Douluo: Humans are peerless, fake gods

Chapter 423 Return and Change, Shrek with Undercurrents! [4k subscription required! 】

"God Realm?"

"This possibility is not ruled out."

After a moment of silence, Elder Yi shook his head: "Luoheng, we still have too few clues. Based on these alone, we can't come to a specific conclusion."


Hearing this, Su Luoheng sighed softly.

The teacher is right, there are still too few clues.

Because the current situation has gone far beyond the scope of the original work, the reference value of the original work is now almost zero.

Therefore, although Tang San was suspected, it could not rule out other people's suspicions. If it is preconceived to conclude that this is what Tang San did because of the original work, I am afraid that he will not even know how he died.

Therefore other possibilities have to be considered.


After some discussions between Su Luoheng and Elder Yi, they decided that although they couldn't confirm whether there was any handwriting from the God Realm behind it, they could be sure that there must be a big problem behind Shrek Academy.

And this aspect has even affected the Sun Moon exchange students.

For example: Nana who suddenly exploded emotionally recently, and Xiao Hongchen and Meng Hongchen who highly admire Shrek. Su Luoheng felt strange before, but didn't think about it.

Now it seems that they may not escape the abuse.

Now it seems that they are also under control.

and most importantly:

The problem of Shrek controlling the minds of students is most likely related to the danger warning given by the Eye of Destiny when Su Luoheng entered Shrek Academy.

So we must be clear about this matter.



"Su Luoheng, let's not go back, okay?"

"Shrek has a problem, I don't want to lose myself again."

"It doesn't matter... wherever you go, even if you go to the Sun Moon Empire!"

Ma Xiaotao grabbed Su Luoheng's wrist and begged.

At this moment, she is fragile and helpless, with fear and confusion in her eyes.

Su Luoheng sighed softly with a calm tone.

"Ma Xiaotao, calm down first, and listen to me."

"First of all, you are a student of Shrek Academy, and there is a bond between you and your teachers and friends. Is this friendship you can let go of if you say you want to let go?"

"If you don't figure out what the root of all this is, maybe one day, they will become another person unknowingly just like you before."

"Ma Xiaotao, ask yourself, do you want to see this happen?"


Ma Xiaotao closed her eyes in pain.

Seeing this, Su Luoheng continued to speak.

"You must have the answer in your heart, right?"

"Also, I want to return to Shrek Academy."

Hearing this, Ma Xiaotao raised her eyes in doubt.


"Because my partner and teacher are still there."

"As a companion, it is impossible for me to leave them behind."

"So I want to investigate this matter and find out the problems behind Shrek. But as a member of Sun Moon Academy, it is bound to be difficult for me to investigate this matter in Shrek Academy."

"Therefore, I need your help."

"Ma Xiaotao, come back with me, and find out the problems behind Shrek together. In the entire Shrek Academy, you are the only one who can be trusted."


As soon as these words came out, Ma Xiaotao finally stopped trembling.

After a long silence, she stared at Su Luoheng, her voice trembling slightly.

"Then if, I was again..."

"Then I'll call you back."

Su Luoheng's eyes were firm and his tone was solemn.

"Change once and hit once, change ten times and I will hit ten times."

"No matter how many times, I will make you change back."


Ma Xiaotao bit the corner of her lips tightly.

Finally, after taking a deep breath, he nodded slightly.

"I'll go back to Shrek with you."


A faint smile appeared on the corner of Su Luoheng's mouth, and he stretched out his right hand towards Ma Xiaotao.


After hesitating for a moment, Ma Xiaotao held her arms and got up.

Immediately, the eyes of the two met, and they both looked at Tang Ya who was unconscious again.

The whole thing was caused by her.

After a long silence, Ma Xiaotao spoke first.

"What are you going to do with her?"

"What do you think?"

Su Luoheng picked up the long sword and asked a question.


Finally, after some discussions between the two.

Su Luoheng finally gave up the idea of ​​killing Tang Ya on the spot.

The reason is simple, it is not a good choice to kill Tang Ya now.

Although Tang Ya has become an evil soul master, she was a student of Shrek Academy after all, and she was a party of the sun and the moon. The influence of identity cannot be ignored.

With Shrek's behavior style, if Tang Ya died in his hands, it would definitely cause a lot of trouble. Although I am not afraid of these, it will definitely affect the investigation later.

In this case, it would be better to throw Tang Ya to Shrek Academy, and through the pressure of public opinion, force them to give her to Karma themselves.

In this case, at least Shrek Academy won't make trouble on the surface.

Since Tang Ya is always dead.

Therefore, Su Luoheng must choose the one with the least trouble.



After completely annihilating the camp of evil soul masters.

Su Luoheng and Ma Xiaotao left the village and rested in a nearby town for a few days to adjust to the impact of the battle with Title Douluo before embarking on their journey back to Shrek Academy.

And on the way back.

Tang Ya, an evil soul master fermented bean curd, definitely can't act alone. But Su Luoheng and Ma Xiaotao both used solo flying soul tools, and there was no extra space to carry Tang Ya.

But Ma Xiaotao soon thought of a way.

She immediately imitated the method of Chicken Leg Douluo: directly tied Ma Xiaotao to the tail of the flying soul guide with a soul power suppression rope. Take her home like flying a kite.

In this way, the problem is easily solved.

As for Tang Ya's feelings?

It's just fermented bean curd, who cares about so many ingredients?


There have been many twists and turns along the way.

The two finally returned to Shrek Academy a week later.

But after entering Shrek Academy, Ma Xiaotao didn't show any relaxed appearance, instead she looked like she was facing a big enemy: her expression was tense, she didn't dare to be careless.


Seeing this, Su Luoheng sighed.

After experiencing the incident of mind control, Ma Xiaotao felt too insecure towards Shrek Academy. Now I am in the state of being bitten by a snake for ten years and afraid of well ropes.

"Ma Xiaotao, be normal."

"Are you afraid that others won't notice the abnormality with this appearance? Don't keep your face sullen, and relax your expression. Anyway, Shrek can be regarded as your territory."

"Is it...obvious now?"

Ma Xiaotao was taken aback.

"What do you say?"

Su Luoheng looked up and down, helplessly helping his forehead.

"With your current expression, you almost have the words 'I have something on my mind' written on your face."

"……I try my best."

Ma Xiaotao narrowed her eyes slightly, pretending to be calm.

His fingers kept trembling, hiding the uneasiness in his heart.

Ever since he learned about controlling his mind, the Shrek Academy, which was like a safe haven, no longer exists. Instead, it was eerie.

Warmth has been replaced by vigilance and fear.

I am always worried that I will become another "me" again.



The two were on their way to Sea God Lake.

From the mouths of the passing students, the two heard a lot about what happened in the courtyard during the time they left. For example: the spirit fighting arena is full for consecutive matches, students make private appointments, etc.

Among them, the most topical news is that Shrek Academy will hold a school-wide celebration in seven days. It is said that it is to relieve the students' academic pressure.

But these things have nothing to do with Su Luoheng for the time being.

After returning to the inner courtyard, the two separated.

As for the matter of handing over Tang Ya's hatred, it was handed over to one of Shrek Academy's own people: Ma Xiaotao. He is not laughing at Hongchen, he always likes to bring hatred to himself.



Prosecutor's task transfer office.

"Director Du? Why are you here?" Seeing Du Weilun's familiar face, Ma Xiaotao was slightly surprised.

"This is also thanks to the dean's cultivation."

Du Weilun smiled, momentarily elated.

Xuanzi is the current head of the Shrek Procuratorate.

Today, he has become the master of the Sea God Pavilion.

In addition, he seldom manages the affairs of Shrek's prosecutors.

So after the Soul Fighting incident was over, Du Weilun was transferred by Yan Shaozhe to work in the Inner Court, where he was given the position of Director of the Procuratorate. Responsible for the task arrangement of the procuratorial team, personnel transfer and other matters.

With someone helping to share the work, Xuanzi was also happy to be at leisure.

As soon as the owner of the Sea God Pavilion made a final decision, the appointment was confirmed.

In this way, Du Weilun, who had already been slapped to the end, took office again: he became the acting director in charge of the procuratorial team. But there is another village where the willows are dark and the flowers are bright.

Back to the topic.

"Xiao Tao, what's going on?"

"How was she tied up and what did she do?"

Du Weilun rolled his eyes.

Seeing Tang Ya who was tightly tied up behind Ma Xiaotao, he frowned and showed doubts. Although he knew Tang Ya. But it was covered by a hood, and Tang Ya had dropped out of school, so she couldn't be identified.

"Director Du, she is Tang Ya."

"Su Luoheng and I met when we were besieging evil soul masters. She walked with those evil soul masters."

"Already...degenerated into an evil soul master."

After a short pause, Ma Xiaotao looked at Du Weilun.

"I think she was once a Shrek student, so I brought her back to deal with. Director Du, how do you think she should be dealt with?"

"Tang Ya? Evil soul master?"

When Du Weilun heard this, the smile on his face froze.

He didn't expect to encircle and suppress an evil soul master, but actually suppressed Tang Yalai. Immediately realized how difficult this matter is. And his first reaction was exactly the same as Ma Xiaotao's back then: keep Tang Ya.

Out of this thought, he immediately asked.

"Does Su Luoheng know?"

"Let's catch Tang Ya together."

"I see……"

Du Weilun's heart sank, and he said for a while.

"Xiao Tao, you go back first."

"The dean is waiting for you at his side. As for the rest...just let me handle it."


Hearing this, Ma Xiaotao nodded and left.



In the room, Du Weilun's expression kept changing.

Now that Su Luoheng knew about this, the news that "Shrek members degenerated into evil soul masters" could no longer be concealed. It is obviously impossible to suppress this matter.

But if he really killed Tang Ya, it would be as that kid Su Luoheng wanted.

This kid has already pressed Shrek's face to the ground several times. If Shrek regresses again this time, the reputation of the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy will definitely increase greatly.

The most important thing is...

Tang Ya is not only a student of Shrek, but also the master of Tang Sect.

Moreover, Elder Mu once left his last wish to revitalize the Tang Sect. If Tang Ya, the head of the Tang Sect, is executed now, how will Elder Mu under Nine Springs be at peace?


Vaguely, a voice sounded in my mind.

【Members of the Tang family must absolutely support...】

"That's right, Shrek... No, this Douluo Continent exists for the Tang family..."

Du Weilun murmured in his mouth.

A strange red light flashed from his eyes.

The state at this time is the same as that of Ma Xiaotao at that time.

He didn't want to deal with Tang Ya.

So now the only way: drag.

First imprison Tang Ya, and show to the outside world that Shrek Academy treats evil spirit masters equally. Then postpone the processing time to dilute the impact of this matter.

It would be best to wash Tang Ya's identity and keep it.


Du Weilun's expression returned to normal.


Looking at Tang Ya who was tied up, he sighed.

This just came back, and it brought such a big problem.

And Tang Ya is the same, it's not appropriate to leave a good Shrek student, what kind of evil soul master does she have to do?

Now the college and himself are involved: if this matter is not handled well, he, the director of the procuratorate who has only been around for two or three days, may not be able to do it for long.

At this moment, Du Weilun is still concerned about his position. He didn't realize at all that the minds of everyone in Shrek Academy, including himself, had become more and more chaotic.



Martial Soul Department, Dean's Office.

When Ma Xiaotao arrived, Dean Yan had been waiting for a long time.

Seeing the return of his beloved apprentice, Yan Shaozhe showed a gratified smile, and earnestly asked whether the siege of evil spirit masters went well or not.

"Xiao Tao, how is this mission?"

"It went well."


Facing the teacher's inquiry about Su Luoheng's situation, Ma Xiaotao reported everything truthfully except for the titled Douluo who was killed at the end, Contra, and the matter of mind control.

Mind control matters a lot.

According to Su Luoheng's guess, all the teachers and students in the entire Shrek Academy might be recruited. So Ma Xiaotao remained cautious, even the teacher he respected did not reveal anything.

As for concealing the truth for Su Luoheng?

Take it as his reward for helping him, after all, Ma Xiaotao has always had a clear sense of grievances and grievances.


The discussion on Su Luoheng's matter is over.

Ma Xiaotao asked curiously, remembering the rumors she had heard.

"Teacher, when I came back, I heard that there was a celebration. Why did the academy suddenly start such an event?"

"So the academy is going to have a celebration and relax."

"Recently, conflicts broke out between students frequently, and the atmosphere in the courtyard was impetuous. After discussions at the Haishen Pavilion meeting, it was agreed that it was the high-pressure learning environment that caused the recent frequent brawls."

As he spoke, worry flashed across Yan Shaozhe's eyes.

Can force the academy to rectify...

Obviously this "fight incident" is not as simple as it is said.

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