Douluo: Humans are peerless, fake gods

Chapter 487 The Purpose of the God Realm and the Meaning of Guardians! [4k subscription required! 】

"The power of the stars?"

Su Luoheng murmured, thoughtfully.

Today, the Xu family of the Star Luo Empire inherits the ability of the Martial Soul Star Crown to mobilize the power of the stars. The royal princess also used this ability for a long time in the Soul Fighting Competition.


Since this star martial soul is a native martial soul on the Douluo Continent, shouldn't the power of the stars it uses also belong to the energy of the Douluo system? Why does it have an effect on the poison of belief?


Thinking of this, Su Luoheng became even more puzzled.


[Martial spirit...different...]

At this moment, the master of the plane who had already established a thought link sensed what Su Luoheng was thinking.

Thus, a piece of information about the sensing principle of the star-attribute martial soul and the power of the stars appeared in his mind.

"I see……"

After a long silence, Su Luoheng suddenly realized.

It turned out that in the Douluo plane, those Martial Souls that possess star energy or are related to it, although they are displayed in the form of Martial Souls, their attack methods are not directly released by the soul power.

And the role of soul power is more like a transfer station.

Because when the star martial soul is in use, it attacks by guiding the power of the stars outside the sky. So the energy of the attack does not belong to the category of soul power.

For example, the Star Crown Martial Soul Jiu Jiujiu, the Tiansha Lone Star Martial Soul Huang Jinxu, the Moon Martial Soul Zhang Lexuan, and the Sun Martial Soul of the Sun and Moon Royal Family, etc., all belong to this category.

Although their martial souls can guide the power of the stars outside the sky, due to the level of their martial souls and the limitations of their own soul power, the power of the stars they can mobilize is not obvious to the lethality of the poison of faith.

However, when dealing with those strange monsters born under the influence of the poison of faith, the lethality of the star martial soul is much stronger than that of ordinary martial soul soul masters.

After all, the monster and the poison of faith can be considered to be of the same origin. Although it is impossible to suppress the poison of faith, it is still possible to solve a few monsters.

And the Star Luo Empire can become the second empire after the Sun Moon Empire to basically curb the destructive influence of monsters. In addition to its own strong national power, it also has the role of the Star Martial Soul.

As for Yi Lao's undead magic, if the attack is launched in the form of soul power, it will not have any effect. But if it is driven by the energy form of the Holy Demon Continent, it can have a suppressive effect.

All in all, as long as the released attack energy does not belong to the Douluo plane, it can restrain the spread and erosion of the poison of faith. However, it is far from enough to really solve the poison of belief.

For the God Realm, this problem is equally difficult.

Because the poison of faith comes from the belief in the God Realm. Although divine power can have a certain effect on them, the effect has been greatly weakened under the influence of this factor.

Therefore, the Silver Dragon King can only seal it.

Even if the God Realm interferes, it cannot be completely eradicated.

Because of this, after Tang San transformed the ancient golden tree into a storage container for the poison of faith. Although this move offended the God of Destruction, it secured the position of the Five God Kings.


He pondered for a moment.

Su Luoheng raised his head and looked at the ball of light in front of him.

"Why does the God Realm keep suppressing the Douluo plane?"

"They have so many plane worlds, why do they devote so much energy to the Douluo Continent alone and suppress the development. What benefits does it have for the God Realm?"


This is what Su Luoheng is most puzzled about.

He didn't understand why the high God Realm would go to such great lengths to suppress and plan against Douluo Continent, an ordinary plane that even priests couldn't deal with. What was the reason?

If it was because of the development of soul-guided civilization, then the super-ancient soul-guided civilization has already been completely wiped out by the God Realm. The current development of soul guides has only reached the tenth level, and there is no threat to the God Realm.

And the soul beast family is even more impossible. Since the defeat of the Dragon God, the Golden Dragon King was imprisoned in the forbidden place by the God Realm, and the Silver Dragon King was defeated and fled, all the beasts have been liquidated. They have no hope of turning back.

So, what exactly is the God Realm planning?

No matter how you analyze it, there is no need for the God Realm to attack such a down-and-out plane as Douluo Continent. But they just did it. This behavior confused Su Luoheng.

Now in front of the lord of the plane, Su Luoheng finally had the opportunity to ask this question that had been buried in his heart all along.

【Spirit world……】

[God Star... advanced...]

Soon, the information appeared in Su Luoheng's mind again.

There is only one purpose for them to act like this: to advance to the god star.

It has been a long time since the development of the God Realm. During the development period, as newcomers from the lower plane continued to be promoted to join the God Realm, the number of vacant god positions also decreased.

Because the resources and space of the God Realm are limited, it cannot carry more gods to join the God Realm. Newcomers can only be absorbed from the lower realm through the abdication of the previous generation of gods.

In this way, the current situation has emerged: originally qualified talents cannot be promoted because of the scarcity of gods and the problem of staff saturation. To a large extent, the development of the God Realm was restricted.

And if God Realm can be promoted to God Star, then the upper limit of the entire God Realm will be raised, and more resources and positions will be vacant to accommodate new gods to advance.

At the same time, the strength of the five great god kings will also be improved accordingly.

For example, after being promoted to God Star, a brand new position may appear above the five Great God Kings in the God Realm: Great God King. And the positions of the original five great god kings may be expanded to ten.

The original eighteen first-level gods became thirty-six and so on, and the positions of second-level gods and third-level gods were all increased by analogy. The original deity can be promoted.

In this way, the number of gods has been expanded, and the overall strength of the God Realm has also increased accordingly. On the whole, this is undoubtedly a happy situation for all.

Except, the Douluo Plane, which is regarded as a consumable...

However, if the God Realm wants to be promoted to become a real god star, the most important point is to advance from a world without entities to a world with physical planets.

Although the God Realm has existed for a long time, it is still a long way from being promoted to God Star. According to the normal promotion time deduction, it will take at least a hundred million years.

In addition to the normal step-by-step development and promotion, there is also a quick promotion path: devouring a living planet with a complete entity.

This method is undoubtedly simpler and saves time and effort.

This is the way God Realm chose.

However, although the subordinates of the God Realm command many plane worlds similar to Douluo Continent. But most of these governed planes are small worlds similar to the round sky.

Like the world of Dionysus, the god of evil and good, it does not belong to the complete planet type. Or simply without any signs of life, etc., they cannot meet the conditions for being promoted to God Star in the God Realm.

Only Douluo World is a complete and living entity planet world. At least among all the planes ruled by the God Realm, only the Douluo World has reached the standard of devouring.

Therefore, the God Realm naturally aimed at the only Douluo plane that met the requirements of devouring, and used it as nourishment on the way to the advancement of the God Realm. Or... consumables.

It is a matter of the survival of the Douluo world, and the master of the plane will definitely not back down. So when the God Realm came up with the idea of ​​the Douluo Plane, the struggle between the two sides was doomed to be unavoidable.

And this guardian contract is the self-help means of the lord of the plane.

It hopes to cultivate a person who can protect the Douluo plane.



Silence for a while.

Suddenly, Su Luoheng thought of something and asked, "Who is the person who left me a message in the underground cave? Why can he predict what will happen in the future?"

【He... guards...】

In this regard, the lord of the plane did not hide it.

Soon, information about that mysterious ancient man appeared in Su Luoheng's mind.


For a moment, Su Luoheng's eyes suddenly dawned.

He is the strongest in the civilization era of the last era, and also the guardian of the previous Douluo plane. Or more accurately, he should be the Guardian of the Crown.

In the era of ultra-ancient civilization, Douluo World and the master of the plane were not restricted by the God Realm, and there was no problem with the guardian mechanism. That's why there are several guardians who signed a contract.

And the senior who left the message, even among the many master guardians like a cloud, is the existence at the top. Therefore he is also known as the Guardian of the Crown.

But even so...

The ultra-ancient civilization was still defeated in the battle with the God Realm, and the prosperous soul guide civilization was also destroyed. Everything was buried in the ruins.


Su Luoheng knew very well that after knowing the purpose of the God Realm, the struggle between the Douluo Plane and the God Realm was unavoidable. And the self involved in it is now unable to get out.

What's more, my lover, relatives, friends, teachers, etc., all the fetters are on Douluo Dalu. I am destined to be on the same front as the lord of the plane.

So it is impossible to give up the idea of ​​struggle.

It's just that the ultra-ancient soul guide civilization in the past is not an opponent of the gods under the premise of possessing superb soul guide technology and a group of guardians selected by the master of the plane.

As for the current situation in the Douluo Continent, even if I signed a contract with the master of the plane and became the guardian of this generation of Douluo World, how should I fight against the God Realm?

With my current cultivation speed of soul power...

Thinking of this, Su Luoheng's heart was heavy.

And just when he was worried about his position, a piece of information suddenly appeared in his mind.

[Ascension... Awakening...]

【Seven Rings...Critical...】

"My... Martial Soul limit?"

"Can you help me improve my soul power and break through to the soul saint?"


A lot of information appeared in Su Luoheng's mind.

According to the lord of the plane, it seemed that something in him was about to awaken. The seventh ring should be the critical point of its awakening, and it can only be awakened if it absorbs enough energy.

Because this thing needs to absorb a lot of soul power when it wakes up, it causes the speed of its current soul power level to increase slowly, even if it absorbs a lot of soul power, it cannot break through the level.

If you rely on your own practice to break through, it will take a long time to do it. But the lord of the plane gave the second way: let it take action to speed up the process of absorbing energy.

In exchange, Su Luoheng needs to sign a contract with him. In other words, as long as Su Luoheng agrees to sign the guardian contract, the master of the plane will provide him with enough soul power to break through.

In addition, in Douluo World, Guardians will receive the full support and training of the entire world.


After a long silence, Su Luoheng suddenly spoke.

"Guardian, what price do you need to pay?"

[Unable to... become a god...]

[Douluo... fights...]

According to the lord of the plane, after becoming a guardian, there is no possibility of ascension to the God Realm. And, when the world faces major disasters, the Guardians must fight to continue the world.

Of course, the master of the plane will not interfere with the specific method.

As long as the purpose is to fight for the continuation of the world.

For most soul masters in the Douluo plane, the limitation of not being able to ascend to the God Realm is relatively difficult to accept. After all, many people cultivate with the lifelong goal of ascending to the God Realm.

However, this was not a problem for Su Luoheng.

Because he had already given up on his plan to ascend to the God Realm.

As for fighting for the continuation of the world, that doesn't conflict with his goals. Therefore, the so-called price of the lord of the plane does not have any restrictions on Su Luoheng.


"I am willing to be a guardian."

Su Luoheng gave the answer without any hesitation.

Now that he has made up his mind to fight against the God Realm, and he has the same purpose as the lord of the plane. Then, there is no reason to refuse this guardian contract.

Besides, what he needs most now is soul power.

And becoming a Guardian would solve that problem.

【Contract Signing】

[Guardian... sure...]

[Plane...Su Luoheng...]



The moment Su Luoheng chose to sign the guardian contract, he could clearly feel an inexplicable connection between himself and the core of the Douluo Plane in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, the core of the plane in front of him suddenly burst into bright blue light, and a circle of blue ripples rippled from the air, and quickly spread to the surroundings.

In an instant, the light had completely covered the entire space. The blue light wrapped Su Luoheng's body, leading him into a stream of light and disappeared on the spot.

【The world... guards... for you...】




Meanwhile, the outside world.


Su Luoheng clenched his fists slightly, his eyes flickering.

The moment his consciousness returned to his body, a layer of wonderful fluctuations emerged from the depths of his soul. It has a mysterious and wonderful special resonance with the surrounding world.

From now on, he is the first and only guardian of the Douluo plane in this generation. He is completely bound to the future of Douluo Continent.

The continuation of Douluo World will become his responsibility.

Correspondingly, as a benefit of becoming a guardian, he will also receive the help of the entire Douluo plane from the master of the plane.


How will the lord of the plane help him break through his soul power?

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