Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 201 Humiliated Tang Hao

The news that the outpost villages were destroyed and that the Tiandou Empire's army was approaching the border could not be hidden from the eyes and ears of the Haotian Sect.

At this time, the hall of Haotian Sect was already in chaos.

Not panic, but anger.

Their Haotian Sect was the largest sect in the world more than ten years ago. Although they can't hide from the world now, they are not a target that the Tiandou Empire can bully at will.

What's more, they were sent a group of cavalry troops, most of whom were ordinary people.

Want to attack the mountains and attack the Haotian Sect in a dangerous place in the mountains?

Isn't this a joke?

Just the first pass in front of their Haotian Sect Mountain Gate, the nearly vertical smooth stone mountain, cannot be attacked by the cavalry regiment at the foot of the mountain.

What's more, there are several abyss between the mountains behind. If they rely on these dangerous areas for defense, even if the cavalry regiment at the foot of the mountain is doubled, it will be just a dish on their lips.

"Tang Hao, don't you want to be the leader of the Haotian Sect?"

"Go and destroy those arrogant cavalry regiments at the foot of the mountain. I will regard you as my sect master."

"If not, you should take your bastard son and the human demon disciples and get out of the Haotian Sect."

Hearing the taunting voice of the seventh elder, Tang Hao clenched his fists and stood up suddenly, punching the table in front of him, "Old dog, Shi Ke cannot be killed, I will fight to the death with you!"

The Seventh Elder glanced at him disdainfully: "Just you? You are a bully and a loser who even had one of his arms chopped off. Can you do that?"

A red light flashed in Tang Hao's eyes, and the God of Death domain instantly expanded: "Say one more thing!"

At this time, a soft white light passed by, smoothing the influence of Tang Hao's Killing God Domain on everyone.

Tang Yuehua gently stepped forward to support Tang Hao's arm, frowning and said: "Second brother, forget it."

The second elder said: "Tang Hao, don't forget that you are still wearing your own clothes. If I can keep you here, it is for the sake of your father and your elder brother."

"Don't be ungrateful!"

The third elder also spoke up and said, "Tang Hao, look at all the bad things you have done over the years."

"Standing still with the soul beast provoked the Wuhun Palace, which made the old sect master angry to death, and the Star Dou Forest dragged down Tang Xiao to death."

"Based on these charges, it would not be an exaggeration for us to kill you now."

"How dare you act so arrogantly in front of us now? Get out of here!"

Tang Hao's face turned flat: "Okay, okay, you are all very good."

"Get out of here!"

Waving away Tang Yuehua's support, Tang Hao slammed the door and left.

"Second brother!"

Tang Yuehua shouted and was about to chase after him, but was stopped by the seventh elder with his hand.

"Yuehua, why do you care about that waste? Let him go."

"Now that the enemy is facing us, we still need you to tell us about the intelligence you have collected."

Tang Yuehua glanced at the door worriedly, sighed and said: "According to the information I heard, apart from the troops of the Tiandou Empire, the invading enemies this time are very likely to be joined by the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect..."

Tang Hao, who rushed out of the hall angrily, came to the edge of the cliff alone, smashed a huge boulder with his fist, and continued to be furious.

After leaving the valley where the waterfall was located, he took Tang San and Dai Mubai on the road while stabilizing his injuries.

With Tang San's help, they stole from many wealthy households and obtained many precious medicinal materials.

After more than twenty days, when he arrived at the gate of Haotian Sect, his injuries finally stabilized.

Just when he stepped into the gate of Haotian Sect, expecting to become the leader of Haotian Sect and take out the medicinal materials collected by Haotian Sect to heal himself, he saw three people who would not have appeared here.

The three titled elders who were supposed to die in the Star Dou Forest actually returned safely.

Seeing Tang Hao returning with a broken arm, but Tang Xiao missing, the two elders instantly realized something.

A war is inevitable.

Although Tang Hao was at a higher level and had the blessing of a domain and a full soul bone, he ended up with a broken arm and serious injuries.

Although the three elders are of low level, they are in good condition.

In the end, Tang Hao relied on the fierceness in his heart to defeat the three elders, but he still let the three elders find out his true identity.

Just when the three elders were planning to gather their clansmen to destroy Tang Hao, Tang Yuehua appeared with the information that the Tiandou Empire was secretly looking for them.

Finally, after Tang Yuehua's analysis of the pros and cons, the three elders agreed to let Tang Hao stay.

Of course, the three elders also put forward three conditions.

1. The soul bones left by Tang Xiao belong to the sect’s inherited soul bones and must be handed over.

2. Tang Hao, Tang San, and Dai Mubai will be labeled as sinners and must pay for their sins for the sect.

3. After this crisis in the Haotian Sect, Tang Hao must abandon his cultivation and hand over the inherited soul bones of the Haotian Sect.

Suffering this humiliation, Tang Hao originally wanted to take Tang San and Dai Mubai away, but was forced to stay by the words of the three elders.

You can leave, but leave behind the things that belong to the Haotian Sect.

What things in Tang Hao's body belong to the Haotian Sect? The Clear Sky Hammer martial spirit and two inherited soul bones.

Without these things, wouldn't it cost Tang Hao's life?

Fortunately, along the way Tang San was either rushing or using his special skills to help Tang Hao steal the medicinal materials, so he didn't rush to absorb the soul bone that Tang Hao had stolen from his brother.

Finally, under the mediation of Tang Yuehua's eloquent and eloquent mouth, Tang Hao had no choice but to hand over the soul bone that had been given to Tang San in humiliation, and finally finally settled in the Haotian Sect temporarily.

After venting his anger on the top of the mountain and drinking the cool breeze, Tang Hao found Tang San who was in retreat with resentment.


There was a sound of kicking the door, and Tang Hao walked into the room. He smelled the pungent smell of medicinal materials in the room, frowned slightly and said, "How are the preparations?"

When Tang San saw Tang Hao arriving, the corners of his mouth raised slightly and he said, "Father, we're done."

"Auntie provided a lot of medicinal materials, and I even made some gadgets specially."

With that said, Tang San handed a porcelain bottle and two balls into Tang Hao's hands.

"What's in this porcelain bottle is the 'Mad God'. Inhaling it will make the soul master go crazy. The effect of the medicine will not dissipate and the attacks will not stop."

Tang Hao nodded: "What is the highest level of soul master that can be affected?"

Tang San smiled and said: "The medicinal materials sent by my aunt are quite good. According to my estimation, they should be able to affect Contra-level experts."

"If a soul master below the Soul Sect comes into contact, there is a high probability that he will die from exhaustion."

Tang Hao thought for a moment: "That's enough. As long as they both get into chaos, we'll have a chance to escape."

"Then what are these two spheres?"

Tang San smiled evilly and said: "This is called the Son-Mother Soul-Chasing Life-Destroying Gallbladder. It is a hidden weapon that is specially designed to break the protective aura."

"Once it is squeezed or hit by excessive external force, its power will immediately appear."

These two things are used together, and they need to be sent out using the meteor catching the moon technique. Maybe its direct power is not enough to hurt the titled Douluo, but the suddenness it produces plus your strength is enough to stop any enemy. "

"The biggest feature of this thing is that the higher the user's soul power, the stronger the power."

"Originally, the inside of this thing needs to be filled with deadly poison to exert its maximum power, but my aunt is too worried about you."

"Most of the poisonous drugs I asked for under the pretext of healing your wounds were rejected by my aunt."

"So I had to use those tonics to refine some Xiasanlu medicine called 'Huanyin Tuiyi Powder'."

"Since this drug is not a poison, it may have a better effect on those strong people with high enough poison resistance."

Tang Hao glanced at Tang San with a strange look, then put away the porcelain vase and his mother-in-law: "Okay, I know."

"Next, you and Xiaobai can find a chance to escape. I may be escorted to the battlefield by the three elders to carry out the so-called atonement!"

"Hmph! Let me atone for my sins. Just let me see if the sect is gone and I don't need to atone for my sins."

Tang San nodded: "Dad, please be careful and stay safe!"

Tang Hao glanced at him with complicated eyes and nodded slightly: "Don't worry, I'm Haotian Douluo!"

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