The only problem is that the multi-faceted magic gold itself is very repulsive to soul power, but it is also very hard.

It is very difficult to use it to make a core magic array.

However, in front of the Blade of Life Watch, these are not problems.

The sharp green blade cuts into the multi-faceted magic gold lightly. Wherever the blade passes, the vitality of the multi-faceted magic gold belonging to the metal is instantly drained.

Under Han Yu's precise control, only the life breath is drawn away where the blade cuts, and the place that loses vitality naturally becomes extremely fragile.

Han Yu's carving is just like cutting tofu. Soon. The multi-faceted magic gold in his hand has been carved into a palm-sized, disc-like shape.

Being able to act as an interpreter, A Jin is also quite knowledgeable about the production of soul guides. Seeing this scene, he has opened his mouth wide while sitting on the high platform.

"Oh my God! This is incredible.

The multi-faceted magic gold that is extremely repulsive to soul power is as fragile as tofu in front of the magical carving knife of contestant No. 66."

Number 98 was also carving a piece of rare metal. When he entered the soul guide production state, he no longer looked at Han Yu. His whole spirit was completely focused on the soul guide in front of him.

Every time the dark blue dragon in his hand carved, a layer of faint green light flashed.

The light on the rare metal fluctuated.

Compared with the quietness on the competition stage.

The whole golden hall was a mess, and everyone was discussing fiercely with familiar partners.

Five hours is indeed a long time.

After more than an hour of attention.

Some people have left.

But they didn't really leave. Instead, they went to eat something.

In this regard, Xishui League's service is very good. Outside the golden hall, there is a place dedicated to providing food and drinks.

And all are free.

You can also get free blankets. The sofas that gamblers sit on are very spacious and comfortable. Although sleeping on them cannot be compared with beds, it is always better to survive these hours than to sit there.

The light in the entire golden hall also dims over time. Only the light on the competition stage is the strongest.

There are special staff members who quietly go on stage, deliver some food and drinks to the soul guides, and then quietly retreat.

Even the shoes they wear are made of thick cotton soles.

To avoid making too much noise and affecting the soul guides' production.

Time passed by minute by minute, and the finished products gradually came out.

After a period of explanation, Ajin also went off the stage and went to rest.

It was already late at night, and the gamblers needed to rest. They couldn't listen to any more explanations.

The six people on the competition stage were very focused, and no one wanted to waste a little time.

Whenever a soul guide was completed, the soul guide would raise his hand to signal the referee, and the referee would inspect it.

After confirming that it was just completed and confirmed that it worked, the soul guide could put it away.

To be used in the later competition.

When the time reached one and a half hours, the soul engineer No. 98 opposite Han Yu had completed two works.

On Han Yu's side, he had not even produced one.

Among the six soul engineers, he was the only one who had not raised his hand once.

This made some gamblers who had not rested yet, were excited and bet on him very anxious.

Of course, this was only a small part of the gamblers. After all, only those who were particularly gambling would choose to bet on the side door.

When the time reached three hours, No. 98 had completed four works.

This was a very amazing speed. His four works were all level five soul guides.

In this limited time, a level six soul engineer would not necessarily make a level six soul guide.

In battle, the first thing a soul engineer should consider is self-preservation, not attacking the enemy.

Therefore, one soul guide is obviously not enough for fighting.

Only multiple soul guides that are balanced and suitable for oneself are the best choice.

And three hours later, Han Yu still did not raise his hand once.

On the soul guide production table in front of him, there were already many parts that looked very complicated.

Some were core arrays, but more were accessories that the referees could not understand.

No one knew what he was going to do.

There was not even a finished product yet.

In the intervals between production, No. 98 would occasionally look up at Han Yu, and there was some confusion in his eyes. What on earth was this kid doing?

Why didn't he have a finished product yet?

Since he dared to take out that thing as a bet, he must have a certain strength.

Did he panic?

No, there must be some special way. His eyes were very focused, and he didn't look like he had given up.

With this idea, No. 98 naturally paid more attention to Han Yu, his eyes drifted to the opposite side from time to time, and his production in his hands slowed down a little.

Soon he discovered that what Han Yu made was actually like a soul guide, and those accessories looked like things that were vaguely arranged in the same shape.

Making a soul guide?

Is he going to use a powerful gamble?

Number 98 narrowed his eyes slightly, thought for a moment, and immediately began to make another soul guide.

His movements were obviously faster, metal debris flew in his hands, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. Boy, don't you want to use a powerful soul guide to attack me?

Then I will let your plan die in the womb.

The production of the soul guide was in full swing. As the six soul guides raised their hands more and more times, the gamblers who had been resting before gradually woke up.

The five-hour competition was getting closer and closer to the end.

Among the six soul guides, only Han Yu, the weirdo, had not yet produced a finished product.

It was not until four and a half hours later that Han Yu, who had been busy and nervous, finally raised his head, and his face was obviously tired.

Although he had a strong mental power, he had been in a highly tense state for several hours, and he was really a little tired of rushing to work on the soul guide in front of him.

At this time, there were at least nearly a hundred accessories on the soul guide production table in front of him.

This soul guide was designed by Han Yu with the Blade of Life Watch as the core competitiveness after he remembered it.

This was also his first time trying to make one, and that was why he had to be very careful when making it.

Of course, this was also closely related to the complexity of the soul guide itself.

He glanced at the hourglass and saw that there was only half an hour left, so he finally had time to finish it.

Han Yu was not in a hurry to start, but sat there with his eyes closed, concentrating, urging the soul power in his body to circulate, and regulating his body's state.

A full quarter of an hour had passed, and Han Yu was still sitting there motionless.

The end of the game was getting closer and closer.

Although there were very few people betting on him, even these few people were extremely dissatisfied with his appearance, and many people had already stood up and scolded him.

Every soul guide who completed a soul guide would have a corresponding doll on his table as a representation.

At this time, the soul guide who made the most soul guides had completed six works.

Only Han Yu had not completed a soul guide.

If there was none, he would not even be qualified to compete later!

Seeing that there was only the last quarter of an hour left in the five hours.

The final of the top six of the Mingdu Soul Master Elite Competition Xishui League entered the last quarter of an hour.

Han Yu, who was sitting with his eyes closed, finally opened his eyes. Two brilliant lights flashed in his eyes, and then he moved.

An invisible spiritual detection enveloped his production table.

Those complex accessories seemed to have been numbered long ago.

He raised his right hand, and a far-end accessory was sucked into his hand by the crane and dragon. The accessory pressed down, buckled another accessory, and placed it flat on the production table. Then, his right hand moved like a butterfly flying through flowers.

The speed was so fast that it even left a trail of afterimages on the production table.

The soul guide accessories of different shapes and sizes, made of various rare metals, were constantly combined in his hands.

Gradually, a soul guide took shape on the production table in front of him.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The other five soul masters had already completed their production, and no one would grab these last few minutes.

In the previous production, they left margins for themselves.

Their eyes all fell on Han Yu.

Seeing that there was not even a doll representing the completed soul guide on his competition stage, the five soul guides showed different expressions.

Even Yuan Gungun's eyes flashed with a trace of anxiety.

Hongchen Blessing, that is a ninth-level soul guide!

What is the boss doing? With his spiritual detection and guidance, how could he not make a soul guide in five hours?

Seeing that the hourglass was already at the last point, the fine sand gradually disappeared.

No. 98 also showed a smug smile on his face.

Regardless of whether Han Yu could make the soul guide in his hand in time, he thought he had already won.

With such a tight time, the possibility of mistakes is very high. Can this soul guide work?

In other words, can it be successfully made?

Even if it succeeds, I already have a countermeasure. What can a single soul guide do?

Well. The bet was not bad. A soul guide above level eight, which looked like it was for defense, was just right for me.


Han Yu raised his right hand suddenly, and the soul guide in front of him fell on the production table with a "bang".

The hourglass finally had a little bit left.

The gamblers who bet on him collapsed on their seats as if they had lost their souls. Finally, a soul guide was made, which meant that Han Yu had a chance!

It's better to have a chance than not.

Number 98 opposite Han Yu frowned.

He saw that Han Yu made a soul guide with a peculiar style, which was in the form of a shield.

The entire shield was divided into three parts from the outside, with a slightly convex sphere in the center, about the size of a human head, and a layer of soft green light rippling on the silver-white metal surface.

With it as the center, the outer circle was mostly iron-gray metal, which did not look too eye-catching.

The outermost circle was a circle of light blue metal.

Relatively speaking, it is narrow.

But if you look closely, you will find that the entire shield is made up of many parts, which are fused with a variety of rare metals. Even a senior soul guide like No. 98 can hardly distinguish them all at once.

"The competition time is up, all participating soul guides, please stop.

Please ask the three referees to check the soul guides they made."

The host Ajin has returned to the competition stage at this time.

The soundproof soul guide fell, and the noisy sound poured into the competition stage.

The three referees have come to the stage, and their first target is Han Yu.

Who made him never make any soul guides in the previous competitions?

They first have to determine.

Whether Han Yu is still qualified to continue the competition in front of him.

Suspended in the air of the golden hall, in a VIP room in the middle.

Seven or eight people are sitting in it.

Sitting in the center is a woman in a black robe. The wide robe completely covers her body. Her gender can only be identified by her body curves.

The cloak covered his head and his face was covered with a black veil, revealing only a pair of very strange blue-gray eyes, quietly staring outside.

The entire VIP room seemed very quiet at this time, everyone looked outside but no one said anything.

"Old Third, what do you think about the situation of No. 66?" The woman sitting in the middle asked indifferently.

The man she called Old Third was an old man in his sixties, with long silver-gray hair draped behind his head and a very strong figure. Although he was not young, his eyes were quite sharp.

"Deputy leader, that young man is not simple.

From the beginning, I noticed that he was making a very complex combined soul guide.

However, this method of making is also the first time I have seen it.

Among them, there are a total of 17 core arrays. The largest one is a gathering core array, which is the one in the center of his shield.

When he was making it, he was also the slowest, but I couldn't see anything strange about it.

The other 16 core arrays should all be rebound rays or something like that.

There are some differences among them.

The six core arrays he arranged on the outermost periphery, if I am not mistaken, look like reversed rebound rays.

In other words, it is very likely to have adsorption ability."

"Rebound plus adsorption? Then what is his purpose?" A trace of doubt appeared in the silver-gray eyes of the deputy leader.

The third brother shook his head and said, "I can't guess this either. Although his soul guide level is not very high, every soul guide has his own creativity.

The complexity of his soul guide is comparable to that of the seventh level.

Finally, when assembling it, I can see that there are many mechanical structures that I can't understand. (End of this chapter)

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