Douluo Jueshi: Obtain Sharingan at the beginning!

Chapter 13 Three Magatama Sharingan!

"Teacher can feel the powerful negative emotions you had just now. If you can't control yourself, you may fall into the trap of an evil soul master in the future."

Han Yu raised his head when he heard the words and suddenly realized that he had felt that he had indeed changed a lot just now.

"Teacher, I understand. I will calm down and control my emotions next."

Han Yu clenched his fists, his eyes flashed with determination, he could not be controlled by his emotions.

He can only be himself.

Hearing this, Du Buushi nodded with satisfaction, a trace of softness flashed across his face, "But your martial spirit is indeed powerful. I can feel that your mental power has increased again after your Sharingan reached the three magatama."

"It is now comparable to the average Soul King, but you are not yet proficient in using it. My teacher will help you control this power next."

Han Yu nodded, feeling a flash of self-blame in his heart. The teacher was so kind to him, but he had treated him like this just now.

"Okay, you don't have to blame yourself. I didn't expect the Sharingan to have such serious side effects, and I thought you couldn't hurt me even with my master's strength."

As if he knew what Han Yu was thinking, Du Buushi comforted him with a smile.

"Okay, let's eat. You've consumed a lot of energy. Replenish your energy."

Han Yu was silent, remembering the undying kindness in his heart, and the idea in his heart was about to stir again.

Looking up, there were pieces of dark blue meat cut into long strips on the tray, as many as a dozen.

Han Yu asked curiously: "What is this?"

Du Buushi laughed and said, "You're lucky, kid. This is the belly of a thousand-year-old tuna from the deep sea. It has the highest quality fish oil. I caught one when I was rescuing you."


Han Yu nodded. This thing looked raw, so I guess it didn't taste very good, but at this time, the feeling of hunger in his belly kept coming.

I didn't care much at the moment, so I picked up a piece of fish and ate it in one bite.

To Han Yu's surprise, the fish was unexpectedly delicious. It wasn't fishy at all. Instead, it had a strong aroma after entering the mouth.

After chewing it briefly and swallowing it, a warm current quickly rushed to the limbs and bones, making it indescribably comfortable.


"Good stuff." Han Yu's eyes lit up and he immediately started eating.

Within a moment, a plate of fish belly entered his belly, and he patted his belly with satisfaction.

After eating, he only felt that his whole body was full of strength, and there was a vague itchiness between the bones and muscles.

Looking at his somewhat red skin, Han Yu was a little surprised that this tuna was so nourishing.

The warmth radiating from his whole body made him feel sleepy. He immediately tilted his head and fell to the ground to fall asleep.

"This kid, haha!"

Du BuShu smiled slightly, said nothing, and just sat cross-legged, recovering his exhausted energy.

A night of silence.

He slept until morning. When Han Yu woke up, the morning sun had already risen.

He got up from the ground and rubbed his slightly confused eyes.

Han Yu subconsciously stretched, and a series of crackling sounds quickly came from the bones all over his body.

It was as if the whole body was stretched out.


The indescribable feeling of comfort made him groan. The weakness from yesterday had completely disappeared, replaced by a body full of strength.

I no longer feel as weak as before, and I am even much stronger.

"When you wake up, come over and eat quickly. Why are you showing off there? There are no beauties here."

Du Buushi's angry voice came, making Han Yu slightly embarrassed.

"Teacher, can't you be more serious? You talk so coquettishly!"

"If you continue like this, your apprentice will be led astray by you!"

When Han Yu walked up to Du Bushui, he showed no sign of weakness and retorted sarcastically.

"Haha, where are you now? When you grow up, I will be my teacher and lead you to climb the mountain peaks, step into the troughs, and see the beauty of this world!"

People in this world are very precocious. Du Bushit blinked his eyes and said meaningfully. He knew Han Yu could understand what he said.

"This! Forget it, I, your apprentice, just want to practice hard now and become a powerful soul master in the future, so I can take over from you."

Of course Han Yu knew what Du Bu Shou was talking about, but those things were not suitable for him now. Yesterday, he deeply felt his own weakness.

Now he just wants to work hard to become stronger.

Women and such will only affect the speed of his cultivation.

It was still the tuna from yesterday, and Hanyu finished it skillfully.

"Teacher, how should we practice next!"

When asked about cultivation matters, Du Buushi's face became serious, "Do you know why our Noumenon Sect is so powerful?"

"Because of the original martial spirit?"

Han Yu quickly replied.

Du Buushi shook his head and said: "Yes or no, the original martial spirit is indeed powerful, but without systematic training, the potential cannot be developed, and it can only be regarded as a top-level martial spirit, not to mention some of lower quality. The original martial spirit."

"Your eye martial arts are considered to be the most powerful ones among the main body martial arts. They are said to be eye martial souls, but they are actually related to the brain. The power of the main body martial arts soul is reflected in its importance to the human body. The more important parts of the human body are, The more powerful it becomes.”

Han Yu nodded, he knew this, and he also knew that he could have a second awakening.

Du Bushu paused and continued: "The most powerful part of the Noumenon Sect, combined with the practice of secret techniques, can achieve the second awakening of the martial soul."

"After the second awakening, the martial soul attribute will greatly increase your power. Even the lowest bronze awakening is enough to rival some high-level or even top-level martial souls."

"So next, what we have to do is to perform the second awakening of your martial soul. After the training is successful, we will return to the body sect."

Han Yu nodded. He didn't know if his Sharingan could awaken for the second time. If it could, it would be even more powerful.

"Teacher, I know!"

After Han Yu finished speaking, he felt a flash in front of his eyes. The next moment, Du Bu Si grabbed his neck. The next moment, he was flying in the clouds.

Is Cao here again?

"Plop!" The sound of entering the sea sounded.

Du Bu Si directly pressed Han Yu and fell into the deep sea.

The body sank instantly, and the water pressure increased sharply.

Having prepared in his heart, Han Yu did not panic. Naturally, his mentality was completely different. He was prepared and struggled to resist the water pressure.

After the tempering of his body, he felt much better today than yesterday, and his resistance also increased significantly.

Du Bu Si pressed Han Yu and sank quickly into the deep sea, and the light around him became dark again.

Although it was the same process as yesterday, it was also extremely painful.

But after Han Yu was prepared, the improvement he got was even greater.

And he was much stronger than yesterday, at least he didn't lose consciousness.

But the huge pressure in the deep sea still made his whole body sore.

The tuna he had eaten played a role at this moment. Han Yu could feel the heat flowing through his body, helping him recover his consumed physical strength.

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