Douluo: My Martial Spirit is the Ten Fierce Sky Horned Ants

Chapter 494, I'm just an ordinary-looking man......

Chapter 494, I'm Just a Plain-looking Man

Blackstone Prison, the outer room of the interrogation room.

"Sister Ah Yin, I'm very curious. At that time, almost everyone thought that the Wuhun Palace would be destroyed by the Jieguang that fell from the sky, and even the Wuhun City would be completely wiped from the ground by the Jieguang. At that Are you not afraid?"

Dong Qing reached out and hugged the Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin in his arms, and lightly pressed on her soft belly.

He looked down seriously.

Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin was wearing a blue-gold long dress, but the long dress could not conceal her plump figure, elegant and noble temperament, and her absolutely inviolable figure.

Under a head of soft blue hair, she has a beautiful appearance. Under the curved willow eyebrows, the light blue pupils are very charming, as deep and invisible as the blue ocean.

Under her slender and white neck, a string of platinum necklaces set off her extraordinary beauty, and the two footballs under her chest were unfathomable, giving people a feeling of being difficult to control.

Since following Dongqing.

Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin not only broke through the ninetieth level of soul power, but she has always lived a pampered life.

Although most of the time, she turned into the main body of the Blue Silver Emperor and stayed on Dongqing's chest, but this did not affect her temperament more and more like a mature woman. Wife.

But she seems to be a wife, but more delicious.

"Don't be afraid, where you are Xiaoqing, my sister will never be afraid." Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin said while nestling in Dongqing's arms.

She is very clear that right now, Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue sympathize with her very much.

Sympathizing with her, she could only watch helplessly as the little San in Tang San's soul memory was devoured by another world Tang San and took her soul. However, as the mother of the person involved, she was so stupid that she didn't find out about this until now.

Otherwise, the Blue Silver Emperor A Yinxiu would have been so close to Dong Qing for a long time in front of Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue, and the mother and daughter who had been blasted by the sour gas would have beaten them back to their original form.

"Aren't you afraid if I'm here?"

"I'm not afraid if you're here!"

"why is that?"

"No reason!"

"Sister Ah Yin."

"Call me Yin!"

Perhaps Dongqing's consolation played a role.

The overall mood of the Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin is much better than before. It can be seen that she seems to have gradually regained her sanity from the shadow of her own son, Xiao San, whose soul was swallowed by Tang San in another world.

The dead are gone, and the living cannot escape.

That innocent and kind mistress had long since disappeared with the wind, and Tang San, who had taken away his body, had already been reduced to a prisoner, and his own man had been hugging him considerately all the time.

Even though Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin had thousands of hatreds in his heart, he wished he could completely crush Tang San on the spot.

But after all, he still couldn't bear the tenderness of his own man, and gradually came out of the extreme grief.

Women are fickle, but they are also sensitive. Even if they don't like nasty behavior on the surface, deep down they care very much about their men's care and care for them.

To put it simply, it's as meaty as you can be.

"A Yin."


"A Yin."


"A Yin."


It's not the first time that Dong Qing has regretted provoking so many women. He is not tired physically, but his heart is tired, but the sense of responsibility in his heart is what prevents him from acting like a scumbag and running away without putting on his pants.

Because a scumbag and a scumbag are two different things, the former is a human being while the latter is not.


It's not easy being a man, Dong Qing sighed.

At this moment.

Looking at Dong Qing who looked like a sunny boy in front of him, the Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin resisted the urge to bite, but unconsciously held him tightly with his light white fingertips.

The clasping of fingers is like hugging and fighting at the corners of the mouth. It is an expression of heartfelt affection between couples, and it is also a silent expression of mutual affection and love.

The intertwined fingers and the clinging palms convey not only the temperature, but more importantly, the tacit understanding between each other.

Although this is just a simple action, it is enough to reflect warmth and romance.


Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin secretly used his spiritual power to transmit sound and said: "Xiaoqing, you know why I am going to use spiritual wine to get you drunk to do something wrong?"

For her.

It doesn't matter in private, she can do whatever she wants in front of Dongqing, just treat it as the fun between husband and wife.

But where there are outsiders, she is still a thin-skinned beautiful woman, and she is too embarrassed to say these things in public.


After receiving the spiritual power sound transmission, Dong Qing's eyes widened immediately, and he shook his head in a dazed expression.

Ask me this kind of thing? How the hell would I know? Do you women really want to come out and come out?

Seeing Dong Qing shaking his head in bewilderment, and deliberately pretending to be stupid in front of him, the Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yinxinhu felt a sweet feeling.

She suppressed the shyness in her heart, and used her spiritual power to transmit voice again and said: "Xiaoqing, you are still pretending to be stupid. It is because we have experienced life and death together during the divine punishment of the Wuhun Temple! I think, since then From the very beginning, sister, my heart was very accidentally stolen by you."

As the 100,000-year Blue Silver Emperor, the queen of all the Blue Silver Grass.

The reason why she wanted to stay by Dongqing's side completely was to dedicate everything she had to this little man.

Not only because Tang Yuehua, who felt extremely guilty in her heart after saving Tang Yuehua at a critical moment, confessed that Tang Hao was the real culprit who revealed her identity, and wanted to obtain her soul sacrifice.

One of the more important reasons is.

Before this, Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin and Dong Qing had experienced life and death together. Deep in her heart, there was an indescribable sense of trust and security.

Based on this special trust and sense of security, coupled with the pain that made her feel heart-piercing after learning the truth about the sacrifice that year.

She desperately needs a man who she can rely on, to vent the pain in her heart that has nowhere to vent, so as to calm down the thoughts that are about to collapse and blacken.

In a daze, she thought of Dong Qing, the boy and man she had watched and grown up since she was a child.

Sunny and handsome, knowledgeable and kind-hearted.

So she chose to get drunk with Dong Qing without hesitation, and gave everything she had to the other party, and at the same time vented the pain and desire deep in her heart.


In fact, for a woman like Lanyinhuang Ahyin who has been deceived by feelings, talking about love is meaningless, and she may not believe in so-called love for a long time.

The real reason that prompted her to do this was that she didn't hesitate to get Dong Qing drunk, but also took the opportunity to bully him for his misdeeds. More likely, it was the sense of security in him that made her feel solid.

The sound transmission of the blue silver emperor Ah Yin's mental power made Dong Qing feel a little inexplicable.

"I'm pretending to be stupid? I remember Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu, Bai Chenxiang, you were not the only one at that time! And didn't I go to my teacher Bibidong in the end?"

"Could it be, this is the brain circuit of women. Everyone else is a passerby, and only you are the protagonist. Do they only see themselves in their eyes?"

Think here.

Dong Qing quickly glanced at Bibi Dong, Qian Renxue, and Xiao Wu, and found that their eyes would almost always look at him intentionally or unconsciously.

As for Dark Qian Renxue, she is different, she is a creature of darkness.

Dongqing still can't figure out her brain circuit. He only knows that if he dares to scum her and abandon her, he can become a demon king who destroys the world in minutes.

When Dongqing was muttering in his heart alone.

The people in the interrogation room were able to recall the catastrophe they had experienced once again through recalling the memory of the incident of God's Punishment in Tang San's soul memory.

have to say.

As the parties involved, when they saw the familiar and terrifying purple-black Annihilation Light again, they all felt a lingering fear in their hearts.

They didn't know if they would be able to withstand that terrible divine punishment from heaven again, or whether they would be wiped out in the purple-black robbery light.

However, Dong Qing was not included among the people who had lingering fears. He now knew his true identity as a pure-blooded Skyhorn Ant from the Great Perfect World.

As the top pure-blooded creature in the high-dimensional world, the pure-blooded Ten Ominous Skyhorn Ant who grew up to be the Immortal King, no matter how stable Dongqing was, she would not be afraid of this so-called divine punishment.


Although Dongqing didn't know what level of treasures the Duntiansuo, the little red flag, and the original original of the Immortal Sutra were, and at the same time, he couldn't use them as he wanted.

Even to a certain extent, he can only passively accept their protection.

But even so, Dong Qing believed that these few treasures, whose grades he did not know, would have no problem withstanding the so-called God's Punishment.

In fact, last time Dongqing had a vague guess

The God's Punishment encountered by the Wuhun Temple was resolved by the red flag, but he never expected that the heads of three god kings would bloom when they were hit by the red flag, and their bodies and spirits were instantly destroyed.

After the memory of God's punishment in Tang San's soul memory is over, after that, there are only some trivial memories, which feel very dull to everyone.

So under Ming Jing Douluo's control, Tang San's soul memory once again showed a thousand-hundred-fold acceleration, and the memory picture in the void was so fast that it was difficult for the naked eye to see clearly.

The fast-moving memory images, like the passage of time, represent everything Tang San has experienced in these years, and all of them are displayed in front of outsiders without reservation.

It is worth mentioning that.

Due to forcibly accelerating the soul memory many times, Tang San's soul has already been short-lived, like a car with severely aging parts, which may collapse and fall apart at any time.

If it is said that Tang San got shit luck, he still has the chance to meet the turbulent flow of time and space in his previous life, which can help mortal souls to travel through different worlds without damage.

But given the fragility of his soul at this time, he might have lost his soul and completely disappeared in this world before crossing the other world.

Damage to the origin of the soul is basically irreversible. Today's Tang San is destined to never have the slightest chance of reincarnating his soul.

Soon, Tang San's soul memory, after being crazily accelerated for more than ten minutes, finally accelerated to not long ago, that is, the day when he had the killing intent on Xiao Wu.

[Tang San's soul memory screen is playing]

"Immortal herb, the king of flowers, Acacia heartbroken red, according to the records of Xuantianbaolu Tiancaidibao Milu, eating this herb can live the same life as heaven and earth, immortality, life and death, flesh and bones, The effect of surpassing the heavens and the earth.”

"Even if the medicinal effect of this fairy herb is not as exaggerated as the rumors, it can at least make up for my lack of physical strength, and at the same time, it can greatly increase my own soul power."

"But the problem is, even if Xiao Wu doesn't recognize this lovesickness heartbroken red, she is not stupid. This celestial herb has the ability to protect the Lord, and she will definitely not give it away for nothing."

Tang San looked greedily at the Lovesick Heartbroken Red floating above Xiao Wu's head, an unstoppable greed gradually surged deep in his heart.

Steal? Is it a lie? Or grab?

For a moment, Tang San's mind kept churning with these thoughts, and at the same time, in his eyes, Xiao Wu's lovesickness heartbroken red seemed to have become his possession.

"Maybe I don't need to steal or rob, as long as I forge those top-ranked hidden weapons, just a four-ring soul sect, she will definitely die in my hands."

"Robbery is easy to reveal whereabouts and leave your own traces, but assassination will not. As long as the corpse is disposed of, it can be guaranteed that secrets will always be secrets, because...the dead can't speak."

"Acacia heartbroken red, this is the most precious fairy herb recorded in the Xuantian Treasure Record, Tian Cai Di Treasure Secret Record, and is known as the king of flowers, the most precious fairy treasure. If I can get it, I will definitely be able to become an immortal herb in the future. Title Douluo!"

Tang San didn't know about the Nine Trials of God at this time, so naturally he wouldn't imagine that he could become a god in the future.

in his mind.

To become a titled Douluo who is superior in the eyes of the world is already a very successful life, and it is worthwhile to come to this world.

Blackstone Prison, the outer room of the interrogation room.

See here.

In fact, the soul memory behind Tang San is not worth looking at, after all, after he was born with killing intent, he was discovered by Acacia Broken Heart and reported to Dongqing.

In the later memory, Tang San has been under surveillance all the time, most of the time being watched by Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum, secretly using Title Douluo level spiritual power to monitor.

As for the small part of the time, it was Tang San's time to sleep, eat, fly and build hidden weapons.

As the third enshrinement of the Wuhun Temple, Mingjing Douluo is not only a peak Douluo whose spirit power has reached level 97, but also her ability to control her Wuhun has already reached the point of perfection.

As long as she wanted to, it would be easy for Wenxin Mingjing Wuhun to take the initiative to block some boring and unsightly scenes.

Therefore, he was not worried that the scandal Tang San did in private would accidentally pollute the eyes of Dong Qing and others.

"I'll go. I thought Tang San discovered Xiao Wu's real body of a hundred thousand year spirit beast, and wanted to forcibly obtain her hundred thousand year spirit bone. Unexpectedly, this thing turned out to be the lovesickness heartbroken red on her body. .” Dong Qing had a speechless expression on his face.

"Hahaha! The idiot Tang San is really interesting. I didn't expect that it was because I molested Xiao Wu that day, activated the master protection ability of that fairy herb, and finally let him go on this road of no return."

In the dark, Qian Renxue laughed so hard that she couldn't straighten her waist. A hand as white as jade kept patting Qian Renxue's back vigorously, making the latter's expression gradually turn cold.

"How dare you touch me again, I will tell Xiaoqing not to touch you in the future!!!" Qian Renxue yelled angrily in a low voice,

heard the words.

It was as if someone had poked at its Achilles' heel.

In the dark Qian Renxue suddenly became serious, raised her head and admitted her mistake with a very sincere attitude: "Oh! Sister, sister, you can't do it, you can't do it, you really can't do it, my sister is wrong, my sister really knows it's wrong, you don't remember it. You are a villain, don't be as knowledgeable as my sister."


It's okay to let her not touch Qian Renxue, but if she is not allowed to touch Dongqing, isn't it killing her?

the other side.

Dong Qing touched his chin and sighed, "I'm just an ordinary-looking man."

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