Douluo: My Martial Spirit is the Ten Fierce Sky Horned Ants

Chapter 496 , Soul memory crystallization

"That would be the best, not to mention making up for the lack of the three fallen god kings before, Douluo God Realm can have one more god king with powerful combat power. At that time, I will save you."

"Kindness, can you stop thinking of me all the time, people really don't want to go out"

"Well, don't worry about life, I'm just asking, if you don't want to, I won't force you."

"I know you won't force me, but I really can't abandon this world."

"Let's not talk about this, life, what's wrong with the dark woman Qian Renxue? At first, I was worried that she would do evil, slaughter the world, and cause a catastrophe, but I didn't expect that she would be killed by a man. Eat to death."

"It's just you who will change the subject, but I don't know too well. Anyway, as long as there is a cutie like Dongqing, this dark creature that we were worried about before will not lose control."

In fact, at the moment when the dark Qian Renxue was born, it was really not a calm day, and there was a storm in the dark, and all the gods cast their eyes on this original dark creature.

Her appearance not only stunned Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong, mother and daughter of enemies, but also made Douluo God Realm feel a great threat, a threat that the world would completely collapse and be destroyed.

The God King of Kindness proposed to imprison Dark Qian Renxue more than once to prevent her from harming the common people, but was persuaded by the God King of Life not to stimulate a dark creature.

If the stimulation is really too much, and the dark Qian Renxue begins to unscrupulously absorb the emotions and negative emotions in the world, the two of them may not be able to fight.

As god kings, they naturally understood the essence of the dark Qian Renxue. She originated from the darkness, was born from the endless darkness, and took the seven emotions, six desires and negative emotions as food.

they guessed right

Darkness Qian Renxue is a dark creature similar to "Evil Sword Immortal", she is indeed a monstrous existence that can absorb the power of seven emotions, six desires and negative emotions to grow without limit.

If there is no restraint and the dark Qian Renxue is allowed to act recklessly in this world, it is estimated that she may really become the ultimate disaster of this world.

But fortunately, she was worried and didn't want to mess around.

For the sake of the so-called love, a sincere feeling, Qian Renxue in the dark gave up the power to swallow the seven emotions, six desires and negative emotions without limit to improve herself.

She didn't want the emotions and negative emotions that came like a tide to flood her rationality while she crazily improved her strength.

There is a price to be paid for the increase of crazy power in a short period of time, and this price is something that Darkness Qian Renxue is unwilling to pay.

No one knows whether the dark Qian Renxue's choice is right, but she has indeed obtained the love she wants now.

Love is both a driving force and a shackle. Although it sounds cruel to say it, there are indeed many people in this world who have been hurt by this word.

But even if they have been hurt, there are still many idiots in the world, one after another, not afraid of life and death, and moths fly towards the love in their hearts.

Infatuation should not be ridiculed, the green hills are so heavy, the heart will be moved at a glance, and the fragrance will be drunk, and the years will be endless at a glance.

True love should not be belittled, red beans are full of branches, it is useless to go straight to lovesickness, and there is no return date, it may be melancholy and madness.

It's spring again in Xiaomo in the south of the city, and there are only plum blossoms but no people.

There are three thousand diseases in life and old age, but lovesickness cannot be cured.

Actually, it doesn't have to be that sad.

At least the dark Qian Renxue is very happy now, she likes to pull Qian Renxue whenever she has nothing to do, let Dongqing experience black and white matching, and experience the double happiness of twins.

Blackstone Prison, the outer room of the interrogation room.

"Your Majesty, this is the memory of Xuantian Baolu in Tang San's soul, how do you think it should be handled?"

Bright Mirror Douluo walked up to Bibi Dong, slowly spread out his palms, and a blue crystal was faintly visible, full of crystals, and it exuded a faint blue light all over.

Bibi Dong was about to take Qian Renxue out to teach her a lesson, to teach this "filial" daughter a lesson, when suddenly she heard Ming Jing Douluo's question, she couldn't help thinking.

After a few seconds.

Bibi Dong said: "Three priests, you must remember to keep the original soul memory, take it back and register it, and remember to classify it. Many of the top Tang sect hidden weapons are very lethal and should not be displayed to the outside world."

"And even if it is an ordinary hidden weapon, it is very lethal to soul masters below level 50. It will be temporarily sealed. After I think about it, I will talk about whether to build some hidden weapons to arm the lower level deacons of the Spirit Hall."

"Everyone of you can make a copy of the Xuantian Kungfu that can speed up your own soul power cultivation. Remember, don't spread it to outsiders. If you have time, you can also try to practice it."

"Speaking of which, I also really want to know, if you practice this Xuantian Kungfu, will it be of great help to your soul power cultivation?"

"As for the Ziji Demon Eye, Mysterious Jade Hand, Ghost Shadow Mistrack, these other-world martial arts that are similar to self-created soul skills but can be passed on, are also temporarily sealed up according to the standard of the hidden weapon forging method."

"However, everyone present can still make a copy, but it must not be passed on, otherwise."

Although Bibi Dong didn't say what the consequences would be if the rumors were spread, everyone knew that the consequences of rash rumors would be very serious.

However, most of the people who came here today were from our own people. To make a simple distinction, there were only three outsiders, Juhuaguan, Ghost Douluo, and Mingjing Douluo.

Several other people, such as Bibi Dong, Qian Renxue, Darkness Qian Renxue, Dong Qing, Xiao Wu, Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin, and Fat Rabbit A Rou, were all on the same boat.

Actually speaking.

Bibi Dong really wasn't worried about the risk of rumors, Xue'er and Xueer were both her daughters, Dong Qing was her apprentice [man], and those hundred thousand year soul beasts didn't even have the guts to say anything.

the other side.

"His Royal Highness Dongqing, this is the written opinion on Tang San's conviction, please see if there is anything missing in it!"

Ju Huaguan held a piece of white paper with gold-painted edges, filled with simple and clean words, and stamped with the unique red seal of the criminal law elders of Wuhun Temple.

If this conviction statement is fully confirmed, then Blackstone Prison will implement the corresponding punishment standard in accordance with the sentence on the conviction statement.

The middle-aged woman who was delivered in the middle of the night last time had already delivered the statement of conviction early in the morning. After eating lunch in a daze, her head was chopped off.

The nature of the conviction opinion letter is very strict, only Wuhundian, Tiandou Empire, and Star Luo Empire, as the three major official organizations in the mainland, can issue this so-called conviction opinion letter.

In terms of effectiveness alone, after the God's Punishment Incident, of course Spirit Hall is the most respected, even if there is a conflict, it is naturally based on Spirit Hall's conviction opinions and punishment standards.

"let me see."

Dong Qing reached out to take the white paper with gold-painted edges inside Juhuaguan's hand, and looked at it curiously, wanting to see the final criminal law that Tang San would face.

【Wuhundian—Conviction Statement】

Name: Tang San.

Age: eighteen to twenty-eight years old, [spirit from another world, its exact age cannot be determined]

Sex: Male.

Status: Disciple of the outer sect of the Tang Sect [removed], disciple of the direct bloodline of the Haotian School [removed], student of Tiandou Royal Academy [removed]

Charges: attempted malicious homicide [clear facts of the crime, conclusive evidence], extremely malicious devouring of other people's souls [clear facts of the crime, conclusive evidence].

Conviction: Attempted murder, sentenced to forty years in prison, non-commutable.

Conviction: Devouring and seizing the soul of others, the sentence is life imprisonment, and the sentence cannot be commuted.

Final penalty: Since there are more than two crimes and the impact is extremely bad at the same time, it has caused serious adverse effects on the world of soul masters. Multiple crimes will be punished and the punishment will be increased.

The death penalty shall be executed immediately.

Special suggestion: This person has committed a heinous crime. In order to avoid uncontrollable accidents, the death penalty is recommended to be executed by Ghost Douluo himself, completely cutting off the possibility of his soul being reborn.

The above suggestions are all personal opinions from Juhuaguan [Ju Douluo], the punishment elder of Wuhun Hall.

After about a minute.

Dong Qing nodded and said: "Well, there is no big problem, Elder Ju, Elder Gui, the punishments for the two of you are very fair, let's follow this conviction!"

"Elder Ghost, don't rush to execute the death penalty. Let me have a final word with Tang San. No matter how you say it, he is my old childhood friend after all."

Speaking of which.

He sighed slightly, he was a little regretful, back then he had actually thought about making Tang San turn his back on the righteous way, and walk on the right way, don't let you have the way of death at every turn.

And even if Tang San's nature is hard to change, he can't walk on the right path if he is killed. For the sake of the Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin, as long as he doesn't make trouble for Dong Qing's people around him, the future must be bright and bright.

Tang San still had some luck, even if he didn't have the immortal herbs to forge a body invulnerable to fire and water, but he used the method of poison to absorb a variety of spirit beasts mixed with highly poisonous poisons to refine his body, and he still withstood the backlash of twin martial spirits.

Three thousand avenues, all the way to the sky, one way of poison, not ashamed.

After Dacheng, ten thousand poisons will return home, control it in the heart, and do whatever you want.

When Tang San's poison is completely accomplished, in fact, the rotten skin on his body, the tumor on his neck, and the toxin-damaged appearance can all be restored in a single thought.


Tang San is still the same Tang San who dared to steal the Xuantian Treasure Record, the supreme classic of the Tang Sect, in his previous life, resulting in his own death.

Sad, deplorable, pitiful. Also hateful!

"His Highness Dongqing said, there is nothing wrong with it, and the execution of the death penalty is not too late, but I did not expect that His Highness Dongqing still regards him as a prisoner as his childhood friend. This is a great kindness." Ghost Douluo looked serious. road.

"Nonsense, whoever treats him as a childhood friend, don't flatter, what kind of good is not good, maybe. I just want to go in and mock him!" Dong Qing waved his hand quickly and said.

He didn't want to be a good person, didn't want to, and didn't want to.

It's so hard to be a good person. When people think you are a good person, you have to do good deeds. But if you make a mistake, you will be stabbed in the back.

As for the bad guys, as long as they do a little bit of good deeds, they can turn their prodigal son back for nothing.

Idiots, idiots, and fools only want to be a meaningless good person.

So Dongqing doesn't want to be a good person, he just wants to be a little selfish man, only when it doesn't affect his own interests, he will reluctantly release some kindness to the outside world.

It's a pity to face Dongqing's explanation.

Ghost Douluo didn't speak, he still thought that Dong Qing was a good person, and if he didn't speak, Dong Qing couldn't force him to explain, so he could only give up the idea of ​​explaining.

After a few seconds.

Dong Qing found another topic and said: "Teacher, Daxueer, Xiaoxueer, Mingjing Douluo, Sister Ayin, Xiaowu, if you have something to do, you can go back first, and I will have a last word with Tang San."

The voice fell.

He pushed open the small door and walked into the inner room of the interrogation room, that is, the room where Tang San was imprisoned.

This room is not big, only about ten square meters, it feels extremely depressing as a whole, and even the air smells of disinfectant.

But it doesn't work without disinfection, who told this is the poisonous man Tang San, after walking the path of poison, his whole body is covered in poison, without disinfection, who would dare to come within one meter of him.

Fortunately, this is the Douluo Continent, and the technology of the soul guide device is not bad, and it can extract high-purity alcohol, otherwise, it is really impossible to make such a thing as disinfectant.

As for Tang San, who had been sterilized long ago, he sat slumped on an iron chair, tied with thick iron chains, and fell into a coma like a dead dog.

However, after Ming Jing Douluo released the ninth soul ability [Heart is like a mirror, not stained with dust], he has gradually woken up from his stupor.

"Are you here?" Tang San's first words when he opened his eyes.

"I'm coming!" Dong Qing's first words after sitting on the chair.

"Heh, does my soul memory look good?" Tang San sneered.

"Not bad, I not only saw your experience in this life, but also saw your time in Tang Sect in your previous life." Dong Qing sighed.

"In this way, you have seen everything about me. You can see everything about me. I can't hide any secrets. The martial arts and soul skills in this world are really interesting!" Tang San couldn't help but mocked.

He knew that he was doomed, but he didn't believe that the Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin would treat himself as his own son innocently after seeing him forcefully biting and devouring that little boy.

Now that he knew he was doomed, Tang San had nothing to be afraid of, at worst he would travel to other worlds with his soul.

In Tang San's opinion.

Since I could travel to this world in my previous life, I might be able to travel again in my next life.

He thought that even if he died, it would be nothing more than beheading, but he didn't know that the executioner was Ghost Douluo who could see through the soul, and he possessed the power to truly obliterate the soul.

Dong Qing ignored Tang San's sarcasm, and said in a very emotional tone: "Indeed, all kinds of strange soul skills exist, only you can't think of them, there is no non-existent soul skill."

Before there was the fourth soul ability [Invincible Golden Body] of Xiao Wu's mother and daughter, later there was the ninth soul ability [Immortal Body] of her own teacher, and now there is the ninth soul ability of Ming Jing Douluo [Heart is like a mirror, not dyed] dust】.

To be honest, in Dong Qing's view, each of these three soul skills is like a kind of supernatural power, and the real effect of the soul skills has far exceeded the setting of the soul skills.

At this time, Blackstone Prison, the outer room of the interrogation room.

"Juhua Pass, His Majesty ordered me to investigate other places in the mainland to see if there are other world soul travelers like Tang San. I will trouble you to handle the recent incident in the Criminal Law Hall."

"Don't worry! Old ghost, can you still not trust me? What's more, there is nothing to do in the Law Enforcement Hall. Many evil soul masters, after committing fatal things, basically run directly to the killing capital to hide."

After finishing speaking, Ju Hua Guan and Ghost Douluo walked up to Ming Jing Douluo, they stretched out their hands, and each took away the two light blue crystals placed on the table.

This is not an ordinary crystal, it is a soul memory crystal that records Xuantian Kungfu and its supporting techniques Xuanyu Hand, Ziji Demon Eye, and Ghost Shadow Mistrack.

But this soul memory crystallization wasn't really drawn from the soul, if he really wanted to do this, Tang San probably would have already lost his wits by now.

These soul memory crystals that record Xuantian Kung Fu and supporting exercises are all copied from Ming Jing Douluo's Wuhun Wenxin Mingjing.

Although copying a soul memory crystal that records the exercises requires consuming at least all the soul power of a fifty-level soul king.

But this drizzle of soul power consumption, to the ninety-seventh level Ming Jing Douluo, is like the tip of a cow's hair.

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