Douluo: Humans are peerless, fake gods

Chapter 397 Su Luoheng: Ma Xiaotao, are you not sick? [4k subscription required! 】

Although I don't know what kind of medicine those guys from Shrek Academy are selling in the gourd, but I can be sure that they definitely don't have such good intentions. Especially when facing a Sun-Moon exchange student who made them lose face.

On this point, Ma Lao and Su Luoheng agreed.

So Su Luoheng and Ma Lao were very cautious about the soul bone that was delivered to their door and did not take it rashly. Regardless of whether this soul bone is tricky or not, it's not too late to check it first before making a plan.



Time flies.

Five days have passed since the end of the game.

And on the third day after the competition rewards were issued, Shrek Academy officials announced the details of the rewards on the academy bulletin board. It is intended to establish to the outside world the grand image of their Shrek Academy novice commitment.

Such a painstaking publicity has naturally had an effect.

The reputation of Shrek Academy in the world of soul masters has improved. On campus, under a series of operations by the school, the impact of the defeat in the Soul Fighting Challenge is also constantly being weakened.

In any case, it is also the number one soul master academy that has been passed down for thousands of years. Although there were constant doubts from the outside world, one defeat was not enough to shake Shrek Academy's transcendent status.

Why did everyone express shock at Su Luoheng's success in the duel?

Even after the competition, faintly became famous in the world of soul masters?

the reason is simple:

The comparison is Shrek Academy.

More precisely:

In the eyes of the soul masters, Shrek Academy is still a strong one.

So although Shrek Academy became a stepping stone for Su Luoheng, the impact of this incident on them was limited to this. In the general perception of the soul master world, Shrek is still a strong one.

No one can defeat the Shrek Academy that has gone through thousands of years.

At least, no one can do it yet.

The defeat in the Soul Fighting Competition had a certain impact on Shrek Academy, but it wasn't to the point of hurting the bones.

And this was also the main reason why Yan Shaozhe was able to save Du Weilun.

If it really caused Shrek to be in turmoil, he would have distanced himself from it long ago.


These things have nothing to do with Su Luoheng now.

For him, the game is over when the rewards are cleared.

What's more, there is one more important thing for him now:

Participate in the soul master encirclement and suppression mission.

Su Luoheng's main purpose of entering the inner courtyard was to investigate the source of heart palpitations. Now after preliminary analysis, the target has been locked on Sea God Island.

If you want to investigate the information of Sea God Island, you need to start by searching the Shrek Inner Court Library. And if you want to enter the library, you can only enter the time through the task of encircling and suppressing evil soul masters.

Although it was said that in the previous challenge, he had already received a time reward of three hours to enter the library, but this time was not enough.

As for the use of infinite swords to make martial souls to collect books?

The idea is beautiful, but the reality is regrettable.

The scope of items that can be included in the Unlimited Sword-made Martial Soul belongs to the category of Weapon Martial Soul and Weapons. Books, however, do not fall within this scope. So it cannot be included, at least not yet.

As for the projection eye, it was an accident and cannot be reproduced.

Su Luoheng wanted to get the detailed information of Sea God Island, so he could only use the oldest method, searching book by book in the library. Although soul masters are faster than ordinary people, it still takes time.

The Book Collection Pavilion in Shrek's inner courtyard is very large, and the space inside is as large as the two soul guidance testing grounds of Sun Moon Academy. It takes at least a week to get the information you need from it.

Therefore, he still needs to complete the task of encircling and suppressing the evil soul masters to gain enough time.

Fortunately, after nearly two months, Shrek Academy finally gave specific arrangements for Su Luoheng's application for the task of encircling and suppressing evil soul masters. Set the task time in seven days.

So what Su Luoheng has to do now is to make preparations.

As soon as Shrek Academy suffered such a big loss in his hands, he immediately set the time for the task of encircling and suppressing evil soul masters. With such a coincidental rebuilding, anyone who thinks about it with their toes knows that these two things must be related.

Based on their temperament, they will probably take action in this mission.

Although it is not likely to kill people, troubles are definitely inevitable.

Therefore, at this time, we should remain vigilant, prepare as much as possible, and increase our strength as much as possible.

For example: the set of soul guidance circles composed of the power of destiny.

Since the end of the competition, Su Luoheng basically went to Xuedi's dormitory every day, leaving early and returning late. He was studying the ultra-ancient soul guide inscription circle formed by the power of destiny.

As mentioned before, the research has paid off.

When this kind of soul guide inscription is engraved on the soul guide core, what appears is not the appearance of a normal soul guide circle, but a special rune that is almost in the form of words.

Each rune formed seems to have its own special meaning, and the combination of these runes is like a single word combined into a paragraph.

However, because the seal carving was not completely successful in the Soul Guidance Circle, and Su Luoheng did not understand super ancient characters, so for these runes, he still couldn't see the specific meaning of the above expressions.

Fortunately, this aspect will not affect the perfection of the magic circle. Su Luoheng, who has completed the blueprint for making the soul tool, after deciphering the inscription of the soul tool that needs to be inscribed with the power of fate, the process is very smooth.

So during this period of time, Su Luoheng has been immersed in this, speeding up the research speed of the set of soul guide inscriptions. Try to build an ultra-ancient soul tool with the power of fate as the core of the soul tool before going to the mission of encircling and suppressing the evil soul masters.

First, it is considered as an extra means of self-protection.

Secondly, Su Luoheng was also curious about the uniqueness of the soul guide with the core of the soul guide engraved by the power of fate, compared to ordinary soul guides.

Besides studying the soul guide runes, Su Luoheng actually had another purpose in going to find the Snow Emperor today, which was also an important matter.

Su Luoheng wanted Xuedi to help identify a piece of soul bone.

That's right, it was the head spirit bone that was rewarded by Shrek Academy. Out of "trust" in Shrek, it has been put on Ma Lao's side for testing since the reward was issued.

The test lasted for two days and was not completed until yesterday.

Mr. Ma used the most advanced soul bone detection technology of the Sun Moon Empire, scanned up and down, inside and out no less than a hundred times, but still did not find any problems.

There is no problem with the age, type, and attributes.

No matter how you check it, it is a normal head spirit bone. And its quality is extremely high, even in the soul bone resource bank of the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy, he has never seen such a high-quality skull.

But because of this, the doubts in Ma Lao's heart intensified.

The more there is no problem, the more strange this soul bone is.

The relationship between Shrek Academy and Sun Moon Academy is well known.

Apart from the low-level mistake of taking the wrong one, Shrek Academy handed over a soul bone of such quality to an outstanding student of the hostile force. This kind of behavior of giving the enemy a hand reveals strangeness and problems.

Therefore, how to choose this soul bone has become a problem.

After all, there is no problem with this soul bone no matter how you check it, and it is an excellent soul bone that suits Su Luoheng, no one can bear to discard it just because of doubts.

Finally, after some deliberation.

Ma Lao decided to hand over the right to dispose of this piece of head spirit bone to Su Luoheng's own decision. Two suggestions are given at the same time.

The first way: to be on the safe side.

Send this piece of soul bone back to the academy, and ask Hall Master Hongchen to wait for the high-level inspection of the academy before making a decision.

However, the test method used by Ma Lao is already the most advanced soul bone test method in the Sun Moon Empire, even if it is sent back to the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy, it is difficult to make other progress.

The second way: handle it yourself.

Give the soul bone to Su Luoheng to choose whether to absorb it or give it up.

If you choose to absorb the spirit bone, you need to notify Ma Lao in advance so that you can make preparations for unexpected problems. Do your best to ensure Su Luoheng's safety.

After all, his importance to the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy is irreplaceable.

It's just that he got this spirit bone after all, so whether to absorb it or give it up should be his own choice.

Facing the two proposals put forward by Mr. Ma.

After thinking about it for a while, Su Luoheng finally chose the latter.

In addition to the excellent quality of the soul bone, Su Luoheng had a feeling that this soul bone was very important to him.

Therefore, he planned to ask Xuedi to help identify it.

When she first met Xue Di, she was the one who pointed out the uniqueness of the right arm soul bone of the Silver Moon Wolf King. There might be some surprises this time, so he planned to try his luck with Xue Di.

After all, it is a top-quality head time attribute soul bone, so it would be a pity to just give it up.

Of course, it is impossible for Su Luoheng to absorb this piece of soul bone before he is fully sure. After all, no matter how good something is, it must be able to control it.

Otherwise, when the time comes, it will be a game of fetching water from a bamboo basket, and nothing will happen. Even with a little carelessness, he took his own life into it.

Su Luoheng could still see clearly which was more important. At this point, he has always maintained a clear understanding. You won't be overwhelmed and take risks just because of a high-quality soul bone.

But since it comes to the Snow Empress...

I have to mention the follow-up to the "self-created" soul skills that day.

After Su Luoheng said that these three names were very cool, Xue Di immediately rolled his eyes and stared coldly.

In the end, after Su Luoheng tried his best to "teach him patiently" with Snow Emperor, Su Luoheng deeply realized his mistake, and expressed that he "voluntarily handed over" all the candied haws.

This confrontation has come to an end.

Su Luoheng: It hurts, it hurts too much...

Closer to home.

After packing up the equipment, Su Luoheng was ready to go out.



at the same time.

In front of Su Luoheng's dormitory.

A fiery red figure was in front of Su Luoheng's room door. She stopped at the door for a while, as if she was about to knock on the door; she turned around for a while, walked back a few steps, and stopped at the door again...

The owner of the figure is very familiar.

Tall and slender, with fiery red hair, she was Ma Xiaotao who had just recovered from her injury.

At this moment, Ma Xiaotao was just like this, wandering back and forth at Su Luoheng's gate. He looked hesitant and struggling, as if he was making a difficult decision.

But it soon turned calm again, and his expression changed drastically back and forth.


Just at this time, Su Luoheng pushed open the door.

The familiar fiery red figure came into view, and he raised his eyes to concentrate, just in time to see Ma Xiaotao standing in front of the door, about to raise his hand to knock on the door.

"Ma Xiaotao?"

Su Luoheng was suddenly surprised.

Looking up and down, a trace of curiosity flashed in his eyes.

"Why are you here?"


Ma Xiaotao pursed her lips, and said, "Su Luoheng, I have something to ask you, is it convenient to go in and talk about it?"

"Please come in."

With that said, Su Luoheng stepped aside.

Ma Xiaotao's expression was slightly hesitant, and a strange look that shouldn't have appeared disappeared from his eyes at the same time. But then, she still raised her foot and walked into the room.


After a while, the two sat down one by one.

Walking into the living room, Ma Xiaotao sat down on the sofa.

Su Luoheng passed a cup of tea to the guest as usual, and sat opposite.

Ma Xiaotao folded her hands on her knees, lowered her head slightly, and there was a tangled look in her brows. It seemed that he was trying to organize his words, but he hesitated for a long time, but he didn't see the meaning of speaking.


"Why did you come to see me?"

Su Luoheng saw Ma Xiaotao's hesitation, and spoke first.

Ma Xiaotao took a deep breath, looked up at Su Luoheng, and said solemnly.

"Su Luoheng, thank you."


Su Luoheng's hand that was about to pick up the teacup paused in the air, and looked at Ma Xiaotao suspiciously, not knowing why.

"Thank you for your help at that time."

Ma Xiaotao spoke again, with sincere thanks in her voice.

Hearing this thank you, Su Luoheng felt even more baffled.

No, what are you thanking me for?

The only intersection between the two of us is the last soul fighting competition, and this time the soul fighting exchange competition, right? Moreover, these two battles were basically fights from beginning to end, and there was no friendship at all.

So...what's there to be thankful for?

Wouldn't you still thank yourself for seriously injuring him?

Just kidding, how could there be such a person...

Su Luoheng shook his head, thinking with certainty.

After thinking for a long time, he became more and more confused, and finally couldn't help but speak.

"Ma Xiaotao, the two of us shouldn't have had any contact other than the soul fighting competition, right? You're coming to thank us now..."

After a short pause, Su Luoheng smiled: "You can't thank me for seriously injuring you, can you?"

Unexpectedly, Ma Xiaotao nodded, "There is a reason for this."


It was originally a joke, but it was recognized by the master. Now it was Su Luoheng's turn to guess correctly. After being dazed for a while, he suddenly realized something, looked Ma Xiaotao up and down, his eyes became strange.

I didn't see it...

Ma Xiaotao, the evil fire phoenix, actually has this habit?

It can only be said that his research is quite extensive... As expected of a student of Shrek Academy, which has always been leading the world of soul masters.

In this respect, he is unwilling to be left behind, and dares to be the first...

Su Luoheng sighed inwardly.

Thinking back to the fight with Ma Xiaotao during the game, I couldn't help but shudder, it was so scary... BT was actually by my side.

"what are you thinking about?"

Looking at Su Luoheng's strange eyes, Ma Xiaotao and Liu Ye frowned. Although I don't know what's going on in his mind, but I can guess it by looking at his expression, it's definitely not a good thing!


Su Luoheng looked at Ma Xiaotao, hesitated for a while and finally spoke.

"Ma Xiaotao, are you not sick?"

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