Douluo: If You Cut Me, You Will Lose the Treasure, Bibi Dong is Addicted

Chapter 224 Positive Emotions Collection Progress One Million Unlock Black Gold Rewards 【Big Chapter

So Tang Chen, I hope that when your great-grandson provokes me in the future, you will be the first one to stand up for me.

Lin Yi thought amusedly in his heart.

"Brother, so is it the eight priests, or I am the elder?"

Little Golden Crocodile Douluo raised his head and asked in a childish voice.

His elder brother, Grand Priest Qian Daoliu, called Brother Tang Chen, but Tang Chen was the eighth priest again, and Golden Crocodile's little head suddenly couldn't get around it.

"Hahaha, you child..."

Qian Daoliu smiled and stroked the little Golden Crocodile's head, but as if thinking of something, his smile suddenly became stiff.

He took his hand down solemnly.

"I almost forgot, neither of us are old..."

Tang Chen was puzzled when he heard the words: "Who is this little guy?"

"The second enshrined in the Wuhun Hall, Golden Crocodile Douluo."

Tang Chen:? !


Lin Yi's voice was uploaded from the platform.

"It's my turn!"

Little Golden Crocodile Douluo swayed his two small arms and ran towards the platform. The stairs that people used to step on, but when he climbed up, he seemed to use his hands and feet to climb up.

Tang Chen looked at the little guy's back with surprise in his eyes, and suddenly thought of the old man whose hair had turned gray decades ago.

"He has received many life-extending rewards from Senior Lin Yi, and now he is the longest-lived person among us, with a full 10,000 years of life remaining."


Tang Chen couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

A human being with a lifespan of 10,000 years? !

God, the world is too crazy.

"I think it won't be long before the entire Douluo Continent will be completely renovated because of Senior Lin Yi's existence."

Tang Chen stared at the scene on the stage and muttered.

"Who said it wasn't? Senior Lin Yi was able to appear in Wuhun City for the first time. This is the luck of my Wuhun Palace for thousands of years."

Qian Daoliu laughed heartily when he spoke.


What a lovely boy.

Lin Yi looked at Little Golden Crocodile Douluo who was staring at him with a cute face, and couldn't help laughing.

This little guy is really interesting, he didn't know to attack if he didn't remind him.

"What are you doing here?"

"Beat you!"

Golden Crocodile Douluo stretched out a chubby finger and pointed at Lin Yi.

"Then hit."

"But I don't want to hit anyone today."

After the little boy finished speaking, he sat down on the platform like a mess.

Lin Yi looked at Qian Daoliu with a cold face: "Can he do it? If he can't, just change."


Qian Daoliu almost vomited blood, you brat, ran up in a hurry, and didn't attack when you went up, you think Senior Lin Yi has time to chat with you, right? !

More than 2,000 people were waiting at the scene!

Qian Daoliu said very seriously: "If you don't fight, I'll drink your moth stew!"

When Bi Ji heard this, she suddenly grabbed Gu Yuena's sleeve subconsciously, her green eyes widened.

Got it wrong again, I scared the goose to death...

Little Golden Crocodile Douluo immediately stood up with a serious face.

He shouted: "Avatar of the Martial Soul!"


A huge phantom of golden scales rose slowly behind him, like a raised golden barrier, and the tens of meters tall body stretched its teeth and claws, and roared to the sky, deafening.

"Bang! Bang!"

The phantom of the giant golden crocodile looked straight ahead with fierce eyes, took two steps forward, and roared again. Every scale on its body seemed to be made of pure gold, and the light and shadow flickered.

And the body of Golden Crocodile Douluo stood in front of the huge mountain-like spirit avatar, giving people a very strong visual contrast effect.

"The eighth soul skill!"

The little guy's eyes glowed with red gold, and a circle of pitch-black soul rings hovered upwards, and the two giant sharp claws of the golden crocodile phantom immediately extended, becoming extremely ferocious and terrifying.

"Golden crocodile opens the sky!"

The sharp claws that were several meters long were supposed to tear towards the sky, but at this moment they slashed at Lin Yi's body one by one, with great momentum, but they didn't hurt Lin Yi at all.

The scene was silent for a second, and the damage rebound exploded as planned.


Little Golden Crocodile Douluo froze for a moment, and immediately controlled his real body to lean forward. Golden Crocodile opened its huge mouth and swallowed the rebounded damage in one gulp.

The golden crocodile's real body chewed with a serious expression and rebounded from the damage. After a while, there was a muffled "bang" from its mouth, and it suddenly opened its eyes wide and disappeared into nothingness.

This is the same as the damage rebound...

The real body was shattered, and Little Golden Crocodile Douluo also suffered some backlash at this moment.

Lin Yi was startled. This was the first time he had seen the attacker who rebounded the damage.

"Every time I attack senior, senior will also attack me. It's not fun at all."

Little Golden Crocodile Douluo said unhappily.

Lin Yi: "...The rebound of the damage caused by the attack is a normal phenomenon, which is not what I want."

This should be set by the system to increase the difficulty, but Lin Yi does have the ability to control the rebound of damage.

【Blood loss: 394678】

[Remaining HP: 899946333645]

[Injury Level: Red (Intermediate)]

[Random Reward: Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tale Space*1]

[Host Reward: Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tale Space*1]

Andersen's Fairytales? Book of fairy tales? space? What's the meaning?

Lin Yi looked at the annotation of the eye system in puzzlement.

He went on to say: "Injury 394678, red intermediate, it seems that there is no downgrade, so this is the highest damage you have hit so far, you can record it."

"I helped my second brother write it down!"

The nanny three priests shouted from the audience.

"What about my reward?"

The little guy didn't care about the damage level at all, and asked Lin Yi.

Lin Yi raised the red light ball in his hand, then spread his palm, and the light ball turned into a two-finger-thick book floating on his palm.

The cover of the book looks exquisite and cartoony. This is what a normal Andersen fairy tale book looks like.

Golden Crocodile Douluo frowned, he didn't like books, the last time he read a book made him very sad.

"This is a book of fairy tales, and it is also your second space."

As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, everyone at the scene suddenly looked at each other in surprise.

Second space? !

Lin Yi turned the pages of the book and said calmly: "The space of this book is completely independent of the Douluo Continent, even if the Douluo Continent is destroyed, it will not affect you staying in the space of this book at all. "

Hearing this, Qian Daoliu couldn't calm down anymore, he quickly gestured to the third priest with his eyes, this level of reward can't be ruined in the hands of this guy, Golden Crocodile!

The third priest immediately came to the platform and stood beside Golden Crocodile Douluo.

Lin Yi continued:

"You can freely enter and exit any story in this fairy tale book, but you in the story will not have any abilities of the Douluo plane, and can only enter and exit freely as an ordinary person, so this book can be regarded as a portable book. A portable second space."

Even so, this reward is still precious!

Little Golden Crocodile Douluo was about to step forward to accept the award, but the third priest immediately walked over to him one step ahead and took the fairy tale book from Lin Yi.

"I will receive this reward on behalf of my second brother and keep it."

Lin Yi nodded: "That's fine, let him use it when he is older. Even if this is a fairy tale world, if he enters it without any special abilities, there will be an existential crisis."

"Subordinates, please remember."

The three priests bowed down to understand.

Little Golden Crocodile Douluo watched helplessly as the third priest took his reward and got off the stage, pouted, unhappy.

"The second attack, let's begin."

Lin Yi said to him.

But Little Golden Crocodile Douluo still stared at the three priests eagerly, and murmured: "I want to reward...".

He is unwilling to attack.

Lin Yi looked at Qian Daoliu coldly.

You fucking figure it out! Hit if you can, and take away if you don't!

"I'm going to cook your moths!"

Qian Daoliu reminded from the side.

"Avatar of Martial Soul!"

Little Golden Crocodile Douluo let out an angry roar, but this time he got stuck, and his martial soul avatar failed to reappear.

"Just now the real body was broken unnaturally, I am afraid that it will not be able to connect for the second time in a short time."

Lin Yi said.

Little Golden Crocodile Douluo pouted dissatisfiedly.

He shouted again angrily: "The Ninth Soul Skill! The Golden Scale Blade!"

Even though the spirit avatar did not appear, when the blood-red spirit ring floated in the air, everyone still felt the terrifying pressure of the golden crocodile.

One hundred thousand year soul skill!

Little Golden Crocodile Douluo raised his two chubby white hands, hugging a heavy golden knife handle.


Suddenly, huge golden scales came together and extended away from the front of the thick golden handle to form a blade. When it was finished, the machete as a whole was dazzling with golden light.

Little Golden Crocodile Douluo held the golden scale machete that was three times bigger than his body, his eyes became red gold again.

He rushed towards Lin Yi, crushing the platform with the soles of his feet, and the heavy and huge machete was as light as a feather in his hand.


The little guy jumped up, waved the machete in mid-air and let out the roar of a golden crocodile.


The blade slashed at Lin Yi's body. It was definitely a violent blow, but it was struck by this small body.

Little Golden Crocodile Douluo landed on the ground, and slid four or five meters backwards with the giant machete on his shoulder.

The damage rebound hit again, but this time he had a long memory, and the machete on his shoulder was swung by him again, and fell towards the damage rebound!


The front end of the thick blade was embedded on the platform, and then the whole machete disappeared into light and shadow.

It was the first time this little guy used a hundred thousand year soul skill.

Lin Yi knows that this machete looks like a physical attack, but in fact it is 50% physical and energy attacks, both of which contain aggressive armor-piercing penetration effects. This is the ninth soul skill of 100,000 years of horror.

【Blood loss: 314678】

[Remaining HP: 899946024678]

[Injury Level: Red Elementary (Degraded)]

[Random Reward: Negative emotions collect millions of progress to unlock golden advanced rewards]

[Host Rewards: Positive emotions collect millions of progress to unlock black gold rewards]

What kind of reward is this?

Lin Yi decisively read the notes given by the system.

"Injury 314678, lower than the maximum damage, downgraded to red primary, your reward..."

Lin Yi paused at this point.

He raised a red ball of light, and directly bounced it towards the top of Little Golden Crocodile Douluo's head.

Everyone was surprised to find that the light ball turned into a progress bar when it came to the top of his head!

Seemingly noticing everyone's strange gazes, Little Golden Crocodile Douluo raised his hand to scratch above his head, but his fingers passed through the body of the progress bar.

It seems that the progress bar is a phantom, not an entity.

Lin Yi said: "Your reward is to collect millions of negative emotions to unlock advanced gold rewards."

"It sounds a bit lengthy. The end value of this progress bar is one million. You need to collect anger, disgust, sadness, jealousy and other negative emotions from people around you because of you. The minimum value for each collection is 1000."

"As long as the one million progress bar is full, you will get a golden advanced reward."

Hearing this, Little Golden Crocodile Douluo glanced up at the progress bar above his head, but unfortunately he couldn't see it himself.

Sensing the smiles on the faces of Qian Daoliu and others, Lin Yi said: "Negative emotions can't be faked, otherwise they won't work."

The smile on Qian Daoliu's face disappeared instantly.

In fact, this distribution of rewards is still very reasonable. Little Golden Crocodile Douluo is disobedient at this age, loves to cause trouble, and can easily cause negative emotions in the people around him.

What Lin Yi needs to collect is a million positive emotions.

The progress bar is in his system space, not overhead.

Positive emotions include happiness, admiration, gratitude, trust, shock, etc. Lin Yi faces an extremely large group every day, so it will definitely be very fast to accumulate a progress bar of one million.

What the progress bar finally gets is a black gold reward.

This is one of the bonus rewards. The gain effect of the black gold reward is: if the current reward is not satisfactory, you can randomly choose another one from the bonus prize pool.

At this moment, the three priests on the stage were surprised to find that the progress bar above Golden Crocodile Douluo's head started to rise!

"Where did this come from, and what caused the negative emotions?"

The third priest asked excitedly and doubtfully.

"It's also jealousy. The damage of the golden advanced reward is as high as 900,000. No one has obtained it yet. The most basic negative emotion value is 1,000. If the emotion of the jealous person is strong, it is possible to tens of thousands."

After hearing Lin Yi's words, the third priest nodded, suddenly enlightened.

The rewards of the seniors are really varied!

After sending Golden Crocodile Douluo off the platform, the third priest stayed on it until he attacked.

The third enshrined in the Wuhun Hall, Wuhun Baijia Dilong, titled Holy Dragon Douluo, has a soul power of 96.

However, his offensive damage has been maintained at a low and stable level. So far, his own damage record has just passed the red intermediate level.

After the attack, Lin Yi looked at the panel.

【Blood loss: 314786】

[Remaining HP: 899945713764]

[Injury Level: Red (Intermediate)]

[Random Reward: Bloodline Purification]

[Host Reward: Dragon God Bloodline]

Lin Yi was taken aback for a moment, the Dragon God's blood was so casually obtained by a reward crit strike.

It is stored in the system space first, and will not be merged temporarily.

Integrating the blood of the Dragon God has a great influence, and it is not easy to attract Gu Yuena's attention, but it will also attract the attention of the supreme gods in the God Realm.

As I said before, Lin Yi doesn't want to deal with the gods yet, which will affect his step-by-step plan.

Baijiadilong belongs to the sub-dragon species, and the bloodline of the red intermediate level is purified. It is estimated that his bloodline can be raised to the purity of the real dragon's bloodline at the level of the blue electric Tyrannosaurus rex.

ps. 4000 words big chapter, thank you for reading.

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