Douluo: If You Cut Me, You Will Lose the Treasure, Bibi Dong is Addicted

Chapter 236 You guy, do you want the black swan to kiss you again? 【Big chapter】

"Golden intermediate damage?"

The range of gold mid-level damage is between 800,000 and 900,000.

Not counting Gu Yuena's special attack, the highest damage in the regular attack has been released.

[Blood loss: 801437]

[Remaining HP: 899940823974]

[Injury Level: Gold (Intermediate)]

[Random reward: a full set of four-character combat armor - Yinlong Yilin]

[Host reward: a full set of four-character combat armor*3 (random)]

Lin Yi silently narrowed his eyes.

Four-word battle armor, Yinlong Yilin?

Why in his impression, the name of the four-character combat armor in the third part of Douluo Dalu is clearly Yinlong Wulin.

What the hell is the last two words "Yi Lin"?

System, don't think that I don't know that it is Lin Yi in turn, this is my name!

Lin Yi doesn't quite understand the meaning of the system, and it's because of the bad taste of the system, and because this set of four-character combat armor is really different from the one in the original book...

In short, after the reward is sent out, it has nothing to do with him.

He said to Gu Yuena: "Injury 801437, golden intermediate, your reward is a complete set of four-character combat armor, the name of the combat armor is... Yinlong Yilin."

"A complete four-character combat armor?"

Gu Yuena's beautiful eyes lit up immediately, and there was a trace of hidden expectation and excitement in her tone.

While watching other people's attacks, Gu Yuena seemed to disdain the so-called soul-guided technology, but she was gradually attracted by this sense of technology after witnessing so many times of Doukai-assisted attacks.

First of all, the appearance of the armor, the purple full set of two-character combat armor on Bibi Dong's body is especially eye-catching to her eyes, the streamlined outer shell, the gorgeous halo on the body surface, and the wings!

The second is the bonus, even if Qian Daoliu only has two four-character combat armor parts, it can still increase some damage by 100%!

Gu Yuena, who is somewhat old-fashioned, can't help but fall in love with this high-tech thing...

Now she finally has the chance to have a set of her own.

"Complete, a total of 11 parts."

Lin Yi nodded.

"Damn! Envious!"

Qian Daoliu was so excited that he couldn't help but swear.

Even though he only has two parts, he is still doing well, but Gu Yuena has all the parts now!

The damage plateau can really do whatever it wants!

"Okay then, give me the reward."

As expected of Princess Yinlong, even asking for a reward was in an orderly tone, Lin Yi snorted in his heart, not bothering her about it.

But the next moment, Gu Yuena suddenly said: "Wait!"

"You just said, what is the name of my four-character combat armor?"

"...Silver Dragon Yi Lin."

Gu Yuena silently repeated these four words, suddenly frowned, and looked at Lin Yi strangely:

"Yi Lin? Lin Yi?! The first two words "Silver Dragon" are related to me, but why are the last two words related to you?!"

Facing her question, Lin Yi responded without changing his face: "It's also because this is a reward from me, and the name is this name, so you can say whether you want it or not."


Gu Yuena stretched out her little white hand forward with a dislike of integrity.

Lin Yi flicked the golden ball of light, and the light ball fell on Gu Yuena's palm, and suddenly turned into a piece of silver armor and stuck to it.

She looked in amazement at the silver armor gradually spreading along her arms, and at the same time, she felt an extremely wonderful feeling.

The armor seemed to be spiritual, and it was "communicating" with her skin. It was shiny for a moment, "Kakaka——", the silver armor completely fit every inch of her skin.

The moment the silver-purple head armor appeared, the entire armor merged into her body.

Gu Yuena looked at Lin Yi strangely: "Why did you suddenly disappear?"

"It was just a process of recognizing the master, now you can summon it with your mind at any time."

Gu Yuena nodded, and subconsciously shouted:

"Yinlong Lin Yi... Bah! Yinlong Yilin!"

She blushed for a moment, and quickly changed her words.

Damn it, with this damn name, wouldn't Lin Yi, the annoying guy, appear in her mind every time she used the armor?

Stars of light bloomed on Gu Yuena's body, and the silver armor appeared instantly. The streamlined appearance was mainly light, and the middle waist and abdomen were even hollowed out, revealing Gu Yuena's loomingly beautiful lower abdomen.


The wings spread out behind the four-character combat armor, and the gorgeous scene made everyone exclaim for a moment. Every part on the battle armor seemed to be talking, and the misty luster kept flickering. The overall effect was indeed not two-character Doukai can not be compared.

Bibi Dong, who was watching this scene from the audience, pursed her red lips slightly, she was jealous.

Appearance is actually secondary, damage bonus is the most real, a full set of four-character combat armor is known as an existence that can reach the level of a demigod by wearing it.


Gu Yuena, who was floating in mid-air, landed on her toes, and her armor faded away like water, and disappeared under her skin again.

Gu Yuena showed a nice smile, very satisfied with this reward.

It's just that Doukai's name has this guy's name in it, which is very annoying!


Gu Yuena turned her head and walked down the stage.

"Don't help Brigitte attack?"

Lin Yi's voice came from behind.

Gu Yuena stopped in embarrassment, she was thinking about this annoying guy just now, but she forgot about this...

"Come up Brigitte."


Brigitte immediately trotted up holding the gourd seeds, with a dull expression on her face.

"Why aren't the gourd seeds put away?"

Gu Yuena looked at her strangely.

Brigitte shook her head and said seriously: "There are seven little lives inside, this will suffocate them to death..."

"They haven't grown yet, how can they be suffocated?"

Gu Yuena frowned and kept the gourd seeds to herself.

Because she knew that if she continued to put it here with Bi Ji, Bi Ji would have been thinking about this gourd seed throughout the entire attack, and as a result, she was clutching her pocket and distracted the whole time.

"Are you sure you want to give it to her? She gives me the feeling that she can't even take care of herself. Does she know how to fertilize and water? Are you afraid that she will raise these seven gourd babies to death?"

Lin Yi asked Gu Yuena expressionlessly.

Brigitte lowered her head a little aggrieved when she heard this, she knew that she was much stupider than others.

"How to distribute our rewards has nothing to do with you."

Gu Yuena gave Lin Yi a blank look, and then comforted Bi Ji: "Don't listen to him, I trust you, prepare to attack."


Bi Ji nodded immediately, she carefully peeked at Lin Yi, and stood silently behind Gu Yuena this time.

After being counted down by Lin Yi, Bi Ji began to be afraid of him again.

"Remind you, your combined attack damage last time was 587964."

"Heh, with the damage of 580,000 as the bottom line, isn't this seat doing it arbitrarily?"

Gu Yuena showed a confident smile.

She raised her white hands, and the two ice lotus fiery cores spun into the air. At this moment, the emerald light shrouded her. Gu Yuena turned her head, and Bi Ji, who was standing behind, smiled at her.

Under the addition of the emerald light, two ice lotus fire cores flew towards Lin Yi.


The hot steam exploded and spread towards Gu Yuena.

Of course, this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is the damage rebound.

After the attack, the damage bounced violently across the ultra-high temperature water vapor in the air, roaring towards Gu Yuena.

But after a burst of silver light diffused, the damage rebound disappeared without a trace.

No matter how powerful the damage rebound is, it is always ineffective when facing space elements.

Damage rebound: really down!

"My lord is amazing!"

Listening to Bi Ji's praise, Gu Yuena put her hands on her hips, showing a confident smile.

Although Little Goose is stupid, he is not stingy with compliments.

Lin Yi looked at the panel.

[Blood loss: 627894]

[Remaining HP: 899940193764]

[Injury Level: Gold (Elementary)]

[Random reward: 1% of the divine power of the Goddess of Life (permanently obtained)]

[Host reward: 100% divine power of the goddess of life (time limit of one month)]

The goddess of life, one of the five supreme gods in the God Realm...

Lin Yi remembered this god, and he was a very gentle god in his impression.

He looked at Gu Yuena: "The damage is 627894, the golden level, the reward is 1% of the divine power of the goddess of life, and it can be obtained permanently."

"The divine power of the goddess of life!"

Gu Yuena was a little surprised.

She knew that this was a supreme god, even though this goddess could not be said to have any outstanding offensive ability, she was still a supreme god!

As long as it is the Supreme God, it is very powerful.

One percent is also strong.

Gu Yuena pulled Bi Ji to her side with a dazed face.

Lin Yi picked up the golden ball of light and said:

"This one percent divine power will not bring you the skills of the goddess of life, but it will permanently increase all your own skills by 50% of the original base, and will also give you a layer of goddess of life aura bonus."

"Speaking of which, the ability of the Goddess of Life is quite compatible with your Jade Swan's own ability."

Brigitte pursed her lips, and she nodded every time Lin Yi said. After Lin Yi finished speaking, she immediately knelt down on her knees and bowed down.

"Thank you, Lord Golden Dragon!"

Gu Yuena couldn't stop the speed of kneeling, so she let her do it.

Lin Yi bounced the golden ball of light in his hand onto Bi Ji's body.

After merging the rewards, Brigitte sat up on her knees, and a small golden tree of life pattern appeared on her fair forehead.

At the same time, a green halo lingered around her body, just like the aura of the dragon god emerging from Di Tian's dragon claws, and the aura of the goddess of life was also emanating from Brigitte's body at this moment.

Gu Yuena felt the most clearly. Standing next to Bi Ji, everything around her seemed to be alive and the air seemed to be fresh.

This kind of Bi Ji really wants people to post it, I guess many small animals have the same idea... Gu Yuena opened her eyes wide, and really saw a group of ants crawling out of the cracks in the bricks !

These ants are looking for Brigitte stickers!

"Look behind you."

Brigitte turned her head in doubt, but she was not afraid when she saw the ants. Instead, she smiled and touched her pale fingertips to the ground.

The ants crawled along her fingers to her palm, and circled in her palm, behaving very docilely and eagerly.

Small animals are like this, they always want to stick to people or things with strong vitality.

"Do you like me?"

Brigitte squatted on the ground, happily talking to the ants, but unfortunately the ants didn't respond to her,

At this time, Gu Yuena asked Lin Yi: "Can she hide the aura of the goddess of life?"

Lin Yi nodded: "Yes, it all depends on her own subjective control."

"Hide your aura, Brigitte."


Brigitte didn't ask why, and obeyed obediently.

The aura disappeared, and the ants in her palm lined up and climbed down again. Brigitte smiled and waved goodbye to them.

Gu Yuena looked up at the sky, wondering what she was thinking.

"Second attack."

"let's start."

When attacking, the aura of the Goddess of Life on Brigitte radiated out uncontrollably.

Before Gu Yuena used her skills, she felt that the bonus from Bi Ji was much stronger at this moment!

That being the case, she didn't change the configuration of the elements, but continued to use the same attack according to the element pattern last time.

Red and white colors bloomed on the platform, and the water vapor exploded on Lin Yi again, the damage bounced back with a roar, and he rushed towards him like a beast.

However, Gu Yuena still waved her small hand, opened a spatial rift, and sucked in all the damage rebounds, leaving nothing left.

"My lord is amazing!"

Bi Ji clapped her little hands quickly, and looked like a fan girl next to Gu Yuena.

"Hmph, that's all."

Gu Yuena also smiled, and stretched out her hand to pinch Bi Ji's tender cheeks, it felt good.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yi suddenly wanted to hang out with Bo Saixi, and he missed him very much after not seeing him for a long time.

He also wants to pinch the soft place on the girl's body~

Cough, be serious, look at the damage.

[Blood loss: 684768]

[Remaining HP: 899939517463]

[Injury Level: Gold (Elementary)]

[Random reward: 1% of the divine power of the God of Destruction (permanently obtained)]

[Host reward: 100% divine power of the God of Destruction (time limit of one month)]

Lin Yi was shocked.

This kind of luck can be said to be against the sky.

Two attacks, both times obtained part of the divine power of the Supreme God!

This stupid goose's luck is too high today!

However, it seems that it is not very suitable for Brigitte to give the ability of the God of Destruction... and so on.

Lin Yi suddenly forgot one thing, Brigitte's second form of black swan, the ability of Heiji is to destroy the attribute!


It turns out that these two rewards today are tailor-made for her.

The emerald swan is paired with the goddess of life, and the black swan is paired with the god of destruction.

Lin Yi said: "The damage is 684,768, golden junior, your reward this time is 1% of the divine power of the God of Destruction, permanent."

As expected.

The scene exploded.

Gu Yuena was even more stunned in place for a long time without recovering.

Another Supreme God! There are only five supreme gods in the God Realm, and the divine power of two of them is directly concentrated on Brigitte alone!

"But, the ability to destroy is not suitable for me?"

Brigitte frowned slightly and asked cautiously.

Lin Yi nodded: "The ability of the God of Destruction is naturally not suitable for you, he is suitable for your second form, the black swan, the ability of the black swan is the attribute of destruction, there is no doubt about it."

But Gu Yuena couldn't help but take a step forward at this moment, and asked angrily:

"You bastard, do you want that woman Black Swan to come out and kiss you again?!"

Lin Yi: "???"

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