Douluo: If You Cut Me, You Will Lose the Treasure, Bibi Dong is Addicted

Chapter 298: The Ninth Soul Skill Summoned Is Actually the Soul of the Blue Silver Sky Azure Dragon!

"The seven treasures are famous, the first is strength, the second is speed, the third is soul, and the fifth is attack!"

Miss Ning's Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda Martial Soul rose into the sky again, shining with light.

This time, a total of four auxiliary halos landed on Gan Jiang's body, using one more soul skill than the previous one.

Holding the seven-kill sword glowing with snow-white luster, the general stared at Lin Yi's direction. At this moment, in his eyes, Lin Yi was the enemy who was about to be dealt with.

Chen Xin said: "Wan Jian returns to the sect!"

The pitch-black soul ring floated up from his body again, and the general got a sense here, and his aura changed suddenly.

He raised his sword finger, repeating the name of the skill that Chen Xin just said.

Once again, Wan Jian returns to the sect!

Countless white sword shadows floated in the sky, and each blade shone with a cold light. Due to the addition of an auxiliary soul skill this time, the momentum of the Wanjian Guizong skill has increased, and even the sound of the sword All became more and more excited.

The go-getter looked at the timing, and moved his index finger and middle finger together. The dense sword shadows floating in the sky seemed to have received instructions in an instant. They swayed their bodies in mid-air, and burst out with a "swoosh".

Lin Yi's field of vision is now full of white shadows.

He closed his eyes and listened to the sound of sword qi falling on his body, jingling, completely ineffective.

The whole offensive process took about tens of seconds to end. Lin Yi opened his eyes, and a golden ripple rose from his body.

This is damage rebound in the eyes of others.

"General, prepare to attack!"

Chen Xin immediately ordered, in order to ensure Miss Ning's safety, he still turned around this time, and used his wide palm to cover Miss Ning's cheek, so as not to hurt her.

Almost in the next second, the sound of damage rebounding and shattering sounded behind him, and the go-getter resisted it very timely this time.

"Master, the attack is over."

Chen Xin turned around and nodded, the Seven Killing Sword Wuhun was put away by him again, and the general turned into a red light and returned to the sword for storage.

Even if she is still hugging, she is not so delicate even if she becomes a woman... Lin Yi looked at the two people directly in front of him, and couldn't help complaining in his heart.

He quickly looked at the panel, choosing to see nothing.

[Blood loss: 476982]

[Remaining HP: 899912203687]

[Damage Level: Red (Advanced)]

[Random reward: 100% summoning of the ninth soul skill (ignoring space and time)]

[Host reward: 100% summon two ninth soul skills (ignoring space and time)]

Seeing the word 100%, Lin Yi suddenly thought of a previous reward.

100% millennium kill...

This reward appears in the purple and black rewards, and they are all limited in number of times. It is a real control magic skill, which defeats the enemy both psychologically and physically.

Lin Yi remembered that both Bibi Dong and Yan had received this award.

Bibi Dong definitely disdains using this control skill on others.

I just don't know if Yan has any remaining times.

Yan, Xie Yue, and Hu Liena were strictly ordered to stay in the Wuhun Hall to practice and were not allowed to come out. These three people were actually quite unlucky, obviously they were the first to discover that Lin Yi could get a magical reward here.

It is estimated that Bibi Dong thinks about attacking Na Bao every day, and almost forgets that there are three other guys under house arrest in the Spirit Hall by her.

Lin Yi was looking forward to Yan being able to use his Millennium Killing skill to shine in the Soul Master Competition, especially if he used this skill towards the protagonist group, the scene would be very exciting.

Ahem, let’s get down to business.

The reward on the panel is 100% summoning of the ninth soul skill... Lin Yi first checked the system notes.

A minute later, he raised his head and said to the couple in front of him: "The damage is 476982, the red is high-level, and the reward is a relatively powerful ability called: 100% Summon the Ninth Soul Skill."

"After obtaining this skill, you can summon any ninth soul ability for yourself to use anytime and anywhere. This ninth soul ability can be the ninth soul ability of any Title Douluo on the mainland, or it can be from a different time and space. His Title Douluo's ninth soul skill."

"That's why the power and functional characteristics will be random, but what can be guaranteed is that the summoned soul skill must be the ninth soul skill."

Miss Ning raised a small hand to cover her mouth in surprise, Chen Xin was also happy, and hugged Miss Ning tightly to prevent her from falling.

This ability is against the sky!

But wait!

Miss Ning frowned slightly: "Wouldn't the use of this ability cause consumption? Otherwise, wouldn't you be able to bomb with the ninth soul skill at will?"

"First of all, the use of this ability will indeed consume, but the soul power consumed is only one-fifth of the normal situation. Secondly, the ninth soul ability summoned is arbitrary and uncertain, so it is not necessary to use it. It must have been harmful, the term bombing is not rigorous."

After listening to Lin Yi's explanation, Miss Ning showed an even more surprised expression.

"That being said, but me, I use the soul power flash charge skill!"

She shook her little white hand triumphantly, and then placed it on Chen Xin's shoulder.

Chen Xin's body froze, feeling instantly filled by the suzerain's blow, full of soul power.

Miss Ning continued, her expression full of pride: "So it means that I can release the ninth soul ability indefinitely, it's amazing!"

Lin Yi was taken aback, it was true.

Sect Master Ning combined these two abilities together, almost able to release the ninth soul ability without CD buffer.

She is smart enough to think of this.

Lin Yi raised the red ball of light in his hand and flicked it towards Miss Ning.

After the fusion reward, Chen Xin reminded: "Sovereign, why don't you try this reward?"

"Okay, but who are you going to attack?"

Chen Xin just wanted to talk about Senior Lin Yi, but felt that it would be a bit disrespectful to Lin Yi, so he turned to Gu Rong and said, "You, come up, let the suzerain try the reward."

you old bitch...

Gu Rong walked up with a gloomy face, seeing Chen Xin's triumphant appearance at the moment, hugging the beautiful woman home, he was annoyed for a while.

"Uncle Bone, you should release your martial soul. I will attack your martial soul, lest the summoned ninth soul skill attack too powerfully and hurt you. I will blame myself."

Bone Douluo blushed when he heard this, such a suzerain is indeed gentle, he nodded immediately: "Yes, suzerain."

Gu Rong glared at Chen Xin again.

No matter who attacks you two, the suzerain must be hugged, right? It must be the old thing Chen Xin insisting on hugging, the suzerain is too embarrassed to refuse.

Gu Rong released the martial spirit, and the bright silver steel fire dragon was cast in mid-air. Under Gu Rong's order, the steel fire dragon just stood there quietly, like a model, waiting for Miss Ning to attack.

"Sovereign, let's begin."


Miss Ning raised her right hand, with her palm facing the direction of the steel fire dragon, Gu Rong silently moved away at this moment, after all, she didn't know what kind of skills the suzerain would summon.

His steel fire dragon's defense is strong, but that doesn't mean his defense is strong.

The next moment, Miss Ning's white palm emitted a ray of light.

"The toughness of the blue silver sky and the green dragon!"

At this moment, the huge steel fire dragon was fixed in place by the dense blue and silver vines!

Under Gu Rong's control, Iron Fire Dragon tried to break free from the shackles, but found that he couldn't break free at all, and his whole body remained motionless.

It is like a portrait, completely in a static state.

Obviously, this is an extremely powerful control skill.

Gu Rong was terrified in his heart, he had silently tried to resist several times, but he still couldn't move.

"The control ability of this soul skill is really powerful!"

Gu Rong couldn't help exclaiming to the suzerain.

But Miss Ning frowned: "Uncle Gu, get out of the way, this ninth soul ability is initiated by a hundred thousand year soul ring, it has two skills in total!"


Can even summon the two soul skills of the hundred thousand year soul ring? !

"The soul of the Blue Silver Sky Azure Dragon!"

Miss Ning shouted again.

At the same time, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and a resounding dragon chant came, and a vortex of clouds surged in the sky, and a giant dragon with a bluish-gray body emerged from the vortex.

The giant dragon opened its mouth and roared, then attacked the steel fire dragon that was firmly fixed on the ground!


There was a loud noise, and the steel fire dragon's huge and heavy body was knocked down to the ground, but because of its extremely powerful defense, it didn't suffer any damage.

However, the huge crater that was smashed into the ground still indirectly shows how powerful this attack is.

Gu Rong looked at the scene in front of him with lingering fear. Fortunately, the suzerain reminded him in time. If he was the target of the two soul skills attacks, he would probably be dead by now.

"This... whose ninth spirit ring is this one hundred thousand year spirit ring? It shouldn't be from this time and space, right?"

Gu Rong looked at Miss Ning in surprise. After all, in his impression, there are only a handful of Titled Douluo whose ninth spirit ring is 100,000 years old.

But the twin-tailed loli in Kechen's heart shook her head: "I don't know, I can only summon the soul skill, and I know the name of the soul skill, and the age of the soul ring. As for whose soul skill is it, I don't know."

Chen Xin observed the traces on the ground: "It looks like this is the soul skill of the Blue Silver Grass martial soul."

"Blue Silver Grass?! Can this spirit reach level ninety?!"

Gu Rong was surprised.

Ning Luoli nodded: "Of course, doesn't Tang San have such potential? But this kid is not a good person. He even stole senior Lin Yi's hidden weapon and said he developed it himself."

Lin Yi wanted to laugh.

Of course he knows the script.

The ninth spirit ability summoned is Tang San's spirit ability!

What a coincidence!

"This is indeed the ninth soul ability of Blue Silver Grass, and the owner is not in the current time and space."

Lin Yi said that he had solved Gu Rong's doubts.

"I see."

At this moment, Ning Luoli checked her consumed soul power, and found that she had indeed only used one-fifth of it. She put her right hand on her shoulder, and replenished the consumed soul power.

Simply perfect.

"Sovereign, the attack is over, let's go down."

"Uncle Jian, don't you continue to attack?"

"Let them come first, I'll go down and rub your feet for you, so as not to delay it for a long time and make it worse."

Lin Yi looked at the two of them numbly: "I asked Bi Ji to help Sect Master Ning heal his injured ankle."

Goose was named by Lin Yi, and subconsciously opened his eyes wide ⊙_⊙.

At this moment, Chen Xin turned around immediately: "Don't bother Senior Jade Swan, I'll do it!"

Lin Yi: "..."

You better really just help with the kneading!

And can you stop getting tired of being crooked in front of me? Damn it, the dog food I ate during the day must be vomited on Bo Saixi at night! Lin Yi made a firm decision in his heart.

Gu Rong stood on the stage in a daze, watching his brother step off the stage holding his suzerain...

When he came down, Chen Xin moved a stone for Miss Ning to sit on, while he knelt down on one knee and lifted Miss Ning's injured foot.

Then he began to take off the cute shoe on Miss Ning's feet, and then took off the lace white socks on her feet. Chen Xin held Miss Ning's small and white feet in her palm and looked at them carefully.

"Your patriarch's ankle was injured, why did you take off her shoes?"

Xue Ye stood aside and couldn't bear to watch anymore, so she couldn't help asking.

Lin Yi raised his eyes, Nima, I also wanted to ask just now, thank you Xue Ye for being a substitute.

Chen Xin turned her head and leaned back in fright, everyone at the scene was staring at the two of them!

Just rubbing the suzerain's feet, what are you looking at!

"There are shoes, so it's inconvenient to knead."

Chen Xin said with an unnatural expression.

Lin Yi glanced at it. Miss Ning's feet were indeed beautiful, small and white, with powdery soles and graceful arches.

So Chen Xin, please explain clearly whether it is inconvenient to look at the feet or inconvenient to rub the feet.

Lin Yi complained in his heart, he really convinced Chen Xin, the old Biden.

He said to Gu Rong impatiently: "Don't look, it won't be your turn if you look again."


Gu Rong turned around with a dazed expression.

Lin Yi coughed, and changed his words: "Don't look, are you going to attack or not? If you don't attack, go down quickly and don't waste time."

"Attack! Attack!"

At this time, everyone's eyes finally turned back in unison. Of course, eating melons is not as attractive as senior Lin Yi. After all, senior Lin Yi is handsome, the rewards are novel, the person is generous, and the words are nice. Oh no, the last one no.

Gu Rong slowed down for a while. Although the martial spirit just now was not broken, it was also considered to have been impacted. Now that he has fully recovered, his whole body began to emit light.

The steel fire dragon behind it was recast in mid-air, and its huge silver body reflected the sun's rays, making it a bit dazzling.

After the skeleton is built, the pores on the whole body of the steel dragon begin to spit out hot flames. This hellish fire is composed of two colors, white and blue, and the flames in the two huge eye holes are more like two wipes. The jumping fireball is eerie.

Gu Rong looked at Lin Yi's direction with a serious expression, just as he was about to launch an attack...

"Ah! Uncle Jian, it hurts~"

There was a sudden shout from the audience, and the aura that Gu Rong had just condensed dissipated in an instant.

He turned around in bewilderment.

You old bitch, I'm attacking, can you and the Suzerain respect people a little bit!

ps. Thanks for following up.

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