Douluo: If You Cut Me, You Will Lose the Treasure, Bibi Dong is Addicted

Chapter 234 I am the Dragon King, calling the wind and the rain! 【Big chapter】

"Is this... damage rebound?"

Zi Ji watched helplessly as a layer of golden light exploded from Lin Yi's body. This layer of golden light quickly expanded to a terrifying level, and it hit here like a sandstorm in the blink of an eye.

Like a man-eating monster, where it plunders, not a single blade of grass grows.

The feeling of watching from the sidelines and experiencing it in person is definitely different. Zi Ji's face became serious in an instant, and she could finally imagine why these strong human beings were so nervous before they came to the stage!

Because once the attack is not connected in time, it will cause embarrassment at least, and life at worst.

"The abyss devours!"

Zi Ji shouted in a deep voice, the surface of the platform instantly turned into a pitch-black pool of water, and a huge purple-black dragon head came out of the pool, shaking the dark elements on its body, and let out a deafening roar.

Facing the incoming damage rebound, the Demon Dragon King of Hell opened his huge mouth, and a dark element like thick ink escaped from the mouth, swallowing the damage rebound in an instant.

The damage that seemed to be soaked in black rebounded and continued to attack, but when it came to Zi Ji, it suddenly dissipated and turned into fragments all over the sky.


Zi Ji panted heavily, her eyes widened, still in shock.

I almost felt like I was dying just now.

She hurriedly turned her head to look at Bi Ji, only to find that Bi Ji was squatting on the ground at the moment.

Dull Goose covered his ears with his two small hands, and closed his eyes tightly, unaware that the rebound of the damage had been resolved.

"Why are you...covering your ears?"

With a strange expression on her face, Zi Ji helped Bi Ji up, and took her two hands away from her ears.


Bi Ji said aggrievedly, then she swayed and looked behind Zi Ji, and said pleasantly: "The damage rebound is gone, sister Zi Ji is amazing!"


Zi Ji was a little proud, she smiled and shook her hands.

"It's really powerful. It's as powerful as the master. It can shatter the damage rebound! It's super powerful!"

"Hohohohahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha~I can barely do it~"


Lin Yi looked away from Zi Ji who was covering her mouth and laughing wildly, and looked at the panel.

[Blood loss: 437849]

[Remaining HP: 899943401764]

[Damage Level: Red (Advanced)]

[Random Reward: Immemorial Black Dragon Whip*1 (Five Flavors)]

[Host Reward: Immemorial Blue Dragon Whip*5 (five flavors)]

This was the first time Lin Yi stared at a reward, and he didn't recover after staring at it for half a minute.

He looked at the panel repeatedly, and read through the notes of the system repeatedly, only then was he sure that the reward was not a weapon, but a nourishing ingredient.

Lin Yi raised his head and glanced at the two sisters who were holding small hands in front of them, looking expectantly waiting for the reward.

He opened his mouth slightly, but stopped talking.

"Injury 437849, red high-level, your reward is an extremely precious tonic ingredient, after taking it, you can increase your cultivation level by 50,000 years and increase the purity of your blood by 10%."

When Zi Ji heard this, her eyes widened in shock, and she almost cried out in excitement.

"May I ask Lord Golden Dragon, what ingredients actually have such effects?"

Gu Yuena and Di Tian in the audience looked at each other in shock.

"The ingredients stripped from the Primordial Azure Dragon were originally too large, so you shrunk them down, but their effectiveness will not decrease."

"Thank you senior!"

Zi Ji was very happy, she had never heard of this kind of dragon, it must be a high-level dragon from other planes.

Lin Yi didn't say much, the rewards given by the system had nothing to do with him, he was just a transfer station for rewards without emotion.

He flicked the red light cluster towards Zi Ji.

The ball of light turned into a ceramic container with an exquisite appearance. The container landed in Zi Ji's palm, and the inside was still steaming. The aroma of the ingredients themselves and the aroma of high-grade seasoning floated into the distance in an instant.

Lin Yi went on to say:

"This container is cooking the contents all the time, but don't worry, the Primordial Canglong Meat is filled with spiritual energy, it is an extraordinary product, it will never be boiled, and the container will always maintain the deliciousness and taste of the ingredients, you You can take it whenever you want."

"Well, it smells so good!"

Zi Ji smiled and said, "Sister Bi Ji, help me open the lid!"


Brigitte stretched out her fair little hand, lifted the lid, and a burst of fragrant hot air rushed towards her face. Ziji sniffed greedily, with a face of enjoyment and satisfaction.

But when she saw what was inside, her expression suddenly froze.

"Goose and geese also want to be healthy!"

Brigitte moved her head closer, and couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise: "It's so big! It feels like it can eat several meals!"

Zi Ji glanced at Bi Ji in shock when she heard this, but found that Bi Ji was still enjoying the scent floating in the air with an innocent and innocent smile.

"Help me close the lid, sister..."

"Oh, yes!"

After closing the lid, Zi Ji immediately got off the stage holding the ceramic container and handed it to Di Tian.

"Boss, see you off!"

After she finished speaking, she hurriedly ran onto the stage, leaving Gu Yuena and Di Tian looking at each other.

"What the hell?"

Gu Yuena came over strangely and lifted the lid.

The scene froze for a moment.


She slammed the lid on in embarrassment, then stared fiercely at Lin Yi who was on the stage.

Damn, I'm taking the blame again, damn the system!

Lin Yi complained frantically in his heart, but his face was calm, and he turned a blind eye to Gu Yuena's angry eyes.

"Master... If you don't enjoy it, then the subordinate will enjoy it alone, hehe..."

Di Tian said with a smile on the side.


Gu Yuena said coldly.

Zi Ji was startled by Gu Yuena's voice on the stage, she looked to the side, only to find that Bi Ji was staring back at Di Tian eagerly.

"I want to eat, too……"

"Be good, Brigitte, let's leave it to the boss, you see he's skinny."

"Well... that's great."

Brigitte smiled.

The two began to prepare for Ziji's second attack today.

Damn it, a red advanced damage is just given away for nothing!

Ziji's heart was bleeding, this was her first reward, but it was a pity that although the thing was very nourishing, she really had no appetite.

In the second attack, Zi Ji also used the death and withering skill.

However, she is the same as Ditian, with the same skills that can precisely control the damage value. The most obvious advantage of ferocious beasts over humans is the age limit. Hundreds of thousands of years of combat experience have long given them the ability to precisely control damage. .

So don't doubt, any beast you meet is a master of injury control.

In other words, Lin Yi's reward-for-damage mechanism is tailor-made for every beast.

After the attack was over, Zi Ji looked serious.

She has a strong defense and is not afraid of getting hurt, but the most important thing is to protect Brigitte who is weak in defense.

Geese will die if you are not careful!

But what surprised Zi Ji this time was that before she could launch an attack, the rebound of the damage was swallowed by a burst of silver light.

Zi Ji and Bi Ji looked back at Gu Yuena.

"In the future, you can only attack, and the damage rebound will be resolved by me."

Gu Yuena stood under the stage and said like a boss.

"Thank you, Lord!"

Er Ji thanked them together on stage.

Di Tian sat on the side watching with a mouth full of oil, so he didn't ask for cover, because Gu Yuena's reply was definitely "Get out".

At this time, it seemed that Gu Yuena was looking over, Di Tian immediately turned his back with the ceramic container in his arms, to avoid making the Lord unhappy.

But I have to say, it's really delicious!

Lin Yi looked at the panel.

[Blood loss: 451764]

[Remaining HP: 899942954764]

[Damage Level: Red (Advanced)]

[Random Reward: Word Spirit - Jun Yan]

[Host Reward: Word Spirit - Candle Dragon]

The skills given to dragons come from the words spirit in "Dragon Race". Effect.

"Injury 451764, red high-level, the ability you have obtained is a spiritual ability called Junyan."

"Because you have high-purity dragon blood, the Yan Lingjun flame you obtained is directly the effect of three degrees of violent blood. The temperature is as high as 12,000 degrees, which is equivalent to the surface temperature of two suns, and the range is ten meters in diameter. .”

Zi Ji showed joy on her face.

Twelve thousand degrees, my God!

A flame with a temperature exceeding 1,000 degrees can be called the ultimate fire, which is 12,000 degrees!

Gu Yuena frowned slightly, is there really a flame that can reach 12,000 degrees?

Three degrees of bloodshed? If the blood purity of the Demon Dragon King of Hell can reach three bursts of blood, then is she the Silver Dragon King of a higher level?

Gu Yuena suddenly became more and more interested in this spiritual ability.

"Thank you...thank you, Lord Golden Dragon!"

Zi Ji was so excited that she bowed to thank her, even if she gave up the last reward, only getting this second reward is enough!

Lin Yi flicked the red ball of light to Zi Ji.

After the fusion reward, Zi Ji quickly mastered Jun Yan after the third bloodbath, and now she can release the words at any time, she is simply a walking humanoid bomb!

"Trojan horse!"

Zi Ji turned around and hugged Bi Ji, and fiercely sucked a red mark on Bi Ji's fair and tender face.

"Thank you, sister Brigitte, for your help!"

"It's okay, sister Ziji, you're welcome~"

Brigitte responded with a smile.

After the two stepped off the stage, Gu Yuena walked behind Di Tian and kicked him.

"Have you finished eating? It's your turn."

"Ok ok!"

Ditian wiped his mouth, stood there with a contented expression and stretched.

Feeling the change in his breath, Gu Yuena couldn't help being a little surprised.

Di Tian's cultivation has really increased, judging by this level, it's not too much, not too much, a full 50,000 years.

Gu Yuena stared carefully at Ditian's pupils, and she could also see the improvement of the purity of Ditian's blood.

It seems that this reward is really useful. As the Dragon King, Gu Yuena naturally knows which parts of dragons are the most nourishing, but she... definitely disdains using this method, or taking this part to strengthen her body .

Di Tian came to the stage in stride, and won a red high-level reward for no reason, which made him feel extremely refreshed.

And if they haven't eaten it, they don't know that the taste of this dragon meat is really excellent!

After gaining the cooking ability of the God of Cookery, Ditian can accurately know what ingredients, seasonings, cooking conditions, etc. a series of elements are used in a dish after tasting a dish.

He even wanted to make a copy on the spot.

I just don't know where to find the main ingredients, but I have one...


Di Tian suddenly slapped himself in public, stunned the onlookers.

Crazy hungry, right?

He scolded himself in his heart.

"See the Golden Dragon Lord!"

Ditian smiled awkwardly, and saluted Lin Yi.

"Let's attack."


Lin Yi narrowed his eyes slightly. Ditian, whose age is close to 1.1 million years, is no longer what it used to be.

Di Tian continued to use the Dragon God Claw in his attacks, he was able to accurately control the damage with this method and tried it time and again.

"Dragon! God! Claw!"

As three heaven-shattering tones came out of his mouth, a dark and silent breath radiated from Ditian's right hand.

The scales of the golden-eyed black dragon king are attached to the skin, and the sharp knife-like claws extend from the thick fingers and become longer.

Ditian raised his hand, the dragon's claws shone in colorful waves of black, his eyes became vertical pupils, and the coercive aura of pure-blooded dragons was released to the surroundings.

At this moment, Ditian, the aura he revealed could also make some soul masters with dragon blood feel tight in their chests, and the premise was that Ditian had not shown any hostility towards these soul masters.

The Dragon God's Claw landed on Lin Yi's body, and the sky even became dark for a moment when he slashed. The attack under the power of the Dragon God was fierce and domineering. After the claw fell, the scene was filled with a faint colorful light.

Facing the rebound of the damage, Di Tian's face was serious, he will never fall headlong like before without paying attention!

Ditian immediately took a step back to open the distance, expecting Gu Yuena to help block the injury is definitely impossible, he can only rely on himself.

The black scales on his hand have not faded, and when he exerted force, colorful black flickered again, and the phantom of the dragon god flickered on his right arm for a moment, Di Tian rushed forward, chopping the fierce claw shadow on the ground without fear of death. The damage rebounded.


Damage reflected is dispelled by violence.

Lin Yi looked at the panel, not knowing how far Ditian, who had been cultivated for nearly 1.1 million years, was now.

[Blood loss: 654783]

[Remaining HP: 899942301764]

[Injury Level: Gold (Elementary)]

[Random reward: weather control across the continent (general)]

[Host Reward: Continental Weather Control (Advanced)]

Lin Yi looked at the notes of the eye system, and he understood the meaning of the reward, mainly to see the difference in this degree.

I see.

As the golden-eyed black dragon king, Di Tian finally obtained the ability that the legendary dragon king should have.

Call the wind and shake the rain.

Lin Yi read the notes and said to Ditian: "Injury 654783, golden primary, your reward is to gain control of the weather on a continental scale."

"Hiss—I didn't use much force, why did I get 60,000 more damage?"

Ditian was startled by the injury at first.

He didn't notice the reward until later: "Wait, weather control?"

Lin Yi nodded: "You can control all the weather in the traditional sense, cloudy, sunny, rainy, snowy, hail, typhoon... etc., covering the whole continent, and the time limit is completely up to you."

This is general mastery.

The advanced level that Lin Yi has mastered is the degree of controllability of the weather.

You know, sometimes natural weather can kill.

ps. There will be an update tomorrow, with a chapter of 8,000 words.

A book recommended by a good friend:

"I! game designer! Redefine suffering! "

The fried chicken looks good, I forgot the code word after chasing it, hehehe, everyone please support it.

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