Douluo: Humans are peerless, fake gods

Chapter 467 Xiaobai: Do you want to be my father? [4k subscription required! 】

"Xuedi, why did you transform into a human?"

Facing the suspicious gaze of the Titan Snow Demon King, Snow Emperor did not hide and briefly told the reason and process of his transformation into a human, as well as the protection contract he signed with Su Luoheng.

Of course, the parts related to Tang San were cut out.

These things they know are just adding to their troubles.

For them, protecting the land of the extreme north is the most important thing.


"In order to fulfill the contract, I will stay in the human world for a long time in the future, and it is difficult to take care of the situation in the extreme north. What's more, now that I have been rebuilt as a human, the extreme north needs a new king leader .”

"And considering all things considered, Artest, you are the most suitable candidate."

"I entrust the land of the extreme north to your hands, I am very relieved."

After speaking, Xue Di calmly looked at Snow Demon King Titan.


After a long silence, Titan Snow Demon King raised his head.

Looking at Xuedi with puzzled eyes, he said, "Xuedi, why did you let me take over the position of Lord of the Extreme North? Aren't Ice Emperor and Ice Bear King more suitable?"

In terms of strength, the 400,000-year-old Ice Emperor is stronger than himself. Although the Ice Bear King's 190,000-year cultivation base is not as good as his own, but if he really fights, he won't be absolutely sure to win.

And when it comes to relationship, who in the entire northern land does not know that the two emperors of ice and snow are connected in one vein, and they love each other as sisters. As for the Ice Bear King, he was brought up by Snow Emperor since he was a child, and his relationship is also not comparable to him.

Therefore, he never thought that Xue Di would give the position to himself.

"Bing'er's 400,000 scourge is coming, so she has no time to distract herself. As for Xiaobai, his character is too reckless and impulsive, so he is not suitable to be the next Lord of the Extreme North."


Having said that, Xue Di's eyes dimmed.

In fact, Bing'er has become a human soul ring. The soul is imprisoned in the spiritual sea of ​​that human being. The future has been completely bound to it.

However, the fact that Ice Emperor, one of the three heavenly kings of the Far North, became a soul ring was too shocking. For the stability of the Far North, Snow Emperor could only keep this secret.

Thinking of this, Xue Di felt a burst of grief in his heart.

But the sacrifice was done, and she couldn't change anything. And because there are people from the God Realm behind this manipulation, it is now a luxury for Snow Empress to even meet Ice Empress.


"Snow Emperor, I will definitely protect the land of the extreme north!"

Titan Snow Demon King patted his chest with a firm voice.

Originally, taking over the throne was something to be happy about, but thinking about the fact that Snow Emperor is now a human again, Ice Emperor is facing catastrophe. Two of the three heavenly kings of the former land of the extreme north have gone.

For a while, the mood was extremely complicated.

"Well, I believe you, Artest."

After recovering, Xue Di's expression returned to normal.

"In addition to taking down the position of the Lord of the Extreme North and determining the successor, I came back this time, and there is one more important thing that needs to be explained. That's why I called you here alone."

"Please Xue Diming give orders."

Titan Snow Demon King instinctively felt his heart tighten.

And Xuedi's next words just confirmed his guess.

"A-Tai, in the future at most one year later, there will be a disaster that will sweep across the entire Douluo Continent. Although I know it in advance, I can't prevent it from happening with my strength."

Speaking of this, Xuedi's expression became serious: "Even... Once this disaster strikes, maybe even I may be affected and difficult to get rid of."

"Snow Empress..."

The Titan Snow Demon King's eyes widened and his lips trembled.

You know, Snow Empress is the strongest in the extreme north, so she can feel afraid or even unable to deal with the problem, what kind of terrible disaster will this be?

"Xuedi, what should I do?"

After a long silence, the Titan Snow Demon King asked with difficulty.

"Artest, this disaster is fierce and unpredictable. Although my northern land is remote, we must prepare early."

"This crisis is composed of internal and external factors. It will take some time for the source of pollution to expand to the extreme north, so the main defense is internal changes."

"As far as I know, the first thing this wave affects is the thinking of those creatures. So from now on, you have to restrain all the soul beasts in the extreme north. Especially the people who have been born with wisdom."

"The outlying area can be properly released. The top priority now is to preserve the extreme north as much as possible. It won't be too late to reoccupy it after we get through this disaster."


Xue Di's tone sank, and he continued to instruct: "Remember, once you find any abnormalities in the soul beasts, you must deal with them as soon as possible to prevent any possibility of spreading them. Do you understand?"


Titan Snow Demon King nodded solemnly.


"If you can't deal with this crisis, then try to preserve the vitality of the Far North and don't fight them head-on. Do you understand when I come back?"

Snow Emperor stared at Titan Snow Demon King seriously.

"The subordinate understands."

The Titan Snow Demon King nodded solemnly again.

Although he didn't know exactly what happened to cause the entire Far North Land to fall into it. But he believes in Snow Empress, so the only thing he can do at this stage is to obey the arrangement and protect the extreme north.

"In addition, I know that you and Xiaobai have a deep grudge."

"But let's put aside all the problems in the face of the crisis. The extreme north cannot stand the twists and turns. Only when all the soul beasts are united can we survive this crisis."

"Although I have left the Arctic Ice Field, Yongyou is a part of this place and will still guard this land. Any existence that endangers the stability of the Extreme Arctic Ice Field will be my enemy."

Having said that, Xue Di's eyes narrowed slightly.

Hearing this, the Titan Snow Demon King hurriedly said: "Snow Emperor, no matter what time it is, you will always be the master of the Arctic Ice Field, and I will always obey your orders. I will guard this place for you."


As soon as the topic changed, the Titan Snow Demon King hesitated to speak: "I'm afraid that the Ice Bear King will not obey orders and affect our plan..."

"You don't have to worry about Xiaobai, I will take care of it for you before you leave the Extreme North. What you need to do now is to protect the Extreme North and take up this responsibility."

"Please don't worry Snow Empress, I will swear to the death to defend the extreme north."

After finishing speaking, the Titan Snow Demon King took a few steps back, then knelt down in front of Snow Emperor with an extremely respectful expression.


Xue Di said lightly, "You have just taken over as the Lord of the Extreme North, and the groups below are all waiting for you. Establish your prestige as soon as possible, and gather them together to make arrangements to deal with the crisis."


Titan Snow Demon King nodded.

So, he followed Xue Di's wishes, turned and left.



at the same time.

Only Su Luoheng and Ice Bear King remained on the ice field.

One person and one bear sat facing each other like this, and Xiao Bai looked at Su Luoheng in front of him curiously. I don't understand why Xue Di, who has never welcomed humans, brought him here.

And Su Luoheng was also looking at Xiao Bai.


In this way, the scene fell into a long silence.

"Human, who are you?"

"Why did you stay with Xuedi?"

After a long silence, the Ice Bear King broke the silence.

As soon as he opened his mouth, a series of questions came to him.

It can be seen that this guy has been holding back for a long time.


Su Luoheng thought for a while, and said, "It should be regarded as your Snow Emperor's... friend."


Hearing this, Xiaobai cast a suspicious look and questioned him.

"How could Snow Empress become friends with a human being?"

Su Luoheng spread out his hands, and asked back: "When she comes back, don't you know if you go and ask?"


Hearing this, the Ice Bear King fell into silence.

But even so, it still stared straight at Su Luoheng with its copper bell-like eyes.

After a while, Su Luoheng couldn't help but said.

"Why are you staring at me?"

"Xuedi asked me to watch you."

"When... did she say that?"

The Ice Bear King glanced at Su Luoheng, and said as a matter of course, "Isn't the Snow Emperor asking me to stay with you just to stare at you?"


Hearing this, Su Luoheng was momentarily at a loss for words.

"Fine, whatever you want."

Su Luoheng shook his head helplessly, giving up the idea of ​​arguing with him. Because apart from Xuedi, it is impossible for anyone to talk to him.

So he sat cross-legged and began to meditate.



After a while.

Not far away, Xue Di walked slowly.

And the Titan Snow Demon King who just took over as the Lord of the Extreme North has left.

"Snow Empress!"

The Ice Bear King's eyes lit up, and he quickly called out.

Hearing this, Su Luoheng ended his meditation and looked at Xuedi.

"Is everything arranged?"

Xue Di nodded slightly, and said, "Well, I've asked Artest to arrange for it."


After saying that, Snow Emperor looked at the Ice Bear King.


"I know you have always been against Artest."

Xue Di said lightly: "And your group also has the ability to compete with Artest. If I leave the extreme north, you will definitely not be able to help but start a war with Artest, right?"

"Snow Empress..."

Hearing this, the Ice Bear King fell silent.

He didn't want to deceive Xuedi, so he could only respond with silence.

"Xiaobai, in the near future there will be a disaster involving the entire northern land. But Ice Empress and I are unable to make a move, so we can only face it with you and Artest."

"Then what should I do?"

After a moment of silence, the Ice Bear King finally spoke.

"For a hundred years, you are not allowed to clash with Artest. His order is my order, and you must guard the pure land of the Far North together with him. Can you do it?"

Snow Emperor looked at the Ice Bear King seriously.

"I can."

"Snow Empress, I listen to you. You saved me, made me strong and became the emperor of the Ice Bear Clan. Everything I have is given by you. I will do whatever you want me to do."

Xiaobai paused, and finally nodded firmly.


Xuedi rubbed Xiaobai's head.

She knew that it would be difficult to improve the relationship between Xiaobai and Artest for a while. Now I can only guide a little bit. After all, she didn't want to see that the Far North would kill each other after she left.

Originally, Xuedi thought that even if he abdicated, Ice Emperor would still be able to suppress Artest and Xiaobai. So although I knew the grievances between the two of them, I didn't pay much attention to it, and this has evolved to the current situation.

In the final analysis, this matter is also the reason for his laissez-faire.

Fortunately, it's not too late, and I have time to clean up this mess.


Suddenly Xiaobai thought of something and asked for proof.

"Xuedi, he said he was your friend?"

Xuedi nodded, smiled lightly and said, "Well, what he said is not bad."


Hearing this, the Ice Bear King was momentarily stunned.

At the same time, Snow Emperor pointed to Xiaobai, and said: "His name is Xiaobai, the leader of the Ice Bear clan. He was raised by me since he was a child, and he is his half-mother. So in terms of address, I just let him go."

Hearing this, Su Luoheng nodded.

In terms of age, the 700,000-year-old Snow Emperor is indeed qualified.

It's just that the size gap between the two is too large, and it always feels a bit inconsistent.

"Xiaobai was raised by my side since he was a child, so he is also used to this address, and he has been like this since he couldn't correct it."


During the conversation between Xuedi and Su Luoheng.

Xiaobai looked up at the two of them, his eyes sparkling.

He looked at Su Luoheng and said firmly.

"He wants to be a father, doesn't he?"


As soon as this remark came out, the two were stunned at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, after Xue Di and Su Luoheng looked at each other, they turned their heads awkwardly at the same time. A blush crept across his cheeks.

"Mom, what do you—"

"Xiaobai, I haven't tested your strength for a long time, right?"


Xiaobai looked confused.

"Come on, let me see how much progress you have made!"

Saying that, Xuedi directly carried Xiaobai, and came to a snow-capped mountain a hundred meters away in a flash.

"Ah woo woo—"

Not long after, a scream sounded.

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud rumbling sound in the distance.

The nearly 100-meter-high snow mountain collapsed, throwing up snow all over the sky.

Seeing this, Su Luoheng couldn't laugh or cry for a while.


After a while, the smoke and dust gradually dissipated.

Xuedi returned to Su Luoheng's side, feeling refreshed.

And Xiaobai was still lying in the ice pit, completely embarrassed.

"Is there nothing wrong with Sister Xue?"

Su Luoheng clicked his tongue, and looked in the direction of the ice pit without worry.

"It's okay, I have a measure."

"Little Bai Pishi, just wait a while and you'll be fine."

Xue Di waved his hand, indicating that it doesn't matter.

Her few blows were thunderous and rainy, how could Xiao Bai hurt him with his physique?

Hearing this, Su Luoheng nodded.


After a moment of silence, Xuedi suddenly thought of something.



"How did you feel about this emperor's dance just now?"

There was a slight smile on Xuedi's beautiful face.

There was a hint of expectation in those icy eyes.

Su Luoheng said seriously, "You were beautiful just now."

"What about normal times?"

Xue Di's eyes flickered slightly, but his smile remained unchanged.

Su Luoheng hurriedly said, "It's beautiful too, but it's even more beautiful when dancing."


Su Luoheng rubbed his nose, "Sister Xue, what are you laughing at, I'm telling the truth."



Su Luoheng said seriously.


Hearing this, the smile in Xuedi's eyes grew even stronger.

She felt that she should give him a response.



【Countdown: 01:23:13, September 23, 1 year】


ps: Candy tomorrow, candy tomorrow, candy tomorrow! !

Say important things three times!

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