Douluo: My Martial Spirit is the Ten Fierce Sky Horned Ants

Chapter 521 ,【The gear of memory turns to the end, memory finally ushered in the end. 】

"Dongqing, your Vast Sea Cosmic Cover. Just now I used my mental power to scan some special materials, all of which are related to the records of the two great empires and the Hall of Spirits. I found its name from the relevant records of the Heaven Dou Empire." and related information"

When Bo Saixi was speaking, she waved her jade hand lightly, and a yellowed book floated out from the blue bracelet-shaped space soul guide on her wrist.

As the yellowed book was slowly opened under the influence of her soul power, it revealed the detailed records of the Vast Sea Cosmic Cover.

The pages of the book are turned, and the light and shadow flicker.

Under the control of her peak soul power, the records on the pages seemed to come alive, and the characters glowed and emerged from the void, looking like projections.

Just like in some worlds where true qi is cultivated, those who have the ultimate ability to control true qi can use their internal zhenqi to manipulate air and water into what they want.

In front of a Peerless Douluo like Bo Saixi who is at the peak of level ninety-nine, she can also use her soul power to control air and water, especially water, to condense into the form she needs.

That's right, she did deceive the Seven Sacred Pillars and the Sea God Hall by manipulating the Sea God's power before, and helped Dong Qing use up the soul power in her body with the imprint of the Sea God's Trident.

But from Sea Dragon City back to Sea God Temple, the main island of Sea God Island, to the time when the maid with black-rimmed glasses poured tea for the two of them, at least ten minutes passed.

Ten minutes may not be able to restore this Peerless Douluo whose soul power has been exhausted, but it has also allowed her to get out of the state of weakness all over her body.

Now she has finally regained a trace of self-confidence, a trace of self-confidence that belongs exclusively to the High Priest of Sea God Island.

As for why Bo Saixi has these materials.

Speaking of it, this is the dirty behavior between big powers and big powers. If you plant a mole, I will also plant a mole. In the end, it depends on whose mole is more powerful.

Sea God Island doesn't participate in anything on the mainland?

On the surface it looks right.

But behind the scenes, Sea God Island, as one of the top powers, is definitely not so calm in the dark.

"I hate people like you the most. Just study hard when you study! Mental power scanning cheats, what's the difference between this and ten lines at a glance? What's the fun in reading?"

After Dong Qing drank the tea in his cup, he couldn't help but complain.

As for Bo Saixi's discovery of the Vast Sea Cosmic Cover, in fact, after he mentioned the name, he knew that she would find out the origin of this thing sooner or later.

But even if he doesn't say anything, she can rely on the unique appearance of the Vast Sea Cosmos Cover, and with a little effort, she can finally find out the origin of this thing.

"Dongqing, first of all, I have to remind you that I am not interested in reading slowly. Secondly, this Vast Sea Universe Cover is not simple. It has been the national treasure of the Heaven Dou Empire since the first Heaven Dou Emperor."

"However, none of the successive Emperors of Heaven Dou discovered the special place of the Vast Sea Cosmos Cover, nor could they activate and use this Vast Sea Cosmos Cover. They only regarded it as an ancestral treasure."

"I didn't expect that this Heaven Dou National Treasure would end up in your hands."

When Bo Saixi said this, his eyes were full of scrutiny.


She seriously suspected that the origin of Dongqing's Vast Ocean Cosmic Mask was not correct, maybe he had directly stolen it from Tiandou Palace.

From her point of view, this suspicion is actually quite normal.

After all, the Vast Sea Cosmic Cover contains the opportunity to become a god, and it is also the ancestral national treasure of the Tiandou Empire.

Unless the Tiandou royal family had a problem with their brains, they would lose their nerve and give away their national treasure.

However, it is estimated that killing her would not be expected.

Today's Emperor Qinghe of the Heaven Dou Empire, his true identity is Qian Renxue, a direct bloodline of the Qian Family of the Wuhun Palace, and in terms of relationship, she and Dongqing are husband and wife.

"Don't look at me with that kind of eyes, as if I stole it, I believe you also know that I have a close relationship with the former Prince Qinghe of the Heaven Dou Empire, the current Emperor Qinghe, is it strange to get this national treasure of the Heaven Dou Empire? "

This scrutiny made Dong Qing very uncomfortable, but he couldn't expose Qian Renxue's identity, he could only say that he had a close relationship with the Great Emperor Qinghe.

"A lot of relationship?" Bo Saixi sneered.

Two big men are not husband and wife, so what if they have a good relationship in private, and they can give away a national treasure like the Vast Sea Cosmos Cover?

Unless it's Long Yang's goodness. But as far as she can see, she doesn't know about Emperor Qinghe, but the orientation of the man in front of him must be normal.

Not to mention that the Vast Sea Universe Cover also contains the opportunity to become a god.

Even husbands and wives, parents, brothers and sisters, this kind of relationship at the level of close relatives, might not hesitate to turn their backs on each other for the slightest chance of becoming a god.

Become a god and become an ancestor, and live forever.

The simple eight words can swallow all conscience and annihilate all human kindness.

She doesn't know about others, but Bo Saixi knows very well that if one day, someone is willing to give her the chance to become a god, she will definitely give her everything without hesitation.

at the same time.

Wuhun City, Pope's Palace, Bi Yaxuan.

Bi Yaxuan is located in the north of the middle of the apse of the Pope's Palace. It is a unique courtyard covering an area of ​​about one mu.

In the center of the small courtyard stands a small two-story building with upturned cornices protruding from a corner of the spruce branches, giving a feeling of being in the depths of the clouds and not knowing where you are.

There is a room with a warm environment above the small building on the second floor. In the room, there is a woman in a purple nightgown, holding a soft cotton pillow tightly in her arms.

At this time she fell asleep, her pretty face was blushing, she seemed to be having a sweet dream, and she murmured from time to time: "Xiaoqing, Xiaoqing, my Xiaoqing... Oh! Don't run away, let the teacher hurt you you."

"Mother and daughter? No, Xueer will kill you."

"That female dragon is really annoying, don't go to her."

"Xiaoqing, what's so good about those humanoid soul beasts?"

Leaving aside the girl who was having a sweet dream, Dong Qing was currently confronting people in the Sea God Temple, and the two were testing each other before the official talk.

"You do not believe?"

"I don't believe, I don't believe that your relationship can be so good."

"Why not? Brotherhood between men, life-threatening friendship, do you understand?"

"But I have lived for more than a hundred years. Many men I have seen prefer to take care of each other's wives and daughters."

"Ahem, cough, great offering, it's too much for you to say that, but I've never thought of it that way!"

"Heh, you men, don't you just like this? After inheriting Tang Hao's woman, do you still want to inherit his grandfather Tang Chen's woman now?"

After several times of probing each other with words, Dong Qing finally fell into a disadvantage. After all, he was not the opponent of Po Saixi, the demon king, and was speechless by her few words.

This woman is really extraordinary!

However, although Dong Qing lost in the trial stage, to this woman who was dirtier than him, he was not in a hurry, because today he has always been in charge.

As long as he doesn't want to make a deal, no one can grab it by force. This is his self-confidence as a ten-violent pure-blooded skyhorn ant.

Even if his soul power is only over fifty levels, he is like an ant in front of this peak ninety-ninth level Peerless Douluo.

But with his exhausted strength, his physical strength is enough to run amok in the world, and he has the capital to confront her.

"I know you want it very much, but what can you exchange for it?" Dong Qing asked proactively.

"What do you want?" Bo Saixi asked without answering.

Dong Qing lowered his head and began to think, and Bo Saixi didn't bother him. The two fell into silence just like that, and the overall atmosphere seemed particularly strange.

half an hour later.

A pair of bright eyes suddenly opened, and then a gentle and elegant voice sounded.

"Originally, I just brought some special conditions today, so that you can agree to declare that Sea God Island supports Emperor Qinghe's ascension to the throne. This is also my original intention to find you, the great priest of Sea God Island."

"But I didn't expect that so many things happened during the period, and I also didn't expect that an ancient soul tool that I don't care much about would be so attractive to you, the great priest of Sea God Island."

"I can see that you need it very much, and you want it no matter what. I have no intention of destroying it rather than giving it to you, but I need you to promise me three conditions from the High Priest of Sea God Island."

I heard Dongqing say this.

Bo Saixi's heart tightened immediately, she felt as if she was selling herself.

But out of the desire to become a god, in the end he still didn't open his mouth to refute.

Become a god!

In this world, is there anything more important than becoming a god and ancestor?

Not to mention three conditions, even if it is thirty conditions, there are countless people flocking to it.

It's not that everyone is Dongqing, who has the top blood of the top world. After he knows his true identity, he doesn't take the gods of this world so seriously.

For the local creatures of Douluo Continent, becoming a god is a temptation they cannot refuse, and more importantly, it is the Sea God Island who enshrines an existence that is destined not to become a god.

Is it because she doesn't want to become a god?

It's not that she doesn't want to, but she can't.

Whenever there is an opportunity, she will not let it go.

"Say it"

It was obviously three simple words, but it consumed all of Bo Saixi's strength.

She knew that when she uttered these three words, it meant that she would accept all the conditions proposed by Dong Qing, even if he wanted to be herself.

"The first condition, I hope that you, as the great priest of Sea God Island, will send one of the Seven Sacred Pillars to the Heaven Dou Empire to represent Sea God Island in the enthronement hall in half a month."

Dongqing stretched out a finger, which means this is the first condition.

"It's a bit troublesome. Sea God Island itself does not communicate with the outside world, and never participates in everything on the mainland. But Sea God Island is the biggest one, and I set the rules. This condition is no problem, I can promise you."

Bo Saixi had weird eyes, but she still agreed.

Actually at this time.

She was already a little suspicious of Dongqing's orientation, because she couldn't imagine that Dongqing was still willing to waste a condition on a man at this time.

Shouldn't the first condition be that she, the high priest of Sea God Island, agree with her body?

Dong Qing naturally noticed Bo Saixi's strange eyes.

But he couldn't explain it, so he could only continue to say: "The second condition is very simple. My teacher Bibi Dong's next divine test is related to you. At that time, I will need you, the great priest of Sea God Island, to pretend to be invincible at sea, and finally Defeated to her cleverly."

As soon as this remark came out.

Bo Saixi's expression changed suddenly, and she said in a cold tone: "Dong Qing, do you understand the meaning of me who is known as the invincible ocean, losing to your teacher Bibi Dong in my own territory?"

"At that time, I won't say it will be discredited, but it won't be much better."

When it comes to this.

A strong murderous intent radiated from Bo Saixi's expression, and the air in the entire hall instantly dropped by more than ten degrees.

Her tone became even colder, she almost gritted her teeth and said, "If I didn't know that I can't take down you who is physically invincible, the words you just said would be enough for me to crush you to ashes."

Seeing the cold and ruthless appearance of Bo Saixi in front of him, Dong Qing quickly said: "Hey, hey, big priest, as for putting on this expression? Also, didn't you say this yourself? You and my teacher are Good sister, even her apprentice has half of you."

This woman, turning her face is like turning a book, anyone who wants her will be really unlucky.

"I don't have an apprentice like you"

Halfway through Bo Saixi's words, he suddenly seemed to understand something.

All she had thought just now was that she, the high priest of the Sea God Island, lost to the Pope of the Wuhun Temple on her own territory, and she was indeed dishonored.

But if in the eyes of the world.

She and Bibi Dong are good sisters, they have a very good relationship, even if they really lose in full view, no one will take this kind of thing seriously.

Needless to say, the reason is that in the eyes of the world, it is understandable for friends who have a good relationship to go to sea during a battle.

She didn't expect that the excuse that she came up with beforehand had such indescribable benefits, it was like finding the best step for herself.

Bo Saixi still understood how to get down the steps.

In an instant, her complexion changed from cloudy to clear, which can be called a face change.

"But what are you going to do with your teacher? I have spoken out here, but your teacher may not admit that we are close sisters in private." Bo Saixi was a little worried.

"It's okay, it's about the spiritual test, the teacher won't object, you and her can act in front of outsiders." Dong Qing patted his chest and said in an extremely confident tone.

"But the sea soul masters on Sea God Island are easy to say, they don't know too much about high-level affairs, but on the side of the Seven Sacred Pillars, they know that Sea God Island and Spirit Hall are not only not related, but have old grudges before, isn't it? It’s so confusing.”

Bo Saixi raised another question, wanting to see if Dongqing could do something about it.

"It's simple. The Pope of the Spirit Hall who sent people to invade Sea God Island before was Chihiro Ji, not the female Pope of the Spirit Hall now. Even if they don't understand it in their hearts, they will not firmly oppose it."

"What's more, the newspapers are mine. I just let them make up a story, saying that you met by chance because of certain things, helped each other, and became good sisters who talked about everything."

"Because you were in different powers in the past, this relationship could only be private, but I never expected that I, the Holy Son of the Spirit Hall, would come to Sea God Island and expose your relationship to the world."

as she thought.

Dongqing quickly found a reasonable explanation.

At this moment, Bo Saixi continued: "But."

But before she could say it, Dong Qing forcibly interrupted: "Great priest, try one more sentence! See if I will turn against you!!!"

His grandma's, whoever asks for it! Am I begging you, or are you begging me?

Can't tell the difference between big and small kings, can you?

the other side.

Seeing that Dong Qing lost his temper, Bo Saixi also shut up.

a long time.

She asked softly, "Dongqing, what is your third condition?"

This time it was different, the voice was very gentle.

"I didn't think about it, just wait!"

"That vast sea and universe cover."

"You can only trust my integrity now, or you can give it a try by force."

"I don't mean that."

"So you have this idea?"

"Dongqing, you are a big man after all, why are you so small!"

so far.

Memories are completely over.

[The gear of memory turns to the end, and memory finally ushers in the end. 】

Heaven Dou Palace, Tai Chi Hall.

"His Royal Highness Dongqing, the Tiandou Empire's stinky and long succession ceremony is finally over, do you want to go to the Temporary Reception Point of Sea God Island in Tiandou City?"

"No, tonight I have something to discuss with Emperor Qinghe in secret, so I can't leave, I'm sorry."

"Tsk tsk tsk To be honest, if I don't understand that your highness, you and I are all the same way, and each other is a group of wives and concubines, I would suspect that your relationship in private is not normal."

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