The Balak Kingdom is located in the south of the Tiandou Empire, bordering the Fasnuo Province. It is said to be a kingdom, but in fact its area is only three-quarters of the Fasnuo Province. It is affiliated to the Tiandou Empire, one of the four largest kingdoms in the Tiandou Empire. One of the kingdoms.

To the south of the Balak Kingdom, it directly borders the Star Luo Empire. Therefore, among the four kingdoms of the Tiandou Empire, the Balak Kingdom has the most powerful military power. It can also be said to be the gateway to the Tiandou Empire.

The Tiandou Empire originally had ten provinces. Later, with the enfeoffment of the four kingdoms, six forces were formed. The empire itself directly controls five provinces, one is controlled by each of the four kingdoms, and there is also a principality second only to the kingdom. Occupying the smallest province in the east of the empire.

There are two most important cities in the Kingdom of Barak. The most important one is the capital city of Barak where King Kundla of Barak lives. It is the political and economic center of the entire Kingdom of Barak.

At this time, the world of Douluo Continent was still in a backward agricultural society. Even though there were extraordinary powers like soul masters, the productivity had not advanced much.

Any commodity requires human transportation from one city to another. Materials, food, and tax revenue from major provinces all rely on manual transportation.

The Yan family of General Liehuo's family in Tiandou City is engaged in such a business. In other words, in Tiandou City, any sect family that can be considered powerful will be engaged in the caravan industry.

Among them are the famous Qibao Glazed Sect and Blue Lightning Overlord Sect.

The same is true for the Yan family caravan. They will transport rare items and common supplies from the empire's borders to major cities, and King Barak City is their first stop.

They will stay here, and then deliver the supplies and rare items reserved in King Barak City to the guests, and then leave from King Barak City, going straight up the road, passing through four important imperial cities, and then delivering the rest in the imperial capital Tiandou City. thing.

They were about to stop at King Barak City now, and this was also the city that Lu Yuan wanted to "experience".

Lu Yuan looked at the tall, thick and dark city walls, and couldn't help but sigh at the majesty of this ten-thousand-year-old city.

It was not that he had never seen the walls of ancient cities built to defend against enemies in his previous life, such as the city wall of ancient Chang'an. The wall was 12 meters high, 12-14 meters wide at the top, and 15-18 meters wide at the bottom. The outline was a closed rectangle, with the perimeter It is 13.74 kilometers long.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is already an insurmountable great city, but in the eyes of the soul masters in the world of Douluo Continent, it is probably just a big rock that can be climbed over with a few steps in the air relay with soul power.

Therefore, the city wall of King Balak City is even more majestic. It is a hundred meters high and really looks like a hill.

The city wall of Notting City is about the same height as the city wall of Chang'an Ancient City. Lu Yuan originally thought that this was the standard for city walls in all cities in Douluo Continent.

But I didn't expect that Notting City was just an insignificant backward area in front of King Barak City.

Entering King Barak City was not that troublesome. Perhaps it was because it was an important urban hub connecting the borders of the empire and the provinces directly under the empire, and the soldiers guarding the city were used to the scene of people coming and going in the city.

It seems that Douluo Continent itself does not require a "road guide" certificate to go to another city like in the ancient times.

In other words, in a world with extraordinary beings like soul masters, there is no way to restrict the free movement of these beings who transcend ordinary humans.

Most of the legions of the Tiandou Empire are still composed of ordinary people. The soul master legions are rare and cannot be easily mobilized, because the soul masters of the Tiandou Empire are also quite free and unorganized. Unless they are recruited by the country during war, they will only focus on their own. In the process of practicing.

"Farewell, captain, and thank you for taking care of me all the way." After entering King Balak's city, Lu Yuan immediately clasped his fists at the leader of the caravan and said.

"No need. After all, this is Mr. Yan Shou's request. We are just following the master's orders." The leader of the caravan is a soul master, but not very strong. A soul master in his forties said with a smile. .

"I would like to thank everyone for taking care of me along the way." Lu Yuan said with a smile.

Along the way, the members of the caravan really took good care of Lu Yuan, and Lu Yuan was still only a child under eight years old. He was quite exquisite and his words were quite lovable. Naturally, the caravan members Take good care of and maintain him.

"In half a year, our caravan will pass through King Barak City again. At that time, we will escort you to the Imperial Capital in accordance with the master's agreement." After the uncle leader finished speaking, he took the caravan members and supplies to King Barak City. At the central palace.

Apparently, the people they were dealing with this time were members of the royal family of the kingdom.

Lu Yuan, at this moment, flashed and disappeared into the crowd.

At this time, in King Balak's city, there was a dirty area far away from the prosperity and cleanliness.

Without a prosperous city, where would it be clean behind the scenes? This is a universally recognized truth in the era of agricultural society.

This is the filthiest place in King Balak City, with no light at all.

It belongs to the place where those low-life hooligans and gangsters gather in the royal city, and when these gangsters and gangsters gather together, they will become a disgusting and disgusting group.


They don't have much talent or strength, but they have characters and methods that are disgusting and rotten to the core. Their ability to survive at all costs and without a bottom line is their ability to survive.

Abducting women and children, robbery and theft, and fraud and cunning are all criminal behaviors committed by members of these underground gangs.

King Barak City may have thought it would never be able to clean up this area, so it did not clean it up, or maybe this area itself was a tool of some powerful officials in the King's City. In short, this area has remained here.

This area is called Heiyan Bay.

And in this area where the royal city paid no attention to anything, a short figure appeared that day.

Wearing a large black cloak, he is only about one and a half meters tall. He looks like a child, but every inch of his exposed arms is covered with white bandages. The occasionally exposed arms are still black. Skin that is as red as charcoal.

And on that man's waist was a long martial soul sword burning with darkness and flames.

He appeared directly at the entrance of Heiyan Bay, and then faced the gangster who came up to him with a knife because of his height and wanted to kill him and take away everything on him...

He immediately drew his knife and chopped the gangsters into several pieces, and then the black flames on the knife burned the corpses of those gangsters to ashes!

He directly massacred the underground gang members on the street at the entrance of Heishanwan, and left his name behind, saying that he would clean up all the underground gangs in Heishanwan!

And the name he left behind is...


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