Han Yu touched his chin, looking thoughtful.

His mimicry skill is to construct an illusion through his own thoughts.

Then what others can see is the appearance he constructed.

Han Yu gave Yuan Gun Gun a facelift according to his appearance, removing the fat.

Now he can't see his previous appearance at all.

"Gun Gun, from now on I will call you Fatty, and you can call me A Han."

Yuan Gun Gun nodded, and naturally understood why Han Yu did this.

He knew how to hide his identity.

"I know, A Han."

Yuan Gun Gun smiled and immediately got into the state.

"Let's go. Let's go. It's getting late. Everything is going according to plan."

Han Yu nodded and strode forward, and Yuan Gun Gun followed closely behind him, heading straight for the center of Ming City.

Where there are people, there will be an underground world, whether it is Tianhun, Douling, Xingluo or the Sun and Moon Empire.

There are many kinds of underground worlds.

The lowest level is those who survive by pornography, killing, and human trafficking.

The higher level ones are arms trading, underground political transactions, rare resource reselling, etc.

In fact, whether it is the low-level or high-level underground world, they are all toys in the hands of big men.

Otherwise, how can they continue to exist?

In the underground world of Mingdu, there are three major forces, namely the largest Xishui League, Pingfan League and Aodu Chamber of Commerce.

Among them, Pingfan League, which sounds the most ordinary, controls the entire pornography industry in Mingdu and is the most superficial underground force.

The Aodu Chamber of Commerce controls the killer guild, the thieves guild and some evil forces.

They specialize in collecting protection fees, assassinations, thefts and other black jobs for a living.

Compared with them, Xishui League is much more high-end, engaged in the most profitable drugs and arms trading in the underground world, and also part-time human trafficking.

Pingfan League and Aodu Chamber of Commerce have a very close relationship, and there is a gesture of uniting to fight against Xishui League.

However, their backers are obviously not as powerful as Xishui League, and there are not many places for them to interact with each other. With the compromise of the bigwigs behind them, they have been able to keep peace.

The three major underground forces have all been involved in the reselling of rare metals. After all, this thing can be said to be a very profitable thing.

As long as they can penetrate into the mining channels, the cost is extremely low, but the selling price is high, which makes more money than anything else.

To give a simple example, among rare metals, there is a kind of soul-forging silver with extremely high affinity for soul power. It can be integrated into any metal to enhance its affinity for the soul power of soul masters, while enhancing the toughness and hardness of the metal.

It is almost a must for all high-level soul guides.

The rare metal of soul-forging silver is only produced in the Sun and Moon Empire, with medium output, and the mining cost is about 500 gold soul coins per kilogram.

And the price of this thing in the market is as high as 100 gold soul coins per gram, 200 times the profit!

How can it not make people crazy?

Even if there will be various exploitations in the channels, it is also a huge profit.

Among many rare metals, the profit of soul forging silver can only be considered medium.

The price of some more scarce rare metals is even more incredible.

The huge profits are tempting, and the influence of the three major underground forces in Mingdu can almost spread throughout the country, so they naturally want to share a piece of the pie.

It brings them huge profits every year.

This is still the case when the state monopolizes this industry and uses rare metals as strategic materials and does not allow exports.

The three major underground forces named this competition: Mingdu Soul Mentor Elite Competition.

It shines with the Continental Youth Advanced Soul Master Elite Competition.

Han Yu chose the Xishui League, which has the strongest overall strength among the three major underground forces, but is secretly clamped by the other two major forces.

As for why, only he knows.

The preliminaries of the Xishui League are held in a high-end hotel in the city center. One of the reasons for choosing this place is that it is close enough to the Mingyue Hotel and does not need to walk too much.

Qingse Hotel, a hotel with a very distinctive name, is only a little more than one kilometer away from the Mingyue Hotel and only two kilometers away from the Sun and Moon Empire Palace.

It is in an absolutely prime location.

It's just that the name of this hotel is often mispronounced, and it's easy to mistake it for that kind of hotel.

But it got its name because of this.

This is the property of Xishui League, and no one knows whether the headquarters of Xishui League is here.

Qingse Hotel doesn't look as big as Mingyue Hotel on the surface, with only five floors above ground, but people who are familiar with it know that its real strength is reflected underground.

At the main entrance of the hotel, four strong men, all over two meters tall, wearing black tights, stood, looking at the passing people with cold eyes.

Before Han Yu and Yuan Gungun came close, a strong man in black came up and raised his hand to block the way of the two.

"The hotel is closed to the public today, please leave."

Yuan Gungun stepped forward, smiled slightly on his handsome face, and said:

"We are here to participate in the Mingdu Soul Instructor Elite Competition."

The strong man in black was stunned for a moment, and his expression softened a little. The status of soul instructors in the Sun and Moon Empire is much higher than that of other countries. It is not a wise choice to offend a soul instructor, even if the other party is not high-level.

"Sorry, the Soul Master preliminaries have already started and will be over soon. You are late."

The black-clothed sturdy man said with a look of regret, but his expression was a little more respectful.

Han Yu walked forward with a hint of arrogance in his tone, like a dandy boy, and said arrogantly:

"I bet my own 200,000 gold soul coins, representing Xishui League to participate in the finals and help you win the championship."

"If I can't make it out of the line, then these 200,000 gold soul coins belong to you."

The black-clothed sturdy man was stunned, as if he couldn't believe it, "200,000 gold soul coins, are you sure?"

For gambling in the underground world, it is no secret. If there is no tacit approval from above, there will be no such large-scale competition.

Therefore, the black-clothed sturdy man did not shy away from it, but was frightened by the amount Han Yu said.

Even some nobles rarely have such a big hand.

And he was betting on himself. Isn't he afraid that Xishui League will use secret operations to get his money?

In the black-clothed sturdy man's mind, the two young men in front of him are probably the descendants of some princes and nobles who are out to have fun.

And he is full of mysterious confidence in his own strength.

Han Yu still had that arrogant tone, saying: "A mere 200,000 gold soul coins are nothing to me."

"You can't make the decision, go find someone who can make the decision."

As he spoke, Han Yu took out a black gold card with a golden border, which was the top gold card of the Sun Moon Empire.

Looking at the gold card in Han Yu's hand.

"Please wait a moment." The expression of the big man in black suddenly became a little respectful.

After a simple salute to Han Yu, he quickly walked towards the door of Qingse Hotel, and after a few words with his companions at the door, he quickly entered the hotel.

Not long after, a middle-aged man in a sophisticated white gown walked out of the door of Qingse Hotel.

Seeing Han Yu and Yuan Gungun standing outside the hotel, he quickly stepped forward and said with a smile on his face:

"My subordinates are ignorant, two distinguished guests, please follow me."

As he spoke, he had already made a gesture of invitation.

Han Yu was a little surprised by his straightforwardness. After nodding, he and Yuan Gungun walked into the Qingse Hotel.

The interior of Qingse Hotel was indeed very green and simple. It was not at all obvious that this was the place where Mingdu ranked first among the underground forces.

It was also a very important base of Xishui League.

The layout of the entire hotel had a moist feeling, with white porcelain decorations everywhere, white porcelain floors, and white porcelain walls.

All colors were mainly white and red.

After entering the hotel, the middle-aged man stopped and said, "Two distinguished guests, who will participate in our Mingdu Soul Mentor Elite Competition?"

Yuan Gungun said, "He will participate, and I will accompany him." As he spoke, he pointed to Han Yu beside him.

The middle-aged man nodded and said, "I wonder what the two gentlemen are called?"

Yuan Gungun said, "My eldest brother is called Ahan, and I am called Ayuan."

The middle-aged man's eyes flashed, and he could of course hear that this was simply a casual perfunctory taste, and it should be taken from one of their names.

But the middle-aged man did not ask further questions. Many soul masters have special hobbies, and many people have concerns when participating in the underground forces' competition. Many people use pseudonyms.

And the way to win them over in this underground forces competition is definitely not to rely on names. It is very important not to ask about the secrets of powerful soul masters.

Only interests can keep them.

"Because the competition has started for a while and will end soon. So time is a bit tight. Can Ahan show his soul master identity? I will arrange the competition for you immediately. And the betting you mentioned just now..."

Han Yu threw the dark gold card in his hand and slowly fell into the hands of the middle-aged man.

"What a strong control ability."

Han Yu showed a little skill and directly stunned the middle-aged man.

"This is the black gold VIP card of Ruijinqianzhuang, which is commonly used in the mainland. Fatty, you will go up and place the bet with this person later."

Han Yu said lightly.

As he spoke, he raised his right hand slightly. The middle-aged man felt a flash before his eyes. A long sword appeared in Han Yu's right hand. A white light suddenly lit up, and the sharp sword energy instantly soared into the sky, making a sharp whistle in the air.

Cold sweat "swish" flowed from the middle-aged man's forehead.

He hurriedly said: "Please stop, confirmed."

Han Yu nodded, and the long sword in his hand disappeared.

"Since you said time is tight, take us there quickly."

The middle-aged man wiped his cold sweat while leading Han Yu and the others to a soul guide elevator inside the hotel lobby.

Then he took a soul guide communicator and said a few words, and then led the two into the elevator.

The elevator went down all the way and stopped after about ten seconds. When the door opened again, noisy sounds mixed with a breath of decadence came to the face.

In stark contrast to the simplicity of the green hotel lobby, the splendor of the hotel's underground world dazzled everyone's eyes.

Gold is everywhere, even the mirrors.

It seems that this underground world is made entirely of gold.

After the middle-aged man led the four people out of the elevator, they first passed through a gorgeous prototype hall, and then entered a door in front.

There were two guards at the door. After seeing the middle-aged man, they immediately opened the door and invited them in.

Entering the door, it seemed as if they had come directly to another world. The light here was not as strong as outside, and it seemed much softer.

But the large area made Han Yu's eyes reveal a look of surprise.

This is a circular dome hall, and the top of the hall seems to be neatly outlined by countless golden lines.

The huge dome provides enough light for the entire hall.

Rows of seats extend neatly downward.

And there is a circle of escalators that go up diagonally on the periphery.

At the end of each soul guide escalator, there is a circular room suspended in the air.

It is impossible to see with the naked eye how these rooms are suspended in the air.

There are a total of eighteen such suspended rooms and soul guide escalators. They are vaguely surrounded in a circle.

In the middle of the hall, there is a circular platform. It is thirty meters in diameter.

Although it is far less wide than the competition stage of the All-Continent Youth Advanced Soul Master Elite Competition.

But it is already quite amazing. Don't forget, this is the underground world.

At this time, there are dozens of metal tables on the competition stage, and soul guide lights flash from time to time.

There are also some metal tables around the round platform.

The total number exceeds one hundred. Some metal tables were already empty.

The circles of sapphire blue velvet chairs on the periphery were full of people.

But they were all very quiet, concentrating on watching the busy people at the metal tables in the center.

Conservatively estimated, there were more than two thousand people watching. From their clothes and clothing, it can be seen that they were either rich or noble.

Those who could watch the game in person were all big bettors, at least betting more than 10,000 gold soul coins.

And ordinary people could only bet at the peripheral betting points of these underground forces.

Just one sub-competition area attracted hundreds of soul masters under the age of 30 to participate. The attraction of this underground black market competition is quite impressive!

"Excuse me, how many people are there from the Xishui League participating in this competition?" Han Yu asked the middle-aged man who led the way.

The middle-aged man said respectfully: "We have a total of 264 soul masters participating in the competition. If you include you, there will be 265.

Some soul masters have already finished their creations.

Today is the qualifying round, and you are required to create a third-level soul guide to pass the qualification review.

Of course, it must be done within a certain period of time.

You see, there is an hourglass on the table of each soul master.

However, there is only half an hourglass, about half an hour, before the last soul master to finish the creation.

I wonder if you can still make it in time."

Han Yu smiled proudly, "Enough."

He is not himself now, but playing the role of a nobleman. From this moment on, he has obviously adjusted his emotions. (End of this chapter)

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