Douluo Jueshi: Obtain Sharingan at the beginning!

Chapter 222 Who is it? Who dares to disturb my sleep?

Yes, after two years of help from Han Yu, Meng Hongchen obtained Han Yu's essence that contained rich vitality.

Not only has his physical fitness been greatly improved, but his soul power has also been rapidly raised to the soul saint level.

Compared to before, it can be said to be much stronger.

Meng Hongchen originally preferred to cultivate martial arts, so her seventh soul ring was developed with the help of Han Yu.

Obtained a soul ring with an age of about 70,000 years.

In the future, when I am at my ninth soul ring, I might be able to absorb a hundred thousand year soul ring.

Qiu'er nodded, her eyes thoughtful.

‘He said that Meng Hongchen’s strength was very poor and she couldn’t be with him. ’

'But I can act with him, doesn't it mean...'

Han Yu didn't know what Qiu'er was thinking, the reason why he took Qiu'er with him.

Just understand that the other person is here for him.

If he was left alone in the Sun and Moon Empire.

Don't know yet what will happen.

The two kept flying, and soon, a dense vegetation began to appear in front of them.

The Demonic Forest's status in the Sun and Moon Empire is like the Star Dou Forest's status in the Douluo Continent.

The most powerful spirit beasts in the Sun and Moon Empire live here, among them, the Evil-Eyed Tyrant Lord, who ranks second among the ten most ferocious beasts in the world today, lives here.

Although the Evil Forest does not cover an area as large as the Star Dou Forest, it is still the largest forest in the Sun and Moon Empire.

The location is due west of the Jingyang Mountains where Han Yu has been.

Han Yu's goal this time is to use the Evil Emperor as his seventh soul ring.

The Evil Emperor's cultivation is second only to Di Tian, ​​so it is very suitable to use it as the seventh soul ring.

The Star Dou Forest is located close to the center of the Douluo Continent and has a temperate climate. However, the forest in front of you is closer to the north. As far as you can see, it is mostly coniferous forests.

Hanyu brought Qiu'er down slowly from the sky, her feet lightly touched the ground, and a heavy feeling of depression swept over her instantly.

This coniferous forest is completely different from other forests. Most of the trees are black and gray, with thin branches and dry and curled leaves, as if they have been eroded by some force.

Han Yu frowned slightly. This sense of oppression did not come from the trees themselves, but from the depths of the forest, an unspeakable and terrifying atmosphere.

Standing behind Han Yu, Qiu'er also felt this sense of oppression. She held the long sword in her hand tightly, her eyes full of wariness.

Han Yu took a deep breath and released the soul power in his body, forming an invisible barrier to resist this feeling of oppression.

"Is your target really the Evil Emperor?" Qiu'er asked, with a hint of worry in her voice.

Han Yu smiled slightly:

"Don't worry, I know it's very strong."

"But, do you think I'm weak?"

Qiu'er was slightly startled, she naturally knew Han Yu's strength.

But his strength is limited, just a little stronger than her.

"Are you planning to use that kind of power?"

Qiuer was naturally referring to the complete Susanoo who had fought against Teten.

If Han Yu can use this move, Qiu'er feels that the Evil Emperor is really no match for him.

Han Yu said: "That's right, it shouldn't be too far apart. I just researched this recently."

"Just use him for experiments."

Qiu'er nodded: "Okay."

Hearing this, she did not try to dissuade him anymore and had no choice but to obey Han Yu.

She knew that there were still several soul beasts in the Han Yu Consciousness Sea, including the Ten Thousand Demon King.

If these soul beasts attack with all their strength, the Evil Emperor will really be powerless.

"Let's go, this time I'm going to hunt for a soul ring for you."

Qiu'er's soul power has also reached the level of Soul Saint, which was originally not so fast.

But Han Yu gave her the blazing glue that he had taken from the Ice and Fire Eyes before.

That's why her cultivation level increased so quickly.

Han Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, and the scarlet Sharingan suddenly emerged, and the huge spiritual power swept towards the surroundings like a tide.

Everything around him instantly appeared in his mind. Whether it was the cultivation or quality of the soul beasts in the Evil Forest,

It's not much worse than the Star Dou Forest.

And most of them are dark style soul beasts.

For example, bloodthirsty wolves, shadow bats, colorful snakes, etc.

Han Yu led Qiu'er slowly towards the inside.

"With your physical fitness, maybe you can try a hundred thousand year soul ring?"

While walking, Han Yu turned his head slightly, looked at Qiu'er beside him and said.

"One hundred thousand years? I'm afraid not."

Qiu'er's footsteps paused slightly. In her mind, eighty or ninety thousand was already enough.

"You have absorbed fairy grass, and it matches your attributes very well, plus your body is very powerful."

"I think there should be no problem."

Han Yu shook his head gently. Qiu'er, as an auspicious beast, carries the fate of the Star Forest.

All the soul beasts could only run away when they encountered her, and did not dare to attack at all.

Then absorbing soul rings is naturally the same.

Whether in terms of bloodline or power, it should be feasible for Qiu'er to absorb a hundred thousand year soul ring.

"Then, let me try."

Qiu'er was silent for a moment, then nodded.

Moving forward, the two soon arrived at the core area of ​​the Demonic Forest.

All the soul beasts along the way were scared away by the cold rain.

Although Han Yu is only at level 70 now, the weight and quality of his soul power are no less than those of Titled Douluo.

These ten-thousand-year-old soul beasts were frightened by Han Yu's aura and did not dare to approach.

"The Evil Emperor usually lives in the deepest part of the Demon Forest. We just need to walk all the way inside and we will naturally meet him."

The Snow Emperor in the spiritual sea of ​​consciousness spoke.

Han Yu nodded silently, and his feet moved quickly.

At this moment, a chaotic soul power fluctuation came from the front.

Are there soul beasts fighting?

Han Yu's heart moved, and he stopped immediately. He turned to look at Qiu'er, with a bit of urgency in his eyes, stretched out his hand and grabbed Qiu'er's arm, pulling her to his side.

"Quick, come with me to take a look!"

Han Yu said while pulling Qiu'er forward quickly.

As they got closer, the soul power fluctuations around them became more and more obvious, and the strong energy fluctuations seemed to tear the air apart.

Han Yu frowned, his perception was extremely sharp, and he could feel that there were at least two powerful soul beasts nearby.

The two of them quickly shuttled through the dense forest. Along the way, the surrounding trees were shaken by their powerful soul power, and the branches and leaves were flying all over the sky.

Finally, in a huge open space, they finally saw two huge soul beasts.

Han Yu and Qiu'er stopped, and they both quietly observed the shocking scene in front of them.

One of the soul beasts was covered with thick scales all over its body. These scales were dark blue and looked at least three layers, which were very thick.

Its lower limbs were extremely strong, and it walked upright, and its upper limbs were short.

But both the upper and lower limbs had three fingers, with sharp claws that shone with cold light.

Its head was particularly huge, almost occupying one-third of the body size, and its mouth was open, revealing two rows of sharp teeth, which made people shudder.

It also dragged a thick tail that was more than three meters long behind it, and the tail was covered with barbs, which looked extremely aggressive.

"It is a dragon soul beast, a swallowing dragon, known as a mini Tyrannosaurus Rex."

Qiu'er quickly said the information of this soul beast.

As she spoke, she carefully observed the swallowing dragon, her eyes full of curiosity and excitement.

Han Yu nodded slightly, and whispered: "This Devouring Dragon's cultivation is too low, not suitable for you. I wonder if there are any higher-aged ones."

Han Yu's tone was a little disappointed. He originally hoped that Qiu'er could find a suitable soul beast to improve her strength.

The one confronting the Devouring Dragon was a soul beast with a very strange appearance.

It was suspended in the air, looking a bit like a balloon, but unfortunately, it was not a balloon, but a huge eye.

The diameter was one meter, and it was a blood-red eye. The eyeball was covered with bloodshot, giving people a sense of extreme danger.

Around this giant eye, there were clusters of brown spots, soft, and six tentacles hanging on the ground, dragging long.

Some of these tentacles were green, and some were red. The tentacles of two colors were intertwined together, which looked extremely strange.

It can be seen that the places where it was dragged left a series of corroded gullies, and the ground was covered with black marks.

Han Yu frowned slightly, and whispered:

"This is the evil eye, a soul beast with spiritual attributes."

Evil eye! Han Yu already knew it without Qiu'er telling him.

He came to this soul beast forest just to find the evil eye tyrant ruler.

The evil eye in front of him had only cultivated for tens of thousands of years, which was too weak for Han Yu to be interested in.

However, when Han Yu and Qiu'er stepped into this area, the two soul beasts immediately noticed their arrival.

The Devouring Dragon let out a deafening roar, and its huge dragon tail was like a giant hammer, sweeping towards Han Yu and Qiu'er with violent power.

On the other side, the evil eye also felt threatened, and the fiery red tentacles among its six tentacles suddenly lit up, like a blazing flame, spraying out from Han Yu's feet.

Han Yu's Sharingan rotated quickly, and he used the insight of the Sharingan to slow down the time around him, and keenly perceived the trajectory of the fire column.

He suddenly jumped back, dodged the attack of the fire column, and fell out of the attack range of the Devouring Dragon.

"Qiu'er, I'll leave the Devouring Dragon to you, and I'll deal with this evil eye."

There was a hint of coldness in Han Yu's voice, and his Sharingan instantly switched to the kaleidoscope state. A red light shot out from his eyes and went straight to the core of the evil eye - the huge eyeball.

The powerful mental power was like a storm, sweeping the surrounding air and rippling.

The evil eye soul beast itself is known for its mental power, and naturally it also felt the powerful mental power of Han Yu.

The mouth behind its eyes opened, and it let out a piercing scream, and a mental attack shot at Han Yu like a sharp arrow.

The two mental powers collided in the air, making a huge roar, and the surrounding air suddenly became distorted, reflecting a strange scene in the sun. It seemed as if the whole space was still, and everything became slow.

Han Yu's mouth corners slightly raised, he looked at the evil eye in front of him, a trace of mockery flashed in his eyes,

"Looking for death, Tsukuyomi!"

As his voice fell, the light of the Mangekyō Sharingan shone again, the evil eye's body suddenly stiffened, its consciousness was pulled into the Tsukuyomi space, and fell into an infinite illusion.

In the outside world, only a few breaths passed, and when the evil eye returned to normal, its big eyeball suddenly exploded.

It turned into blood and flesh all over the sky, scattered everywhere.

I don’t know what kind of attack it encountered in the Moon Reading Space.

Han Yu’s mental power is now so huge that it is unimaginable. I am afraid that only mental beasts can barely resist it.

Even if they can resist, they will suffer serious mental trauma.

For example, the evil eye in front of him has only been cultivated for tens of thousands of years.

Naturally, it is not Han Yu’s opponent and was directly defeated by the Moon Reading.

After the evil eye exploded, a circle of black soul rings emerged from its wreckage, like a black snake, slowly floating in the air.

But Han Yu didn’t even look at it.

The age is too low, and he doesn’t care at all.

Qiu’er’s side also solved the battle quickly.

He turned around and looked at Qiu’er. Qiu’er was standing next to the corpse of the Devouring Dragon, holding the Golden Dragon Spear in her hand, with a hint of excitement on her face.

Qiu’er pulled the Golden Dragon Spear out of the Devouring Dragon’s body, and the Devouring Dragon’s body quickly shrank and turned into a mummy, obviously drained of vitality.

The golden dragon spear in Qiu'er's hand emitted a golden light, which was like a stream of light, slowly injected into Qiu'er's body, replenishing her consumed energy.

"The golden dragon spear is indeed made of the ribs of the Dragon King. It is indeed violent."

Looking at the Devouring Dragon that looked like a mummy, Han Yu sighed.


Qiu'er nodded, and then put away the golden dragon spear.

This golden dragon spear can only be used by people with dragon blood.

It is considered a divine weapon.

Han Yu didn't have any idea about this, he didn't even look down on this kind of divine weapon.

But the ability to absorb vitality for his own use made him very interested.

At this moment, suddenly, the whole space seemed to shake violently, and a terrifying mental force like a mountain fell from the sky.

A low, majestic, and cold voice echoed in the air.

"Who is it? Who dares to disrupt my sleep, who dares to kill in my evil forest?" As the low voice appeared, the sky began to twist and then became dark.

The dark clouds slowly split to the sides, as if the whole sky was torn apart. A huge eye appeared in the air, and its gaze was directed at Han Yu and Qiu Er.

Then his huge eyeballs glanced at the dead evil eye next to him, and a murderous aura burst out from his eyeballs.

"How dare you to massacre my people, human, you have angered me."

The evil eye in front of him has only been cultivated for tens of thousands of years, which is obviously not enough to make this terrifying existence so angry.

Then it can only be——

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