Douluo: My Martial Spirit is the Ten Fierce Sky Horned Ants

Chapter 294 , Everything is arranged by fate.

As the atmosphere gradually became solemn, the Great Elder of the Haotian School squinted his eyes, and took the initiative to say: "Fourth, you have to understand that this is only half of the power of the Wuhun Palace, and the Titled Douluo under Qian Daoliu only Much more, including himself, the seven major priests of the Spirit Hall have the power to wipe out the entire continent."

The second elder of the Haotian School interjected: "Don't forget, there is also that golden crocodile old monster. This is a peak Douluo whose soul power has reached level 98. More than 150 years ago, he was alone in the invincible hand of the mainland. , but after the rise of Qian Daoliu, the old suzerain Tang Chen, and Bo Saixi of Sea God Island, the three peerless Douluo, he gradually became less famous."

The third elder of the Haotian School added: "But our titled Douluo of the older generation knows that Golden Crocodile old monster is commensurate with brothers Qian Daoliu, and it is inevitable for him to join the Spirit Hall, even if Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu are now It’s really because of the horrible God’s Punishment injury from last time that he has not healed, and with his support, the Spirit Hall will not be able to fall.”

In the following time, several other Haotianzong elders spoke freely and kept expressing their opinions.

Now there are seven elders in the Clear Sky School, and each of them is a Titled Douluo. In addition to Tang Xiao, the pinnacle Douluo Sect Master whose soul power has reached level 96, the Clear Sky School has a total of eight Titled Douluo. The most terrifying sect among the last three sects.

Timeline, Douluo Calendar, August 3rd, 2647.

It has been nearly a week since the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Contest qualifiers ended, and because of the one-month offseason, an unexpected visitor came to Heaven Dou City.

Outside Tiandou City, there is the Sunset Forest, the Ice and Fire Yinyiyan Valley.

The Binghuo Liangyi Eye in the Sunset Forest is very large. Although it is only a valley, it covers an area as wide as three football fields. It is a very suitable place for retirement.

In the valley, there are shades of green grass and colorful flowers. The dew in the morning, gently slipping from unknown grass leaves, dripping on the land, moistens the fertile black and red land below.

The thin mist in the early morning shrouded the entire valley.

In the central area of ​​the valley, there is a small lake with one blue and one red, which looks like Yin and Yang Tai Chi, clearly separated from each other, and the lake water is shining with bright light, emitting energy suitable for plant growth.

The blue lake water is extremely cold, and the red lake water is extremely hot, which is called Ice and Fire Liangyi Eye.

For ordinary people, these lakes are something that cannot be touched absolutely. Even if they just touch the surface of the lake, they will be instantly frozen into human-shaped popsicles, or burned into coke.

However, its horror is only aimed at ordinary people and soul masters with weak soul power. When a soul master's soul power reaches level 30, he can use his own soul power to resist this kind of external elemental damage for a short time, so that he will not die at the first touch. .

And on the grass next to the lake, there are some immature fairy herbs growing. After a few decades, they will gradually mature under the nourishment of the ice and fire spring water.


A breeze gently blew the young branches and leaves of the fairy herb, and there was a secretly envious sound not far away, but everything returned to calm after a few hours.

At noon, the sun became a little hot, and the hot sun shone directly on the calm lake, making the surrounding air a little dry.

at this time.

Beside the lake of Binghuo Liangyiyan, on the side of the blue water lake, there are two people sitting upright on a big brown rock. Except for the messy clothes, everything else is normal.

A man and a woman, leaning on each other side by side, clasped their fingers tightly, they did not wear shoes, and they all put their feet in the cold spring water that is enough to freeze ordinary people to death.

"Nana, I want to go back to Wuhun City. Maybe it's because of the divine punishment from heaven last time. Teacher, her body injury has not recovered. She lied to me, but I still want to go back and see her."

Maybe it was because the temperature of the sun at noon was too high. Dong Qing reached out and gently wiped away a drop of sweat from Hu Liena's forehead. When he spoke, his tone seemed extremely gentle.

As the name suggests, Xianghan is indeed Xianghan, not an adjective.

Because of her special physique and martial spirit, she has always had a delicate fragrance on her body. This delicate body fragrance does not make people feel irritating or uncomfortable, but has a refreshing feeling.

"Xiaoqing, you also know? But it's normal. Teacher, she vomited blood and fainted. It is estimated that the news of the high-level forces in the entire continent has spread. It seems that there are many traitors from other forces in the Spirit Hall." Hu Liena said in a slightly surprised tone. .

When she was speaking, a long red fire-colored tail danced in the wind. At this time, she was like a fox demon in Qingqiu who came out of the myth, with a special charm that charmed the king.

"Nana, you don't have to be so surprised. Our Spirit Hall has planted many traitors in other forces. Naturally, other forces in the mainland have also planted traitors in the Spirit Hall. This is a very normal thing." Dong Qing nodded and said.

The titles of Junior Brother and Senior Sister are in the past, and now she is his own Nana, his favorite wife of a vixen, especially after she has activated Wuhun, the big soft tail behind her gives people the feeling of It is so comfortable.

As for why she now activates the martial soul possession state, this may be a little secret that only husband and wife will know.

"Let's not talk about this, teacher, she. When we left, her body looked very healthy. How could such a thing happen suddenly?"

Hu Liena frowned slightly, and there was an inexplicable meaning in her pitch-black pupils. She always had a feeling of being stolen.

This time, Bibi pretended to be Dongfang. Accidentally, her injuries recurred, and she vomited blood and fainted while dealing with the daily affairs of the Wuhun Hall. This kind of thing felt very strange to Hu Liena, as if she was deliberately trying to attract someone's attention and concern.

It's not that Hu Liena doesn't care about Bibi Dong, but she can't imagine that the extremely powerful teacher in her heart will show her weakness in front of others one day.

In her heart, Bibi Dong is not just the female pope of the Wuhun Temple, she is a perfect woman, beautiful, noble, and powerful, and she is an idol in the hearts of all women in the Douluo Continent.

However actually.

Now Bibi Dong deliberately pretended to take advantage of her unhealed injury, and she showed the outside world a weak and feminine image, making her less unattainable and easier to accept.

And the reason why she did this was to let someone get close to her again, just like he did when he was a child, wishing to be his humanoid pillow all day long.

From Bibi Dong's point of view, as she grows older, Dong Qing is gradually influenced by the world's vision, and dare not get as close to herself as before.

Just because they are masters and apprentices. Since ancient times, the relationship between masters and apprentices has not been understood and recognized by the world, and naturally they will not receive blessings from others.

The most important thing is that Qian Renxue is already Dong Qing's woman, mother and daughter Gai. It's no wonder Bibi Dong, and it's not Dong Qing's fault, everything is the arrangement of fate.

When she needed to light up the darkness in her heart the most, he turned into a warm little sun and broke into her heart.

Since then, she gradually fell in love with the feeling of being cared for and cared for, and also gave birth to a desire that should not have been born.

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