As soon as the words fell, the air around him seemed to solidify, and an astonishing soul power wave, like the calm before the storm, came out of his body and instantly tore the ground of the competition platform made of huge stones under his feet.


This loud noise, like thunder, shook the surrounding smoke and dust, and the gravel flew everywhere.

Han Yu stood on the broken ground, with his right hand slightly tilted back, his left hand swung forward, his feet slightly bent, his head raised, his eyes fixed on the small fire phoenix flying at high speed in the air, his eyes full of contempt.

The astonishing soul power condensed around him, forming pale purple skeletal ribs and arms, which tightly wrapped Han Yu inside, appearing both mysterious and powerful.

"Susanoo, the first form!"

With his low roar, the skeletal arm waved gently, and an extremely powerful power wave emanated.

The small fire phoenix flying in the air was suddenly struck by lightning, and it made a sharp cry. After a stalemate for a while, it finally dissipated into countless sparks in the air, like a dream that was cut off, scattered all over the ground.

"How is it possible?"

"What is this?"

Looking at Han Yu tightly surrounded by bones, Ma Xiaotao screamed, her eyes full of disbelief.

Her heartbeat accelerated, her mind was in a mess, and she couldn't accept the unreal fact in front of her.

She kept asking herself: "How is this possible? This can't be real!"

Her thoughts were disordered for a while, and she felt as if she was in a dream.

She had never seen such a strange and terrifying scene, fear and shock intertwined.

Not only Ma Xiaotao couldn't believe it, but even the major colleges watching the battle and the strong men hidden in them were stunned and shocked to the point of being speechless.

On the top of the city, Xu Jiawei's fingers tightly grasped the handrail beside him, his joints turned white, and a trace of shock and disbelief flashed in his eyes.

His inner cognition was completely overturned by the performance of this handsome boy, and he murmured to himself:

"Soul power can actually penetrate the body and turn into substance, so that it is not only invincible in defense, but also in attack.

What kind of monster is this?

He couldn't calm down, and his astonishment was beyond words.

Tiansha Douluo on the side was also trembling in his heart, his pupils shrank slightly, and he couldn't help but respond:

"Your Majesty, this method is similar to the martial soul of the Soul Saint. Shrek's student Ma Xiaotao, I'm afraid you're in big trouble this time."

He was secretly shocked in his heart and understood the seriousness of the matter.

This kid may have a big secret to be able to use the method that only Soul Saints can use with the strength of Soul Venerable!

Tiansha Douluo saw it, and Shrek Academy naturally saw it too. Everyone held their breath and concentrated, and their hearts were shocked.

Wang Yan said with a worried tone: "Xuan Lao, what should we do now?"

"Xiaotao will suffer a loss against this method? "

"And the opponent has the ultimate ice body protection, or we..."

He had a thought of giving up in his heart, after all, this is just a round-robin tournament, there is no need to show all the cards.

Their advantage is still in the team battle.

The sloppy old man Xuan Lao was also very shocked. He didn't expect Han Yu to have such ability.

It's really terrible. He is so powerful at level 40.

When he cultivates to the Titled Douluo, I don't know who can be his opponent.

It's a pity that he is no longer a member of Shrek Academy. I wanted to win him over, but I completely offended him last time.

Thinking of this, Xuan Lao's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

"Don't worry, Xiao Tao's methods are more than these. "

Xuan Lao smiled calmly, without showing any emotional fluctuations, and seemed to be confident.


On the competition stage.

After knocking away the small fire phoenix with one blow, Han Yu controlled Susanoo and began to move.

After using Susanoo, Han Yu could feel that the pupil power in his eyes was being consumed quickly.

Fortunately, it was only the initial form, and he could still control it easily.

With Han Yu's current strength, he could only support the second form, the skeleton form.

The third form, the flesh and blood form, is not impossible to open, but the soul power consumed is too terrifying, and the maintenance time is very short.

The cost performance is not very high. Even with the support of Bingdi, there is no need to worry about the soul power, but the pupil power still depends on himself.

The fourth form after that is the armor form, which Han Yu can't open at all now.

He tried to open it once, but it was just a moment, and he almost drained his soul power, and the pupil power consumption was too short. 's speed is also faster.

Although Bingdi can provide soul power, it is also extremely limited.

The current trust between the two is not high, and Bingdi cannot provide him with more soul power.

Or the basic strength is too poor, otherwise if my soul power is enough, I can even walk with Susanoo.

If you see someone you are unhappy with, just punch him, how cool it is.

Han Yu thought to himself, but this is just a thought in his mind. Although he has opened the Mangekyo now, his foundation is not enough.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, it is better to use the first and second forms.

As for the fifth form of human form, and the last complete form, they all need the Eternal Mangekyo to open.

Now he is just a Mangekyo. Feeling the rapid consumption of pupil power, Han Yu's heart tightened.

This battle still needs to be resolved quickly, otherwise even with the help of the gold of life.

It will take a long time to recover.

"Let me show you the power of God in the Mangeki Sharingan."

Han Yu shouted, and controlled his arm to grab Ma Xiaotao in midair.

"Power of God?"

"Stop bragging!"

Ma Xiaotao sneered, although Han Yu looked very bluffing.

But after careful observation, she found that this skeleton-like skeleton was very slow, and its attack power was only physical means.

With the advantage of being able to fly in the air, she could easily dodge it.

The wings behind her shook, and she easily dodged the attack.

"Is this the power of God you mentioned?"

"It looks good but is useless--"

Ma Xiaotao sprayed out a Phoenix Fire Line.


The skeleton arm blocked in front of him, and extinguished it easily like slapping dust.

Han Yu's face did not change, and he shook his head secretly in his heart.

It's just that the initial form is indeed very weak. Although it has defense, its offensive means are relatively simple.

Thinking of this, Han Yu's eyes flashed with cold light, and even more soul power was mobilized by him.

The pupil power that surged out of his eyes seemed to be free of any cost, and was madly injected into the giant Susanoo in front of him.

The surrounding air trembled constantly, as if he could feel the powerful force of the pupil power fluctuating in the space.

"What is he doing?"

Ma Xiaotao was full of confusion and doubt, her brows were furrowed, and her eyes were fixed on Han Yu.

The next moment.

The scene in front of him began to change drastically.

As Han Yu used a large amount of soul power and pupil power to inject, Susanoo's body was no longer immature, but began to expand and swell amazingly.

The surrounding air seemed to be sucked and compressed, causing a sense of oppression that made it difficult to breathe.

Originally just a simple skeleton, it began to grow rapidly and gradually formed a complex skeleton structure.

The skull was the first part to appear, with deep eye sockets and a kind of evil beauty.

Then, two golden lights flickered in the eye sockets of the skull. They opened their eyes silently like newborn stars.

Then, huge circles of skeletons slowly emerged in the cold wind. Every time a ring appeared, there was a dull echo in the air.

Finally, everything stopped. Susanoo had turned into a domineering half-body giant skeleton, tightly wrapping Han Yu's body inside, appearing more powerful and mysterious.

"Susanoo, second form!"


Susanoo clenched his fist and punched Ma Xiaotao in the air.

Compared with the first form, the attack power and defense of this form are greatly improved.

Ma Xiaotao barely avoided this attack and had not yet recovered.

The second fist also hit down.

Boom boom boom!

The fiery red wings flashed wildly, and a scorching air wave passed through the air.

Susanoo's powerful attack force directly cracked the ground, and the scattered gravel was crushed into powder by the air wave.


"It's so terrifying!"

Seeing this terrifying attack force, the audience cheered loudly, and everyone's face was full of enthusiasm and expectation.

The huge projection screen magnified every detail of the attack, shaking the entire competition field.

The terrifying attack force was like a mountain pressing down on the top of the head, making people hold their breath.

Although the fancy skills are also very beautiful.

But real men like this kind of attack mode that can create miracles with great force.

Susanoo not only looks domineering, but also very big.

No one doesn't like big things.

With one punch, the ground of the entire competition stage suddenly became devastated, and countless gravel turned into powder.

The audience was so excited that they said that this game was not in vain.

"This attack is too terrifying. If I get hit, I'm afraid I'll be skinned alive."

Ma Xiaotao secretly smacked her lips in her heart, and a trace of panic flashed in her eyes.

"I can't let him lead me by the nose anymore. Use my strongest attack."

"Sixth soul skill, Phoenix Meteor Shower!"

Ma Xiaotao shouted, and the last soul ring on her body finally lit up.

Large scorching flames like meteors appeared in the air, as terrifying as the end of the world.

The entire mid-air of the competition stage was rendered into a world of flames.

As Ma Xiaotao waved her arm gently, countless giant fireballs smashed down on the Susanoo on the ground like meteors chasing the moon.

"Look at me smashing your turtle shell!"

The flames on Ma Xiaotao's body surged wildly, and she commanded the flame meteors like a goddess of fire.

Boom boom boom!

The next moment.

The meteor collided with Susanoo.

The terrifying high temperature instantly distorted the air.

"A trifle!"

"Let Susanoo play with you."

Han Yu's eyes turned cold, and the second soul ring quietly lit up.

The whole person disappeared silently in Susanoo.

Boom boom boom!

The continuous Phoenix meteor shower collided with Susanoo crazily.

Each punch of Susanoo smashed a meteor, but soon more meteors surged up.

Two fists could not beat four hands, and some meteors hit Susanoo's body.

It seemed that Susanoo was at a disadvantage.

Ma Xiaotao panted heavily, and after releasing so many soul skills in a row, she finally couldn't sustain the consumption and landed on the ground.

"Hmph, let's see how you block it next?"

Susanoo was hit by the meteor shower and retreated again and again. Ma Xiaotao's eyes flashed with a hint of pride.

Just when she thought she was about to win, a cold voice appeared in her ears.

"Really? You seem to be happy a little too early."


Ma Xiaotao's body shook, and she subconsciously turned her head to look at the source of the voice——

"Why are you here?"


A scream sounded.

The next moment.

A touch of red light was injected into her eyes.


The dark red space descended again.

"Where is this?"

Ma Xiaotao, who was tied to the cross, opened her eyes in confusion.

"Welcome to my Tsukuyomi space——"

"Everything here is under my control, time, space, and quality."

Seeing Han Yu appear in front of her, Ma Xiaotao struggled frantically.

"Let me go, let's fight one-on-one if you can."

"You are a despicable villain who can only use illusions."

As she continued to struggle, her beautiful body kept shaking, and her plumpness also looked extremely attractive.

Han Yu clasped his fists across his chest, tilted his head slightly, and looked at Ma Xiaotao as if he were an ant.

He said coldly: "I am a spiritual attribute, I don't use illusions, do you want to fight me in close combat?"

"It's really funny."

"Also, don't think this is an illusion."

"What happens here will also be reflected in reality."

"Resent your sad fate of not having a Sharingan."

"Enjoy it next."

"Ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha."

"Ha ha ha"

The arrogant and terrifying voices came from all directions.

Ma Xiaotao's face changed. She had never heard of an illusion that would affect reality.

He immediately sneered: "Stop bluffing, this kind of illusion is impossible-"


Ma Xiaotao screamed in fear, her round cheeks lost color due to fear.

"What are you doing-!"

Her voice trembled, tears flashed in her eyes.


A crisp sound of clothing tearing broke the silence of the air.

Her gauze-like dress was torn to pieces by the rough hands, revealing her soft skin.


Ma Xiaotao moaned, her facial expression twisted, full of pain.

"It hurts-!"

Her voice was filled with helplessness and despair.


She screamed again, the sound penetrated the cold space and echoed in every corner.

Ma Xiaotao's eyes were full of panic, her big eyes were full of disbelief and fear, and her beautiful eyes were now red, swollen and wet.

She had never experienced such fear of being bound. A feeling of powerlessness she had never experienced before filled her whole body. Her legs were limp, as if unable to support her plump body.

Hanging helplessly, she kept twisting her body. The straps dug into her skin, leaving tiny marks. She tried to break free from the ruthless bondage, but to no avail.

Time seemed to have stopped in this endless torture, and every second seemed to be stretched into a tormented life.

Finally, time seemed to have passed everything. Ma Xiaotao's eyes drooped with a dull look, losing focus, and her eyes were white. Her body was like a puppet without a soul, allowing the bondage to dominate.

The mess around her symbolized the pain and despair she had experienced. She cursed hoarsely:

"Damn bastard, you treated me like this, I will never let you go..."

Han Yu stood up indifferently, brushed off the dust on his body, and his tone was as calm as if he was stating the weather:

"Then, there are still seventy-one hours, fifty-nine minutes, and fifty-nine seconds left..."

When Ma Xiaotao heard this, the fear in her eyes became stronger, and she screamed: "What... there is still so much time..."

Her voice was full of despair and pleading: "No, please..."

Her body instinctively wanted to stay away from Han Yu, but she was tied to the cross and couldn't move.

She could only continue to bear it all helplessly, with questions and pain in her heart:

"Why do you treat me like this..."

As Han Yu approached again, she struggled instinctively.


But in the end, Ma Xiaotao's movements gradually weakened, as if her strength was completely taken away.

She let out a series of delicate groans from her mouth, and her voice was full of powerlessness and surrender:



The picture turned upside down again.

In reality, Ma Xiaotao suddenly trembled, then lay on the ground weakly, breathing in fresh air in big gulps.

Tears filled her eyes and her face, and she raised her fingers with a slight tremor, as if she was going to kill Han Yu.

"Damn bastard, I'm going to kill you today."

"How dare you humiliate me--"

"Phoenix possession--"


Ma Xiaotao, who was about to use the power of the martial spirit, softened and fell down weakly.

"Don't waste your energy."

"You are worse than an ant now."

Han Yu crossed his arms, his eyes arrogant, without a trace of emotion.

He looked at Ma Xiaotao who was struggling with the corner of his eyes, his tone full of contempt.

He had no burden in his heart for what he had just done.

Ma Xiaotao almost killed him at the beginning. At that time, he had no strength and no background.

He could only endure temporarily. Now it is different. With the opening of the Mangekyō Sharingan, he has enough strength.

He is just taking revenge now.

Besides, he is not a good person and does not have so many burdens in his heart.

He is just an ordinary person who is a little selfish and never boasts about how good he is.

This is just the first step to take revenge on Shrek Academy.

"It turns out that the feeling of controlling others is so good. I really like it so much."

Han Yu's eyes were full of excitement and he couldn't help laughing.

At this moment, a burst of crying came.

"Woo woo woo——"

At this moment, Ma Xiaotao wanted to die. The flames in her hands surged and soon disappeared in an instant.

At this moment, she suffered a major blow not only mentally, but also physically.

On the surface, it seems to be no different from usual.

But the specific process is only known by Han Yu and Ma Xiaotao.

It was three days and three nights. The battle between the two was crazy.

The entire Moonlight Space turned into a battlefield between the two of them, and there was a mess everywhere————

"Boy, what did you do?"

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