Douluo: My ancestors became gods in Dou Er Gang

Chapter 106 Eighth Level Armored Soul Guidance Device Pseudo-9th Level Customized Soul Guidance Cann

Chapter 106: Eighth-level armored soul guide device and pseudo-level nine custom-installed soul guide cannon!

"Store manager, this..."

The guy was holding the bag, looking a little confused.

"Let's go!"

Han Feng felt the coming breaths in the sky and let out a low drink.

The man had a premonition that something was wrong, so he quickly ran out to the street with the bag in his arms.

"Store manager, please take care of yourself!

As the guy ran away, he kept shouting.

He felt a palpitation in his heart. He didn't know whether he would meet these two bosses again in his life, but they were the best bosses he had ever encountered.


After the clerk left the shop within a few dozen feet, a roaring sound like a heavenly gang suddenly resounded through the sky. At the same time, a formation emitting ripples of confinement enveloped the Wuya Soul Tool Shop!

Immediately afterwards, four figures wearing various colored armors descended from the sky and landed at the door of the store. Their eyes met Han Feng's.

"I have heard the name of the unknown master for a long time, and today I finally meet him. Duan is very honored."

Among the four figures, the first one was an old man wearing gray armor, with a warm smile on his face.

"I don't know you."

Han Feng looked gloomy and shook his head. With a flash of cold light in his left hand, he directly put all the soul tools in the store into the storage soul tools.

"Haha, it doesn't matter if you didn't know me before. Let me introduce myself formally. Duan is an elder of the royal family of the Sun and Moon Empire. Today, by the order of His Majesty, I have come here to invite the unknown master to the palace for a talk."

The old man in gray armor chuckled, still looking very kind.

"Sorry, I don't want to go to any palace. I want to leave here now."

Han Feng shook his head again and secretly started to circulate the soul power in his body.

"Mr. Duan, why are you talking so much to him? Since he doesn't want to go, let's catch him first!"

As soon as Han Feng finished speaking, a middle-aged man wearing orange armor behind Mr. Duan couldn't help it. The soul guide in his hand flashed with light, intending to attack Han Feng directly.

The other two people, who looked like Mr. Duan, looked like the same old man. They remained calm and fixed their gazes on Han Feng.

"You have one last chance to make a choice."

Mr. Duan stopped smiling and looked at Han Feng calmly, as if giving a final warning.

"No need."

Hearing the words, Han Feng only uttered three words. In an instant, Jibing Wuhun possessed him, and his eighty-fifth level Soul Douluo cultivation exploded, and his whole body immediately flew towards the sky.

"Want to run? Can you run?"

Duan Lao looked at Han Feng's actions. He had obviously expected it and was not angry. A strange smile appeared on his face again.

"Do it!"

The next moment, a low shout was heard from Duan Lao's mouth, and the two old men following him launched their Titled Douluo cultivation into the sky one after another!

I saw an extremely pure soul power released from the palms of the two men, and merged into the cage formation. The formation immediately flashed with green light, and the power of imprisonment suddenly increased greatly!


In the blink of an eye, there was a loud noise in the sky, and Han Feng, who was about to escape, was blocked by the confinement circle.

"Master Wuming, why do you have to leave like this? Our emperor has no ill intentions towards you. He just asks you to go to the palace to have a talk."

Seeing that Han Feng's escape was blocked, Mr. Duan stroked his beard and chuckled again.

At this time, the other two titled Douluo had appeared less than three feet away from Han Feng, and the pressure of the two Douluo fell on Han Feng's head at the same time.

"Master Wuming, please come with us. Otherwise, your life or death will be uncertain."

One of the titled Douluo said aloud, and a spear exuding the power of a ninth-level soul guide appeared in his hand, standing in front of Han Feng's path.

Another titled Douluo also transformed into a long sword that contained the power of a ninth-level soul guide, holding the sword in one hand to block Han Feng's back.

The two of them moved in tandem, seemingly completely restricting Han Feng's movements.

However, even when facing three titled Douluo at the same time, including two ninth-level soul engineers among them, Han Feng still had a frosty expression on his face.

Seeing that his front and rear paths were cut off, Han Feng no longer hesitated at all. He patted the storage soul guide on his waist with his right hand, and a cold light flashed all over his body.

After a moment, the cold light subsided, and Han Feng suddenly wore a piece of aqua blue armor that contained the power of an eighth-level soul guide!

"Level 8 armor soul guide!"

When the two titled Douluo, who were both ninth-level soul engineers, saw the armor on Han Feng's body, their pupils suddenly shrank at the same time.

Unlike shielded soul guides, armored soul guides are similar to armor and can protect the user closely without affecting the user's other actions at all.

At this moment, the two ninth-level soul engineers seemed to have seen living ghosts. The production of armored soul guides was still at the theoretical level, and no one had ever successfully produced it.

But as soon as Han Feng in front of him took action, he actually took out a level eight armored soul guide!

"Who is your Excellency?!"

The ninth-level soul engineer holding a spear shouted loudly, trying to figure out Han Feng's origins.

Han Feng did not respond. When he activated the power of the eighth-level armor soul guide to the extreme, he then took out a fixed soul guide cannon from the storage soul guide!

However, when the powerful people from the Sun Moon Empire present saw Han Feng's behavior, a look of panic suddenly appeared on their faces!

"Level 9 custom-installed soul cannon! What does he want to do!"

"Is he crazy? This is Mingdu!"

"No, that's not level nine, it's a pseudo-level nine fixed soul cannon!"


More and more powerful people from the Sun and Moon Empire appeared, with extremely frightened expressions on their faces, including many titled Douluo!

A pseudo-level nine custom-installed soul guide cannon, although it did not fully reach the level of a ninth-level soul guide, was enough to level most of the Ming capital if no one could resist it.

What's more, now everyone can clearly see that the pseudo-level nine fixed soul cannon was taken out by the unknown master himself!

No one dares to predict its true power!

"Your Excellency Wuming, this is Mingdu. Please put away the soul cannon. Everything can be discussed easily."

Even Mr. Duan, who had been extremely calm before, had no choice but to explode into the sky with his level 95 Super Douluo cultivation after seeing Han Feng take out the pseudo-level nine fixed soul cannon.

"Master Wuming, we don't mean any harm, please calm down!"

The ninth-level soul masters holding spears also spoke one after another at this time, hoping to persuade Han Feng to put away the fixed soul cannon.

Han Feng raised his head expressionlessly and glanced around at the powerful people from the Sun and Moon Empire gathered around him.

no offence?

What a fool!

In an instant, Han Feng suddenly slapped his right hand, injecting an extreme amount of ice power into the pseudo-9th level fixed soul cannon.

"Buzz buzz!——"

A sharp and piercing buzzing sound resounded through the sky, and the pseudo-level nine custom-installed soul cannon was activated on the spot, flashing with a green light!

At the same time, a terrifying aura was released at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"No, he detonated the pseudo-level nine fixed soul cannon!"

"Everyone listen to my order and form a formation immediately!"

For a moment, the powerful men of the Sun and Moon Empire present were completely panicked.

The leader, Super Douluo named Duan, gave up on continuing to target Han Feng and instead led all the Sun Moon Empire powerhouses here to form a formation, just to block the power of the pseudo-9th-level fixed soul cannon.

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