Douluo: My Martial Spirit is the Ten Fierce Sky Horned Ants

Chapter 498, I Didn't Expect It! Heart is under the kyte.

Heaven Dou City, Blackstone Prison, the inner room of the interrogation room,

"Little San, this is the last time I will call you Xiao San, do you have anything else to say?" Dong Qing asked calmly.

After chatting for more than ten minutes, he didn't see a trace of real regret in Tang San's eyes, only a faint but unconcealable unwillingness deep in his pupils.

Tang San didn't regret it, he was just unwilling to fail, if he had the chance to start all over again, he would definitely do this kind of thing again, but he would be more careful.

Conceited, looking down on everyone, thinking that he is number one in the world, and jealous of all beings who are more talented than him, this is Tang San, the Tang San who has never changed.

"Xiaoqing, give me a chance! I can help you, I really can help you, whether it's forging hidden weapons, or being an obedient dog, I can do it."

Tang San's voice sounded a little hoarse, since he was arrested, let alone a meal, he didn't even take a sip of water, his throat was already extremely dry.

"I'm sorry, but this is the only thing that's not allowed. If a person does something wrong, he must pay the price. Whether it's you or me, it's the same for doing something wrong."

Dong Qing was very straightforward, and straightforwardly rejected Tang San's request. He didn't need a subordinate with a rebellious back, and he didn't need Tang San's help in forging hidden weapons.

"I did something wrong and ended up being arrested and tried. So if you did something wrong, you were also arrested and tried?"

Dong Qing's refusal was expected by Tang San, but there was no surprise on his face.

"Me? I think. If I do something wrong, I will probably be forcibly covered up by my teacher Bibi Dong!"

Dongqing did not choose to deceive with lies, and answered this question very honestly.

"Heh! Then what qualifications do you have to judge me?" Tang San sneered.

"I don't have a trial with you, it's just that you can't escape the trial of the Wuhun Temple, just like you couldn't escape the siege and pursuit of the elders of the Tang Sect in your previous life." Dong Qing said calmly, with a neither humble nor overbearing tone.

"It makes sense, I'm too weak, if I'm strong enough, no matter if it's this life or the last life, you won't be able to punish the crimes I committed." Tang San couldn't help sighing.

Just when Tang San thought that Dong Qing was going to chat with him, Dong Qing who was sitting on the wooden chair opposite slowly stood up, and he straightened his clothes without haste.

"A farewell this time means that heaven and man will be separated forever, so let's go all the way!"

After saying this sentence.

Dong Qing pushed open the iron door leading to the outside world, and a beam of bright light shot in from outside, making Tang San's eyes sting a little after he hadn't seen the sun for a long time.

As soon as he walked out of the small room inside the interrogation room, Dong Qing saw the dark Qian Renxue waiting for him, the Blue Silver Emperor A Yin, Xiao Wu, the fat rabbit A Rou, Ghost Douluo who was about to execute Tang San, and Chrysanthemum watching a play close.

As for Ming Jing Douluo, he still sat where he was.

But when she saw Dong Qing coming out, her withered body that would collapse in the wind, as if she could teleport, came directly in front of Dong Qing the next moment.

Mingjing Douluo gently wiped the space soul guide ring on his finger, and took out a dozen light blue soul memory crystals from the space soul guide.

Just when Dong Qing was still a little confused, Ming Jing Douluo's spiritual transmission sounded.

"This is the arrangement made by His Majesty the Pope before he left. Your Highness Dongqing, you can choose some suitable people to learn Xuantian Kungfu, but she doesn't want you to learn Xuantian Kungfu privately, especially before proving that this Xuantian Kungfu is really harmless."

Because of being angered by her own daughter Qian Renxue, Bibi Dong only remembered this incident after she walked out of Blackstone Prison, and quickly used her mental strength to instruct Bright Mirror Douluo.

Others like to do whatever they want, and they are responsible for the things they have learned, but I, my apprentice husband, can't have any accidents.

At this moment.

Under the gaze of everyone in the room, Ming Jing Douluo slowly said: "Your Highness Dong Qing, with your monstrous talent, you don't actually need these things to assist in your cultivation, but these things can be given to those who are suitable."

After finishing speaking, she placed the dozen or so light blue soul memory crystals in Dongqing's palm very gently.

These soul memory crystals the size of ping-pong balls, a dozen or so must have exceeded the limit of the palm of the hand.

It stands to reason.

Dongqing couldn't hold so many soul memory crystals in one hand, but this was a fantasy world, and a little soul power was enough to suspend a dozen soul memory crystals that were as big as ping-pong balls in the palm of his hand.

"Oh! I see." Dong Qing scratched his head in confusion and said.

The reason why he was confused was that he was a little curious.

Curious who is Ming Jing Douluo?

Isn't she the three priests of the hall of worship?

Don't you belong to the Qiandao School?

Because Mao's own teacher Bibi Dong subconsciously ordered her to be the one?

Mission Impossible Mission Impossible?

But these are not important anymore. No matter who she is, she can be regarded as one of her own now anyway.

Think here.

Dong Qing nodded to Ghost Douluo and Juhuaguan who had been waiting for a long time, saying that he had finished what he wanted to say, and they were ready to execute Tang San's death sentence at any time.

However, the real executioner is Ghost Douluo, only he can completely annihilate Tang San's soul, Ju Huaguan is by his side, just to prevent some uncontrollable accidents.

Then Dong Qing looked at Xiao Wu and his group, and said, "Xue'er, Xiao Wu, sister A Yin, mother-in-law, let's go, accompany me to see the teacher and sister Xue, I'm afraid that their mother and daughter will play Really hot."

The voice just fell.

The first one to respond to Dong Qing was the Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin. With a flash of blue light all over her body, she transformed into the main body of the Blue Silver Emperor, and directly burrowed into Dong Qing's chest without haste.

A warm and cool feeling continued to spread from the chest to other places, and Dong Qing once again felt the refreshing feeling in the past.

This is how Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin maintains her unique advantages. She is not only a good wife and mother, but also a fairy grass that can provide buffs.

The second person who responded to Dong Qing was Darkness Qian Renxue,

She stepped forward and hugged Dong Qing's left arm, and said with an indifferent expression on her face: "There is nothing to worry about, the two of them are just talking loudly, and it is impossible for them to be really cruel."

See here.

Not to be outdone, Xiao Wu casually left the fat rabbit A Rou in her arms, and also stepped forward to hug Dong Qing's right arm.

She smiled sweetly, like a spring flower blooming.

"I think what this sister said is very reasonable. After all, they are relatives, mother and daughter, and blood is thicker than water. No matter how unpleasant they usually look at each other, they must still put each other first in their hearts."

Hearing Xiao Wu's sweet sister.

Darkness Qian Renxue immediately beamed with joy, a strong sense of satisfaction slowly flowed out from her heart, and the look in her pupils softened a little.

"My good sister, you speak so nicely, I will protect you from now on!"

This rabbit has good eyesight and knows how to call her sister, so I will try to cover her up in the future.

Then this time.

Ah Rou, the fat rabbit who was squatting on the ground, now had Qi's ears pricked up and her eyes turned red.

Red Temperature Alert! ! !

But now, the fat rabbit, Ah Rou, it's hard for her to say anything, let alone change back into human form.

She had no choice but to jump onto Dongqing's shoulder angrily, biting the muscles on his shoulder vigorously.

It's a pity that the person she bit was Dong Qing, who had cultivated the Indestructible Sutra, and her body was already immune to all weapons of ordinary soldiers. Apart from leaving saliva, she couldn't even leave a mark.

"Stinky son-in-law! Bad son-in-law! With such a thick skin, he must have a thick skin too, no wonder he can trick my Xiao Wu!" the fat rabbit, A Rou, muttered viciously in her heart.

In the eyes of Fat Rabbit Ah Rou.

Xiao Wu chose this man, Hua Xin! Playful! What's more, she is playful!

But apart from this shortcoming, Dong Qing can be said to have performed perfectly in other aspects, such as appearance, talent, and strength, and she, as a mother-in-law, is also very satisfied.

If the full score was 100 points, even if she deducted 90 points for Huaxin's shortcoming, Dong Qing would still have 10 points left.

Don't think it too little, ten points is already pretty good, a man like Tang San can't even get three points in the eyes of Fat Rabbit Ah Rou.

But the fat rabbit Ah Rou never expected it!

Even if it's a real mother, it's still not as good as a real husband in the end

It seemed that as long as Dong Qing was around, her own daughter would treat her mother like she would treat a ball of tissue paper, and she would throw it away after use.

After about a minute.

Dong Qing took Xiao Wu and Dark Qian Renxue who were holding his left and right arms respectively, and left the gloomy and gloomy place of Blackstone Prison, and galloped towards Bibi Dong's direction.

The fat rabbit, A Rou, was afraid of biting her own teeth, so she had no choice but to give up fighting against the muscles on Dong Qing's shoulders, and instead communicated secretly with the Blue Silver Emperor A Yin on his chest.

Of course, in order not to be heard by Dong Qing, Fat Rabbit A and Blue Silver Emperor A Yin, both of them used mental power to transmit sound at the same time.

"Ayin, you are shameless, you are shameless, and you don't obey women's morals. If I didn't come here with Xiao Wu today, I wouldn't know that you, a woman, have secretly mixed up with my son-in-law Dongqing."

"Don't come here. You think I don't know what's going on in your fat rabbit's mind. Your man has been dead for tens of thousands of years. Looking at such a young and handsome son-in-law now, you think it's itchy in your heart?"

"Don't talk nonsense. As a son-in-law, Dongqing should take care of and protect my mother-in-law. You think I am you and like to eat tender grass. I don't have those weird ideas."

The two of them bickered with each other for a few words, and after regaining their familiarity, they finally started a normal communication.

"Ayin, I have already said that there are not many good things in human beings. If you don't listen, you insist on going out to the human world, but you are deceived by that human being Tang Hao."

"I'm stupid, I was deceived by others, but you are not much better. You squatted in the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest and did not go out. In the end, human beings came to the door secretly and killed you."

"Can this be the same? I am purely unlucky, but you are different. If you really launch the most desperate and irreparable soul sacrifice, you will really be gone."

"At that time, I thought about launching a soul sacrifice and sacrificing everything about myself, but once I died completely, I would no longer have the power to protect the baby San."

"Where's Tang Hao? What the hell is Tang Hao doing? No matter how you say it, Tang San is his son, is he a waste? Can't even protect his own son?"

"He's already stuck at level ninety, hasn't obtained a soul ring yet, and is still under siege by many Title Douluo levels, so he doesn't have any extra power to protect Xiao San. If it wasn't for my soul power that has been carefully protecting Xiao San, I guess Already died in the aftermath of attacks by many Title Douluo."

"It turned out to be like this. If it wasn't for protecting Xiaosan, Ah Yin, you might have really launched a soul sacrifice. Unfortunately, you gave everything to protect Xiaosan, and finally died in the hands of Tang San in another world."

"A Rou, I don't want to discuss this anymore, let's talk about your affairs."

At this time, Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin interrupted the topic.

When Tang San saw the scene of devouring and seizing the house in the soul memory, if the little life in her stomach hadn't given her a little warmth, she probably vomited blood and passed out on the spot.

After a few seconds of silence.

The Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin skillfully used his mental power to transmit sound again, and asked a question that had been lingering in his heart for a long time.

"Aren't your mother and daughter protected by Da Ming and Er Ming? They are the overlords of the core area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest. With their strength, how can they watch humans do whatever they want in the core area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest?"

The sound transmission of the blue silver emperor Ah Yin's mental power resounded in Fat Rabbit Ah Rou's mind.

Hearing the question full of doubts from her best friend Lanyinhuang Ayin, the fat rabbit Arou scratched the rabbit's ears with her pink rabbit paws, and then she sat down gently leaning on Dongqing's shoulder.

"Since you want to know, Ah Yin, let me just talk about it briefly."

"First of all, I also heard the whole story from Xiao Wu's mouth. After all, in order to stop those humans, I also attacked Xiao Wu and used my life to stop them, so I forced them to stay. Naturally, I didn't know. Why are He Erming not in the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest?"

"I still remember that day, Da Ming and Er Ming were suddenly taken away by a person named Zi Ji, and went to a very mysterious place, inviting them to join a place where many soul beasts of 100,000 years gathered."

"That place has a barrier that shields soul beasts for more than 100,000 years, and is destined to encounter heaven's punishment. But in order to protect Xiao Wu, Da Ming and Er Ming rejected Zi Ji's invitation and chose to return to the core area of ​​Star Dou to continue their lives."

"But when they came back, there was only Xiao Wu left. She squatted on the grass and cried alone, crying helplessly for her mother."

"I think at that time, Xiao Wu must have been in great pain, and Da Ming and Er Ming must have been very guilty. If there were no accidents, I think everything has been settled."

"But fortunately, I have a good son-in-law. He not only successfully redeemed this regret, but also successfully rescued me from Bibi Dong, an evil woman."

"Let my soul, which is about to be completely obliterated by the soul ring, be entrusted in the lovesickness heartbroken red to slowly recover, in fact, I am already very satisfied with this."

"Even if I can only stay by Xiao Wu's side in the form of a soul in the future, this is already the best result compared to my soul being slowly obliterated by the soul ring and dying completely."

"But recently. He used a very rare and cherished fairy herb, Crystal Blood Dragon Ginseng, which may be the only one in the world, to reshape a brand new physical body for me. As long as the physical body and soul are completely fused, I can truly Resurrection in a sense."

"Ayin, it's all said here, and I won't hide it from you. Although he is all for Xiao Wu, my heart is still sweet. Coupled with the reshaped body, it is pure and flawless."

At this moment.

Listening to the blue and silver emperor Ah Yin who felt more and more strange, a blue and golden cane protruded from Dong Qing's chest, and directly whipped the fat rabbit Ah Rou who was daydreaming away.

"I'm really Ah Rou, remember, we will no longer be good sisters in the future, I didn't expect it! People's hearts are separated, and you actually beat around the bush and said that my body is not clean!!!"

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