Douluo: If You Cut Me, You Will Lose the Treasure, Bibi Dong is Addicted

Chapter 254 Doraemon's Pocket, with a limit of 500 props [big chapter]

At this moment, a thought appeared in everyone's minds, that is, another gate of time and space was about to be opened.

Juzi looked back at the golden door behind her. She knew very well that she was a person ten thousand years later, but she didn't know when another door would open, what time would it be on the other side, and who would come out...

Really been waiting!

After experiencing this incident, Tangerine felt that nothing was impossible.

Could it be that people from another 10,000 years will come out? What will the technological level of that time and space be like? Everything that is full of unknowns is not only for her, everyone is extremely curious.

At this moment, Lin Yi threw out the golden ball of light, which turned into two golden keys and landed in Tang Chen's hands, one on the left and one on the right, with symmetrical patterns.

At this moment, Tang Chen suddenly felt a sense of shouldering his mission, and his expression instantly became solemn.

He walked off the stage with two keys, and the crowd below automatically moved out of the way.

Holding the two keys in his hands, Tang Chen walked straight forward until he came to the first door of time and space.

Lin Yi glanced at this time, the area is still very large, with the first and second doors of time and space, there can be a third and fourth door...

Continue to invite people from different time and space, I have to say, Lin Yi is also looking forward to it.

As for the problem of flooding the attacking crowd, he believes that the system can completely solve it, and this should not be his trouble.

Picking up two keys with his left and right hands at the same time, Tang Chen inserted them into the void, and two keyholes appeared out of nowhere in front of him.

"A half circle goes against the left, and a half circle goes right."

Lin Yi's voice came from behind, Tang Chen nodded and followed suit.

The sound of gears rotating was produced quickly, and a huge golden door filled with light appeared instantly, standing in front of it.

Tang Chen stepped back and looked at the gate of time and space with his mouth slightly open. He knew that what he had to do next was to push the gate open.

"Senior Lin Yi, I...I'm going to open the door now!"

Tang Chen shouted, asking Lin Yi for instructions.


After getting the reply, Tang Chen put his hands on the door and pushed it open.

A powerful golden light gradually overflowed from the crack of the door, which was extremely dazzling. Everyone raised their hands and half covered their eyes, staring curiously at the scene here.

But just as the door was opened to a width of one person, Tang Chen suddenly looked startled, and stepped back step by step.

A sharp golden gun tip was only an inch away from Tang Chen's throat. Tang Chen stepped back vigilantly, the body of the golden gun was gradually exposed, and it turned out to be a fair and slender female hand holding it.

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them in surprise, not understanding what happened.

Several people in Star Dou Great Forest felt an extremely familiar aura.

What came out was a tall and beautiful girl with powder-blue wavy hair, a cold and domineering complexion, and an incomparably slim figure.

And the golden spear in her hand also made everyone feel familiar.

"Isn't that... the Golden Dragon Spear?"

Qian Renxue murmured suddenly, as someone who had a brief contact with the Golden Dragon Spear, she was extremely impressed by this spear.

Lin Yi's eyes flickered, and he recognized the person coming.

This turned out to be Wang Qiu'er. Of course, her real identity was the three-eyed golden beast, the Emperor Auspicious Beast who controlled the power of destiny in the Star Dou Great Forest.

With Tang Wutong's identical appearance and Golden Dragon Spear, she could be identified.

"Senior Lin Yi, this girl seems to be hostile. How should I deal with it? I will follow your orders!"

Tang Chen shouted.

Wang Qiu'er's beautiful eyes narrowed, her eyes glanced over Tang Chen, and she resolutely placed her gaze on Lin Yi who was behind her.

It was a very handsome boy, he was the only one sitting at the scene, and everyone centered on him.

Wang Qiu'er quickly judged that Lin Yi was the "leader" among these strange humans.

"Auspicious beast?!"

At this time, Ditian finally recognized it and exclaimed.

Wang Qiu'er turned her head to look, and she also showed obvious surprise when she saw Gu Yuena and her party.


She immediately took a step back, leaning against the gate of time and space, protecting the Golden Dragon Spear in front of her body, still looking at everyone vigilantly, but did not forget to ask Ditian and the others:

"What is this place, why are you here? Why am I here?"

"I still want to ask, how come you look like this, if it weren't for the breath on your body, I really didn't recognize it!"

Di Tian was equally astonished.

Lin Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, and the three-eyed Jin Yi turned into Wang Qiuer's appearance. It was obviously the timeline of Douluo No. 2 Middle School, that is, 10,000 years later, in the same time and space as Juzi.

But he doesn't know exactly which part of the plot timeline.

But it's okay, people have mouths to ask.

"Three-eyed Jin Ni, but your name should be Wang Qiu'er now, right?"

As soon as this title appeared, Wang Qiu'er froze instantly.

She frowned, and immediately looked at Lin Yi in front of her.

This strange boy actually knew her? ? But she didn't know this boy at all!

Ditian and the others looked at Lin Yi suspiciously.

Why does the Golden Dragon Master call Rui Beast Wang Qiu'er? ? ?

When dealing with guests, Lin Yi tried his best to soften his expression.

"Are you going to meet Huo Yuhao now, or have you already met?"

Lin Yi noticed that the environment outside the Gate of Time and Space was the Star Forest, so he had this guess.

Wang Qiu'er was taken aback, and looked at Lin Yi again in astonishment.

Who is he? ! Why do you know everything about me? !

Could it be that Ditian and the others said it?

No, I have never told these things to the people in the forest. Wang Qiuer's heart is in a mess at the moment, but more of it is her fear of Lin Yi.

And Huo Yuhao... She was already ready to forget about this man.

"I don't know him, and I don't know who you're talking about."

Wang Qiuer said with a disappointed look in his eyes.

Hehe, looking at her expression, Lin Yi judged that she had seen her before. If nothing else happened, Wang Qiu'er's strength at the moment should be at the level of a soul sage.

He briefly reviewed the plot of Dou Er in his mind.

Emperor Ruishou accidentally fell in love with Huo Yuhao, the hero of the second fight, so he turned into the girl Huo Yuhao liked, that is, Tang Wutong. In the end, she found that Tang Wutong loved Huo Yuhao more than she did, so she returned to the forest disheartened .

Now should be the timeline after she returns to the forest.

And Lin Yi knew that Huo Yuhao would be in danger soon, and Wang Qiuer would sacrifice to Huo Yuhao.

From this point of view, he had saved her life in a disguised form.

"Ditian, she comes from ten thousand years later, go and explain the current situation to her."

Di Tian was taken aback, ten thousand years later? !

That's right, the auspicious beast came out of the gate of time and space... It seems that it is not the same time and space as them.

During the gap between Ditian and Wang Qiuer's communication, Lin Yi glanced at the gate of time and space, but no one else appeared so far, it seems that only one person was sent by this gate.

Not to mention, the system, you will really save me trouble this time.

"You are... Di Tian from ten thousand years ago?! Then they... and these people??"

Wang Qiu'er looked at Gu Yuena and the others, and then at everyone in Wuhun City, especially Lin Yi.

"They are all from 10,000 years ago, but the senior Lin Yi is the one sitting on the platform. He may have lived for millions of years, or it may be tens of millions of years. It seems that he has penetrated the past and the present. , even the future is all clear..."

Wang Qiuer's pupils turned into copper bells in shock.

The two exchanged briefly for a while, and Wang Qiu'er finally understood the general idea.

But she can't get over's amazing!

"In short... there are even more amazing things, you can wait and see with us first."

Di Tian said to Wang Qiu'er that he brought Wang Qiu'er to the Star Dou Great Forest.

As the carrier of the power of destiny in the Star Dou Great Forest, the three-eyed golden beast is protected by all the spirit beasts in the forest.

Wang Qiu'er glanced at Gu Yuena silently. She had always known of Gu Yuena's existence, but she had never seen a real person. She never thought that Gu Yuena, who was 10,000 years ago, would appear here together with other fierce beasts.

It just changed her mind.

At this moment, because of this sudden and bizarre incident, Wang Qiu'er has completely forgotten about Huo Yuhao.

"It seems that you have a good chat."

Lin Yi smiled and looked this way.

Are you ready to chat... No, who am I? where am I? what am i doing Maybe it was a dream, and she would wake up later... Wang Qiu'er appeared as calm as water, but her heart was already in a mess.

At this moment, Lin Yi beckoned to Little Golden Crocodile Douluo. According to the order, this little guy should be attacking.


Little Golden Crocodile Douluo imitated the howling of ferocious beasts, and rushed to the stage with his small body.

"Whoa whoa—"

He gesticulated at Lin Yi with teeth and claws, it seemed that he hoped that Lin Yi would show fear before he would give up.

Lin Yi stared at the golden crocodile, feeling anxious.

"Attack," he reminded.


Fortunately, this little guy is quite obedient, or Lin Yi will really call his parents!

Like the others, Wang Qiu'er was concentrating on the scene on the platform. She also stared at the direction of the gate of time and space from time to time, for fear that she would not be able to go back once the gate was closed.

Fortunately, these people in the Star Dou Great Forest gave her a sense of security, otherwise she would never stand here honestly watching the show right now.

Also, obviously everyone respects that young man, but why attack him?

"The seventh soul skill, Martial Soul Avatar!"

Little Golden Crocodile Douluo shouted with all his might, a gigantic phantom of the Golden Crocodile appeared behind his small body, majestic and solemn.

Human child... what kind of strength is this? Wang Qiu'er was completely stunned, she was only a little older, but she was also a soul sage like her? !

But what Golden Crocodile Douluo said next made Wang Qiuer stunned on the spot.

"Ninth Soul Skill, Golden Scale Blade!"

He actually has a ninth soul skill...Title Douluo?

The phantom of the huge golden crocodile stretched out its incomparably thick right claw, and countless huge golden scales gathered from mid-air, fitting onto a golden broadsword.

"Clang clang!"

The golden broadsword buzzed endlessly in the hands of Golden Crocodile Xuying. It was huge, and it rushed towards Lin Yi. The golden blade reflected the sun's brilliance, and the physical penetration and energy penetration were even more effective under the blessing of the martial soul avatar. fear.

The huge and sharp blade fell on Lin Yi's body. This scene made Wang Qiu'er completely uneasy. She turned her head to look at Ditian in surprise: "Why don't those humans stop it?"

"Why stop it?"

Di Tian smiled slightly.


There was a huge shock wave coming from Lin Yi's body, and all the waves condensed into one in an instant, turning into a rebound of damage and attacking the golden crocodile.

Little Golden Crocodile Douluo immediately frowned, the rebound felt so strong this time!

He ran towards the stage in fear.

Qian Daoliu was dumbfounded on the spot, and he shouted: "You go back and chop!"

However, the damage rebound did not fall on Golden Crocodile Douluo in the end.

Lin Yi's palm exuded colorful rays of light, and he controlled the rebound of the damage to stagnate in mid-air, and then crushed it.

Qian Daoliu stepped forward with some trepidation: "I'm sorry senior, after I go back, I will definitely teach this brat a good lesson and teach him the correct solution."

Lin Yi looked at him calmly and did not respond, which made Qian Daoliu even more frightened.

He immediately went to the stage to teach the disobedient Golden Crocodile a lesson, and then patiently taught him how to deal with rebound damage.

But the latter couldn't listen at all, and started crying in front of everyone.

Lin Yi looked at the panel.

[Blood loss: 427643]

[Remaining HP: 899929521731]

[Damage Level: Red (Advanced)]

[Random reward: Doraemon's pocket (there is a limit on the number of props)]

[Host Reward: Doraemon's Pocket]

Lin Yi knew that the system would not let Doraemon go, and now it actually came out.

The system notes stated that this reward is a one-to-one replica of Doraemon's pocket, which fully possesses all the characteristics of the pocket.

However, the random reward stipulates that the number of items in the pocket is limited.

Lin Yi said to the crying Golden Crocodile Douluo: "Injury 427643, red high-level, this is your personal highest damage record, and the reward is a pocket named Doraemon."

Listening to Lin Yi's words, Little Golden Crocodile Douluo stopped crying, which finally made Qian Daoliu's ears much clearer.

"I have pockets."

He put his chubby little hands into his pockets and motioned to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi: "This pocket is different. You can take out all kinds of magical and interesting props from it, but there is a limit on the number of props, and the limit is five hundred."

"The value of these props can be high or low, but there is randomness. You can understand that you have obtained an additional 500 rewards of different qualities from me."

Little Golden Crocodile Douluo sniffed his nose, the expression on his little face remained unchanged.

On the contrary, Qian Daoliu's jaw almost fell on the platform.

Fuck! Five hundred rewards? !

What a joke!

The quality of this reward is red and advanced. Lin Yi can probably guess that the five hundred items are not too advanced, after all, the quality of the reward is there.

He flicked the red light ball towards Little Golden Crocodile Douluo, and the light ball landed on Little Golden Crocodile Douluo, turning into a white bag hanging on his belly.

"Put your hand in, and you will get a random item. The limit is 500. You can try it."

Golden Crocodile Douluo continued to sniff his nose, and looked at Lin Yi in a daze.

Qian Daoliu on the side was going crazy, his expression seemed to say: Try it quickly, brat! I'm so anxious!

Golden Crocodile put the chubby hand into his pocket, he quickly took out something, and held it up high.

This turned out to be a bamboo dragonfly!

There seems to be a sucker under the bamboo dragonfly.

ps. Thanks for following up.

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