Douluo: Humans are peerless, fake gods

Chapter 627 Huo Yuhao's suspicion, Dong'er? Wu Tong?

For Su Luoheng.

Everyone has his or her value.

Against the God Realm, such extraordinary geniuses as Xiao Hongchen, Meng Hongchen, Huo Yuhao, Ma Xiaotao, and Zhang Lexuan are indeed important.

But I have to admit that such geniuses are just exceptions.

On Douluo Continent, there are more ordinary geniuses at this level such as Nan Qiuqiu, Lan Xiu, Nana, and Jiang Nannan.

Although they are not amazingly talented people, as long as they are given resources and opportunities, they can shine brightly.

Su Luoheng knew very well that fighting against the God Realm cannot be achieved by just a few geniuses. If this could be successful, Kai would have led the Thirteen Pathfinder Cavalry to the God Realm. In which round will he get it?

From the moment he decided to fight against the God Realm, Su Luoheng's goal was very clear: to gather all the power of Douluo Continent to create a complete soul guidance system.

Therefore, after Su Luoheng calmed down the hidden danger of the Holy Spirit Cult, his first step was to integrate the three empires of Tianhun, Dou Ling and Xingluo to complete the unification of the continent.

The [Twilight of the Gods] series of soul guides is this opportunity. Wearing it allows the soul masters of Douluo Continent to have the ability to fight against gods.

In addition to these peerless geniuses, more ordinary geniuses are also needed to enrich it. Regardless of their importance, they will be the backbone of the fight against the divine world.

For this reason, at Su Luoheng's suggestion, the Sun Moon Empire waved its hand after the game, and all teams that advanced to the round robin, regardless of their ranking, prepared consolation prizes.

A fifth-level soul guidance weapon set, including weapons, armor, aircraft and other soul guidance weapons, is of immeasurable value.

It would not let those eliminated teams go in vain, but at the same time it would win over the hearts of these new generation geniuses and leave a good impression of the Sun and Moon Empire in the minds of these new generation geniuses, paving the way for the formation of the soul guide army in the future.

In the future, they will all be warriors against the God Realm.

Although it is difficult to reverse the reputation of the Sun and Moon Empire at once, this method can at least reduce some rejection.

In addition, the three great empires of Dou Ling, Tian Hun, and Xing Luo have now become vassal forces of the Sun and Moon Empire. With this influence, the Sun Moon Empire's image in the minds of the people of Douluo Continent will gradually improve.

Subtly, the hostility towards the Sun and Moon Empire brought about by the war will also be eliminated.

In this regard, we can only proceed steadily, gradually improve, and be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. If we do it too hastily, it will be counterproductive.

However, the Snow Demon Sect became the only sect to be held hostage in the Sun Moon Empire's Soul Fighting Competition.

Because the Snow Demon Sect was listed under the cover of the Noumenon Sect. Long Aotian, the captain of the Snow Demon Sect team, is the successor of the Noumenon Sect's internally designated next-generation sect leader.

The Noumenon Sect was the target chosen by Su Luoheng to establish his authority.

Therefore, if you put the Snow Demon Sect back now, it will be like giving yourself another enemy for nothing.

It is true that with the current size of the Sun and Moon Empire, a soul saint who has awakened his martial soul for the second time is nothing. The Noumenon Sect's ninety-eighth level Douluo Poison Immortal has not yet passed level seven~

In terms of results, it doesn't hurt to put it back.

But if you stay, it will still be a hidden danger. If you are not afraid of thieves stealing, you are afraid that thieves will miss you. There's no guarantee it won't have any bad effects.

But it would be a pity to kill someone with a talent like Long Aotian's. If it could be recovered, it might be a sharp blade against the God Realm in the future.

I couldn't make up my mind for a while.

Therefore, Xu Jinyu finally decided to detain the dozen or so people from the Snow Demon Sect in Mingdu and wait for Su Luoheng to return before dealing with them.

In this way, Princess Wei Na of the Tianhun Empire, Long Aotian, and the two titled Douluo who led the protection team were all left behind.

As the runner-up in the last Star Luo City Soul Fighting Competition, the Shrek Academy team did not perform well this time, and was defeated miserably by the Snow Demon Sect in the eight-to-four competition.

Yan Shaozhe was very satisfied with this.

Although it is not as good as before, it is not easy to advance to the top eight among hundreds of participating teams when the academy is destroyed, the talents are withered, and the ten thousand-year-old foundation is destroyed.

This result was already much better than what he expected before the game. Enough for Shrek Academy to once again enter the public eye. Reviving Shrek's name is just around the corner.

After all, the current Shrek Academy, both in terms of resource reserves and student quality, is far from the average level of the academy before.

To reach the quarterfinals, Huo Yuhao was the only one who pushed him hard and tried his best to win.

Until now, Huo Yuhao's face was still pale and his breath was weak.

Continuous high-intensity and fierce fighting, multiple extreme bursts of soul power, take a huge toll on the body. Even though seven days have passed since the match against the Snow Demon Sect, he has not fully recovered yet.

Fortunately, the foundation was not damaged, and Yan Shaozhe breathed a sigh of relief. Huo Yuhao is the future of Shrek Academy. If his growth is affected by the Soul Fighting Competition, it will be a big loss for Dafa.

However, since losing to the Snow Demon Sect, Huo Yuhao stayed in the auditorium all day long. Even when Shrek's teammates talked to him, he only occasionally responded with a few words, looking absent-minded.

Such a change is due to the girl from the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy who looks almost identical to Wang Donger, Tang Wutong!

After Yan Shaozhe's explanation, Huo Yuhao had given up his doubts about Tang Wutong's identity. After all, although the two looked similar, their temperaments were completely different.

Compared to Wang Donger, Tang Wutong is more arrogant and cold.

The disgusted look in Huo Yuhao's memory was still fresh in his memory.

However, when Tang Wutong represented the team and displayed the same martial soul as Wang Donger, the Goddess of Light Butterfly!

Because of Su Luoheng's access, the part of Wang Donger's soul that split off did not merge into the body of the Emperor's Beast, so Tang Wutong's martial soul did not evolve and remained the Goddess of Light Butterfly.

So, when the Goddess of Light Butterfly martial soul appeared again on the ring of the Soul Fighting Competition. In a trance, the two figures overlapped, and Huo Yuhao seemed to see Wang Donger.

The same appearance, the same breath, the same martial soul, the same posture, the same soul skills, and even the same pupils and hair color, all of this is so similar!

In an instant, his heart was shocked.

Who is she?

Tang Wutong? Or Wang Donger?

Why does she have the same martial soul as Wang Donger?

If the appearance is similar, it can be explained by coincidence.

But even the martial soul is exactly the same, he can't help but think more.

They looked the same, had the same spirit, and they just happened to meet. Huo Yuhao didn't believe there would be such a coincidence. This reason didn't make sense.

Tang Wutong and Wang Dong'er must be related!

Huo Yuhao even had a hunch that Tang Wutong was most likely his Wang Dong'er.

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