Douluo Jueshi: Obtain Sharingan at the beginning!

Chapter 289 Our respected Soul Master No. 66!

When the voice of the MC Ajin fell, the atmosphere in the Golden Hall was instantly ignited.

In the audience, the crowd became restless like boiling water, with deafening cheers, whistles, applause, and even various strange musical instruments intertwined, almost overturning the dome of the entire hall.

They waved the bills in their hands, which not only represented their enthusiasm for the game, but also represented the huge bets they placed.

Everyone's face was full of expectations, expecting that the soul guide they bet on would eventually win and bring them rich returns.

Ajin smiled and scanned the whole audience, stretched out his hand and pressed down, signaling everyone to be quiet. The noisy voice gradually subsided, and everyone's eyes were focused on him, waiting for his speech.

"First of all, let me introduce to all the distinguished guests the powerful soul guides who will participate in the final six battles today."

Ajin's voice was clear and powerful, spreading to every corner of the hall.

"I want to emphasize here that whether it is the information we released about these six people before the game or the analysis I will conduct immediately, it is based on their previous performance in the game.

We in Xishui League have never asked the respected soul guide what level or ability they have. Because this is what they are taboo about."

He paused, and his eyes swept across the audience, taking in their expectant expressions.

"Next, please invite the first of the top six contestants, soul guide No. 37 to enter!"

Ajin's voice suddenly rose, with a bit of excitement. As soon as the voice fell, a young man in black tights walked out of the corridor connecting the competition stage at the back of the hall with steady steps.

He walked lightly, but with an invisible sense of oppression, making it impossible to ignore his presence.

In three or two steps, he had already stepped onto the competition stage and stood next to Ajin.

He nodded slightly to the audience, then put his hands behind his back, stood there quietly, waiting for Ajin's introduction.

"Our soul guide No. 37 has defeated several powerful opponents.

In the last round of the competition, he even made a powerful and rare fifth-level soul guide. We evaluate him as a fifth-level soul guide. He is good at making various dexterous attack soul guides."

A Jin's voice was full of undisguised admiration. "

The second one, let us invite soul guide No. 85 to come on stage!"

Following A Jin's voice, another young man walked out of the corridor.

Unlike the calmness of No. 37, this soul guide No. 85 seemed a little frivolous. As he walked onto the stage, he blew kisses to the audience, attracting waves of whistles and screams.

He walked quickly to the side of soul guide No. 37 and winked at him, as if to provoke him.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that these two were the weaker among the top six today, and they also had the highest odds.

The emcee's voice was loud and passionate, echoing throughout the entire competition venue: "For the third place, let us invite Soul Master No. 66 to the stage, and our staff will lead him in!"

The spotlight turned to one side of the competition stage as the emcee spoke, and two uniformed staff members smiled and led a tall young man up the steps.

Han Yu walked steadily, and at the signal of the staff, he stepped onto the competition stage and walked to the front, and thunderous applause and cheers suddenly rang out from the audience.

The emcee came to him, nodded to Han Yu, then turned to the audience with a professional smile on his face:

"Our respected Soul Master No. 66 has made great progress in the previous competitions, and has been unstoppable all the way!"

He paused, glanced at the audience, and said with a hint of mystery: "We have not yet seen his true strength, and our assessment of him can only be temporarily classified as a Level 5 Soul Master."

"But from his calm and composed performance, we seem to be able to vaguely see his powerful and mysterious potential. Perhaps, he will become a dark horse in this competition. Let us wait and see!"

The emcee's words once again set off a round of warm applause.

After a brief introduction, the MC turned to the other side and announced loudly: "For the fourth place, let's invite Soul Master No. 88! A mysterious and powerful man who always wears a mask and has a sturdy figure!"

As soon as the voice fell, a tall masked man jumped onto the competition stage. The heavy footsteps seemed to knock on everyone's heart. He strode to Han Yu and stood still, exuding a cold breath that kept strangers away.

"Soul Master No. 88 has shown great strength in previous competitions. We evaluate him between level 5 and level 6 soul masters. He is like a mystery, unpredictable." The MC's tone was full of curiosity.

"In fact, I really want to know why he always wears a mask. Maybe he is a famous soul master in the empire that we are familiar with." The MC said half-jokingly, trying to mobilize the atmosphere on the scene.

"I personally have high hopes for this respected soul master No. 88, and I believe he will bring us more surprises in the next game!"

However, the big man turned a deaf ear to the host's words and remained silent from beginning to end. He crossed his arms and glanced around coldly under the mask, as if he was indifferent to everything.

"Okay, next, let's invite the fifth soul master, No. 98!" The host's voice sounded again, drawing everyone's attention back to the competition stage.

"Respected Soul Master No. 98, possesses extremely powerful strength, and the carving knife in his hand is extremely sharp. We have always suspected that it is one of the carving knives on the list!" the master of ceremonies said in his tone. Full of awe.

"His strength is estimated to be a level six soul master, but we are almost certain that he has a strength that far exceeds level six and above. He is a top-notch powerhouse who is hidden deep inside!"

"I guess the first four people will not be too willing to draw him when they draw lots, because he is definitely an extremely difficult opponent!"

The emcee's words caused a commotion in the audience. Everyone was full of curiosity and expectations for the No. 98 Soul Master.

"The last person to appear is our soul master No. 96!" The master of ceremony's voice sounded again, attracting everyone's attention.

"Like Soul Master No. 98, our assessment for him is also level six. He also has a sharp carving knife that is suspected to be a carving knife for the list."

"It needs to be noted that we have announced before that because the two powerful soul masters No. 96 and No. 98 have the highest evaluation, they will not meet in today's draw of the top six. ”

The master of ceremonies emphasized this point.

"To ensure that our Xishui League can have the strongest lineup to participate in the three-party finals later."

"Now, the drawing of lots begins!"

The voice of the master of ceremonies, Ah Jin, was loud and powerful, echoing in the hall. He held a golden hammer high in his right hand and struck it fiercely on a gong beside him.

The sound of "dang" and the crisp sound of gongs resounded throughout the hall, also announcing the official start of the lottery ceremony.

"The drawing of lots has begun." Master of Ceremony Ah Jin repeated, and at the same time put the hammer aside, turned around, and faced everyone. His eyes swept over everyone present, and finally rested on Soul Engineer No. 98.

Soul Master No. 98 noticed the emcee's gaze and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a contemptuous smile. He deliberately cast his gaze on Han Yu, his eyes seeming to say:

"Pray, kid, that your luck isn't too bad."

His lips trembled slightly, and although he made no sound, it could be seen from the shape of his mouth that he said: "Pray."

Han Yu noticed No. 98's provocative gaze, but did not show the slightest fear. The corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a strange smile.

Yes, it’s time to pray, pray that you don’t draw me. He thought to himself, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

The method of drawing lots is very simple. A huge crystal ball is placed in the center of the stage, crystal clear and reflecting dazzling light.

In the crystal ball, six small balls of different colors are rolling slowly, each ball is inlaid with a small magnet. There are also two magnets fixed in the three areas inside the crystal ball, emitting a faint blue light, as if waiting for prey to take the bait.

When the crystal ball rotates, the magnets inside the ball will attract each other and the magnets in the area, and will eventually be attracted together.

The small balls that are attracted to the same area mean that their corresponding soul mentors will meet and become opponents in today's game.

At this time, the two small balls No. 96 and No. 98 have been attracted to the magnets in two areas respectively, which means that the two of them will never meet in today's game.

The other four small balls are still rolling slowly at the bottom of the crystal ball, waiting for their fate.

"Okay, now, let me open today's lottery crystal, let's get started!" The master of ceremonies, Ajin, walked to the crystal ball, reached out and pressed a red button under the crystal ball.

Suddenly, a soft white light lit up inside the crystal ball, and the originally stationary crystal ball began to rotate slowly, getting faster and faster, making a slight "buzzing" sound.

As the crystal ball rotates, the small ball that was originally rolling at the bottom is gradually thrown up, spinning rapidly inside the crystal ball, shining like stars. Only the three places with grooved magnets remained motionless, quietly waiting for the arrival of the ball.

Soon, the first small ball was sucked out. It drew a beautiful arc in the air and accurately landed on the only empty area among the three areas, where it was firmly absorbed by the magnet.

"Okay, District 3, No. 88!" Master of Ceremony Ajin's voice sounded again, "I have to say, mysterious soul master No. 88, you are lucky.

You haven't met two powerful soul masters who we evaluated as level six. "

Following the voice of the emcee, a burly man walked out of the crowd, with a hint of excitement on his face, and walked straight to the third area.

The gaze of Soul Master No. 98 fell on Han Yu again, and the contempt in his eyes became even stronger, as if he was saying:

"Your luck is not very good. The chance of meeting us is even greater."

At this moment, with a "swish" sound, another small ball was sucked up. This time, it was adsorbed to the area where No. 96 was, and stuck closely to the small ball representing Soul Master No. 96.

"No. 37! Face off, No. 96! The first area!" the master of ceremonies A Jin announced loudly.

No. 37 stood there dejectedly, his hands hanging down weakly, his shoulders shaking slightly, as if he was under great pressure.

He murmured to himself in a low voice, his tone full of despair: "How could this could this happen..."

He raised his head and looked ahead with empty eyes. The figures of the big man and No. 96 kept replaying in his mind. These two powerful opponents made him feel suffocated and desperate.

He shook his head vigorously, trying to get rid of these negative emotions in his mind, but it was all in vain.

"Okay, the fifth one is out. No. 66, against No. 98, second area." The host's loud voice echoed in the golden hall, pulling No. 37 back from desperate thoughts.

Han Yu's heart skipped a beat when he heard his number. He subconsciously raised his head and his eyes met with No. 98.

No. 98 had a hideous smile on his face. It was a bloodthirsty and cruel smile, as if a beast had locked onto its prey.

No. 98 saw the helplessness on Han Yu's face and laughed even more wildly. He deliberately walked in front of Han Yu and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear:

"Boy, you're dead! I'll make you regret coming to this world!"

The last sign was revealed, No. 85 against No. 88, third area.

After hearing his opponent, the big man smiled contemptuously. He didn't even look at who his opponent was. He just spat with disdain, as if his opponent was just an ant that could be kneaded at will.

"Okay, the draw is over. Now, there is a quarter of an hour for the distinguished guests present to place bets. Only the distinguished guests present can enjoy such treatment.

The opportunity is not to be missed. The quarter-hour countdown begins.

Also, please ask the three pairs of soul masters participating in the competition to take their positions.

The next five hours will be hard for you, but the final winner will be able to obtain the rare metals prepared for you in the center of the competition stage.

The value of these rare metals is inestimable.

Because they are simply not available on the market. Fifty-four kinds per person, five kilograms each." The host's voice sounded again, announcing that the competition was about to begin.

The Golden Hall suddenly became noisy, and the audience rushed to the betting points, hoping to seize the opportunity at this last moment.

The thirty-six temporary betting points were crowded with people, shouting loudly and waving their chips in their hands, trying to attract the attention of the staff.

The air was filled with a tense and exciting atmosphere, mixed with the smell of various perfumes and sweat, making people feel a little breathless. (End of this chapter)

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