Douluo Jueshi: Obtain Sharingan at the beginning!

Chapter 196 Wood Release, the tree world descends! (Four chapters updated today, one extra chapter f

"Isn't your martial spirit your eyes?"

Han Yu was slightly startled. Huo Yuhao's change at this moment was so like that he was possessed by the White Tiger Spirit.

It's just that the color of his body is purple-black.


"That was just the past."

"After swallowing Dai Huabin's White Tiger Spirit, my spirit has evolved and has completely mutated."

"Now my martial spirit is called Evil-Eyed Purple Tiger, and its power is comparable to those of super martial spirits."

Huo Yuhao smiled proudly and seemed very satisfied with his current changes.

"Stop talking nonsense, let me show you my strength."

"The first soul skill, Purple Tiger Shock Wave!"

His first soul ring suddenly lit up, he opened his mouth, and a rich purple light ball condensed in his mouth.

A large amount of soul power fluctuations and mental fluctuations surged in it, and the next moment, he sprayed out with all his strength.

A purple beam of light shot toward Han Yu.

"Have all the soul skills mutated?"

Han Yu secretly thought that he knew that Huo Yuhao's number one soul skill was spiritual shock.

But this light ball not only contains soul power attack, but also comes with a powerful spiritual attack.

Once hit, at the same level, not only the body will be injured, but also the mind will be severely damaged.

Compared with the original spiritual eyes that could only send out spiritual attacks, this soul skill was undoubtedly more powerful, and it was simply impossible to guard against.

A glint of pride flashed in Huo Yuhao's eyes. After his martial soul mutated, he was no longer the spiritual soul master with weak combat power.

The Evil-Eyed Purple Tiger Martial Spirit not only has the ability of the Beast Martial Spirit to increase physical fitness, but it can also add mental attacks to its soul skills.

You must know that your mental power is far beyond that of ordinary people, but now you have the characteristics of the White Tiger Martial Spirit.

At the same level, no, even as an ordinary Soul Saint, Huo Yuhao was confident that he could win easily.

Psychic attacks are no joke.

In Huo Yuhao's pride, the purple beam of light hit Han Yu as he wished, stirring up large amounts of smoke and dust.

"Hmph, Han Yu, you underestimate me too much, you actually resisted my attack."

A trace of anger flashed in Huo Yuhao's eyes, and Han Yu stood there without dodging, and forcefully ate his attack.

This shows what?

Isn't this a naked look down on him?

"Don't get me wrong, I just want to try out how powerful Yin is after the mutated martial soul."

An indifferent voice came from the smoke. The next moment, the smoke and dust dissipated, the lavender light quietly disappeared, and Han Yu's figure clearly appeared in front of everyone.

"Bang, bang!"

Han Yu's black eyes were unperturbed. He stretched out his right hand and gently patted the robe on his body, causing a faint trace of dust to rise slightly.

The silent movements were full of disdain.

This made Huo Yuhao angry: "Oh, stop looking down on others."

Han Yu crossed his hands on his chest, looked calmly at the angry Huo Yuhao, and said calmly:

"This attack combines physical and mental attacks. An ordinary Soul King or Soul Emperor would probably be injured just by rubbing against it."

Before Huo Yuhao could become happy, Han Yu continued:

"However, you seem to have forgotten that I am also a spiritual soul master, and I am more powerful than you."

"Let me show you what strength is."

While speaking, Han Yu suddenly clapped his hands, and the rich green soul power was injected into the ground by him, and the robe on his body stirred wildly.

"Wooden Escape, the tree world is coming!"

Han Yu gave a low shout, and swung his right hand forward violently. With a low roar, the earth shook violently.

Huo Yuhao and Zhang Peng suddenly felt a strong vibration under their feet, and they looked at the scene in front of them in horror.

Tall trees rose from the ground. In just a moment, the surrounding terrain turned into a dense forest, and the air was filled with the smell of earth and the fragrance of plants.

Zhang Peng's eyes almost popped out of his head. He didn't expect Han Yu to be able to display such a powerful soul skill.

"How is this possible? Even I can't change the battlefield environment in an instant."

Zhang Peng exclaimed, his eyes looking at Han Yu with horror, his face full of disbelief.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Han Yu's mouth. He looked at Zhang Peng's shocked face with a trace of disdain in his eyes.

The forest is very large, completely covering the entire valley, and it looks like a small forest from a distance.

The trees have dense branches and leaves, and the sunlight shines through the leaves, forming spots of light that reflect on the ground, making them look particularly beautiful.

The soul beasts not far away suddenly became extremely panicked, and they couldn't help but roar. Countless beast roars resounded throughout the Jingyang Mountains, as if the entire mountain range was trembling.

"Now, you can please me as much as you like, Huo Yuhao."

Han Yu crossed his hands again and laughed softly, his tone full of joking, as if he was enjoying a wonderful performance.

"Let me admire your ugly dance."

Han Yu looked at Huo Yuhao with a teasing smile in his eyes, as if he was looking at a prey about to be eaten.

Huo Yuhao's brows were furrowed. He felt the changes in the surrounding environment, and his heart was filled with uneasiness. He felt the energy fluctuations of the surrounding trees, and he knew that these trees were not simple.

"Hmph, it's just a tree, it doesn't pose a threat to me."

Huo Yuhao said forcefully, but his body began to tremble slightly.

The next moment, the trees that were still still stretched out their vines like giant pythons and entangled with him.

The surface of the vines was covered with thorns, emitting a terrifying cold light.

Huo Yuhao reacted quickly and dodged immediately, but a vine still hit his shoulder, causing a sharp pain.

Huo Yuhao groaned, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Holy Son, hide quickly."

Zhang Peng shouted angrily, and he instantly activated his martial spirit. A pair of huge tiger claws appeared out of thin air, emitting a terrifying pressure.

Zhang Peng waved his claws, tearing the vines that attacked Huo Yuhao and smashing them to pieces.

Han Yu looked at Zhang Peng's actions and sneered.

"Scorpion Tiger Douluo, this is a battle between Huo Yuhao and me. I will not be happy if you intervene so rashly."

Han Yu's tone was contemptuous, and his eyes were full of disdain.

Zhang Peng roared: "Boy, I'm going to attack you, what can you do to me?"

Zhang Peng's tone was full of anger. He was a Titled Douluo, but he was despised by a Soul King. This made him feel extremely angry.

Han Yu smiled lightly, and a cunning light flashed in his eyes.

"I can't do anything to you, but someone can."

Han Yu's voice was flat, but with an unquestionable majesty.

He stretched out his hand, pointed his fingertips to the sky, and muttered something.

"Come out, Fire Dragon King!"

As Han Yu spoke, complex spells came out of his mouth. These spells seemed to have some kind of magic, making the air around him heavy.

The next moment, a gray light flashed in Han Yu's eyes, as if some kind of seal was unlocked.

A six-pointed star array appeared out of thin air and appeared in front of Han Yu.

The array emitted a dazzling light, as if it was going to swallow everything around it.


A deafening dragon roar sounded, which seemed to come from ancient times and was full of awe-inspiring pressure.

The air in the entire forest became heavy, the trees seemed to be trembling, and even the grass leaves on the ground seemed to be suffocated by the roar.

Zhang Peng's eyes were full of solemnity. He stared at the hexagram array closely, as if there was something terrible about to come out of it.

He clenched his fists, ready to face the next battle at any time.


A sound of bone friction sounded, and the hexagram array suddenly expanded, and a huge head came out of it.

What shocked Zhang Peng was that this was actually a dragon head, but there was no flesh and blood on it, just a white skeleton.

However, despite this, the dragon power emanating from this skull dragon was extremely pure, which shocked Zhang Peng.

Zhang Peng could be sure that no dragon soul beast on the Douluo Continent had a bloodline as pure as the one in front of him.

The bone dragon was still moving. As its head came out, its huge body slowly emerged. The complete skeleton was lifelike, like a huge bone dragon sculpture.

The huge dragon head was beating with soul fire, emitting a faint blue light, which looked extremely strange.

The skeleton was covered by a ball of burning flames, looking like an evil dragon crawling out of hell.


The dragon roared again, and then crawled towards Han Yu respectfully.

Han Yu nodded gently at it, and then looked at Scorpion Tiger Douluo again:

"It's just right, I haven't seen the strength of the Titled Douluo yet."

"Please show me Scorpion Tiger Douluo"

As Han Yu finished speaking, the Fire Dragon King, who was originally crawling on the ground, instantly flapped his wings, roared, and sprayed a strong and hot dragon breath towards Zhang Peng.

Wherever he passed, even the air was distorted by the burning temperature.

"Son, protect yourself." Zhang Peng pulled Huo Yuhao and jumped, barely avoiding the dragon's breath.

"I will deal with this skull dragon."

Zhang Peng instructed Huo Yuhao, and his body instantly flew into the air, pulling the Fire Dragon King far away, obviously afraid that the aftermath of the fight between the two would affect Huo Yuhao.

Han Yu did not stop Zhang Peng, and originally pulled out the Fire Dragon King to contain Zhang Peng.

However, his strength seems a bit weak, and he hopes that he will not be killed by the Fire Dragon King later.

Han Yu's mouth curved:

"So, Huo Yuhao, aren't you going to fight me?"

"Now is a very good time."

Huo Yuhao coughed lightly. He was stabbed by a vine just now due to carelessness. His breath was a little messy now, but his eyes were still firm:

"Thank you for leading Senior Scorpion Tiger away, otherwise I would not dare to expose my full strength."

"You are the first person who will see my full strength."

"You should feel honored for this."

Huo Yuhao suddenly smiled sinisterly, and the next moment, his fifth soul ring suddenly lit up.

"Fifth soul skill, Purple Tiger Double Divine Transformation!"

In Han Yu's slightly surprised eyes, Huo Yuhao's body crouched slightly, and his body swelled up again, and soon swelled to about three meters, and his clothes exploded.

But he was not naked, and layers of purple-black hair covered his entire body, and rich purple light continued to flash on his body.

The muscles on his body were bulging high, like pieces of hard steel. A pair of tiger claws about half a meter long shone with cold light, full of sharp aura.

His face was also purple-black, with a king character appearing on his forehead, and the power of a king among beasts emanated from him.

The most surprising thing was his eyes, which were completely emotionless. The purple-black eyes were full of violence, killing, and cruelty.

It seems like it was born for fighting.

"This power is really intoxicating. My fifth soul skill can increase all my attributes by 300%, including mental attributes. And in this state, I will not be controlled."

"Completely immune to any negative status."

"Even I don't know how strong I am in this state."

Huo Yuhao's voice became richer. This soul skill of his was obtained by hunting an extremely rare soul beast.

Logically speaking, this kind of soul skill cannot have the ability to be immune to bugs such as control.

But it actually appeared on Huo Yuhao.

What Han Yu didn't know was that although Huo Yuhao's soul skill seemed invincible, it would consume his life force every time he used it.

And the consumption will be very serious. The longer it is used, the more vitality will be consumed.

If one percent of the life force is consumed in the first ten minutes, it will be two percent in the next ten minutes, and the geometric multiples will add up until death.

This is a life-threatening skill, and Huo Yuhao usually doesn't dare to use it.

He could feel that Han Yu was far superior to ordinary soul masters, and it was absolutely impossible to defeat Han Yu under normal conditions.

He had no choice but to resort to this life-threatening skill.

"I hope it can be resolved quickly, otherwise I will have to find some more soul beasts to absorb their vitality."

He was secretly anxious in his heart, and at this moment he had no choice but to shoot.


He roared angrily, and his body suddenly rushed towards Han Yu in front of him, so fast that Han Yu almost didn't react.

The next moment, a pair of huge tiger claws fiercely grabbed his face.

Purple light flashed, and Han Yu was surrounded by purple skeletons.


The sound of impact sounded, and Han Yu was surprised to find that his Susanoo had quietly cracked a crack.

Seeing the surprise in Han Yu's eyes, Huo Yuhao attacked quickly and roared:

"My speed attack and defense have all been tripled, and you can actually block my attack."

"You are indeed very strong, Han Yu."

Dang Dang Dang!

Another series of attacks. Huo Yuhao's offensive was so fast that his movements were almost invisible.

You could only see the movement of his attack, and the next moment, his attack came to Susanoo's body.

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