Douluo Jueshi: Obtain Sharingan at the beginning!

Chapter 34 Sheep are still sheep, they can’t beat wolves!

Han Yu looked around and found that the window seat in the last row was occupied by a fat man, so he found a seat and sat down at random.

He found that the atmosphere in Class 9 was much better than that in Class 1, at least there was no sense of fear.

Everyone's expression was very peaceful. Some students were whispering to each other, some students were listening carefully, and a few were doing their own things.

Most people were between one and two rings in terms of aura. For people of this age, their strength has surpassed most soul masters.

It really deserves to be a gathering place for geniuses! Han Yu sighed secretly.

"Okay, today we have a new transfer student in our class, Han Yu, introduce yourself to everyone!"

Before his butt was warm, Mu Jin on the podium called his name.

"Han Yu!"

Han Yu had to stand up. After thinking about it, there was nothing to introduce, so he just kept it simple.

The other students in Class 2 had obviously heard of the name Han Yu, and some of them had seen the guy who became famous in the cafeteria on the first day of registration.

At this moment, the classroom was somewhat quiet, and the chirping sound like birds rang out.

A girl with short red hair whispered to a girl with short golden hair beside her: "Young Master, this is Han Yu. I heard that he beat Dai Huabin so badly that he seemed to have a big belly."

The blonde girl, who was called the young master, blushed slightly and said coquettishly: "Sister Feng, I said it was a rumor. It's not as exaggerated as you said."

Wu Feng looked weird, and said in a serious tone: "Young Master, it's all true. Now it's crazy outside. It's said that Han Yu is a pervert. He glared at Dai Huabin, and Dai Huabin shouted there, no, no. Many people heard it, and the news is absolutely reliable."

"And look at this Han Yu's self-introduction, there is only his name. It's not easy to get along with him. Maybe he is really a pervert."

Hearing this, Ning Tian's eyes flashed with curiosity. As the young master of the Nine Treasures Glazed Sect, her attention is certainly not on the surface.

Others said Han Yu was a pervert, but in her opinion, Han Yu was very strong. He could subdue Dai Huabin in an instant, which was enough to show his strength. This kind of person was exactly what she needed to make friends with.

This was also the purpose of her coming to Shrek Academy. The family needed a powerful guardian of the sect, and she needed a powerful husband.

Others came to improve their strength, but she came to find a husband. Thinking of this, her face flushed slightly.

Looking at Han Yu carefully, Ning Tian couldn't help but nodded secretly. He was handsome, had a good temperament, and was very strong. Overall, he looked very good.

Hearing Han Yu's brief introduction, Mu Jin on the stage was slightly stunned, with a silly expression.

I didn't expect Han Yu to do this, and immediately nodded and said: "Well, classmate Han Yu, you sit down first, and we will continue the class."

He had a good impression of Han Yu. After all, he severely punished her "rival in love".

And I don't know which big-mouthed teacher spread the news that Zhou Yi was missing a piece. Now the entire academy and most of the teachers in the external courtyard know about it.

There will be more black material to laugh at her in the future. Mu Jin smiled at Han Yu and turned to write two words on the blackboard.

Attack, defense!

After writing, she turned around and looked at the students, smiling: "Everyone should know these two words, so you must understand their meaning."

"In our class, all soul master series have them, so I will now tell you about the soul master's attack and defense."

"So, among all soul series, who is better at attacking and who is better at defending!"

"Wu Feng, you answer."

Wu Feng, who was whispering below, froze, like a student caught slacking off, and stood up with an embarrassed look.

"Uh! Let me think."

Wu Feng felt a little dizzy. She didn't hear clearly what Mu Jin was saying just now, and looked at Ning Tian for help.

"Who is better at attacking and who is better at defending." Ning Tian also understood it in seconds and moved his lips.

Wu Feng roughly understood, then looked at the blackboard and said: "Attack and defense, soul masters with strong attack are better at attacking, and soul masters with strong defense should be good at defense."


The whole class laughed at Wu Feng's answer.

Ning Tian, ​​who was standing next to him, also twitched his mouth, and was obviously stimulated.

It sounds like what he said is right, but it sounds funny no matter how you listen to it.

Mu Jin curved her eyebrows and said with some amusement: "I asked you to say who is good at attacking and who is good at defending among the soul masters of each department, but you said it as if you didn't say anything."


Wu Feng knew that he had made a big fool of himself, his face flushed, and then he reacted and expressed his understanding.

"That should be the strong attack and defense system!"

"After all, my own attack is still very strong, and it also belongs to the strong attack system."

Mu Jin nodded, motioned Wu Feng to sit down, then glanced at Han Yu who was calm and composed, and said: "Student Han Yu, do you have any opinion on who is better at attack and defense?"

Han Yu stood up and said: "I think that soul masters in the control system, agility system, and strong attack system are better at attacking, after all, they are good at frontal combat."

"And soul masters with defensive martial spirits have strong innate defense in martial spirits, so they are most suitable for defense."

Hearing that Han Yu also agreed with her understanding, although it was a little different from what she said.

Wu Feng's eyes looking at Han Yu softened a little.

Although there are soul guides, the result is self-evident when the attack system holds soul guides and the auxiliary system holds soul guides.

Mu Jin nodded, motioned Han Yu to sit down, then looked around at the students around him, and said in a deep voice: "Just now, Han Yu and Wu Feng were only half right. If it was in the past, there would be no problem saying this."

"But now, the situation has changed."

"Is it because of the soul guide?"

Ning Tian, ​​who was next to Wu Feng, blurted out.

Mu Jin looked at Ning Tian with appreciation, nodded and said: "Yes, since the Sun and Moon Empire collided with Douluo Continent four thousand years ago, soul guides were brought, and now offense and defense have become blurred."

"Defense system soul masters can hold powerful attack soul guides and have strong enough attack power for the time being, and auxiliary soul masters can also be equipped with powerful defense soul guides to temporarily serve as defensive positions."

"So now there is a problem of blurred offense and defense."

After Mu Jin finished speaking, Ning Tian nodded in agreement. Their sect is now using soul guides and has a deep understanding of the power of soul guides.

It's just that there aren't many high-level soul guides in the sect. As the Nine Treasures Glazed Sect, which is the richest sect on the continent, it's not that they can't afford them.

It's because the Sun and Moon Empire has listed high-level soul guides as banned items. Even if the Nine Treasures Glazed Sect has a lot of money, it can't get them. They treat the private sale of high-level soul guides as treason.

Han Yu frowned and said, "The strong attack system is still the best at attacking. Sheep are always sheep. What if they have soul guides?"

"A wolf and a sheep hold the same weapon. Can the sheep beat the wolf? At best, it can only make up for its inherent weakness."

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