Douluo Jueshi: Obtain Sharingan at the beginning!

Chapter 142 Water escape, waterfall technique!

Sun and Moon Empire, in Mingde Hall.

Two figures were revealed behind the heavy curtain, and anger and disappointment condensed in the air.

Jing Hongchen, dressed in a brocade robe, his eyes shot out with murderous intent like cold lightning, walked calmly to the center of the hall, his voice was low and full of anger, as if every word was squeezed out from between his teeth.

"What kind of bullshit Shrek Academy is this? It's worse than a bandit. I kindly invite them to hold academic exchanges."

"I didn't expect that in just such a short time, all the soul guidance devices I brought with me would be plundered."

"Jiayi, tell me, Shrek is not a son of a man."

He shook his sleeves angrily, and the dean next to him, Lin Jiayi, also had a frown on his face. He took a step forward, lowered his head slightly, and although his tone was gentle, he also revealed helplessness and anger.

"Yes, Hall Master, this is simply too much."

"This simply doesn't take us seriously. Where does it put you? Where does it put His Majesty?"

"I absolutely can't bear this, I want it"

Before Lin Jiayi finished speaking, he rolled up his sleeves and was ready to do something.

Jing Hongchen sighed helplessly, his voice low and sad: "Okay, I'll just say this."

"This time I can see the strength of Shrek Academy."

His tone was full of powerlessness and frustration, and a wry smile appeared on Jing Hongchen's face.

"I didn't expect that besides Xuanzi, there was an old monster here."

He added coldly, the frown between his brows deepening.

Jing Hongchen sighed again:

"I'm afraid our plans will be postponed now."

"And that Xuanzi dared to steal our 100,000-year-old soul beast embryo. I, Jing Hongchen, have recorded this."

In the dark hall, only his firm and vicious voice echoed for a long time...


Two and a half months later.

Noumenon Sect, Han Yu’s small courtyard.

Hanyu stood on the open ground in the center, surrounded by grass lightly brushed by drizzle, and there was a fresh and moist atmosphere in the air.

He was wearing a black robe with red clouds on the black background, and had a middle-parted hedgehog hair, and his handsome face was full of sternness.

The difference from the past is that the knife in the back is gone.

Suddenly, he let out a low drink, and a powerful energy seemed to be stimulated from his body, causing his whole body to be enveloped in a layer of sky-blue light, like the first ray of morning light breaking through the fog in winter.

Han Yu's powerful hands gently waved forward, as if the power of nature was summoned. A spectacular waterfall-like water flow appeared out of thin air, pouring crazily into the small pool in the center of the yard, splashing layers of water.

Soon, the pool overflowed, and clear water droplets overflowed, soaking the surrounding ground and forming small puddles.

Han Yu stood there, smiling slightly contentedly, but then frowned, as if he was a little surprised by his failure in control.

"Ah... I used too much soul power and it overflowed."

he said to himself.

Then, the sky-blue light slowly dissipated and was replaced by a warm and violent crimson light, like a flame rising suddenly in the winter snow.

Han Yu spread his hands and made a strange and powerful gesture, as if drawing an ancient and mysterious symbol in the air.

"My own soul skill, the powerful fire ball technique!"

Suddenly, the fluctuations in his soul power became extremely violent, and a giant fireball with a diameter of five meters condensed in front of him, emitting a high temperature that would almost burn everything.

The air seemed to be distorted by this heat, and the surrounding temperature rose instantly. Even the distant raindrops seemed to evaporate when they came into contact with this heat wave.

This giant fireball shot towards the overflowing small pool. The moment it touched the water, it caused a violent burst of water vapor to rise into the sky. The surrounding puddles were quickly evaporated, and the ground became dry and cracked due to the high temperature. It's like the earth has been tested by fire.


Han Yu growled excitedly.

After obtaining the water and fire attributes, he immediately let the shadow clone study soul skills non-stop.

With the help of research skills, the first fire-attribute soul skills and water-attribute soul skills were finally developed.

Although the power does not seem very powerful, it still has the power of the average Soul Sect's thousand-year level.

"Han Yu, did you finally succeed?"

"However, the power of your self-created soul skill is average."

The Ice Emperor, who was wearing a long green dress, quietly appeared beside Han Yu. With a pair of bright yellow eyes, he looked at the traces left by the passing fireball, and said with some disdain:

"It's not as good as my Ultimate Ice."

"If you ask me, if you master my ultimate ice well, it will be much more powerful than your self-created soul skills."

The corner of Han Yu's mouth twitched uncontrollably, as if he couldn't believe that the Ice Emperor would so flippantly sneer at the self-created soul skills he had worked so hard to research.

This skill not only included all his hard work, but also consumed countless shadow clones of his to perfect every detail.

He stretched out his palm helplessly, as if drawing a circle in the air, and then suddenly pressed hard on the head with black hair, and rubbed it a few times like punishment.

Han Yu couldn't help complaining,

"Is there anyone like you who is so dismissive of others? Are you so contemptuous of the soul skills I have worked so hard to study?"

His voice was full of dissatisfaction and protest,

"Just wait and see, I will develop more powerful skills, and you will regret despising me so much."

As he spoke, a confident and slightly playful smile appeared on his face.

The Ice Emperor, however, was not to be outdone and fought back sternly,

"Damn Han Yu, you touched my head again. It's really too much. I will never let it go!"

Ice Emperor's eyebrows were furrowed, and there was a bit of displeasure in his eyes. She wanted to slap away the big mischievous hand, but the owner of the hand seemed extremely insistent, like an iron pincer, which made her resistance appear... All in vain.

After a moment, she seemed to have a flash of inspiration, rolled her eyes, and suddenly a sly smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Ice Emperor opened his cherry-like mouth, as if he was about to perform some secret skill, and bit Han Yu's chest area that looked softer due to the tight clothes, and bit down mercilessly.

Han Yu felt a sharp pain. He didn't expect the Ice Emperor to be so bold. He couldn't help but exclaimed,

"It hurts! You are trying to murder your husband."

Even though he was wearing clothes, it didn't seem to be much of a hindrance to the Ice King's sharp teeth.

Immediately, Han Yu felt that his chest seemed to be burned by fire, and the pain was unbearable. When he lowered his head, he looked down.

I saw that Hyokui's small mouth actually left a deep tooth mark on his clothes, and a hole the size of a small mouth was bitten out of his clothes. The strong muscles inside were vaguely visible through the hole.

The Ice Emperor proudly glanced at Han Yu with his crystal clear blue eyes, his crimson cheeks slightly raised, vaguely showing a delicate cherry color, and said coquettishly:

"You're talking about murdering your husband, you're so ugly."

Like the first melting snowflakes in winter, her fair face has a hint of brightness, and her slightly curved red lips pop up like a cold silver bell:

"This is a lesson for you to touch my head casually. Let's see if you dare to do it again in the future. Humph!"

The tip of his tongue was lightly pursed, revealing a hint of pride that was unfazed by humiliation.

After saying that, the Ice Emperor's head of emerald-green hair turned slightly aside.

Her profile was as perfect as a sculpture, and she hummed proudly and uninhibitedly.

You must know that her body is an ice jade emperor scorpion. If she bites it like this, an ordinary person would be scarred.

Fortunately, Han Yu's chest muscles were as solid as a rock, and the Ice Emperor did not go all out, so the short-term severe pain was only a temporary restraint.

He responded helplessly with a smile:

"Okay, okay, I won't dare to do it next time, but this time, just let me touch it."

The smile on Han Yu's lips seemed to bloom like the spring sun. Before the Ice Emperor could react, thunderous movements filled his entire body. He stretched out his hand so fast that he touched her delicate parts with a delicate touch that was difficult to withstand. rub.

The pain caused Ice Emperor to cry out:


His eyes were full of teasing and unwillingness,

"I am going to kill you"

The Ice Emperor's half-closed eyes were shining, his cheeks were bulging, his face was flushed, and his silver teeth were clenched, as if he was ready to launch a fierce counterattack.

However, with her blue eyes filled with spring frost, she could not compare to Han Yu's strong figure. Her jade hands helplessly spread her teeth and claws, but she could only keep flopping on the spot.

The cute and vulnerable antelope is angry but helpless.

For a moment, she was extremely ashamed and angry, like an ice lotus blooming in winter, stunningly beautiful but irresistible.

"That's enough, Bing'er, stop chasing me. Han Yu is just teasing you. You're so amused by him, don't take it seriously."

At this moment, like the ice and snow elves in the ice village, they are as pure as jade porcelain that can be broken by a blow.

It is very similar to the elegance of Clivia alone, and a cold figure like a cold iceberg appears quietly, and its gentle eyes seem to be able to see through the world.

That was the Snow Emperor. Her beautiful and clear pupils reflected the playful Han Yu and the Ice Emperor's smiling face. All of this seemed to slow down in her eyes, as if the old time had stopped around her. generally.

She smiled slightly, and the smile at the corner of her mouth was like spring water, lively and vivid, with a certain arc. It looked helpless but gentle, as if she was whispering to her own world.

Her body has now returned to the appearance of a seventeen or eighteen year old girl, and she looks extremely beautiful.

"Stop it!"

When Han Yu saw the Ice Emperor charging forward brazenly, he did not forget to scream. The trembling voice seemed to be lost to the air, and it streaked across the sky, and its trajectory was clearly visible.

The Ice Emperor curled his lips, which were as moist as jade and as charming as a drop of water, with an angry face. A few drops of crystal sweat hung on his charming lips, like a drop of ice dew on a desolate moonlit night.

Her uncontrollable dissatisfaction was clearly revealed, and a sexy buttocks stopped her delicate body.

Picked up the teacup on the table beside him.

Han Yu walked slowly to the Snow Emperor while smiling. He gently stretched out his hand and moved the Snow Emperor's black hair to one side from her face. There was a unique brilliance in his gentle eyes.

"The medicinal power of the Star Anise Ice Grass has been completely refined, right?"

Han Yu held the tea cup in his hand and didn't drink it. He just put the tea to his mouth as if he was waiting for the answer.

The Snow Emperor gently looked at Han Yu's face. His bright silver hair looked like mist and flowers under the moonlight, and his watery eyes were even more refined, revealing an indescribable noble temperament, but it was a bit... arrogant.

There was a faint strange feeling in her heart, especially when she saw Han Yu's gentle eyes, the blood in her whole body couldn't help but boil.

"It has been completely absorbed. Now my soul power is much higher than yours."

A confident smile appeared on Snow Emperor's jade-white face.

Han Yu glanced at the furious Ice Emperor not far away, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then said:

"You are recovering your strength, not practicing normally, so your speed must be much faster than mine."

Han Yu was right, the Snow Emperor's cultivation was still there, but it could not be used temporarily.

Every time she advanced, she could absorb a part of the original power.

With her cultivation of nearly 700,000 years, each soul ring could even reach the level of 100,000 years.

As long as her body can bear it, so far, all her soul rings are black.

Han Yu had seen it once.

Speaking of which, the state of the Snow Emperor is also quite strange, like a soul beast, and like a human.

After Han Yu sealed it, he found that the Snow Emperor actually had soul rings, but also had some characteristics of soul beasts.

The beautiful pupils shone with unusual light. Obviously, there were some accidents in the process of practicing to become an adult, which led to this strange half-human and half-soul beast state.

But on the contrary, she is very powerful in this state. Not only does she have the intelligence of a human, she can practice at a human speed, and she also has a lifespan that soul beasts cannot have.

This characteristic makes Han Yu a little envious.

"By the way, what are your plans next?"

Xue Di asked with a pair of beautiful eyes.

"Why, are you a little tired of this kind of life?"

Han Yu smiled slightly, came to her side, and sat down.

Feeling the temperature coming from her side, Xue Di's pretty face turned slightly red, and a trace of shame flashed in her eyes.

After these days of contact, she and Han Yu have become familiar with each other.

But it was the first time that Han Yu was so close to him. The strong masculine scent kept entering her nose, making her breathing a little messy.

She responded in a panic: "No."

"Compared to my loneliness in the Far North, I think this kind of life is actually pretty good."

"When I was in the Far North, only Bing'er came to accompany me from time to time."

"But she also has her own tribe to take care of."

"And I am always alone."

"After following you into human life, I found that I kind of like this kind of life."

"In addition to Bing'er, I also have..."

"And you"

After saying this, the tip of Xue Di's ears suddenly turned red, and even the temperature of the skin surface seemed to be much higher.

Han Yu was slightly stunned, and a hint of tenderness flashed in his deep black eyes.

Yes, Xue Di looks extremely powerful, but tens of thousands of years of lonely life, I am afraid that even a soul beast would find it very difficult to endure.

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