"Qianjun, can you imitate your brother Jiangmo, he has a stable and mature personality, while you are impulsive and reckless, don't say such things that affect the unity of the Spirit Hall in the future."

Qian Daoliu's voice resounded faintly, he floated cross-legged in mid-air, behind him was an extremely holy seraphim martial soul, beside him were two enshrined Golden Crocodile Douluo, three enshrined, four enshrined, five enshrined, and seven enshrined Jiangmo Douluo.

In addition, there are more than a dozen Title Douluo of different levels from ninety-one to ninety-five. They also suspended cross-legged in mid-air to meditate and cultivate their soul power.

For them, power in the world is just like that, and the only way to do it is to cultivate their soul power. They spend most of their time in the worship hall to cultivate their soul power.

As for the titled Douluo who like power, it's not without them, but they all chose Bibi Dong's pope camp.

"Brother, don't you understand? Since the last time God's punishment came, our Spirit Hall shouldn't continue to quarrel. If it wasn't for the last time His Majesty the Pope and the great priest joined forces to resist God's punishment, the consequences would be disastrous. If we continue to fight , God's punishment came down again, what can you and I use to resist?"

Jiangmo Douluo's voice had a hint of magnetism. He was a peak Douluo of level ninety-six, and his Wuhun was also a Coiling Dragon Cudgel.

Qianjun—— Jiangmo, when their brothers were young, their strength was much stronger than Tang Hao and Tang Xiao's brothers, and they also emphasized brotherhood. Together, their brothers can remain unbeaten for three minutes in the hands of the great priest Qian Daoliu, a peerless Douluo .

Of course, just being undefeated doesn't mean they won't be injured. If Qian Daoliu is serious, they will be seriously injured or disabled if they don't die.

Also explained from here.

It was so absurd that Tang Hao, a ninety-five-level titled Douluo who was seriously injured by the bombing ring, could escape from Qian Daoliu, a peerless Douluo known as Sky Invincible, who knows how much water he secretly put on Tang Hao. .

Unlike Tang Hao and Tang San, father and son are both very selfish, Qian Daoliu is a very upright person, a pure person who serves the light all his life.

As for Chihiro Ji, it can only be said that he was spoiled and spoiled, and finally grew crooked.

Pope's Hall, Apse, Tenglong Pavilion.

"Sister Ah Yin, are you breaking through the Title Douluo?" Dong Qing asked curiously. How did she break through to Title Douluo after seeing her overnight? It's really puzzling.

"Yes, I just broke through." Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin opened his eyes and saw Dong Qing, a blush flashed on his face, and he said in an extremely embarrassed voice.

"And it's still a hundred thousand year soul ring, and the soul power has broken through level ninety-five. Is it possible that there is such a special benefit in re-cultivating after the transformation of a hundred thousand year soul beast?"

Dong Qing's eyes widened. He sensed the fluctuations in the soul power of the Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin, at least level ninety-five. Only one level short, he could cross the chasm and become a peak Douluo.

"Yes, this... This is the benefit of re-cultivating in the form of a hundred thousand year soul beast." The Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin didn't know how to explain it, so he could only follow Dong Qing's words.

Seeing that Dong Qing still wanted to ask her a question, Lan Yinhuang A Yin stretched out his jade hand to cover his mouth in a hurry, and said, "This is not important, the important thing is that my sister can only follow Xiao Qing from now on, Qian Qian Don't abandon your sister."

After she finished speaking, she pecked lightly at the corner of Dong Qing's mouth, and before he could react in a daze, the light on her body disappeared in a flash, turning into the main body of the Blue Silver Emperor, and burrowed into his chest to pretend to be asleep.

After several minutes.

I rely on this woman to take advantage of me! ! !

Tenglong Pavilion, in the courtyard.

The breeze gently blew through the rows of green bamboos at the back of the courtyard, and there was a pleasant sound. In the middle of the courtyard, there was a round white jade table with a long chair next to it.

On the white jade table, there were some candied flowers and fruits, sweets and snacks, and a pot of sake. It was the spirit wine that Dong Qing and Lan Yinhuang A Yin drank freely last night.

Dong Qing sat on the chair, propped his chin with his left hand, and propped his arm on the white jade table at the same time. He stretched out his right hand and poured himself a glass of spirit wine brewed from blue silver grass.

"Although this stuff has a bit of stamina, but it tastes good, just drink less." Dong Qing thought.

After a few drinks, Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, and Bai Chenxiang came out of the guest room. Except for Xiao Wu who was rubbing her eyes and looked like she hadn't woken up, the others were in high spirits, obviously cultivating soul power all night.

As for Li Mei, Zhu Zhuyun and Tang Yuehua were resting in another guest room. Except for Tang Yuehua who was leaning against the window alone, thinking about something, Zhu Zhuyun and Li Mei were seriously cultivating their soul power.

After all, the Blue Silver Domain of the Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin has always been open, which is equivalent to a large-scale movable mimetic cultivation environment, and they will not let go of this good opportunity to cultivate their soul power.

Of course, this kind of cultivation method is definitely not as fast as the cultivation by Dongqing's side, but there is no way, so many people can't practice together as usual.

Now they basically stay in the guest room to meditate and cultivate their soul power. Don't look at three people in a guest room, there is a universe in it, there are three single bedrooms in it, and all kinds of facilities are complete.

Before he knew it, Dongqing already had six followers around him. Unfortunately, he was a little unlucky, and he was surrounded by female soul master followers.

As for whether there will be a sound when changing jobs at night?

There is no need to worry about this, the [Blue Silver Coil] that Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin said is for this, she made the blue golden vines form an absolutely soundproof space.

No matter whether the inside is turned upside down or the earth shakes, there will be no sound at all.

Seemingly seeing Dong Qing, Xiao Wu, who was still sleepy, became more energetic in an instant, stepped on the ground lightly with her jade feet, and took off on the spot. in the arms.

"Brother Qing, why do you smell like a godmother?" Xiao Wu asked suspiciously.

"It's normal to have her smell on me. Sister Ah Yin always keeps the body of the Blue Silver Emperor and attaches to my chest for a long time. It's strange that she doesn't smell, okay?" Dong Qing shrugged.

As he was talking, he seemed to think of something, took the spirit wine and handed it to Xiao Wu's mouth, and said, "By the way, Xiao Wu, you should try the spirit wine brewed by Sister Ah Yin. Strength training speed."

"That's not what I meant, that taste is different." Before Xiao Wu finished speaking, she couldn't help swallowing after smelling the clear fragrance of spirit wine at the tip of her nose.

So she completely forgot what she wanted to say next.

Looking at the spirit wine at the corner of her mouth, Xiao Wu took a sip and found that it was not irritating, but had a sweet taste, like rum, and drank the whole glass of spirit wine in one gulp.

"It's delicious, I want more." Xiao Wu's big eyes flickered. He looked at Dong Qing with anticipation.

Next, Dongqing will experience for the first time, the open and covert struggles between different women, and the resentful wives caused by the uneven distribution, and the secret means of revenge against him.

"Xiao Wu, you are still young, you shouldn't be drinking." Relying on his own extreme speed, Zhu Zhuqing snatched the spirit wine that Xiao Wu was about to drink, and drank it down in one gulp with the latter's expression of disbelief.

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