Douluo: Humans are peerless, fake gods

Chapter 608 Destroy the Tianhun Empire!

In Weilin's mind.

Things like soul guides are only auxiliary tools. Although they are powerful, they can be easily avoided by soul masters of the same level. Facing senior soul masters, it had little effect.

Because the battle experience with Sun and Moon four thousand years ago has proven that it only takes three to four titled Douluo-level combatants to defeat a group of soul engineers.

For example, a team of five hundred soul masters in the Sun and Moon Empire can train two to three titled Douluo soul masters with the resources consumed in its establishment.

This is still the price of self-produced and sold products in the Sun and Moon Empire. If it is the Tianhun Empire, it will be doubled.

In addition, it is expensive and consumable, as well as the Sun-Moon Empire's technological blockade to the outside world, and the Heavenly Soul Empire's deep-rooted rejection of the soul guidance system.

Comparing the two, in Wei Lin's opinion, Titled Douluo was more profitable.

So even though Su Junran reminded them many times that the Sun Moon Empire's soul guidance technology was no longer what it used to be, they still didn't pay attention.

But today, during this battle, Wei Lin finally realized the seriousness of the problem after witnessing with his own eyes the dominance displayed by this group of Sun and Moon Soul Mentors on the battlefield.

If he was given a chance to come back again, he would definitely vigorously promote soul guidance devices and arm the army in the Tianhun Empire.

But now it is too late to wake up. What he is most concerned about now is whether the Noumenon Sect, which has high hopes, can withstand the overwhelming attack of the Sun and Moon Legion's soul tools.

If even they can't withstand it, let alone Xingluo and Dou Ling Empire, their Tianhun Empire may be in trouble.

"Mr. Lu, can you block it?" Wei Lin couldn't help but asked the old man beside him.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty. According to me, the Sun and Moon Soul Guidance Legion's advantage lies in large-scale corps operations, rather than individual strength."

"Although their artillery fire coverage is powerful, it may not be as powerful when facing a single target. The agility and speed of the soul master cannot be compared with the soul guide."

"Take me as an example. Although it's difficult to win in a head-to-head confrontation, it's not a problem just to hold them back. Even four or two ninth-level soul engineers can't do anything to me."

"Individual combat is what Noumenon Sect is best at. So from my point of view, it is not a problem to repel the Sun and Moon Legion outside Tianhun City." Lu Chengkun analyzed.

Wei Lin felt slightly relieved after hearing what he said.

"Mr. Lu, I'll leave the Noumenon Sect to you."

"Your Majesty, don't worry."

After saying that, Lu Chengkun's figure escaped into the void and left quietly.

He did not set out with the breakout troops.

Lu Chengkun is a super Douluo. As long as he doesn't like fighting, no one can stop him from leaving.

When there are too many people, the goal is too big and becomes a burden.

Furthermore, while the Tianhun City defenders were attracting firepower for the breakout troops, the breakout troops were also attracting firepower for Lu Chengkun.

Compared with the garrison, the Noumenon Sect is the main force in rescuing Tianhun City, and they must ensure that their actions are concealed and foolproof.

"Su Luoheng, you have to pay a price for your arrogance." Wei Lin murmured as he looked at the outline of the Sun and Moon Military Camp below. There was a violent storm brewing in the deep and dark eyes.

West and Lu Chengkun successfully broke through.

Tianhun's side believed that their actions were very covert and had escaped the detection of the Sun and Moon Legion.

Little did he know that all of this was under Su Luoheng's control, and that he had deliberately released West and Lu Chengkun. Including going to the Noumenon Sect, everything was within his expectation.

Wei Lin still thought that Sun and Moon had no idea.

In fact, even without the cover of the Tianhun City defenders, Su Luoheng would still find an opportunity to let them go out to ask for help.

The reason for setting the time in five days is to give the Tianhun Empire time to move reinforcements. If not, he would have broken into Tianhun City and chopped off Wei Lin's head. Why wait until now?

Killing Wei Lin for revenge was just incidental. Su Luoheng's real purpose in choosing to besiege Tianhun City in the first battle was to annihilate the top combat power of the Tianhun Empire in one fell swoop and completely defeat him.

Because among the three empires of Tianhun, Dou Ling, and Star Luo, the Star Luo Empire ranks first in terms of comprehensive national power. However, in terms of the combat power of high-level soul masters, the Heavenly Soul Empire, with the Noumenon Sect as the country-protecting sect, takes the lead.

After awakening, the original martial soul has extremely strong combat power. Even though the sect leader Du Bushi is at level ninety-eight, his own combat power is already comparable to the limit. In addition, there are a total of ten body Douluo who have entered the title of the sect, and the weakest one is equivalent to a super Douluo.

Therefore, the Noumenon Sect, which was recognized as the head of the sect in Douluo Continent and could compete with the pinnacle Shrek Academy, became the most suitable choice.

Only when a sect force of this level loses can it have the best deterrent effect. Only then can the Heavenly Soul Empire be regarded as a model for resisting the Sun and Moon Empire, and Dou Ling and the Star Luo Empire be able to recognize the gap in strength. This forced them to give up resistance and surrender to the Sun and Moon Empire.

In this way, this mainland civil war can be ended at the minimum cost and in the fastest time. Only when the internal troubles subside can we free up our energy to concentrate on dealing with the God Realm.

To achieve this, the Tianhun Empire's combat power must be as strong as possible.


Only then did Su Luoheng besiege Tianhun City, only then did the five-day promise come to fruition, and only then did West and Lu Chengkun come out of the city to ask for help.

When Su Luoheng entered the palace to meet Wei Lin, his purpose was to deliberately anger him and draw out the Noumenon Sect. Although there are some differences in the process, the results are consistent.

Wei Lin's performance was indeed beyond expectations, but this could not change the fate of the stepping stone. Regardless of whether Wei Lin surrenders or not, this battle is inevitable.


Many, many people will die.

You will be hated and hated by many people.

But there is no choice.

The threats from the God Realm are there: Tang San, who is eyeing him, the threat of the poison of faith, the terrifying and powerful black dragon, and the future he saw when he was promoted to Soul Saint...

Especially after ten thousand years, the God Realm was promoted to the God Star and the Douluo Star was devoured. Except for a few of the billions of creatures on the planet who escaped, most of them were turned into ashes and completely destroyed.

Every crisis reminds Su Luoheng that time is tight and he must speed up the process of unifying the continent.

Su Luoheng was the only one who had an insight into the disaster, so he started a war and tried to unify the power of Douluo Continent against the God Realm. But war is bound to be accompanied by killing and death.

Countless people who could have survived will die because of the war started by Su Luoheng. Even if they knew Su Luoheng's reasons, most people would still blame him for everything.

This is normal. The person who died was not your relative, friend, or brother or sister. Why should we sacrifice them in the name of righteousness?

No matter how high-sounding the reasons for sacrifice are, they cannot erase the bloody facts.

Su Luoheng understood them.

But someone has to take the responsibility.

If you don’t go and I don’t go, then there will be only destruction in the future.

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