No one knew Tang Yuehua's secretly excited mood at this time. She finally waited for someone who could make decisions for her to come back.

Even though her biological age is a forty-year-old woman, and as a mortal, her life expectancy is close to half, but at this moment her mood is as excited as a girl in her teens or twenties.

Follow Dongqing's perspective.

Tang Yuehua stood there blankly, biting her bright red lips lightly, pinching the corner of her clothes with her pale jade fingers, a trace of grievance appeared inadvertently on her jade-white face.

The key is.

Ever since she saw Dong Qing's appearance, those light brown pupils were as agile as water, as if she had seen the backbone, and her eyes were full of inexplicable expressions.

Of course Tang Yuehua didn't fall in love with Dongqing, it was just because as a smart woman, she was very good at taking advantage of being a woman to achieve what she wanted.

Of course, if Dongqing really likes her old aunt, she doesn't mind the old cow eating young grass, after all, this kind of thing is not bad for her who is over forty years old.


Don't be ridiculous. For a woman of her age, how could she still look forward to perfect love like a little girl? If she didn't really look down on ordinary people, she would have been married for many years.

As she wishes.

Dong Qing quickly noticed Tang Yuehua's plain maid's clothes, her dark eyes could not help but narrow slightly, revealing a fierce light, a domineering and selfish emotion was slowly brewing deep in her heart.

Who exactly? Dare to let my people be his maids?

After being silent for a while, Dong Qing asked, "Sister Yuehua, why are you wearing the maid's clothes? Don't they know that you are already mine?"

The reason why he called Tang Yuehua sister was mainly because she taught him the rhythm.

But because of some reasons that she doesn't know yet, she doesn't dare to be her own music teacher, so she can only call her sister.

As for why Tang Yuehua is said to be Dongqing's person now, it's not about what happened between Dongqing and Tang Yuehua, although the latter also wanted to have something happen to him.

Ever since Dongqing rescued Tang Yuehua from the vegetable market in the northern district of Wuhun City, and rescued her from the executioner's knife at a critical moment, her life, and her whole body.

All ownership rights belong to Dongqing alone.

"His Royal Highness Dongqing, I am now His Majesty's maid, and serving His Majesty is actually quite good, but I will not be able to teach His Highness your rhythm often in the future."

Tang Yuehua hesitated to speak, her fair jade face was filled with the words "I dare not say too much", as if Bibi Dong was standing behind her.

She is in her forties, and although her spirit power level is not high, her actual face looks like she is in her thirties. She is a just right beautiful woman.

At this moment, I feel pity for her.

The most fascinating thing is that she still has the charm of ripe peaches, which is enough to make any man fascinated by it, and one can't help but want to hold her in his arms for comfort.


Tang Yuehua deliberately showed a feeling of pity for me. At this time, she was playing the piano with Niu Niu. When Dong Qing heard that she had become Bibi Dong's maid, the unknown anger in her heart dissipated immediately.

"Cough, cough, it turns out that I was serving the teacher. That's good. The teacher is not in good health recently. Sister Yuehua, you have worked hard these days." Dong Qing nodded casually.

After speaking, he was about to leave, and went to visit Bibi Dong who was not feeling well.

Obviously, Dong Qing didn't really care about Tang Yuehua being a maid, let alone being a maid for her teacher Bibidong.

But it's only limited to Bibi Dong, leaving aside her noble status, she is still a teacher that she respects, and it's not unacceptable to order people around her.

If others dare to use their own people in such a reckless manner, it means that the other party is deliberately provoking Dong Qing's dignity, and the anger cannot be appeased without crushing the other party.

at this moment.

Seeing that Dong Qing was about to leave, Tang Yuehua was very anxious, but she couldn't say anything clearly unless she wanted to try Bibi Dong's method.

Although she really wanted to get rid of the identity of Bibi Dong's maid, she forced a calm look on the surface, waved her hand and said: "It's not hard, Your Highness Dong Qing, these are what I should do."

Could it be that Tang Yuehua didn't want to say directly that she didn't want to be Bibi Dong's maid?

She really didn't dare! She was afraid that she would be slapped to death by His Majesty the Pope if she said a wrong sentence, and this was the easiest way to die, and she dared not even think about a crueler way to die.

The spiritual power of an ordinary rank ninety Title Douluo can cover a small city, and the spiritual power of a peak Douluo above rank ninety five is enough to cover a medium-sized city.

As for Bibi Dong's mental power of a peak ninety-nine peerless douluo, it is more than enough to cover a large city like Wuhun City.


How dare Tang Yuehua speak her mind in front of Dong Qing, and the two of them only have a friendship of teaching the temperament for the time being, how dare she bet on her importance in his heart.

Just when Tang Yuehua was at a loss as to what to do, her innate talent field—the aristocratic ring, under the influence of her inner chaotic emotions, silently and automatically expanded the field.

In a trance, Tang Yuehua's whole temperament changed drastically in an instant. From a noble lady with a high status, she transformed into a queen of the world in an instant, as if she had changed into a different person.

Elegant and luxurious, her air is compelling, and she has an aura of fengyitianxia on her body, which makes people want to pay homage to her.

People are different, and they are very different from each other.

Naturally, there is a big difference between a noble lady and a queen who is the mother of the world. How can an ordinary lady compare to the queen of the mother's world in terms of temperament.

But Tang Yuehua at this time, in terms of temperament, she was not inferior to Bibi Dong who was the Pope of the Wuhun Temple, and she couldn't help but stagnate for a moment when she successfully made Dong Qing take a step.

【Talent Domain--Noble Circle】

Tang Yuehua is a poor person, because the mutated martial soul of the Clear Sky Hammer failed, and her martial soul Ruyi ring was born with flaws, no matter how hard she tried to meditate and practice, her soul power was only at level nine.

The only luck is that although the Wuhun failed to mutate, she obtained a talent domain that is difficult for ordinary people to obtain. This talent domain is just like the blue silver domain that comes with the blue silver emperor Ah Yin.

It's just that the aristocratic ring field doesn't have the slightest combat power, and can only greatly improve her own temperament. In some abnormal novels, her special field is usually used to increase some fun.

Elegant, so elegant, the elegant and noble Tang Yuehua in front of him made Dongqing, a man who was used to seeing the most beautiful people in the world, couldn't help but temporarily stop for her at this moment.

Although Tang Yuehua's temperament was incomparably noble at this moment, giving people the feeling of being a mother, but the maid's clothes on her were a bit out of tune with her whole person.

This kind of strong impact on clothes and temperament is like a beggar living on the street, who suddenly has the temperament of an emperor, which makes people want to worship him.

"Sister Yuehua, you are so elegant and noble, being a maid is really a little bit. Forget it, don't do the work of a maid, you can go back to Tenglong Pavilion first, and when I come back, I will arrange a serious thing for you to do."

After speaking, Dong Qing left directly, and he walked into Bi Ya Xuan to visit his teacher Bibi Dong.

He would stay for a while because of Tang Yuehua, it was because of the amazing change in her temperament, but it was not because she forgot his business.

Teacher, I'm here, how are you?

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