Douluo Jueshi: Obtain Sharingan at the beginning!

Chapter 150 Xuanzi is so bold! Call me His Majesty!

"Otherwise, why would we sign it?"

Du Bu Si's words instantly resonated with everyone present.

"That's right. We have nothing to fear from our Body Sect. We have no choice but to hunt for spirit rings for the young master."

An elder stood up and said.

"Yes, fuck him."

His words were immediately echoed by others.

When Du Bu Si was still a level 98 Super Douluo, the strength of the sect was already extremely strong.

Now that he has broken through the Limit Douluo, the foundation of the sect has been further strengthened.

The people of the Body Sect, who were originally fearless, have undoubtedly become more bold at this moment.

"Yes, I was abrupt. The master is no longer the same as before, so he naturally doesn't care about such a treaty."

Jin Peng laughed and was also infected by the atmosphere, and immediately agreed.

Du Bu Si smiled with satisfaction, his big hand slowly rose, and made a virtual pressing motion in the air, like a commander of a tide, tacitly controlling the atmosphere.

Suddenly, the whole hall, which was originally noisy, became quiet in this solemn atmosphere, as if all the noises disappeared by an invisible hand.

Du Bu Si's eyes were filled with coldness and authority.

"Very good, since everyone agrees, let's go down and prepare now."

His words were concise and powerful, and every word seemed to have a heavy power, echoing in the hall.

His voice fell, as if giving everyone a command to act.

"In an hour, we will set off to the Xingdou Great Forest."

Du Bu Si mentioned the upcoming mission again, his voice was deep and powerful, making people nervous involuntarily.

This mission was undoubtedly full of danger, and everyone's face showed a trace of tension.

But no one backed down, and their eyes were flashing with fighting spirit and excitement.

"Yes, Sect Master!"

Everyone stood up, and at this moment, their voices were neat and powerful, shaking in the hall, like a passionate oath.

Then, they clenched their fists and said goodbye and left.

The strongest fighters in the sect walked straight to the square outside the sect.

Han Yu looked at this scene and couldn't help but feel a little moved.

The backs of the people in unity touched his heart in an instant.

These people are all disciples of the body sect. They all follow Du Bu Si so desperately, whether it is internal or external cooperation or succession.

Han Yu clenched his fists gently. He cherished this deep affection very much, and at the same time, there was an indescribable pressure, because these body disciples all needed his protection.

You are doing this, which makes it difficult for me.

Han Yu thought silently in his heart, the weight of this responsibility has been heavily pressed on his shoulders.

I will repay your kindness when I become stronger.

He swore silently in his heart, and a strong sense of responsibility made his eyes more determined.

Time slipped away quickly, and an hour had already passed.

Outside the hall, the sky gradually revealed the glory of the morning sun, and the beams of golden light seemed to bid farewell to the expeditionary team.

All the soul masters above Soul Douluo, each with a serious face and a solemn aura, all came to the hall to wait.

The whole hall was shrouded in a silent atmosphere, and only the sound of footsteps and breathing could be heard.

"Master, except for the elders who must stay in the sect, the thirteen Soul Douluos and ten Title Douluos are here, please give the order."

Jin Peng said with a fist, his body was like a mountain, steady and unshakable.

Du Bu Si looked around, his eyes were like torches, passing through everyone's face, as if he could see through every bit of anxiety and determination in their hearts.

Finally, he nodded with satisfaction, waved his hand, and this wave was full of surging power and irreversible determination: "Let's go!"

After that, a dark green light emerged from him, the light was strong and mysterious, full of awe-inspiring magic.

His body was lifted off the spot, and a brilliance that could not be looked at directly bloomed in the air, leading the way to fly towards the Star Dou Great Forest.

Han Yu and many elders also quickly followed, and every move was quick and accurate, without any hesitation or hesitation.

For a moment, all kinds of gorgeous lights kept alternating in the air, and the colorful soul power fluctuations intertwined a huge net, reflecting the entire sky in a colorful way. The scene was extremely shocking, like an unexpected feast of light and shadow, foreshadowing the upcoming war of changing winds and clouds.

The body sect is still a long way from the Star Dou Great Forest.

After five consecutive days of traveling, Han Yu and his group finally arrived at the outer edge of the Star Dou Great Forest.

It was like stepping into another world. The surrounding scenery slowly changed from barren to lush, and the air was filled with the fresh breath of trees and soil. Every cell seemed to cheer between breaths.

Suddenly, the sound of "Stop!" completely broke the silence. Du Bu Si, who was flying in the front, suddenly stopped and turned to look at the team behind.

In front of him was a vast forest. The dense trees obscured his vision, making the already sparse light in the forest even darker.

Du Bu Si's voice was stern and firm:

"Next, everyone, take a break, adjust your state, and after lunch, we will go into the depths of the Xingdou Great Forest together."

Du Bu Si was the first to land from mid-air, and his teammates followed him to a wide and flat boulder. Then he walked to a flat ground nearby, sat down and began to regulate his breathing.

The rest of the main body disciples also found their own suitable positions, sitting or lying down, and began to use this short break time to restore their physical strength and take a short rest.

Some soul douluo-level elders in the team were busy taking out the dry food and water they carried with them, and began to prepare a simple but nutritious lunch.

Han Yu felt that his soul power was consumed a lot, so he casually stretched his body under a big tree and began to meditate and regulate his breathing. Surrounded by green and tall trees and small animals that occasionally shuttled between them, the quietness and harmony formed a sharp contrast.

After resting for about two and a half hours, everyone packed up their bags. After a simple lunch, everyone was obviously in a lot better spirits. They got up again and quietly moved towards the mixed area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest.

As a top-level plant-type soul beast, the Ten Thousand Demon King must have its own territory.

Its location is naturally in the core area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest.

The race of the demon eye demon tree can only be regarded as a high-level plant-type soul beast, and its racial strength is not strong.

Except for the Ten Thousand Demon King, the top combat power of the entire race is extremely rare.

And as a plant-type soul beast, its weaknesses are also very obvious, afraid of fire, unable to move, etc.

However, although its strength is not strong, its number is extremely large.

There is a demon eye demon forest in the core area.

It is full of demon eye demon trees, and the outermost ones are naturally some demon eye demon trees with ordinary cultivation.

The further you go inside, the higher the cultivation of the demon eye demon tree.

This is Han Yu’s second trip to the Xingdou Great Forest. The last time he accompanied Yuan Gungun and others to hunt soul rings.

Compared with the first time, this time he got soul rings for him, and this soul beast is not ordinary.

"Bingdi, do you think our action can succeed this time?"

Walking on the way to the mixed area, Han Yu was a little bored and talked to Bingdi in the spiritual sea of ​​consciousness.

The Ice Emperor raised his eyes slightly and said lazily: "Don't worry, this time we have dispatched so many high-end combat forces, even if we can't win, we can protect ourselves."

"If it doesn't work, we can change the target, I remember"

Speaking of this, she turned her head slightly to look at the quiet Snow Emperor beside her.

The Snow Emperor nodded slowly.

The Ice Emperor continued: "If it doesn't work, we still have alternative targets. Although they are not as old as the Ten Thousand Demon King, they are also at the level of fierce beasts."

The Ice Emperor has no burden for invading the Star Dou Great Forest.

Although they are all soul beasts, they actually belong to different camps.

Just like the country of human soul masters.

The Beast God Di Tian of the Star Dou Great Forest is equivalent to the king of the human country.

And in the Far North, the Snow Emperor and she are the kings there.

This is equivalent to the two countries going to war.

Han Yu nodded slightly, he knew that the Ice Emperor should be talking about the Ice Bear King, Xiaobai.

He actually thought that the Ice Bear King would be easier than the Ten Thousand Demon King.

He originally planned to do so.

But after obtaining the skeleton of the Dragon King level, his thoughts changed.

Although he will not gain soul skills after sealing the soul beast.

But he can use the innate soul skills of any soul beast.

Just like he can use the ultimate ice of the Ice Emperor, the only difference is the size of the power.

If he can seal the Ten Thousand Demon King, then he will have another ultimate attribute.

Maybe he can also develop a simple version of Wood Release.

But the ultimate wood is definitely not as good as Wood Release.

The ultimate wood has strong vitality at most.

But Wood Release is not just that. In addition to its strong vitality, it can also absorb soul power to replenish itself, thereby continuously enhancing its strength.

This is its most powerful place. The ultimate wood can't compare at all.

Han Yu said: "I know, but I still like the Ten Thousand Demon King a little more."

"Let's try it first, and then we'll talk if it doesn't work."

Roar! A deafening roar broke the silent air and echoed in the forest.

At this moment, Du Bu Si, who was walking in the front, suddenly stopped, his eyes fixed on a tall tree canopy not far away.

"Sect Master?" Jin Shen Douluo stepped forward cautiously, his voice low and slightly worried, as if asking Du Bu Si what was going on.

Du Bu Si shook his head, but his eyes revealed an indescribable excitement, and he murmured to himself: "I didn't expect to meet an acquaintance here."

"Acquaintance? Who?" Jin Shen Douluo asked again curiously, seeming to be a little surprised by Du Bu Si's words.

"From the looks of it, it should be hunting spirit rings for students." Du Bu Si did not respond to Jin Peng, his voice gradually became more excited, his eyes sharp as a knife, staring closely at the front.

"Oh? Or a thousand-year-old dark gold fear claw bear?" Jin Shen Douluo also raised his eyebrows, looking very interested.

Jin Peng discovered a dark gold giant bear not far away.

Du Bu Si raised his eyebrows, and a smug smile appeared on his lips: "What good luck."

Han Yu followed Du Bu Si's gaze, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He didn't expect to actually meet an old acquaintance here.

Not far from them, two students wearing Shrek school uniforms were nervously preparing for battle, their eyes full of solemnity and tension.

The dark golden giant bear in front of him was the dark golden fear claw bear mentioned by Du Bu Si.

These two students were Xiao Xiao and Wang Dong, whom Han Yu had met at the Soul Master Competition.

"It seems that Huo Yuhao is indeed no longer in Shrek Academy."

Han Yu was thoughtful, because because of him, there have been changes now, and he knew that the advantage of the plot was gone at this moment.

But it doesn't matter, for Han Yu, he didn't rely on knowing the plot to gain an advantage.

He believed that as long as he worked hard to improve his strength, for him, that was the most correct path.

Suddenly, Du Bu Si smiled coldly, looked at a huge tree crown not far from Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao, and shouted loudly: "Xuan Zi, how long are you going to hide."

There was a hint of unquestionable command in his voice, and then he suddenly emitted a breath of Extreme Douluo, spreading like a storm.

Just as he finished speaking, a figure shrouded in dark yellow light quietly appeared.

Isn't it Xuan Zi?

It turned out that he had been hiding behind Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao, protecting them secretly.

But he thought he was hiding well, but he was still discovered by Du Bu Si who had entered the realm of Extreme Douluo.

"Old monster, you"

Xuan Zi's body shook, and he looked at Du Bu Si in disbelief, and even his tone trembled: "How could you find me?"

"What old monster, you should call me His Majesty the Main Body." Du Bu Si sneered, and a hint of pride flashed in his eyes.

"You, broke through to the Extreme Douluo?" Xuan Zi's face suddenly became a little ugly, and Du Bu Si's aura was very close to Mu En.

Du Bu Si looked at Xuan Zi proudly, with a strong aura: "Not only did I break through, but it was also far beyond your imagination."

Xuan Zi was silent, and a hint of worry and uneasiness flashed in his eyes. The change of Du Bu Si made him feel that the situation was completely different.

At this moment, Du Bu Si's blood and qi were so vigorous that they were even above Mu En. The difference between the two was as sharp as the contrast between a young man and an old man.

Now Du Bu Si suddenly broke through, which made Xuan Zi really hard to accept.

"We were both level 98 Super Douluo once. Although you are stronger than me, we are still opponents of the same level." Xuan Zi muttered to himself.

Du Bu Si raised his eyebrows and said proudly: "But now it's different. I have advanced to the Ultimate Douluo. What about you?"

Xuan Zi was speechless. This was indeed a difficult question for him to answer.

"Why, Xuan Zi, you are the first person to know that I have broken through the Ultimate Douluo." Du Bu Si continued to taunt.

"Don't you have any awe for the Ultimate Douluo now?" Du Bu Si's eyes were sharp, as if they could penetrate people's hearts.

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