Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 275 The abnormal synchronization between Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu

"Long live!!!"

After receiving Bo Saixi's personal confirmation, the eight boys and girls present collectively cheered.

Oscar and Dugu Yan clasped their hands and looked at each other with strange eyes. The information contained in their pupils was self-evident.

Ning Rongrong hugged Shen Jianxin's arms tightly with both hands and looked up at Shen Jianxin's face with fiery eyes.

Shen Jianxin looked forward and remained silent. The half of his face that was being stared at by Ning Rongrong became slightly hot.

A strange smile appeared on Ma Hongjun's face, and he turned to look at Bai Chenxiang beside him, but Bai Chenxiang made a clever turn to avoid his sight.

Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing looked at each other and sighed in unison: "The rotten smell of love really pollutes the air. This smell is worse than dead fish washed up on the shore."

Xiaobai frowned: "Indeed, it's really disgusting."

Looking at the youthful young girl in front of her, Bo Saixi's old heart, which had long been as calm as water, magically started to ripple at this moment.

Having devoted his whole life to the God of the Sea, Bo Saixi seems to have never truly experienced what love is like even though he is over a hundred years old.

Now that she saw the purest love among a group of children, her heart, which had long been covered by faith, felt a wave of emotion at this moment.

In her mind, the powerful man who easily conquered her appeared strangely.

Dressed in white clothes with fairy aura floating in the air, the black long sword slashed with unparalleled sharp sword intent, and the cold eyes were indifferent to everything during the battle.

Although they didn't exchange a few words and the meeting was not pleasant, this powerful man still left an indelible mark in Bo Saixi's heart.

As for Tang Chen and Qian Daoliu, I'm sorry, they are just two losers who have not succeeded in pursuing Bo Saixi. They are not worth mentioning at all.

"How could I remember him? It's incredible."

After muttering softly and shaking his head with a smile, Bo Saixi looked at Shen Jianxin, who looked very similar to the figure in his mind, with very soft eyes.

"Your Majesty, distinguished guests, the resting place will be ready on the day you land on the island. Please come with me."

After following Bo Saixi for about an hour, they passed through a forest and a small city came into view.

The small town is not big, and the city wall is only five meters high. It is more appropriate to call it a fence than a city wall.

The houses in the city are not too high, only small wooden buildings eight or nine meters high at most.

However, in the central square of the city, there stood a huge golden statue, holding a trident in its hand, looking very majestic.

Arriving here, Bo Saixi took the initiative to explain to everyone: "The city in front of us is called Hailong City. It is the largest city on the island. There are more than two thousand people living in it, all of whom are the most loyal followers of Lord Poseidon."

"The golden statue in the central square is Lord Poseidon. Its main purpose is for the believers in the city to pray."

Shen Jianxin turned to look at the people behind him: "In that case, let's go to the Central Square as our first stop."

"Having received so many favors from Lord Poseidon, we should go and pay our respects."

Everyone responded: "I agree, no problem, it should be so."

After hearing everyone's response, Bo Saixi said with a smile: "Your Majesty, distinguished guests, please follow me into the city."

The largest city is not big, and looks more like a small town. The city gates only have four basic gates: southeast, northwest and northwest.

When everyone entered the city, when the sea spirit masters in the city saw Bo Saixi appearing in red, they all immediately bowed and saluted, extremely respectful.

Bo Saixi smiled and uttered blessings representing the God of the Sea.

As time went by, time was delayed by Bo Saixi's blessings.

Later, after praying in the central square, everyone unanimously decided to get rid of Bo Saixi. Otherwise, with her, the high priest of the sea god, following her, everyone would not be able to relax and have fun.

After bidding farewell to Bo Saixi, everyone agreed on a time and place to gather. The two of them combined and disappeared in a flash, leaving Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing alone in the wind.

"Xiao Wu."


"You speak first"

"You speak first"

"Forget it, let's go back to sleep. I haven't slept well in two years."

"Forget it, let's go back to sleep. I haven't slept well in two years."

The unusual synchronicity caused both of them to freeze on the spot.

The weird atmosphere gave the two of them uncontrollable goosebumps.

At the same time, they had a cold war, and they said in unison: "We are both girls. (Silence) There is no possibility for us (Silence)"

"Martial spirit fusion skill??" synchronized again.

Once or twice is an accident, three or five times is a coincidence, but it is always synchronized, so it cannot be described as a coincidence.

"Let me wisp, let me wisp."

Xiao Wu muttered for a while and squatted down with her head in her hands. She couldn't think of anything that the Nether Civet Cat and the Silky Bone Rabbit could complement each other.

But this extremely abnormal divine synchronization makes it impossible to think of any other possibility besides martial soul fusion.

If you think about it carefully, the unusual synchronicity between her and Zhu Zhuqing happened even two years ago.

They had already experienced this unusual synchronization when they first landed on Poseidon Island, but at that time they all thought it was a tacit understanding between partners and didn't think much about it at all.

Today, this synchronicity reached its peak, and they finally realized that there was a problem.

Zhu Zhuqing thought for a moment and spoke out two names very solemnly: "Rainbow Cat and Blue Rabbit."

Xiao Wu suddenly raised her head and stared at Zhu Zhuqing, full of doubts: "Rainbow Cat and Blue Rabbit? What is that?"

Zhu Zhuqing thought deeply: "I don't know the specifics. This is the story my wife told me when your identity was exposed."

"She said this was what Master used to tell her when she was a child to put her to sleep."

"The Rainbow Cat and the Blue Rabbit are the two hundred thousand year transformed soul beasts in this story, and they are also the two protagonists of the entire story."

Xiao Wu's eyes lit up and she said with great interest: "A hundred thousand year transformed soul beast? Tell me, tell me quickly."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded: "I'm not very good at telling stories, so I'll just sum it up for you."

"A long, long time ago, in the spirit beast era when soul beasts occupied the world and humans lived in a corner."

"A red cat-like soul beast and a blue rabbit-like soul beast supported each other. After going through many hardships, they both finally became a hundred thousand year soul beast."

"However, their bloodline is already weak. Even if they cultivated 100,000 soul beasts, they would still not be considered top experts in that era of soul beast hegemony."

"It is difficult to rise, let alone these two soul beasts whose bloodlines are not outstanding. In the many years they have become one hundred thousand year soul beasts, they do not know how many opportunities they have robbed of soul beasts and how many soul beasts they have offended. .”

"After becoming a hundred thousand year soul beast, their status in the soul beast world has not changed much. They will still be hunted down by other powerful hundred thousand soul beasts."

"They have been hiding in Tibet for many years, and they finally decided to escape to the barren area where humans live, to avoid the fierce battle with the powerful hundred thousand year old soul beast."

"In order to better survive in the human world, they chose to transform into humans and completely integrate into humans."

"After a hundred thousand years, the cat-like soul beast transformed and named himself Rainbow Cat. After a hundred thousand years, the rabbit-like soul beast transformed into himself and named himself Blue Rabbit."

"With so many experiences in the soul beast period, and deep memories engraved in their souls, these two transformed soul beasts completely transformed into human form after they reached level 70."

Zhu Zhuqing didn't say what happened next, but Xiao Wu had already understood it, and held Zhu Zhuqing's hand with fiery eyes.

"Ah, my dear Xiao Zhuqing, let's go back and try fusion."

"Cat, cat and rabbit? Or rabbit, rabbit and cat? Let's recreate the cross-species emotions of our ancestors in ancient times."

"Hey, Xiao Wu, you rot girl, that's just a story, that's just a story, don't pull me, don't pull it."

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