Heaven Dou Empire, Silves Kingdom, Silves City.

In the resplendent palace, it is too gorgeous to be seen, with golden beds and jade chairs, bead curtains and embroidered curtains, and the tables are filled with delicacies, and there are countless delicacies and wines.

"Lingling, I heard that you are very close to His Royal Highness the Son?" A beautiful woman with a cold face asked.

"Well, I'm ready to join him in the Spirit Hall!" Ye Lingling said while hugging the beautiful woman's waist.

This beautiful woman with a cold appearance is Ye Lingling's mother, Ye Ruyin.

She pressed Ye Lingling's shoulder, and said in a very serious tone: "Mom said that she will never interfere with your future choices, but have you considered one issue? Can you accept that your heir inherits the Ye surname?"

Speak the truth.

Ye Ruyin doesn't like Dong Qing herself, it's not because she has a problem with his looks, it's simply because she doesn't like his usual behavior of attracting bees and attracting butterflies.

In her opinion, it would be better for Ye Lingling to find an honest man, the kind who will marry her, and just kick her away after giving birth, so that she won't be deceived by a man like Dongqing.

Unless he has the powerful power to punch open the sky, like she saw in the afternoon, when there was a hole in the sky, then she can completely ignore his behavior of attracting bees and butterflies outside.

Ye Ruyin is not afraid that others will say that she admires Qiang, because she herself is a woman who worships the strong, and she thinks it is normal for the strong to have many women.

But at the same time, she is also a woman who is extremely insecure in her heart, and she really hopes to have a strong shoulder that she can rely on when she needs to rely on it.

"Mom! Of course I've thought about it. Our mother and daughter's Nine-Hearted Begonia Martial Souls are passed on from generation to generation, not from daughter to son. There are at most two Nine-Heart Begonia soul masters at the same time. Mom, you still have to live for a long, long time. Yes, there is no need to worry about this problem at all now." Ye Lingling hugged Ye Ruyin's arm and said coquettishly.

Feeling Ye Lingling's long-lost coquetry, Ye Ruyin's beautiful face showed a trace of love, and said softly: "Little idiot, my mother is already over 60 years old, although her face is not old because of her abundant vitality. , but how long can you live, at most, you can only live for another fifty or sixty years before you die."

As she said.

Although she is over sixty years old, she looks like a beautiful woman in her thirties or forties. She has a plump figure with a protruding front and back, and her whole body reveals a mature charm.

And as the soul master of Nine Hearts Begonia.

Before Ye Ruyin really dies, as long as she doesn't want to, she can forcefully maintain her current appearance, so that she won't grow old with the passage of time.

"It would be great if my mother could break through Title Douluo, and my lifespan would be extended by at least three hundred years. I think my mother will always be with me." Ye Lingling couldn't help but look forward to it.

Ye Ruyin naturally saw the longing in Ye Lingling's eyes, but she still forcibly interrupted the fantasy in her mind.

"Lingling, although Jiuxin Begonia does not have the innate restrictions of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, and can only cultivate up to level seventy-nine, it becomes more and more difficult for us to practice. The Jiuxin Begonia martial soul has been passed down for so long, and no one has succeeded so far. Break through level ninety."

"It's not that we don't work hard, but the difficulty of cultivation is really too great. The difficulty of breaking through the ninety-level soul power is completely two to three times that of other soul masters breaking through the ninety-level soul power."

"It can be seen from this that although our Wuhun Jiuxin Haitang does not have the constraints of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, it is undoubtedly more difficult to cultivate to the ninetieth level of spirit power than ascending to the sky."


Regarding Ye Ruyin's frustrating words, Ye Lingling said confidently: "Mom, you are talking about the past. Since there was no such thing as before, now I, Ye Lingling, will be the first nine-heart begonia whose soul power breaks through level ninety. Soul Master!!!"

Her confidence comes from Dongqing.

She had already learned about Dong Qing's magic from Zhu Zhuqing, Bai Chenxiang, and Xiao Wu, and knew that this man had the magical ability to increase the speed of soul power cultivation of those around him.

That is to say, she still doesn't know Xuantian Kungfu, which can also speed up the cultivation of soul power, otherwise her confidence may be stronger.

"It's good to have this self-confidence. Mom also hopes that you can successfully break through the ninetieth level of soul power and become the first ever, Nine Heart Begonia Titled Douluo."

Ye Ruyin was very happy that Ye Lingling could say that, but she didn't think that her daughter, who was quite talented, could break through the shackles of the Nine-Hearted Begonia.

But no matter what she thinks in her heart, she must be encouraging.

And just when their mother and daughter were reminiscing about the past.

A woman who looked extremely noble and luxurious walked in with a dog leash in her hand, but to everyone's surprise, the dog leash was hung on the neck of a handsome middle-aged man.

He followed behind this noble woman, step by step, just like a dog.

"I said who is it? Ruyin couldn't find anyone for a long time. I didn't expect it to be the lovely Lingling. I haven't seen her for a few years, but she is so graceful."

While speaking, this dignified woman let go of the dog leash, walked forward with a little surprise, and carefully looked at Ye Lingling, whom she hadn't seen for several years.

The identity of this noble woman is not simple, but before mentioning her true identity, I have to briefly mention the overall structure of the Heaven Dou Empire.

The Heaven Dou Empire is one of the two major empires in the Douluo Continent. Although its military strength is inferior to that of the Star Luo Empire, it also controls ten province-level regions. At the same time, it also has four kingdoms and ten duchies under its command.

The principality and the ten major provinces are not mentioned for the time being.

The four kingdoms are the Kingdom of Sylvester, the Kingdom of Barak, the Kingdom of Arisa, and the Kingdom of Brand.

The kingdom is mainly composed of the direct blood relatives of the Tiandou imperial family, and the principality is ruled by the powerful imperial duke.

And this noble woman in front of her is the queen of the Sylvester Kingdom, and she is also the only queen on the continent today.

"Queen, I have just come back, but even though I have been away for so many years, I find that your beauty is still the same as before, enough to turn all living beings upside down." Ye Lingling said obediently.

Although she doesn't like this woman's style, it doesn't mean she hates this woman. After all, before Dong Qing appeared, their mother and daughter had always been the queen's backer.

After hearing Ye Lingling's obedient praise, Queen Sylvester seemed very pleased,

Her winking eyes swept away lightly, and she couldn't help covering her mouth with a light smile and said, "Giggle. Lingling still speaks so nicely, you may not have noticed that during the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, your mother and I have been Everyone is cheering for your Tiandou Royal Academy team in the audience."

At this moment.

Ye Ruyin suddenly interrupted and said, "Queen, no matter how much you don't like men, you shouldn't humiliate him like this. He is your husband anyway."

However, her voice did not fall.

Queen Silvis slapped the palm lightly, and the transparent soul power condensed in the void, and directly slapped the middle-aged man with the dog chain on his neck flying.

Although the fluctuation of soul power is only fleeting, it can also be detected that she is a soul master of the eight-ring Soul Douluo level.

Although she didn't use all her strength in this palm, this handsome middle-aged man would have to lie down for at least half a month.

"Ruyin, don't talk nonsense, he is not my man. As the queen of the Sylvester Kingdom, I don't need a man. If it weren't for the Tiandou royal family and the gang of old people who are so close, I will live and die. If you insist on arranging a so-called man for me, I don't even want to keep him as a dog!"

When Queen Silvis was speaking, she hugged Ye Ruyin's small waist tightly, and at the same time, a pair of unclean hands slid up and down quietly on her waist and abdomen.

That's right, she hates men extremely, and likes cold and beautiful women like Ye Ruyin.

In her eyes, a man is only worthy of being a dog, not to mention touching her, even looking at her deserves to die.

"Queen, don't mess around, Lingling is still here!" Ye Ruyin struggled.

See this scene.

Ye Lingling sneaked out of the room very consciously, not disturbing the good affairs of her mother and queen.

If you gain something, you must lose something.

Ye Ruyin in the past was definitely not a lesbian, she was a normal woman, but after all these years, it is hard to say whether her character will be led astray by Queen Sylvester.

at the same time.

Douluo God Realm, the ancient tree of life, on top of a large emerald green leaf.

"It's so terrifying. With this level of physical strength, he can't really be the remnant of the Dragon God?"

The pupils of the Kind God King showed extreme inconceivability. Although it was only a video recorded by the God King of Life using divine power, the power of Dong Qing's punch still shocked him.

no way.

She is not the God King of Life, she sleeps on the ancient life tree of her own body every day, peeking at the male god of the future, and she usually manages the underworld [a subsidiary plane jointly developed by the husband and wife of the Evil God King and the Good God King].

Countless souls pour into the underworld every day, although there has long been a set of well-established rules of operation that divide the destiny of good and evil creatures.

But the kind God King is a responsible God King, she is used to going to the underworld when she has nothing to do, and personally judge the souls of evil people.

"The rest is a hammer! If the Dragon God back then was so powerful, with this level of physical strength, and with his unfeeling personality, including the two of us, all the goddesses in Douluo God Realm, He has already eaten it up." The God of Life couldn't help complaining.

This kind of physical strength is not a god king, but better than a god king.

Especially with that punch that pierced the sky, the God King of Life almost went down to invite Dong Qing to sit in the Douluo God Realm together and help manage the high-energy planets including Douluo Star.

It's not her fault for being impulsive.

It's that the two goddess kings really can't sit firmly in the Douluo God Realm. At least one powerful male god king is needed to present a triangular situation in order to keep the Douluo God Realm stable.


Douluo God Realm really encountered some accident, and the two women really couldn't figure it out.

"Since he already has the strength of a god-king, shall we recruit him to the Douluo God Realm? I feel that the Douluo God Realm has hidden murderous intentions. Maybe it's the remnant of the dragon god, the Golden Dragon King, who is secretly doing things behind the scenes." The Kind God King suggested.

She had a vague feeling that there were many undercurrents raging behind Douluo God Realm, and if Dong Qing could help take care of them, those young people wouldn't dare to think badly about them.

"Don't worry, anyway, he already has the power of a god king. If something really happens, we can still ask him for help temporarily. After all, something happened to Douluo God Realm, and Douluo Dalu can't escape."

"As for now, let this little male god continue to grow. Strength alone is not enough. His comprehension of the law is close to nothing. It is not too late for us to invite him after he becomes a god." Said without hesitation.

Same sex repels, opposite sex attracts.

If Dongqing were a woman, she would definitely not say that, nor would she pay so much attention to him.

Maybe even make trouble for nothing, just like Bibi Dong in the past, who was rewarded by the gods for the test, as if the spirit ring bestowed by the gods is some incredible treasure.

However, such things as god-given spirit rings, even ordinary gods, can make a lot of them with a little time.

"Listen to you, since he already possesses the power of a god king, we don't have to rush to bring him to the Douluo God Realm. It is also a good choice for him to grow up in the lower realm. After all, he is now a person who is addicted to beauty. A young man of color."

While speaking, the beautiful eyes of the Kind God King opened slightly, and a gaze descended from the Douluo God Realm, and took a deep look at Dong Qing who was changing jobs with Bibi Dong, and there was an intriguing look in the fiery red pupils.

In fact, she now has a faint suspicion that the death of the evil god king, the dark god king, and the destruction god king has something to do with Dongqing.

After all, the strength he displayed now has the ability to beat a god king to death with a pair of fists.

But the people of Sri Lanka have passed away, whether it is a human being or a god who died, what should be overlooked must be overlooked after all.

The body of the good god king is the earth fire red lotus, which has been bred in the lava of the earth's core for hundreds of millions of years. Even after becoming a god, her body is still the red lotus of the earth's core that has been bred in the lava of the earth's core for hundreds of millions of years.

Hundreds of millions of years of time change, even if most of the years are just unconscious growth and breeding time, but she also has at least a million years of life experience.

She is not a little girl who will die or live for love, she is a mature woman who can clearly distinguish right from wrong, and she understands who is wrong in the matter of God's robbery.

At the same time, the kind god king has no intention of dying for love, she will not rashly provoke Dong Qing, who may cause the death of the three god kings, after all, the evil god king and she are just ordinary couples, and their relationship is far from unswerving until death the point.

Human beings cannot be resurrected after death, and so is the death of gods. Dead creatures and broken items, no matter how reluctant they are at the beginning, will eventually be slowly forgotten by time.

In fact, not only the kindness god king has noticed, but the life god king is not a fool. Ever since Dongqing blasted a hole in the sky, she has also seen something now.

The first thing to rule out is that Dong Qing's monstrous talents with excessive talent must not be the remnants of the Dragon God, because the Dragon God himself is not so obsessed.

Secondly, she had a vague guess.

It is absolutely impossible for Dongqing to be a native creature of Douluo Star. It is probably a creature from another high-level world. I just don't know whether Dongqing crossed over by accident or was put here by someone.

But no matter what, she believes that Dongqing himself is kind and upright, and he is a god worthy of trust and reliance.

Perhaps Dongqing himself didn't think that, thinking that his character was a bit scumbag, but he was indeed a good man, a man with excellent conditions in all aspects.

Douluo Star, Star Dou Great Forest, Core Area, Lake of Life, and different-dimensional space.

This is a strange space full of vitality and energy, with beautiful mountains and clear waters, and many plants and spirit beasts that have been completely extinct in the outside world can be seen here again.

Beside the stream flowing in the mountains, a mature woman in purple and a mature woman in blue were sitting. They were discussing a certain man who blasted the sky out of a huge hole.

"With this level of physical strength, is he really a human?"

"It can't be a soul beast, even the strongest dragon clan."

"It's hard to imagine that pure physical strength can be so strong."

"By the way, will he really come after three months?"

"Yes! I feel that he will definitely come at the appointment."

"hope so!"

Time flies, twenty-nine days have passed.

The enthronement ceremony of the Heaven Dou Empire is being held in full swing.

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