The draw ceremony was held at the Mingyue Hotel. It must be said that this action of the organizer was very popular with the participating teams.

It was very humane! It gave them more time to rest.

The Grand Ballroom of Mingyue Hotel.

All eight teams that entered the quarterfinals have arrived.

The eight teams stood in eight rows. On the Snow Demon Sect side, Han Yu was at the front.

On the rostrum in front, the Titled Douluo referee Zheng Zhan was present, and there were several officials who were specially sent by the Sun and Moon Empire to organize this competition.

At this time, one of the officials stood up and said with a smile: "First of all, I would like to congratulate everyone here for being able to enter the top eight of this competition.

As we all know, this competition has introduced the participation of sects for the first time, and the competitiveness is much higher than in previous competitions,..."

A series of clichés lasted for a quarter of an hour before getting to the point of teaching me how not to be alarmed.

"Next, we will conduct the draw ceremony for the quarterfinals.

This draw will not only determine your next opponent.

It will also determine the range of your future opponents, which I believe will be helpful for your preparation for the game. The rules are as follows."

"We will first have the four first-place teams come on stage and draw lots to divide them into the upper and lower halves. Then each first-place team will draw a second-place team.

The only rule is not to draw teams that have been in the same group in the round-robin tournament.

The ones drawn will be the opponents for the quarterfinals.

After the grouping is completed, the two teams that won the quarterfinals in the upper and lower halves will compete in the semifinals. The winner will compete in the final."

Listening to the official's narration, Han Yu's heart moved. Isn't this the first-place team in the group playing against the second-place team in the group?

To put it bluntly, they will come on stage to draw lots and randomly draw a second-place team in the group to compete.

Then in the next game, Shrek Academy is likely to become the opponent of the Snow Demon Sect.

The four first-place teams in the group soon sent representatives to the stage.

The Sun Moon Royal Soul Instructor Academy sent Xiao Hongchen, the Snow Demon Sect sent Qiu'er, and the Holy Spirit Sect sent Tang Ya.

The last team, the Ao Jian Sect, sent a young man.

All the teams couldn't help but get nervous, because the draw would determine their next opponent!

Among the four teams that ranked first in the group, there is no doubt that the Sun Moon Royal Soul Instructor Academy and the Ao Jian Sect are weaker, and the strongest and most difficult to deal with is undoubtedly the Holy Spirit Sect.

It's not that the Snow Demon Sect is not as good as the Holy Spirit Sect, but that the Holy Spirit Sect has to lose two people in every game, which looks extremely cruel. In most teams, their cruel methods are the most feared.

Which team ranked second in the group would not want to draw the Holy Spirit Sect!

First, the draw was divided into half zones.

The first team to draw was the Holy Spirit Sect team. Tang Ya still wore a black robe today, and her pretty face was covered by a veil.

Bei Bei from the Shrek team clenched his fists, which showed his mood at the moment.

Soon, Tang Ya also completed the draw.

"Holy Spirit Sect, lower half."

Hearing the words "lower half", everyone's eyes became subtle.

Praying secretly that they would not be drawn to the lower half.

Soon it was the turn of the Snow Demon Sect. Qiu'er drew the upper half, which was just opposite to the Holy Spirit Sect.

Xiao Hongchen drew the upper half.

The last young man from the Proud Sword Sect who drew the lot smiled, "I don't need to draw, right?"

"Proud Sword Sect, lower half."

So far, the four teams that ranked first in the group have been divided into groups.

"Next, we will draw the quarterfinals. Shrek Academy will draw first."

Beibei raised his hand and drew.

"The Shrek team's new opponent is..." The official deliberately kept it a secret and paused.

Among the four teams, except for the Snow Demon Sect who had no reaction, the other three teams became focused.

"It's the Snow Demon Sect."

"It will be a wonderful match next. I believe Shrek and the Snow Demon Sect will not let us down."

The referee shouted loudly on purpose, and the audience below immediately became excited.

The strength of the Snow Demon Sect is obvious to all, and the strength of Shrek Academy is not weak either. The successive bursts of secret skills have allowed them to advance to the quarterfinals.

The second team to draw lots is the Ao Jian Sect.

"The opponent of the Ao Jian Sect in the quarterfinals is..., the Tianlongmen team."

The draw for the upper half is over. The only team left that has not been drawn is the Xingluo National Academy team.

At this time, Princess Jiujiu, the leader of Xingluo National Academy, looked very ugly.

The lower half has the Holy Spirit Sect and the Sun Moon Royal Soul Instructor Academy. Even if they draw the Sun Moon Royal Soul Instructor Academy in this round and win, they will face the Holy Spirit Sect in the semifinals.

The strength of this team is too strong for the Xingluo National Academy team.

"Next, the Holy Spirit Sect will draw lots."

"The Holy Spirit Sect's opponent is..., the Xingluo National Academy team."

Hearing this draw, Jiujiu's face changed. With her strong character, she was depressed at this moment. She certainly understood that they had no chance against the Holy Spirit Sect.

"Okay, the draw is complete. The quarterfinals will be held the day after tomorrow.

The competition will be held in the upper half in the morning and in the lower half in the afternoon. Please prepare for each team.

The competition is at the last minute. For you, every game is extremely important. I hope you can get good results."

After the draw was over, the officials left one after another.

Eight teams also walked outside the banquet hall.

On Team Shrek's side, Beibei's face looked a little ugly. Unexpectedly, he was a tough nut to crack.

Although the Snow Demon Sect's strength has not been fully exposed, several soul emperors have been shown in ordinary competitions.

This made Beibei feel very stressed.

Beibei said: "Let's go, let's go back too. Let's have a meeting in my room."

Shrek and everyone came to Beibei's room together.

Xu Sanshi sat lazily on the sofa and said: "Beibei, what kind of meeting are we holding? Today's lottery draw is really good. Let's take a good rest and recuperate. We will go back to the Holy Spirit Sect. We must talk to Xiao Xiao no matter what. Ya woke up."

Beibei frowned slightly and said, "Don't think so well. We must first pass the Snow Demon Sect before we can go head-to-head with the Holy Spirit Sect."

Xu Sanshi said with some surprise: "No way, Beibei.

Do we still need to hold a meeting to discuss how to deal with the Snow Demon Sect of the Sky Soul Empire?

I think it was just luck that they won the first place in the group.

On the contrary, the Tianlongmen should be stronger. It will be a stumbling block for our Shrek team. "

Beibei snorted coldly and said, "It's not as easy as you think. Caitou, tell him what problem we are going to face?"

He Caitou said without hesitation, "Don't ignore a sect."

Xu Sanshi was stunned. "What sect?"

He Caitou said: "Noumenon Sect."

"Noumenon Sect? Haven't they always shown their faces?"

He Caitou said: "It is precisely because the head is not exposed that we must pay more attention to it.

According to reliable information, the Noumenon Sect will definitely participate in the competition this time.

But they never showed a trace, what does this mean?

It means that the Noumenon Sect is hidden in a certain team.

It has never been revealed. And the strength of this team itself is not weak either.

Judging from the current situation, people from the Noumenon Sect are likely to be among the top eight teams. "

"Among the top eight teams, Shrek and the Holy Spirit Sect can be excluded first. It is impossible for our two teams to have people from the Noumenon Sect.

Among the other teams, Mingdu Soul Master Academy should also be impossible.

The four teams of Proud Sword Sect, Tianlong Sect, Snow Demon Sect, and Xingluo National Academy are all possible.

If I guessed correctly, people from the Noumenon Sect must be hiding on the bench of one of their teams. "

Beibei nodded happily and said: "Caitou is right. So, don't think that we won the lottery because we won the Snow Demon Sect.

This Snow Demon Sect also has a 1/4 chance of hiding a strong person from the Noumenon Sect.

And they want to defeat us.

People from the Noumenon Sect will definitely take action.

Therefore, we are likely to encounter strong opponents in our next game. "

The corners of Xu Sanshi's mouth twitched and he said: "It's not that unlucky, right? One-quarter chance? Will it happen to us?

Beibei said: "No matter which team the Noumenon Sect is hiding in. In this round of eight to four, everyone is very strong. I'm afraid they will also show signs. We must not place our hopes on luck. Therefore, we must still Face it with caution.”

Jiang Nannan said: "It would be great if the Noumenon Sect was hidden in the Star Luo National Academy team."

Hearing what she said, everyone couldn't help but smile at the corners of their mouths.

Isn't it? Xingluo National Academy will face the Holy Spirit Sect this round. If the Noumenon Sect and the Holy Spirit Sect met.

That was definitely the strongest collision!

If they had a lose-lose situation again, it would be perfect for Shrek Academy.

He Caitou sighed softly and said, "Although I hope so. But I have to say that this is unlikely."

"Why?" Jiang Nannan asked curiously.

He Caitou said: "It's very simple. Haven't you noticed that the Star Luo Empire has been making overtures to our Shrek Academy?

They have always hoped to form an offensive and defensive alliance with us.

Get help from the academy.

And when purchasing the soul guide we made, Princess Jiujiu’s eagerness cannot be faked.

Invite a titled Douluo to test it as soon as possible.

We think about it conversely, if the Star Luo Empire has such a powerful partner as the Noumenon Sect, and the relationship between the Noumenon Sect and our Shrek Academy is not harmonious.

Will they still be so eager to come to our side? "

After hearing what he said, everyone couldn't help but nod.

Beibei said: "What Caitou said makes sense. Therefore, our chances are likely to change from one-quarter to one-third. Okay, let's not talk about this anymore, let's discuss the tactics of the game. "

As the competition continued, the number of teams staying at the Mingyue Hotel became smaller and smaller. Most of the teams that had finished the competition chose to leave.

After all, this is a sad place for them.

Of course, some will choose to stay and continue watching the game.

This is also a rare opportunity. But this world is such a reality. All teams that have been eliminated must move out of the Mingyue Hotel.

Therefore, there are actually only eight participating teams left in the huge Mingyue Hotel, which also makes the entire Mingyue Hotel look empty.

However, this emptiness was filled with a depressing atmosphere.

The next three rounds of competitions are a combination of glory, interests and reputation for the remaining eight teams!

Among them, the Shrek team, which has won the championship many times and has countless halos of glory, is undoubtedly the most stressful.

The opponents they have to face in this competition are really strong.

The strength of the Snow Demon Sect is already very strong on the surface, and it is not known whether the opponent has hidden strength.

Although most of the top leaders know that the Snow Demon Sect is from the Body Sect, the people of the Shrek team do not know, and only a very few people know this news.

In addition.

The most mysterious is the Holy Spirit Sect team. This team rarely appears in public except during the game.

Two days of rest gave all the top eight teams a chance to breathe. Every team took the time to rest.

The day of the quarterfinals finally arrived. Early in the morning, the whole Mingdu became lively. Before dawn, a large number of people had already poured out of the city in order to occupy a good position to watch the game.

Today, the top eight will all be played. Four matches are all strong duels. Any match is a good thing that cannot be missed!

On the street, the people who are rushing out of the city are almost all carrying dry food and water. This is the rhythm of preparing to watch the game all day.

And they are all in groups of three or five.

What are the benefits of calling friends to watch the game together?

The biggest benefit is that when you go to the toilet, your position will not be taken by others.

Since the start of the competition, the temporary toilets built outside the city have really accumulated a lot of fertilizer for the fields around Mingdu.

The most excited are the farmers.

According to the competition system, the upper half of the game will be held in the morning, and the lower half in the afternoon.

When the first light of dawn in the east in the distance, the strongest teams representing the young generation in the world today, under the protection of a human wall composed of many soldiers, walked towards the outside of the city.

It was not just the four teams that participated in the morning that went to the competition venue. The lower half, including the Holy Spirit Sect, the Snow Demon Sect, and the Xingluo National Academy, all got up early.

During the round-robin tournament, you don't have to watch other people's games, just do your best.

In the quarterfinals, it becomes particularly important to know as much as possible about potential opponents.

At the same time, you can also adapt to the atmosphere of the venue as soon as possible.

The quarterfinals, this is a real showdown between the strong!

After today, the quarterfinals will become the semifinals, and four of the teams will go home.

Shrek and others walked quietly on the street. The eight teams did not leave the Mingyue Hotel together, so at this time, they were the only team on the street. (End of this chapter)

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