"Rumble, rumble—"

Gold, red and green are two completely different energies that compete with each other.

Amidst the deafening roar, the terrifying explosion force instantly shattered the surrounding space, revealing a dark abyss.

The land surged and rocks collapsed, creating a doomsday scene.

The energy storm spread in all directions with violent vibrations. Although most of the power was destroyed in the collision between the two energies, there was still a small amount of aftermath that spread.

The first one to bear the brunt is Noumenon Sect.

Even though Du Bushu tried his best to reduce the impact of the explosion, everyone in the Noumenon Sect still couldn't bear it before it was about as powerful as the explosion of Ultimate Douluo's soul core.

The soul barrier was instantly shattered, and the eight Noumenon Sect Titled Douluo-level elders were okay, barely able to stabilize their bodies. But the soul masters below Contra were spitting blood, in a sluggish state, and suffered serious injuries.

The white light curtain flashed, and the explosion impact made a piercing scream, creating a halo on the linkage protective cover. Every impact consumes the energy in the soul core.

Thousands of people from the Sun and Moon Soul Guidance Group input soul power at the same time, supporting the linked soul guidance array, like a flowing white river, continuously inputting soul power into the white light curtain.

In the end, the explosion of the ninth-level fixed soul missile was even better, completely wiping out the energy of the soul core explosion. The green light gradually dimmed, leaving mottled traces in the air.

One of the top powerhouses in the Douluo Continent, the Noumenon Sect Dinghai Shenzhen, the ninety-eighth Noumenon Douluo was completely wiped out. Everything was sacrificed by him, and this time he really died, not even the dregs were left.

Poison is not dead and he is doing his best just to preserve his original body.

However, even if the fire of life is burned and the soul core is detonated, it cannot completely offset the impact of the explosion of three level nine fixed soul missiles. Waves of fire rolled, and the entire sky was rendered golden and red.

There is no longer any obstacle to the energy impact of the ninth-level fixed soul missile. Although the light was much dimmed and the power was not as powerful as before, it was still crushing through like a broken bamboo.

The Titled Douluo Elder, who belonged to the Noumenon Sect, protected the surrounding disciples and relied on his cultivation to withstand the energy impact. However, a dozen soul masters of the Noumenon Sect with poor cultivation were also buried in the sea of ​​​​fire.

This is true for the soul masters of the Noumenon Sect, let alone those ordinary soldiers who don't even have soul power. The flames raged, and suddenly the land was filled with mourning and cries.

"I hate!!!"

Before the green light dissipated, the angry, unwilling, and sad roar lingered in the sky for a long time.

The last remaining will was completely shattered.

Even at the cost of life, they could not protect the integrity of the Noumenon Sect.

This battle has come to an end, and the victory of the Sun and Moon Empire has been determined.

As for the Noumenon Sect, I wonder how many people can survive?

At the last moment, I wonder if he will regret that he responded to the Tianhun Emperor's call, regretted that he was impulsive and caused the thousands of years of Noumenon Sect's foundation to be destroyed in one fell swoop. The high-level combat forces suffered heavy casualties.

The battlefield situation changes rapidly.

When Du Bushui led the Noumenon Sect to charge, West felt that he had seen the dawn of victory.

However, in just an instant, the situation was turned upside down by three level nine fixed soul missiles. The ninety-eighth level Douluo was forced to die from poison, and reached a situation where he had to self-destruct his soul core.

The poisonous immortal transformed into a green soul core and disappeared into the sky, a golden-red light beam erupted, and a powerful and hot billowing air wave hit and raged.

This scene is thrilling.

Even though he was thousands of meters away, West could still feel the burning and destructive aura coming towards his face at this moment.

The scorching heat and violent energy made his chest feel tight, giving him a suffocating feeling that he couldn't breathe.

His face turned pale, and he stared blankly at the golden-red mushroom cloud rising up in the sky in the distance, his eyes full of horror and fear.

Such an attack has completely exceeded his understanding of soul-guided weapons.

He never expected that Douluo Poison Immortal, the main body, would actually force a group of thousands of soul mentors in the sun and moon to the point of self-explosion of the soul core.


The Tianhun Empire was completely defeated.

They are completely unable to resist such an attack!

At this moment, West could hardly stand, his legs were trembling, cold sweat was dripping on his forehead, and his back was chilling. He didn't even bother to command the legion, because it had no meaning anymore.

Even those who are not poisonous will die under the soul guidance device of the Sun and Moon Empire. What can they do to resist?

"It's over, it's all over..."

"The Heavenly Soul Empire is over..."


Thick smoke and dust obscured vision, and the deafening roar spread across half of the battlefield.

When the smoke settled, the wilderness in the distance had now turned into scorched earth.

The ground seemed to have been plowed, the land collapsed and ravines crisscrossed it. It's shocking at first glance.

The center of the explosion was completely sunken at this moment, as if a piece of Douluo Continent had been dug out, forming a huge pit with a diameter of a hundred meters and going deep into the ground.

Under this violent impact, the entire land seemed to shake violently, and even the residents in Tianhun City could feel the ground shaking violently under their feet.

There were even cracks on the surface of the city wall that had stood for thousands of years, and a large number of buildings collapsed under the huge impact.

The bodies of the soldiers who died in the explosion melted in the high temperature, becoming as insignificant as floating dust, not even a bone or residue was left behind.

Mixed with the pungent smoke was the smell of burnt meat.

As for the Noumenon Sect, although there were eight titled Douluo to support them, more than fifty soul masters still died, including four soul Douluo with eight cultivation levels. It can be said to be a heavy loss.

Most of those who survived had skin ulcers, blisters, and burn scars of varying sizes on their bodies. The body exudes the smell of barbecue.

Some people even have missing limbs and are dying.

The death of the poisonous immortals not only damaged the morale of the Noumenon Sect, but also took away their courage and fighting spirit.

At this moment, the elders of the Noumenon Sect, who were originally full of confidence and prepared to kill everyone, looked as if they were mourning for their heirs, and their faces were ashen. How could they still have half of the fighting spirit they had before?

"Retreat, retreat quickly!"

For a moment, the elders of the Noumenon Sect led the remaining disciples and retreated one after another, fleeing into the distance to avoid being driven out and killed by the Sun and Moon Empire.

The death of Poisonous Immortal made everyone in the Noumenon Sect fully understand that the current soul master is no longer as weak as he was four thousand years ago, and can be broken at a touch.

The soul guide is no longer what it used to be, and now its identity has been changed, making it vulnerable to their original sect.

There is no time to mourn the passing of the sect leader. The only thought in his heart at this moment is to escape from here. Otherwise, the Noumenon Sect will be destroyed here today.

As for the Heavenly Soul Empire...

If you can't protect yourself, how can you take care of them?

The elders of the Noumenon Sect made up their mind that if they could return to the sect alive, the first thing they would do was to seal the mountain.

But the problem is...

Will Sun and Moon let them go?

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