hunched over, clutching the broken right hand in excruciating pain.

The bone-deep wound on the back, reaching to the neck, looked particularly hideous and glaring. The blood couldn't stop flowing. For a moment, it was dripping with blood and looked extremely miserable.

Zhu Lu yelled and turned her gaze back to Dai Huabin.

Everyone finally noticed Dai Huabin's miserable appearance at this moment.

Although Shrek Academy has various disadvantages. But it is undeniable that their students have a strong sense of collective honor.

Seeing Dai Huabin's miserable appearance, the students who had doubts and sarcasm all changed their camps. The voices of doubt and sarcasm gradually disappeared, and many students began to support Dai Huabin one after another.

"Su Luoheng, you are killing people!"

"Damn it, Dai Huabin stood up and knocked him down!"

"Dai Hua Fu you bad boy, stand up for daddy! Fuck Su Luoheng!"

"Dai Huabin get up, dad, you represent us Shrek, don't let the sun and moon bastards look down upon you!"


The hopes of the Shrek students are doomed to be shattered.

Dai Huabin's spine was almost split in half by the Emperor Sword. Let alone getting up and continuing to fight now, even if he is still alive, it is already a blessing.

At this moment, his consciousness was almost blurred, his remaining left hand was loosened little by little, and his strength was also dissipating little by little.


Seeing this, Ma Lao in the dark frowned slightly.

The news of Su Luoheng and Dai Huabin's soul fight has already spread throughout the campus.

With such a commotion, even Du Weilun, director of the Martial Soul Department of the Shrek Outer Academy, came to the scene to be the referee. In contrast, the Sun and Moon side naturally cannot remain indifferent.

So Mr. Ma also arrived at the scene early to support his students.

However, after the Douhunchang learned about the specific situation, he did not intervene without authorization. Instead, he stood on the sidelines to prevent Shrek's group of duplicity guys from making small moves.

He is very clear about Su Luoheng's strength.

At the time of the Soul Fighting Competition, the Soul Sect was able to kill the Soul Emperor, but now that he has broken through to the Soul King, who is the opponent at the same level?

The outcome of the battle was as expected.

Su Luoheng won easily.


Luo Heng is too cruel, isn't he?

On Shrek's territory, in front of countless teachers and students, is Dai Huabin abolished?

Thinking of this, Ma Lao couldn't help smacking his lips.

He secretly thought in his heart: The situation is not so good now... Considering Shrek's urination, it may not be so easy to turn over the film!

It seems that I still have to prepare early, just in case.


Thinking of this, Ma Lao clasped his wrist calmly, and then prepared to take out the big killer handed to him by Hall Master Hongchen.



The Shrek students began to speak out together, and Su Luoheng, who was an outsider, naturally became the object of everyone's common hatred. It was also affected by this emotion.

"Sun Moon Dog, get out of Shrek!"

"There is a problem with his strength, cheating, cheating!"


The insults and doubts against Su Luoheng were naturally unavoidable. Fortunately, there are staff on site to maintain order, and the situation in the Soul Arena is still under control for the time being.

"Director Du, can you announce the result of the competition?"

Su Luoheng ignored these doubts, what did outsiders say to him?

"Soul Fight, the winner is Su Luoheng!"

When Du Weilun stepped onto the ring, his face was very ugly.

He knew that Su Luoheng was very strong, so he had been following the progress of the competition. However, all of this happened too quickly, and when he realized it, the situation had reversed two levels.

Although Dai Huabin proposed this discussion on his own initiative, as a Shrek Academy teacher, how could he remain indifferent to his own students who were lying in a pool of blood?

"Student Luoheng."

Du Weilun looked at Su Luoheng, his expression darkened.

"I have reminded before that the purpose of the soul fighting competition is to exchange ideas and verify strength. The time is up for the competition, so don't hurt the opponent's life. And you are so fierce, isn't it a little too much?"

Su Luoheng asked back: "Director Du, as a teacher of Shrek Academy, you must be able to see clearly that Dai Huabin's moves just now are not much better than mine. If I hadn't reacted in time, I am afraid that the person lying on the ground now Man, is it me?"

"I don't know how it happened, but Dai Huabin is still lying in a pool of blood, but you are unscathed. This is the result I saw."

Du Weilun's tone was cold, and he looked businesslike.

"Oh? Don't you know?"

Su Luoheng raised his eyebrows, "The battle recorder on my body happened to capture the whole match, and it can help Director Du remember well."

"Battle recorder?"

Before Du Weilun could speak again, Su Luoheng had already removed a palm-sized metal mirror soul guide from his waist.

Soul power injection, press the start button.

Under Du Weilun's shocked gaze, a beam of light projected from the mirror, and a square image projection appeared, which was the battle image of the two just now.

"Everyone, please take a look."

Su Luoheng paused the projection and pointed to the screen.

For a moment, everyone's eyes were focused on this.

They completely forgot that there was still a half-dead Dai Huabin in the ring right now.

"From the cracks on the ground and the height when he took off, we can calculate how much force Dai Huabin just used to take off."

"Furthermore, based on the law of inertia proposed by Newton Douluo, combined with Dai Huabin's body weight after possessing the spirit, we can calculate that Dai Huabin's course of action is like this."

"So it can be inferred from this that Dai Huabin's attack will most likely pierce my throat without external interference."

"To sum up, Dai Huabin should be sentenced to attempted murder."

"According to Zhang Sandouluo's theory, Mr. Du Weilun, who knew all this but did not act, you should be sentenced to the crime of condoning the murder."

"As for myself..."

After a short pause, Su Luoheng showed a bright smile.

"It can be seen from the recorder that first of all, I never took the initiative to attack Dai Huabin, and after Dai Huabin lost his combat effectiveness, I did not pursue him."

"So, my actions are completely within the scope of self-defense."


As soon as this statement came out, the audience froze in place.

In particular, Du Weilun, who wanted to ask the teacher to blame, was directly silenced by Su Luoheng's image projection and Zhang San's theory combo.


He opened his mouth, but found that there was no excuse.

This boy is so eloquent that he picks everything out of himself. In the end, it was his and Dai Huabin's fault to go around and around. One committed murder and the other attempted murder?

It's not true, but there is no way to refute it.

Let's be honest, that must be wrong.

Although he knew that this kid was talking nonsense, but he had nothing to do with him.

Sure enough, he was worthy of Zhang Sandou.

It is said that at the Xingluo Dynasty meeting, this Douluo sentenced the entire Xingluo Palace up to the Xingluo Emperor, down to the maids, and all the attendants with just one mouthful.

"Student Luoheng, although..."

After a long silence, Du Weilun finally choked out a word.

"Although it was Dai Huabin who was at fault...first. But given your strength, you obviously have a better way to defeat him. Why did you choose such an extremely violent method?"

"Director Du, this is your fault."

Su Luoheng gradually put away his smile.

"I'm not Dai Huabin's father, and I have no obligation to discipline my son for others. Since he intends to kill me, he must pay the corresponding price. I didn't send him to see Dai Yueheng because of Shrek Academy's face."

"Facts aside, but aren't you all right now?"

"Dai Huabin didn't hurt you, so can't you be more magnanimous? You're so penny-pinching, haggling over everything. Is that what the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy taught you?"

Du Weilun's face was cloudy and uncertain.

"Director Du means that I am better than him, so as long as he is injured, it is my fault?"

Su Luoheng smiled sarcastically, "Hehe, if this is the principle of your Shrek Academy...then our Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy really hasn't taught it."

"Thank you, Director Du, for letting the students know."


Du Weilun was choked speechless.

Although he was in a bad mood, he had no words to refute.

Just like what Su Luoheng said, Dai Huabin provoked this spirit fight from the beginning to the end, and in the end, he lost because of his inferior skills.


Su Luoheng ignored it and wanted to leave the Soul Fighting Stage.

Halfway through the walk, he suddenly thought of something, turned around and said, "Director Du, I won this game. Please take out the lottery that I bet against Dai Huabin."

With that said, Su Luoheng spread out his palms and begged for it.


Du Weilun was also not easy to get angry, so he threw the lottery to Su Luoheng.

"Thank you, Director Du."

Su Luoheng saw the bag with a smile, and easily harvested a 30,000-year soul bone and 50,000 gold soul coins in one minute.

"By the way, although classmate Xiao Dai wanted to put me to death, I have a kind heart. The sword I used was condensed from extreme ice, which to a certain extent had the effect of freezing the wound."


After a short pause, Su Luoheng pointed to Dai Huabin who was lying on the ground like a dead dog in the distance, and teased: "If you continue to leave him here, whether he can live or not is none of my business. "

"Hua Bin!!"

As soon as the words fell, Zhu Lu immediately jumped onto the ring. He wanted to help Dai Huabin to leave. But when he saw the shocking wound on his back, he didn't dare to act rashly for a while.

"Director, what should we do?"

Zhu Lu sobbed with tears in his eyes, "Hua Bin..."

As a Shrek teacher, Du Weilun naturally couldn't watch his students die before his eyes. Immediately, he waved his hand, beckoning to two teachers to bring Dai Huabin down.

Zhu Lu hurriedly followed behind them.

It looked like the Soul Fighting Competition had come to a perfect conclusion.

But is it really over?


Du Weilun's eyes paused for a while on the auditorium on both sides.

"Su Luoheng, you gzz!"

"Su Luoheng, don't be too complacent. You are just relying on your strength to bully our outer court disciples. If you encounter our inner court masters, you won't be able to jump around for long!"

"Last time in the Soul Fighting Contest, he shot and killed senior Dai Yueheng, and now in our Shrek Academy, he has abolished Dai Huabin in public. Students, the Sun and Moon guys have bullied our Shrek, can bear it?" !"

"Students, he is provoking our Shrek Academy! Let's appeal to the director to punish him severely!"

"This matter is related to the glory of our Shrek!"

"The glory of Shrek is our common responsibility!!!"


Soon, some students stood up and condemned Su Luoheng.

Under the guidance of someone with a heart, Su Luoheng was directly pushed to the opposite side of Shrek Academy.

As more and more students joined the team condemning Su Luoheng, the whole trend intensified. The order that had been maintained had become uncontrollable.

Even Du Weilun was a little surprised.

Although he contributed to this matter, the current effect is beyond expectations.

So, this might not be a good thing~


Thinking of this, Du Weilun's eyes moved slightly, thinking about it.


Du Weilun glanced at the crowd majestically, and stopped the noisy sound with a shout. The venue became quiet again.

"Whether Su Luoheng hurt Dai Huabin on purpose, our school will review it together with the exchange student teachers. I hope everyone will wait for the result. Now the soul fighting competition is over, please leave the venue in an orderly manner."

On the surface, Du Weilun was on the standpoint of an exchange student.

But at this moment, the Shrek students' emotions were already sensitive, and Du Weilun specially emphasized the identity of the exchange students, which undoubtedly added fuel to the fire, intensified the conflict, and caused the Shrek students to explode in an instant.

As soon as this remark came out, not only did no students leave the venue, but it aroused the anger of the Shrek students. As a result, the students of Shrek Academy were filled with anger and roared one after another.

"What's so great about an exchange student, I'm still a student of Shrek's inner courtyard!"

"Director Du, please give me justice!"

"Let's not wait for results, we need answers now!"

"That is, if you don't give a proper explanation, we will never give up!"

"We refuse to accept! We demand that the director severely punish the murderer!"

"Yes! Director Du, please act impartially and punish the murderer severely! As Shrek students, we have the right to know the result!!"


For a while, countless roars of dissatisfaction erupted from the student group.

There are even more grumpy people who have already started scolding directly. The shouts to condemn Su Luoheng came one after another, one after another, and now the situation was out of control, and it was useless to appease the emotions.

"Drive this sun and moon bastard out of Shrek!"

"Yes, Sun Moon Dog is not allowed to approach Shrek Academy, get out of here!"


The entire Soul Arena was boiling.

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