Douluo: Humans are peerless, fake gods

Chapter 632 Shrek's cruel truth

You know, even my own Light Phoenix Martial Soul took nearly four years to break through from Soul Saint to Soul Douluo.

And the Evil Fire Phoenix also has the negative factor of evil fire. The higher the soul power level, the more serious the impact on cultivation. After breaking through to Soul Emperor, I stopped practicing for a long time.

So it stands to reason that I shouldn't break through so quickly...

By the way, there is still evil fire that hasn't been solved!

Thinking of this, Yan Shaozhe's expression instantly became solemn, "Is the evil fire problem serious again?"

Ma Xiaotao hurriedly shook her head, "It has been solved. The evil fire has been completely eliminated, and the evil fire phoenix martial soul has also been upgraded and purified, and transformed into a fire phoenix martial soul."

"Well, it's good to suppress it. You have suffered all these years..." The voice paused, Yan Shaozhe's eyes widened, full of shock: "Eliminated? How did you do it?"

In order to solve Ma Xiaotao's evil fire problem, he racked his brains. However, no matter what method he used, it was useless. He could only suppress it temporarily to prevent it from erupting.

But now, she suddenly told herself that the evil fire had been removed, Ma Xiaotao no longer needed to endure any pain, and the evil fire phoenix martial spirit had also evolved...

This made Yan Shaozhe unbelievable.

"Teacher, don't be anxious, listen to me slowly." Ma Xiaotao took Yan Shaozhe's arm, asked him to sit on the sofa, and then told him about her experience after leaving Shrek Academy.

Including the reason why she left Shrek Academy.

And she told Yan Shaozhe again about a series of things such as her companionship with Zhang Lexuan and Ye Guyi, her chance encounter with Su Luoheng, entering the Yin-Yang Eye of Ice and Fire, joining Chaldea to exchange fairy grass, successfully solving the hidden dangers of martial spirits, and being promoted to the Eight-Ring Soul Douluo.

Of course, Ma Xiaotao selectively skipped the part about the super ancient ruins underground and the chronicle of the past and future of Douluo Continent.

She knew clearly what was important.

After listening to Ma Xiaotao, Yan Shaozhe was silent for a while, then slowly raised his hand and rubbed his fiery red hair, "Child, this is not your fault. It's my fault for not standing by you when you needed me the most."

"The academy was indeed wrong during that period, and even Master Xuan and I were not spared. You could leave early and save yourself, which was the best choice at the time."

The demise of Shrek Academy had already been foreshadowed.

The chaotic campus, the frequent disappearance of teachers and students, the constant conflicts, the death of Tang Ya, and Zhang Lexuan putting Beibei's head in a backpack, all of these bizarre and strange things foreshadowed the upcoming danger.

However, at that time, the top management of Shrek Academy seemed to be blinded by the unity of mind and judgment. No one in the entire academy noticed any clues until the crisis came.

Yan Shaozhe gradually came to his senses later.

In fact, he suspected that the destruction of Shrek Academy might not be caused by external enemies, but from within. It's just that he has been avoiding, ignoring those unreasonable things, and not going into it.

He was unwilling to face the cruel reality. He wanted to destroy the glorious image of Shrek Academy in his mind and keep the last bit of fantasy and luck for his past.

However, after hearing Ma Xiaotao mention the unknown power that manipulated the mind and thoughts in the academy, all the unreasonable things found their reasons. He had to face this cruel truth that he didn't want to delve into.

"Teacher, the senior sister..." Ma Xiaotao hesitated, and gently stroked the edge of the teacup.

Yan Shaozhe's expression dimmed a little, and he exhaled slowly.

"Le Xuan was also deceived, so she did such a crazy thing. This is the negligence of us teachers, so she doesn't have to worry about it and blame herself for it."

"As for Beibei... It's all fate... Let the past go..."

Yan Shaozhe saw Zhang Lexuan's feelings for Beibei. The cause and effect were clear, and he couldn't bear to say anything more. He sighed and changed the subject.

"It's been two years since we last met, right?"

Yan Shaozhe's eyes showed some reminiscence, and his eyes towards Ma Xiaotao became much gentler, "Xiaotao, now that the academy is being rebuilt, it's really time to hire people. Would you like to go back with me?"

"Teacher, I'm sorry. I can't go back to Shrek Academy. I've promised Su Luoheng to stay here." Ma Xiaotao's beautiful eyes drooped slightly, and her hands, which had nowhere to put, clenched slightly.

She didn't dare to look up, for fear of seeing the disappointed and sad eyes of her teacher.

Yan Shaozhe was stunned at first, and then smiled with relief, "Silly child, what do you feel sorry for me? You have graduated from the academy, and you are free to go wherever you want."

"Besides, what's the problem with keeping your promise?"

"Xiaotao, for your teacher, the biggest wish is that you can solve the hidden dangers of your martial soul and live a carefree life. So, just follow your own wishes."

"Teacher is very happy that you can have your own ideas and your own life. It's good now..." Yan Shaozhe's tone was very gentle, with a kind of comforting kindness.

"It's enough for me to see you again."

This old man who stood up when Shrek Academy was in turmoil and the building was about to collapse, and finally rebuilt the academy and saved the tide, always cherished and cared for Ma Xiaotao.

Whether he belonged to Sun Moon, Shrek, or Su Luoheng, it didn't matter to him.

Yan Shaozhe patted Ma Xiaotao's shoulder, with a relieved smile in his eyes, but more of it was sadness, "Go, Xiaotao. You have grown up, and it's time to take the path you choose."

"Less than two years after I left, I completely solved the hidden danger of martial arts flameout that has troubled me until now, and broke through to Contra. For you, your future is not in Shrek. Leaving may not be the best choice."

"But you have to remember that I will always be your teacher. If you are tired outside and want to go home, no matter where you are, the door of Shrek Academy will always be open for you."

Ma Xiaotao's eyes were filled with soreness, and crystal tears fell down her face. The teacher's caring heart and sincere teachings made her unable to control herself for a while.

After a moment, she raised her head, wiped away the tears on her face, looked at Yan Shaozhe firmly with her red eyes, and nodded heavily, "Yes!"


Yan Shaozhe reached out and touched the top of her head. He suddenly thought of something, raised his eyebrows slightly, and asked seriously: "Xiao Tao, what is your relationship with that Su Luoheng?"

"They are just ordinary friends. He helps me get rid of the evil spirit fire. In exchange, I will join his force. The same goes for senior sister." Ma Xiaotao explained quickly.


Yan Shaozhe prolonged his tone and said meaningfully: "Then is he interested in you?"

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