Douluo: Humans are peerless, fake gods

Chapter 629 Failure? Huo Yuhao's despair

As soon as he said this, Tang Wutong stopped walking, her eyes were slightly dazed for a moment, and she subconsciously took a step back to distance herself from each other.

Facing Huo Yuhao, her eyes were still cold.


Huo Yuhao took a deep breath and barely suppressed the emotions in his heart.

"Her name is Wang Dong'er. We knew each other, got to know each other, and fell in love at Shrek Academy. Dong'er looks very similar to you, and can even be said to be exactly the same, so when I saw you for the first time, I mistook you for Dong'er."

Tang Wutong said in a bad tone, "Since it's all a mistake, why did you still look for me? I have to make it clear in advance that I don't have any sisters, let alone anyone named Wang Dong'er."

"Originally, I thought Dong'er and you looked similar, but it was just a coincidence, not the same person. But even the martial spirit is the Goddess of Light Butterfly..."

"The same appearance and martial spirit?"

"Haha, it's ridiculous. Even if you make up a reason, you should make it more reliable." Tang Wutong couldn't help but sneer and interrupt Huo Yuhao's words.

Huo Yuhao shook his head, "I can guarantee that every word I said is true. There is no falsehood. In the last Xingluo City Fighting Soul Competition, Dong'er showed the Light Goddess Butterfly Martial Soul."

"If you don't believe it, you can go find someone who participated in the last Fighting Soul Competition to verify it. Su Luoheng, Xiao Hongchen and others definitely have an impression. I don't need to lie to you about this kind of thing."

"Then where is she?" Tang Wutong asked.

"Originally, we were going to return to Shrek Academy together to participate in this Fighting Soul Competition. But Dong'er was weak and her essence was severely depleted, so she stayed at home to recuperate."

"Since we parted, I haven't seen Dong'er again, and we haven't even exchanged half a letter."

"After that, I mistook you for Dong'er."

At this point, Huo Yuhao looked at Tang Wutong deeply, but his heart was full of mixed feelings.

"The spirit and appearance are exactly the same. I don't believe there are such coincidences in the world. I want to get an answer, so I'm disturbing you."

"So you think I'm the Wang Dong'er you mentioned? How do you want to be sure? What do you rely on to make a judgment?" The vigilance in Tang Wutong's eyes weakened a little, but her tone was still cold.

"Spirit fusion."

Huo Yuhao uttered the four words without hesitation.

"The degree of fusion of Dong'er's spirit and mine is 100%. If our spirits can also be fused, then I can confirm my guess that you are Dong'er."

Hearing this, Tang Wutong's blue-pink eyes showed a thoughtful look.

"Although it's just my conjecture, maybe, maybe these are really just coincidences. But I hope you can give me a chance." Huo Yuhao bent down and begged her.

Tang Wutong was stunned. She didn't expect Huo Yuhao to ask her in such a humble manner. For a moment, she had an inexplicable strange feeling in her heart, as if something had stimulated a certain chord in her heart.

Could it be that I...

At this moment, Tang Wutong was silent.

It is difficult to merge the spirits of different natures. Neither the Goddess of Light Butterfly nor the Clear Sky Hammer has any compatibility with him. Moreover, the blood of the God King flows in his body. How can it merge with the spirits of humans in the lower world?

But Huo Yuhao's humble and sincere attitude made her originally firm idea waver.

After a long time, she pursed her lips, and the coldness on her face also subsided a little: "Okay, tell me, how to verify it?"

"It's very simple, as long as we put our palms together, and then try to touch each other with our wedding contact. If the soul power can be integrated, it proves that the spirits can be integrated."

"Okay, let's try it here."

Tang Wutong took out a cushion from the storage soul guide and placed it on the ground, and sat on it. Then he pointed to the opposite side.

Huo Yuhao nodded and sat opposite.

Tang Wutong raised her hands and said calmly, "Let's start."

Huo Yuhao took a deep breath. Although he had proposed the method, he was the most nervous when it came to the final result.

However, if he did not try, he would never be able to cross this hurdle in his heart. Whether Tang Wutong was Wang Donger or not was extremely important to Huo Yuhao.

Huo Yuhao raised his hands and gently pressed them on Tang Wutong's palms, while quickly mobilizing his soul power. Under the influence of his mental power, he soon gathered the surging soul power in his palms. Then he slowly activated the Xuantian Gong and poured his soul power into Tang Wutong.

Tang Wutong did not resist, until Huo Yuhao's soul power completely flowed into the meridians of her arm, she then urged her soul power to meet him.

She would naturally not let Huo Yuhao's soul power enter her body, as that would be equivalent to handing over her life to the other party. There was obviously no such relationship between them.

Although they were touched, Huo Yuhao was still a stranger to Tang Wutong who she had only met twice. She would not joke with her life.

If the soul power is fused, the meridians in the arm are enough to verify it.

It's OK, it must be OK!

When their eyes met, Huo Yuhao's eyes were particularly hot.

He silently encouraged her in his heart, but what awaited him was destined to be disappointment.

When the soul power entered Tang Wutong's body, Huo Yuhao felt a strong sense of rejection and wanted to force his soul power out.

When he and Wang Dong'er practiced together, as soon as their soul powers came into contact, they immediately merged together, and the Haodong force generated was even more seamless, like an arm and a finger.

But now the situation is completely different. The soul power flowing in Tang Wutong's body is blue-gold, noble and mysterious. During the operation, she is also shrouded in a faint blue-gold halo.

The soul power flowing in her body seems peaceful and warm, but Huo Yuhao can feel the terrifying and overbearing pressure in it. It makes people feel as if they are in the sea, feeling the beating and washing of the sea water.

Huo Yuhao's own soul power just tried to contact it, and the soul power in his body stagnated and trembled uncontrollably, and then was scattered and crushed by this huge wave.

The soul power of the two is not at the same level at all.

Although the soul power was quickly re-condensed after being scattered, it could not cross the line in Tang Wutong's body. The boundaries of the two soul powers were clear, and there was no possibility of fusion at all.

Not Dong'er?

How could it be possible! !

Obviously, the martial soul and appearance are all the same, why can't the soul power be integrated?

After hope, there is deeper despair.

After waiting for so long, I ended up with nothing.

You can imagine how it felt.

Huo Yuhao suddenly felt so stupid, and the emotions in his chest fluctuated violently. He subconsciously clenched his palms and pinched the pair of tender hands that were touching each other.

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