The warehouse is strictly managed, but who would have thought that I have the ability to replace the original with the fake? When it comes to making fake rare metals, no one is better than me.

Others can't bring in storage soul guides, but I have no problem. What about the deposit? And, take another look at the list, right? "

The middle-aged man surnamed Li said as he took out a neatly folded list from his pocket and handed it to Chen An. Chen An took out a golden card from his arms, on which was a tiny gem, emitting a faint golden light,

"This is 200,000 gold soul coins, which is the deposit for this transaction. The rest will be paid on delivery."

Chen An took the list, unfolded it carefully, checked the numbers and names on it one by one, and nodded after confirming that they were correct,

"No problem, that's it, you quickly prepare the goods, tomorrow night, at this time, I'll come to pick it up. At that time, I'll also bring you the remaining 500,000 gold soul coins. "

"Okay, it's settled. "When the middle-aged man surnamed Li heard Chen An's promise, he showed an excited look on his face. He carefully put away the golden card and sent Chen An out of the yard.

Chen An left quickly and disappeared in the narrow alley. The corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a smug smile.

Han Yu's spiritual clone saw everything in his eyes and couldn't help but be speechless. This Chen An was too greedy.

Just now, I gave him a deposit of 500,000 gold soul coins, but he only gave the shipper 200,000.

In addition, Han Yu also looked at the order just now. The things were correct, the same as the order Chen An gave him. But the price was only half.

In other words, Chen An himself would embezzle half of this transaction of 1.4 million gold soul coins. A typical double-sided scam.

However, Han Yu The goal was also achieved. This place was exactly what he wanted to find.

Having given up tracking Chen An, Han Yu's spiritual clone quietly followed the middle-aged man surnamed Li and continued to investigate...

In the competition, the competition has been fought all the way, and now there are only four teams left, namely the Snow Demon Sect, the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Instructor Academy, the Holy Spirit Sect, and the Tianlong Sect.

The competition is now approaching its end, and the air is filled with tension and expectation.

In recent days, the atmosphere in Mingdu has continued to heat up, like a powder keg about to be ignited.

The All-Continent Youth Advanced Soul Master Elite Competition is about to enter the semi-finals. This highly anticipated competition has touched everyone's heart.

At the same time, the Mingdu Soul Instructor Elite Competition, held by the three major underground forces, is also about to usher in the three-way finals. This can The games that can be bet on also attracted countless people's attention.

In the streets and alleys of Mingdu, whether in teahouses or taverns, people are discussing these two games enthusiastically.

There is no doubt that the All-Continent Youth Advanced Soul Master Elite Competition is more attractive, after all, it is the highest level of soul master competition on the continent.

But the gambling nature of the underground competition also attracts many spectators. After all, who doesn't want to make a small profit while watching the exciting competition?

It can be said that these two competitions have made Mingdu the focus of the entire continent. Countless people have flocked to this city, and it has also brought huge wealth to the three major forces.

And how much benefit the three major forces have gained from this, I am afraid only they themselves know.

The highly anticipated semi-final matchup of the All-Continent Youth Advanced Soul Master Elite Competition It has also been announced.

In the morning, the Tianlong Sect will face the powerful Sun Moon Royal Soul Instructor Academy.

In the afternoon, the Snow Demon Sect will face the mysterious Holy Spirit Sect.

Both games are full of highlights. The collision between the Tianlong Sect and the Sun Moon Royal Soul Instructor Academy is undoubtedly a strong duel, which is exciting.

But what people really look forward to is the match between the Snow Demon Sect and the Holy Spirit Sect in the afternoon.

The Snow Demon Sect and the Holy Spirit Sect, both teams are full of mystery. So far, they have not shown their full strength to the world, which has also aroused people's strong curiosity.

Especially the Holy Spirit Sect, anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is a team composed of evil soul masters. Evil soul masters, that is a taboo!

But in terms of public opinion, the Sun Moon Empire has been suppressing the discussion of the Holy Spirit Sect with a tough attitude.

Since the Sun Moon Empire dared to let the Holy Spirit Sect participate in the competition, it must have something to rely on.

Therefore, in Mingdu, openly discussing the Holy Spirit Sect has even become a taboo.

But even so, everyone has a scale in their hearts. How powerful must an evil soul master sect be to represent the Sun Moon Empire in such an important competition?

If they finally won the championship, where would the Sun Moon Empire put its face?

At least, this would become a stain that could never be erased in the history of the All-Continental High-Level Soul Master Elite Competition.

So, what did Xu Tianran think at the time?

The Crown Prince of the Sun Moon Empire, the ambitious Xu Tianran who had power over the government and the opposition, firmly believed in one truth: history is written by the victors.

As long as the continent could be unified in the end, all the stains in the process would be covered by the glory of victory.

It was based on this almost paranoid belief that he dared to ignore the domestic opposition and insisted on letting the Holy Spirit Sect represent the Sun Moon Empire.

Of course, the Sun Moon Empire was not a monolithic entity. For letting an evil soul master sect represent the empire, the opposition voices from both the government and the opposition emerged like a tide, and there were also strong protests from some powerful people.

However, under Xu Tianran's iron-fisted approach, these opposition voices were eventually ruthlessly suppressed.

With the secret support of the Holy Spirit Church, Xu Tianran mercilessly eliminated several of the most fiercely opposed forces, and used blood and fear to forcibly suppress all opposing voices.

Since then, the registration process of the Holy Spirit Sect has been unimpeded, and it has officially become a member of the All-Continental High-level Soul Master Elite Competition representing the Sun and Moon Empire.

However, the eyes of the people are sharp, and the notoriety of evil soul masters has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. No one will have a good impression of an evil soul master sect.

Therefore, in the upcoming semi-finals, almost everyone has placed their hopes on the Snow Demon Sect, hoping that they can stop the Holy Spirit Sect.

The Snow Demon Sect has shown its strong strength in the previous games, defeating many powerful enemies in succession, especially the game against Shrek Academy, which showed their strength to the fullest.

In the minds of many viewers, the Snow Demon Sect is like a bottomless treasure, and every game will show amazing new tactics and new abilities, which is amazing.

Can they create another miracle, defeat the powerful Holy Spirit Sect, and finally win the championship of the competition?

No one knows the answer, but everyone is looking forward to a miracle.

After all, the Snow Demon Sect is the last hope on the continent. If even they can't stop the Holy Spirit Sect, then the Holy Spirit Sect's victory will become an unstoppable trend.

Therefore, in the dark, countless eyes are watching this game, and they are all praying silently, hoping that the Snow Demon Sect can defeat evil and bring light to the continent.

In such an atmosphere, the semi-finals of the All-Continent Youth Advanced Soul Master Elite Competition finally kicked off.

On this day, the sky of Mingdu was overcast, and the heavy clouds seemed to be pressing down on the ground. The air was so dull that it was suffocating, making people feel panic for no reason. Such weather seems to indicate that a storm is about to come.

If it is normal, when encountering such weather, most people will choose to stay at home and avoid going out. However, today is completely different.

Early in the morning, the streets and alleys of Mingdu were crowded with people. They gathered from all directions, with only one goal: the venue of the All-Continent Youth Advanced Soul Master Elite Competition.

In order to cope with this once-in-a-century event, the army of the Sun and Moon Empire began to maintain order around the competition venue from the early hours of the morning to prevent accidents such as trampling.

Today, the crowd of spectators was more turbulent than ever before, like a black ocean, extending to the end of the field of vision. Crowded and shoulder to shoulder, everyone's face was full of expectations and excitement.

In order to witness this peak showdown with their own eyes, the audience surrounded the competition stage, three layers inside and three layers outside, and the noise was deafening.

Far away from the competition stage, people had to use telescopes to barely see the figures of the players on the stage. Even so, it could not stop their enthusiasm for watching the game.

The four teams entered the venue one by one under the attention of the crowd, they took steady steps, their eyes were firm and confident.

In order to get to where they are today, they have experienced countless challenges and tests, and finally stood out and stood on the final stage.

For them, being able to enter the semi-finals is already a great honor, but there is only one winner in the end. Who can finally win the championship and become the focus of everyone's attention?

The answer to this question will be revealed today. The players of the Snow Demon Sect entered the competition venue amid the cheers of the audience. They looked around sharply, looking for the figure of their opponents.

Meng Hongchen saw Han Yu walking in front of the team at a glance, and a look of surprise suddenly appeared on her face.

Han Yu also noticed Meng Hongchen's gaze. He smiled slightly and made a friendly gesture to Meng Hongchen.

Meng Hongchen couldn't hold back his excitement and wanted to get up and walk over, but was pulled by Xiao Hongchen beside him.

"Sister, pay attention, this is a big competition." Xiao Hongchen reminded in a low voice.

Meng Hongchen realized her loss of composure at this time. She reluctantly sat back, but her eyes couldn't help drifting in the direction of Han Yu from time to time.

On the other side, the players of the Holy Spirit Sect also came to the competition venue. Tang Ya was walking in front. She was tall and had a cold temperament. There were seven players behind her. They were all wearing black cloaks, wrapping their bodies tightly, so that people couldn't see their faces clearly.

Huo Yuhao also hid himself completely.

The Snow Demon Sect team walked steadily and came to the rest area prepared for them.

As far as his eyes could see, it was the direction of the Holy Spirit Sect team. There was a cold and chilly atmosphere there. One after another, like a venomous snake, they kept sweeping over with viciousness and hostility.

Huo Yuhao slightly turned sideways and quietly avoided these hostile eyes, but he was secretly alert in his heart.

He knew that these evil soul masters were all ruthless and not kind, and they must always be vigilant to deal with emergencies. Han Yu swept his eyes over everyone and said in a deep voice: "When we face the Holy Spirit Sect later, everyone must be careful and cautious, and don't take it lightly.

Winning or losing is important, but your safety is the top priority." Yuan Gungun nodded solemnly, indicating that he understood. Although he was confident in himself, he did not dare to be careless in the face of the treacherous evil soul masters.

Those guys in the Holy Spirit Sect are best at conspiracies and vicious means. If you are not careful, you may be doomed.

Thinking of this, Yuan Gungun clenched his fists and made up his mind that he must not let Han Yu down, let alone put his partners in danger.

Han Yu's eyes swept across everyone's faces, taking in their subtle changes in expression, and a trace of worry rose in his heart.

He knew that his partners were all arrogant and eager to prove themselves in the competition, but facing the evil soul master, blindly pursuing victory would only put themselves in danger.

He must let his partners understand that the meaning of this game is not only about winning or losing, but also about protecting their companions and protecting the justice and faith in their hearts.

After being repaired overnight, the competition stage has restored its former glory and is even more solid than before.

In order to welcome this highly anticipated semi-final, the Sun Moon Empire Royal Soul Guide Academy has spared no effort. Not only has the surface of the competition stage been recast, but the steel plate has also been thickened, and even the defensive soul guide shield has been strengthened and upgraded.

All of this is to prevent accidents during the competition and ensure the safety of the contestants and spectators. Around the wide competition field, 20,000 fully armed soldiers of the Sun and Moon Empire surrounded the entire competition field like a steel wall.

They wore silver-white armor, held sharp swords and guns, and looked around sharply. Any slight movement could not escape their eyes.

The army of the Sun and Moon Empire was known for its strict discipline. These soldiers were the elite among the elite. They were like silent guardians, guarding the order and dignity of the competition.

On the high rostrum, soft golden silk was spread. Xu Tianran was wearing the golden clothes exclusive to the prince and sat in the center.

His handsome face exuded innate nobility, and his every move showed the royal majesty. However, there was a hint of sinisterness in his deep eyes, which was unpredictable.

Behind him, there were neatly arranged civil and military officials. They were dressed in various gorgeous official uniforms, with serious and respectful expressions, staring straight ahead, quietly waiting for the start of the game.

On the left side of Xu Tianran was the mysterious imperial teacher wearing a black robe and hiding his face under a hood. He exuded a powerful aura that was hard to ignore, and people dared not approach him easily.

On the right side of Xu Tianran sat a charming woman, who was Xu Tianran’s beloved concubine, Juzi. (End of this chapter)

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