With the release of Tang San's Killing God Realm, the crowd that was restless just now immediately calmed down.

No one expected that the young boy in front of him, who looked a little immature, could actually unleash such tyrannical murderous intent.

Tang Xiao did not stop Tang San, and his face even showed a bit of pride.

Relying on the skill of identifying positions by listening to sounds, Tang San immediately found the sect disciple who spoke first, and the murderous aura in the air also condensed towards that person.

The man was startled by the cold murderous aura.

However, as a direct disciple of Haotian Sect, he is not a coward.

Black light surged in the palm of his right hand, a one-meter-long Clear Sky Hammer was released, and four soul rings, two yellow and two purple, lit up around him.

"What? Are you trying to make gestures?"

Being provoked again, Tang San was furious and his eyes turned red instantly.

When Tang Xiao saw this, he suddenly shouted loudly:

"Tang San, stop it! Don't be arrogant in front of the elders."

Seeing the scene just now, the expressions of several elders changed.

They also realized that Tang San, like Tang Hao, had the God of Killing Domain.

Tang San restrained his murderous aura and bowed to Tang Xiao and the elders with a calm expression.

"Meet the sect master and elders."

One of the elders said disdainfully:

"You, a third-generation disciple, why don't you kneel down when you see us?"

Tang San paused, then knelt down.

"Tang San is willing to atone for his father's sins and do his best to help the sect restore its former glory. I also ask the sect master and elders to allow me to recognize my ancestor and return to the sect."

As soon as Tang San finished speaking, one of the old men became furious.

"Recognize your ancestors and return to your clan? That's easy to say! If it weren't for the catastrophe caused by your father, the Haotian Sect, the number one sect in the world, would not have fallen to this level. You are the evil obstacle between him and the soul beast. You bastard is not worthy of joining the sect at all!"

Hearing the word "bastard", Tang San couldn't bear it anymore.

He raised his head and looked into the eyes of the slender elder.

"Who are you calling a bastard?!"

"Let's just talk about you, little bastard! The combination of a human and a soul beast, what is it if it's not a hybrid?!"

The elder became more and more excited as he spoke, and his whole body was shaking.

"That beast, Tang Hao, offended the Wuhun Palace for a soul beast, which caused the sect to suffer, and caused countless sect disciples to die tragically at the hands of the Wuhun Palace, and my eldest son was one of them!"

"Old Seven, shut up! Be careful!"

Only then did Tang San understand why the elder wanted to confront him tit for tat and hate him so much.

It turned out to be the pain of losing a son.

Tang Sanchao kowtowed to the elder three times.

"Seventh Elder, I'm sorry. I apologize to you on behalf of my father."

The elder didn't buy it and said in a cold tone:

"Hmph! If the apology was useful, there wouldn't be so many killings in the world. Tang Hao caused irreparable losses to the sect, and so many people died because of him.

If he sincerely admits his mistake, he should come back and commit suicide in front of his ancestors to apologize, instead of acting like a coward and expecting a fledgling child to take the blame for him! "

Tang Xiao's face turned ugly instantly. He would not allow others to insult his dead brother like this.

"Seventh Elder! If you continue to speak harshly to me like this, please leave here!"

"Sect Master, isn't what I said the truth?"


Tang Xiao was extremely angry, and a cold murderous aura was released from his body.

If it weren't for Tang San's previous request, he would now break the news that Tang Hao was dead.

Tang San suddenly stood up.

"Seventh Elder, I do not deny that your son's death has something to do with my father. But I have already apologized to you. Just now you not only insulted my parents, but also insulted my personality. I cannot accept this. Yes, I must seek justice, and I will challenge you, even if I die, I will have no regrets!"

"Hahaha~ Challenge me, are you really not afraid of death? What qualifications does a young junior have to challenge me?!"

The seventh elder showed disdain.

Seeing that the situation was getting out of control, the Great Elder quickly stood up and intervened:

"It's understandable that young people are arrogant. But do you really think that there is no one left in the Haotian Sect? You are not qualified to challenge the elders!"

After the great elder finished speaking, he looked at the middle-aged man in his forties behind him.

"Tang Hu, you sign with him."


Tang Hu stood up, clenched his hands into fists and said:

"Tang Hu, the sixty-fourth level assault system soul emperor, please give me your advice."

Tang San politely replied:

"Tang San, the sixty-sixth level control system war spirit emperor, please give me your advice."

Everyone was shocked when they heard that Tang San was level sixty-six.

"What? Are you level 66?"

"Tang San, how old are you this year?"

Tang San said calmly:

"Just turned twenty."

Everyone was even more shocked.

He reached level sixty-six at the age of twenty, which was even better than Tang Hao, a genius from the Haotian Sect who was only seen once in a century.

Seeing everyone's reactions, Tang San enjoyed it very much.

For a moment, he even felt grateful to Feng Xiaotian.

If he hadn't been defeated by Feng Xiaotian several times, he wouldn't have worked so hard and practiced so hard to achieve what he has achieved today.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard he tried, he was still beaten by Feng Xiaotian.

Tang San didn't want to waste any more time on Tang Hu.

The Clear Sky Hammer in his right hand was released, proving his identity to everyone.

The blue silver grass in his left hand was also released, and six soul rings, two yellow, one purple and three black, shone at the same time.

The Killing God Realm and the Blue Silver Realm were opened at the same time.

In everyone's shock, Tang San easily defeated Tang Hu, using all the soul skills given by Blue Silver Grass, Blue Silver Cage, Parasitism and Blue Silver Overlord Spear.

Tang Hu was also convinced of the defeat.

Although there was a two-level difference in soul power between the two, Tang San's domineering display completely suppressed Tang Hu, leaving Tang Hu unable to fight back.

Who would have thought that the young man in front of him, who was only twenty years old, not only had twin martial souls like Pope Bibi Dong, but also had two powerful areas of talent.

After a few years, Tang San once again experienced the feeling of beating others up.

Thinking that he was beaten like this by Feng Xiaotian, Tang San was a little angry.

Looking at the seventh elder opposite, Tang San once again provoked:

"Seventh Elder, am I qualified to challenge you now?"

"Okay! Since you are looking for death, then I will help you. However, I don't want to bully the small. No matter what soul skills I use, I will only use 30% of my soul power."

"You can pay 40%. I don't want to take advantage of you. However, I will choose the venue for the competition, okay?"

"Okay, no matter where you choose, the result will be the same!"

The seventh elder was also a titled Douluo above level 90, and he didn't take Tang San seriously at all.

Tang San was also very confident.

"Then choose on the chain bridge. If I lose, I will leave the Haotian Sect and never take another step forward. If you lose, don't stop me from recognizing my ancestor and returning to the clan. How about that?"

"Okay! It's a deal, no regrets in life or death!"

Everyone followed the two men to the chain bridge.

After a fierce and hard battle, Tang San defeated the Seventh Elder, who only used 40% of his soul power, and won the competition.

[Friends, I don’t want to write more about the plot here, but now that Tang Hao is dead, the situation is a little different. Just skip what you can. The next chapter ends here. 】(End of this chapter)

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