A large number of metal gun barrels grew out of his body. Yes, they grew.

He looked like a steel turret, full of danger.

Turret tactics!

A soul guide tactic that sacrifices mobility and increases firepower to the limit.

The power that this tactic can exert on the battlefield is just like a beast.

But on the competition stage

The place is too small, and due to the problem of mobility, it is necessary to aim at Yuan Gungun.

But Yuan Gungun looks fat, so his mobility should be very slow.

But it is not entirely true. After turning into a meat ball, Yuan Gungun's speed is comparable to that of a sensitive attack soul master of the same level, and his speed is not slow at all.

Spinning and jumping, Yuan Gungun quickly approached his opponent under the vitality of He Caitou, and in a blink of an eye he came within 50 meters of He Caitou.

How can he be so fast, and he actually rushed directly towards my shells without dodging or avoiding.

You should know that my soul guide cannon is level six. If a normal soul emperor is hit by it, he will be seriously injured if not killed. But when it comes to Yuan Gungun, you can only see that his skin is slightly burnt.

In the blink of an eye, it returned to normal.

It can be said that there is damage, but it is not high.

Yuan Gungun's huge body is like a bulldozer, with an unstoppable momentum, approaching rapidly.

Every step he took made the competition stage tremble slightly and raised a cloud of dust.

Twenty meters, for an agile soul master, is just a blink of an eye.

He Caitou's heart was alarmed, and fine beads of sweat oozed from his forehead.

While controlling the soul guide cannon, aiming the muzzle at Yuan Gungun, he anxiously thought about the countermeasures.

"Don't let him get close! Absolutely not!" He Caitou shouted in his heart. He knew that if Yuan Gungun got close to him, he would have no chance of winning.

He had seen Yuan Gungun's strength before, and it was absolutely crushing.

However, although the soul guide turret is powerful, its mobility is extremely poor.

In order to move this behemoth, the soul guide state must be released first, otherwise it cannot be moved at all.

"What should I do? What should I do?"

He Caitou's heart beat violently, as if it was about to jump out of his chest. He watched Yuan Gungun getting closer and closer to him, fifteen meters, ten meters...

Under the stage, Han Yu raised a confident smile at the corner of his mouth. He naturally saw the dilemma of He Caitou at the moment, and thought to himself: "He Caitou, you are bound to lose!"

Ning Tian noticed Han Yu's smile and asked in confusion: "Han Yu, what are you laughing at?"

Han Yu turned to look at Ning Tian and said in a relaxed tone: "Nothing, I just think we will win this game."

"Definitely win?" Ning Tian was even more confused. In her opinion, He Caitou's soul guide turret was so powerful that it would not be easy for Yuan Gungun to win.

The other people also looked puzzled, only Long Aotian and Qiu'er seemed to have seen some clues.

Han Yu smiled and explained:

"Although He Caitou is the best soul guide of Shrek Academy, he is facing the elites of Sun Moon Royal Soul Guide Academy.

In terms of the level of soul guides, He Caitou is still far behind them."

"Moreover, He Caitou's own martial soul has no attack power. He is best at using soul guides for long-range attacks.

Once he is approached, he will have no power to fight back."

Ning Tian suddenly realized that He Caitou's seemingly powerful soul guide turret actually had such a fatal weakness.

At this moment, Yuan Gungun had rushed to a place less than ten meters away from He Caitou. He suddenly exerted force on his legs and shot out like a cannonball. His huge fist was wrapped in a strong wind and hit He Caitou fiercely.

Sure enough, just when Han Yu finished speaking, Yuan Gungun had already approached He Caitou.

Yuan Gungun's speed was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, he rushed to a place less than ten meters away from He Caitou.

He stamped his feet hard, and the ground suddenly cracked into several cracks, and powerful force was transmitted to his legs. The muscles in his legs were tense, like a spring compressed to the extreme, suddenly releasing amazing power.

Yuan Gungun's body was ejected like a cannonball, bringing a gust of wind, blowing He Caitou's clothes.

He raised his huge fist high, and the veins on his fist were bulging, containing a thousand pounds of force.

The whistling fist wind was like a roar of a beast, smashing He Caitou's head fiercely.

He Caitou was hit by this powerful force before he even had time to react, and his eyes went black and he lost consciousness.

When he used the meat and egg impact, the game was declared over.

Don't look so simple, in fact, this has a lot to do with Yuan Gungun's martial soul advantage.

After he cultivated to the Soul Emperor, both the impact force and the defense force were top-notch.

He Caitou looked tall and big, but in fact his defense was very fragile.

After being hit by Yuan Gungun several times in a row, his soul shield could not withstand it at all, and he was directly pressed under Yuan Gungun and fainted.

"Cai Tou!"

Bei Bei stood up suddenly, rushed to the edge of the ring in two steps, and looked at the pale He Cai Tou with worry. He bit his lips tightly, and the anger and powerlessness in his heart intertwined, almost burning him out.

"Referee, we admit defeat."

Bei Bei's voice was low and hoarse, but it was clearly heard throughout the entire competition field.

The referee nodded and announced the result of Shrek Academy's first defeat.

Bupo Douluo also ducked to the center of the ring and stopped Yuan Gungun from continuing to attack.

Yuan Gungun muttered a few words with some dissatisfaction, but still obediently stepped aside.

After a brief silence, a figure walked out of Shrek Academy again.

That figure was slender and tall, with a resolute look on his face. He was none other than Beibei, the captain of the Shrek team.

Originally, Beibei wanted Jiang Nannan to appear.

However, Jiang Nannan's attack power was weak and it was difficult to cause substantial damage to Yuan Gungun, who had an amazing defense.

"I won't go into details about the rules. If you understand, just back off." The referee's voice was steady and powerful, echoing over the competition stage.

Beibei took a deep breath and slowly stepped back. Every step was like stepping on the heart of the ring, calm and firm.

His eyes never left Yuan Gungun, his deep pupils reflected the tall and burly figure of his opponent, like a lion ready to attack, waiting for the best opportunity to attack.

Yuan Gungun also retreated, but his huge body seemed extremely light as he retreated. His mountain-like momentum did not weaken at all. Instead, he continued to accumulate with his steps, waiting for the moment to explode.

The distance between the two gradually widened, and there was an invisible pressure in the air, like a taut string that might break at any time.

The noise in the audience gradually subsided, and everyone's eyes were focused on the ring, holding their breath, waiting for the start of this battle between dragons and tigers.

"Come on Snow Demon Sect!"

"Beat Shrek!"

Suddenly, waves of deafening shouts came from the audience, breaking the tranquility on the competition stage.

"Your Highness, why don't we stop it? The masses are so blatantly supporting the Snow Demon Sect. If this reaches the ears of Shrek's senior officials, I'm afraid we will be in big trouble."

Orange whispered behind Xu Tianran, with a hint of worry in his tone.

A glint flashed in Xu Tianran's eyes, and he laughed softly:

"This is a spontaneous action by the people. It has nothing to do with us. We are just watching the game. As long as there are no problems in the game, the people can support whichever side they want."

"What do you think, Imperial Master?" Xu Tianran said, turning to look at the person shrouded in black robes.

"Jie Jie Jie, His Highness is right. Which team the people like to support is their own idea."

The person known as the National Preceptor said sadly, "Although we are the organizer, we can't forcefully disrupt other people's ideas, right?"

"Hall Master, what do you think?" Xu Tianran turned his attention to Jing Hongchen.

Jing Hongchen smiled slightly, stroked his beard with his hand, nodded, and said:

"I think there is no problem. This is the home ground of our Sun and Moon Empire. If the people don't like Shrek, it means they are patriotic. I believe Shrek's senior officials will understand."

Xu Tianran nodded slightly and turned his gaze back to the competition stage.

He looked at the two people fighting fiercely on the stage, with a playful smile on his lips, turned to Jing Hongchen and said:

"And even if they don't understand, so what, it's just a game, they are not the Shrek they were before."

He paused, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

Jing Hongchen nodded and interrupted: "Your Highness, it's hard to say whether they can enter the semi-finals of this competition."

Jing Hongchen picked up the teacup on the table, took a sip, and continued: "Under such a record, I believe that no matter how dissatisfied they are, they can only take this bitter pill."

Xu Tianran was stunned for a moment, then saw a meaningful smile on Jing Hongchen's face.

He asked in confusion: "Why is the hall master so confident that Shrek can't enter the semi-finals?"

He frowned slightly, as if he thought of something, and then asked: "Is it possible that this Snow Demon Sect is very powerful?"

Jing Hongchen did not answer Xu Tianran's question directly, but smiled slightly and asked, "Didn't Your Highness watch the previous game?"

Xu Tianran sat up straight and said seriously:

"I've watched it. I've watched every game. The Snow Demon Sect is very strong, but if you want to win Shrek for sure, it's probably a little premature, right?"

He recalled the scene when he watched the game before, and he still believed that Shrek Academy's strength should not be underestimated.

When Jing Hongchen heard this, the smile on his face became even bigger. He said slowly:

"It's not early at all. Your Highness, just keep watching. There will be a surprise."

After saying that, he stopped talking and just watched the battle quietly on the stage, with an inexplicable light shining in his eyes.

Xu Tianran didn't want to say anything when he saw the red dust in the mirror, and he didn't ask any more questions. He just turned his eyes to the competition stage again, and he was even more looking forward to the outcome of this competition.

Others around him also turned their attention to the competition stage, wanting to witness the result of the game with their own eyes.

At this time, Yuan Gungun and Beibei had already started fighting on the competition stage.

After obtaining the fourth, fifth, and sixth soul skills, Yuan Gungun no longer relied on turning into a meat ball to improve his attack ability in battle.

His fighting style has also been greatly changed.

I saw that his body was flexible, no longer as bulky as before, but more swift and powerful.

Yuan Gungun's body came to a place two meters away from Beibei, fighting closely with Beibei's strong body.

There were no flashy skills in the fight between the two, just fist-to-flesh fighting.

Yuan Gungun waved his fists, each attack carrying a huge force, as if he was going to tear Beibei apart.

Beibei, on the other hand, relied on her strong strength and defense to take Yuan Gungun's attack.

The two moved very quickly and had been fighting for more than ten rounds back and forth.

Every collision made a deafening sound, and the surrounding air seemed to be torn apart by their power.

Amidst the fierce roar, the two figures intertwined. The next moment, Yuan Gungun grunted and stepped back a few steps as if he had been hit by a giant hammer.

He felt a strong electric current rushing into his body, and his muscles all over his body spasmed. The soreness and numbness made him almost unable to hold the weapon in his hand.

Stabilizing his body, Yuan Gungun raised his head and looked to the opposite side, his eyes full of fear.

Beibei still stood there, with a faint smile on his lips, and electric light flashed and crackled around him.

"Why does this person have thunder attributes?"

Yuan Gungun thought to himself, and an uneasy feeling surged into his heart. The defensive power he was proud of seemed to have lost its effect in the face of the lightning attribute.

Every collision was like experiencing a torture, and the numbness continued to erode his body.

In the dozen or so rounds they had just fought, he had been tortured by Beibei's lightning.

Every collision was accompanied by a stinging pain, and the numbness of thunder and lightning made his movements slow, making it difficult for him to exert his full strength.

"I'm afraid I'm going to lose if this continues."

Yuan Gungun took a deep breath and tried to calm down the surging Qi and blood in his body.

He shook his numb right hand, his palm already slightly red.

Sweat rolled down his forehead and slid over the corners of his eyes, causing a slight sting, but he had no time to care.

In the audience, Han Yu's eyes were always locked on Yuan Gungun. When she saw Yuan Gungun's movements getting slower and slower, and his right hand even started to tremble slightly, her heart tightened, knowing that she could not go on like this.

"That's enough, go away, come down. He's restraining you a little. If you continue to fight, it will be thankless."

Although Han Yu's voice was not loud, it reached Yuan Gungun's ears clearly.

Hearing Han Yu's voice, Yuan Gungun was shaken. His strong self-esteem made him want to continue fighting, but his reason told him that Han Yu was right.

He raised his head and glanced at Han Yu in the spectator seats, his eyes full of unwillingness, and finally nodded to express his understanding.

Yuan Gungun took a deep breath, turned his eyes to the referee, raised his right hand with difficulty, and said: "Referee, I admit defeat!"


The sudden surrender made the originally noisy competition venue quiet for an instant. Then, all kinds of discussions and questions surged like waves, making the entire venue extremely noisy. (End of chapter)

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