Of course, this is not to say that Guangming Qian Renxue does not have this kind of charm. On the contrary, her beauty is even more dazzling. After all, except for the difference in hair color, they are the same person.

Men, I am used to eating dark chocolate, but I also like bright ice cream. Both are sweet, but one is slightly bitter and the other is slightly ice, but each has its own taste.

In this way, time flies with the wind.

Dongqing accompanied Qian Renxue for six days, and after enjoying a unique life in her different personalities of light and darkness, the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition is finally about to begin.

This time he came to Tiandou City, of course Dongqing is not only here to date Qian Renxue, he naturally has other things to do, that is to participate in the opening ceremony of this Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition.

As the Pope of the Spirit Hall, Bibi Dong couldn't come to Heaven Dou City with great fanfare just because of an opening ceremony.

Of course, the main reason was that she herself didn't want to come to Tiandou City. When Qian Renxue communicated with her in the letter not long ago, some remarks in it really pissed her off.

What does it mean that she and Dongqing are too close? Is she the kind of person who steals her apprentice? When a mother will rob a man with her daughter?

While Bibi Dong was very dissatisfied, she began to secretly investigate the spies around her, hoping to see who was talking too much.

In the end, after checking and checking, there was no traitor at all, it seemed that Qian Renxue simply had a premonition in the dark, sensing Bibi Dong's immoral thoughts towards Dong Qing.

At the same time, because the finals of this year's All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition will be held in the Heaven Dou Empire, the status and status of the original Platinum Bishop Salas is somewhat insufficient, and a higher-status Spirit Hall executive is needed.

And Dong Qing, as the holy son of the Wuhun Temple, has a high position and authority, which just fits the status of the high-ranking Wuhun Temple, so he is the guest at the opening ceremony of this year's All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition.

Timeline, Douluo calendar, June 29, 2647, the weather was clear and cloudless.

Heaven Dou City, Beicheng District, Heaven Dou Great Soul Arena.

The Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition is the most grand soul master competition in the soul master world.

It never attracted only the attention of soul masters. From the royal family, nobles to common people, everyone in Douluo Continent regarded this contest as the grandest festival.

Just like the traditional Spring Festival in Chinese civilization, the atmosphere is very lively, and the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition is the Spring Festival in the hearts of the people of Douluo Mainland.

Soul masters are envied by everyone, and everyone wants to be a soul master, but to become a soul master is very particular about talent, you must have innate soul power, which is the basic condition for becoming a soul master.

Fortunately, the soul tool technology in Douluo Continent is very developed, especially the soul tool technology in live video broadcasting, which has formed a huge industrial chain.

Even if he can't become a soul master himself, there are endless big soul fighting fields and various small competitions, and at the same time, this is also the spiritual food for the common people in Douluo Continent.

This is also the reason why the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition is so important, even the Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire sent envoys to negotiate.

Of course, what really relieved the top forces in the whole continent was.

Now Wuhundian looks a lot more normal. Before, the appearance of unifying the mainland was really frightening to death, but now it looks like a normal organization of soul masters.

And one more thing.

When the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition is held in the preliminaries, both the Star Luo Empire and the Heaven Dou Empire will hold the opening ceremonies of the divisions, and grand opening ceremonies will be held in Tian Dou City and Star Luo City respectively.

The opening ceremony of the Heaven Dou Empire was naturally held in the Heaven Dou Great Soul Arena in the Heaven Dou City. As early as a month ago, the tickets for the opening ceremony had already been pre-sold out.

Ticket sales for the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition qualifiers this time brought in a lot of money, but the Heaven Dou Great Soul Arena itself also paid quite a lot of gold soul coins.

The price of the ticket for the opening ceremony is not high, only one Gintama coin is needed, the royal family of the Heaven Dou Empire strives to make every middle class family can afford the ticket,

As for ordinary people who really can't afford tickets, they can also watch free video broadcasts in the square.

Of course, this free is also relative, after all, advertising harassment is inevitable, and the merchants on Douluo Dalu are also very business-minded, and have already bought the advertising time of each broadcast channel in advance.

Tiandou Great Soul Arena, VIP room.

There were two people in the VIP room, one old and one young, but the old man looked very reserved, and seemed afraid that he might say something wrong during the conversation.

"Salas, how long is it until the opening ceremony of the Elite Contest of the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy?" Dong Qing said impatiently.

He came here early in the morning and had a face-to-face meeting with Qian Renxue, who had transformed back into Xueqinghe, and stayed here for almost an hour, but the opening ceremony hadn't even started yet.

"His Royal Highness, according to the information I received before, there are about ten minutes before the opening ceremony can be held. Now we are walking slowly, and the time is almost right."

As the Platinum Bishop of the Wuhun branch of Tiandou City, Salas naturally understood Dongqing's impatience. After all, it's normal for young people to be impatient.

"That being the case, let's go." Dong Qing said casually, and after finishing speaking, he walked out of the box door, ready to go to the home center of Tiandou Great Soul Arena.

"Yes, Your Highness Son." Salas nodded, and after finishing speaking, he quickly followed Dong Qing's footsteps, and at the same time, dozens of Wuhundian guards in silver metal armor followed behind him.

All of them are forty-level soul sect elites. Together, even a sixty-level soul emperor is no match for them.

As for the soul saints, they can't do it.

Because of the seventh soul skill, Wuhun Avatar, whether it is an auxiliary type, an assault type, or a control type, reaching level 70 will usher in a qualitative change in strength because of the Wuhun Avatar.

Although Dongqing's own strength does not need the protection of these guards, but the platinum bishop Salas is a person who pays attention to ostentation, so he arranged a group of guards for Dongqing abruptly.

As the main arena of the Heaven Dou Empire Division, the Tiandou Great Soul Arena has stopped all soul fighting competitions a month ago and has undergone internal renovations.

Combine all the arenas in the big spirit fighting arena and the main fighting spirit center into one, forming an incomparably huge arena.

Apart from the fact that the VIP area was kept on the north side of the entire competition venue, the renovated Great Soul Arena not only improved a lot in appearance, but also could accommodate 80,000 spectators at the same time.

Today, this Grand Spirit Arena is undoubtedly the largest in the whole continent, with a stand that can accommodate 80,000 spectators, it can be seen how hard the Heaven Dou Imperial Family put in this competition.

The Great Spirit Arena is all decorated with a platinum tone background, although it is still morning and the sun is shining brightly.

But on the surrounding platinum walls, special soul guide bulbs are hung for lighting, giving people not only luxury, but also a sense of grandeur.

In the next period of time, all the Tiandou division qualifiers will be held here, and of course, the subsequent promotion matches will also be held here.

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