Douluo: My Martial Spirit is the Ten Fierce Sky Horned Ants

Chapter 532, Do ordinary people in your family have soul power?

The two women who stood at the pinnacle of the world met for the first time, and although their words were more or less rude, they did not cause more disputes.

What's more, they are all acting, acting a play for outsiders to watch.

Because that's all.

After Bo Saixi lost to Bibi Dong in the next Raksha Six Trials, her reputation as a high priest of Sea God Island could be preserved to the greatest extent.

It's not that Bo Saixi has never thought about finding an uninhabited island to compete, but the content of the Raksha Six Trials is to fight Bo Saixi in the sea with the great priest of Sea God Island.

Although there were no restrictions, the assessment location was Sea God Island. If she wanted to protect her reputation, she had to perform this best friend show with Bibi Dong.

The two forces who were strangers to each other and even had gaps in the past, as the priest and the pope, whoever lost would be a huge blow to their own reputation.

But if they are good sisters and good girlfriends in the eyes of the world, then there is a lot of room for hype, and they can be arranged to deliberately release water for Po Saixi.

Coupled with Dongqing's control of the news and newspapers, which is an artifact of public opinion, in the eyes of the world, Bo Saixi deliberately chose to admit defeat in order not to destroy the sisterhood.

The sea is vast and boundless, the sky is blue,

"Don't call me Donger!"

"I'm sorry?"

"No, there are so many people here, I'm not used to it."

"Okay Dong'er, I know Dong'er, and I won't do Dong'er next time."

"You, you were like this more than ten years ago, you like to make people angry, and you still haven't changed at all!"

"Dong'er still understands me."

Bibidong and Bo Saixi chatted for a few more words, deepening their good girlfriends' personality, trying to make outsiders believe in their friendship more.

have to say.

Women are born actors, they are quite talented in acting, not to mention Dong Qing and Tang Yuehua, two insiders.

In the eyes of others, the relationship between the two of them seems to be very good, they are good sisters and girlfriends who talk about everything.

But no one knew that this was the first time they met. Before that, they had never even seen each other face to face.

That's right.

Bibi Dong had indeed dealt with Bo Saixi, who was the chief priest of Sea God Island, several times, but that was just correspondence, and each subordinate passed information to each other.

For the first time in decades, they met face to face.

"The visitor is a guest, Dongqing, Dong'er, let's go to the island and talk about it."

After Bo Saixi dropped these words, the boat under her feet began to turn.

Not long.

The two ships, which were about the same size, headed towards the main island of Sea God Island without any hindrance.

Don't ask why they who can fly insist on taking a boat, the question is that they need a strong style and an external image.

No matter how high your status and strength are, it's the same when you reach the level of a saint in the Great Desolate World.

When they go out, they will also choose to bring a mount for their own style and external image, even if they can teleport here with a random thought.

Now Bo Saixi and Bibidong are meeting for the first time, and when they are away from home, usually as long as there is no urgent matter, they will not refuse to take a boat or a car.

People rely on clothing, Buddha depends on gold clothing, no matter how high a person's status is, the surface layer of skin is very important, especially the powerful people care most about their own face.

After about ten minutes.

Dongqing's boat followed Bo Saixi's boat and sailed into a small port.

There are many people in the port, men and women, old and young, the number is about a thousand, the average spirit power is around twenty, and a few are above thirty.

Because of the existence of the assessment on the remaining islands, including the main island of Sea God Island, and the seven sub-islands of the Seven Sacred Pillars, there are no common people, and everyone here is a sea soul master.

At this time, they were looking forward to it, and witnessed Bo Saixi and Sea Witch Douluo guiding Dong Qing, Bibi Dong, Tang Yuehua and their party to the main island of Sea God Island.

"The big offering is still so beautiful!"

"That His Majesty the Pope is also very good, with a ruddy complexion and a contented expression. You can tell at a glance that he has been nourished by a man recently, and he doesn't know that he is taking advantage of that bastard."

"You two, don't be so presumptuous. Whether it's the high priest or His Majesty the Pope, they are distinguished. If you are a woman, what do you mean by these words?"

"You don't care! I just like women!"

"Woooooo Sea God Island already has more males than females, yet you guys still have to consume internally."

"Hmph, we are all fragrant, and men are all stinky, otherwise why would you call you stinky men."

Several sea soul masters were talking about Bo Saixi and Bibi Dong, but as they talked, the topic changed and turned into a confrontation between men and women, and between women and women.


Most of them are just talking about it, but it is impossible to really do it.

Because they knew very well that if they let their great priests embarrass themselves in front of outsiders, they would definitely have nothing to eat afterwards.


"Hai Nu, please accompany His Royal Highness Dongqing and the entourage on my behalf, and go around the Sea God City on the main island. Dong'er and I have things to do later."

Bo Saixi gave Sea Witch Douluo a few words, then turned around and walked straight towards Bibi Dong.

"Great offering, I'm fine!"

Sea Witch Douluo looked up at Dong Qing, but finally said nothing. She floated in mid-air, dangling her fish tail, and floated to his side unhurriedly.

"Hi, I'm the Seven Sacred Pillar Sea Girl Douluo, but people prefer you to call me Sea Witch!"

Sea Witch Douluo put on a formulaic smile, and then stretched out her soft little hand to Dongqing.

Hearing the voice in his ears, Dong Qing froze for a moment.

He turned around and looked at the mermaid suspended in mid-air, Sea Witch Douluo, who was thirty centimeters taller than him, and found that he was much shorter than her, and his head at most reached her slightly stalwart chest.

"Your Majesty, Sea Witch, I'm curious. Doesn't the word "sea girl" sound nice?" Dong Qing said while holding the little hand of Sea Witch Douluo.

This polite handshake lasted about three seconds.

When the time came, he took the initiative to let go without hesitation.

"Hmph, it doesn't sound good. She used to be the princess of the mermaid clan, but now she is the patriarch of the mermaid clan. She is not a sea girl. The word sea girl is just the title of the Seven Sacred Pillars."

Sea Witch Douluo pursed her lips, and at the same time raised her head proudly. The three-meter-long dark blue fish tail below her waist was gently swinging in mid-air.

Seeing her attitude, Dong Qing immediately slapped his head.


I understand, a rebellious girl, so she insisted on adding a magic word between the word diver.

However, because mermaids have a long lifespan and are born ten times longer than humans, despite her girlish mentality, she is actually not young at all. .

But as we all know, races with a long lifespan tend to mature more slowly.

If it hadn't been for Dongqing who had lived in the super god universe and the era of the big information explosion in China for 20 years, he might not be much better than this sea witch now.

the other side.

Bo Saixi stretched out his hand and summoned the sky-reaching ocean current that Dongqing had seen that day. A 100-meter-diameter, sky-reaching ocean current rose into the sky from the direction of the main island of Sea God Island, and then moved towards the subsidiary islands of the Seven Sacred Pillars. Lasing away.

at the same time.

Nine ten thousand year old devil soul great white sharks covered in snow jumped up from the calm sea level, and they quickly pulled a gorgeous carriage to the sky-reaching ocean current.

"This woman is so good at pretending!" Bibi Dong complained in her heart, her brows twitching uncontrollably.

To be honest, with her strength, it is not difficult to set off a 100-meter-thick sea current, but the difficulty lies in maintaining it, making this sea current freeze in midair for a long time.

It's not that she is inferior to Bo Saixi, but that they have different focuses. She is strong in recovery ability and long-term combat, and she doesn't have the ability to control the ocean like Bo Saixi.

What's more, this is Bo Saixi's home court. As the great priest of Sea God Island, she also has the blessings of the Seven Sacred Pillars and Sea God Temple, so her strength is even more unpredictable.

And because of this.

Only before Dongqing took the opportunity to put forward the conditions, let Bo Saixi release the water in the Raksha Six Tests.

the reason is simple.

Fighting at Bo Saixi's home court, Bibi Dong did everything possible to win, but it was definitely a miserable victory. He didn't want his teacher to take such a risk.

"Dong'er, you and my sister haven't seen each other for many years. I'll take you to see the islands and cities under the command of the Seven Sacred Pillars." Bo Saixi smiled.

"Well, I'll listen to you." Bibi Dong nodded noncommittally.

They all had faint smiles on their faces, vividly interpreting the words sisters and best friends.


When they got into the carriage and the nine demonized great white sharks pulled the carriage away, only the two of them were in the carriage, and the harmonious atmosphere was suddenly broken, falling into a dead silence like an ice cellar.

I don't know how long it has passed.

The corners of Bibi Dong's mouth curled up, and she took the initiative to say: "Bo Saixi, tell the truth, what is the relationship between you and Xiaoqing? Why?"

"I have nothing to do with him, His Majesty the Pope, don't think too much."

Bo Saixi's voice was very cold, like the cold wind in the twelfth lunar month of winter, making one's bones tremble.

Bibi Dong looked calm, and said lightly: "It doesn't matter? It doesn't matter. It will make you break the rules you have set. Outsiders from Sea God Island are not allowed to enter, but you directly let him in. Outsiders who pass the entrance examination of Sea God Island will have a lifetime Can't leave Sea God Island, you still turn a blind eye to it."

"When I asked him before, he deliberately changed the topic. Tell me, why did you listen to him like this? Is there something in his hands?"

Hearing this, Bo Saixi couldn't help but took a deep look at Bibi Dong, and said, "I can't tell the truth, I can only say that I really need something from him."

"What is it?" Bibi Dong frowned and asked.

"He didn't tell you?" Bo Saixi pretended to be curious.

Seeing Bo Saixi's expression, Bibidong sneered and said, "Just you, you still want to drive a wedge between our master and apprentice? Then you really made a mistake. The master-apprentice relationship between me and Xiaoqing is far more important than yours." It's closer than you can imagine."

Tiantian jockey kills the spider, can you imagine this?

Bo Saixi naturally didn't know what was going on in Bibi Dong's mind, and at the same time, she didn't show any strangeness on her face when she failed to separate her.

"Then you want to know?"


"An ancient soul guide."

"For an existence like you and me, an ancient soul guide is not enough."

"It contains the secret of becoming a god."

"How is it possible? You obviously are."

"Your Majesty, nothing is absolutely impossible. The word "absolute" has its own problems."

"It turns out that your lifeline is in Xiaoqing's hands, that's why you treat him so differently."

Bo Saixi did not try to hide her desire for the Vast Sea Cosmos Shield, because this matter is no longer a secret that only she knows.

But if Bibi Dong and Dong Qing talk to each other afterwards, they can easily guess whether she is lying or not.

Sea God Island, main island, Sea God City.

In the big city of Nuo, the crowd was turbulent, and the shouts kept coming and going. Compared with the city of the Seven Sacred Pillars, the city where the main island of Sea God Island stood was more prosperous.

On the busy street, a group of three people, handsome men and beautiful women, and beautiful mermaids, walked side by side together, inadvertently attracting many eyes.

Looking into the distance.

Dongqing is in the middle, Tang Yuehua is on the right, and Sea Witch Douluo is on the left.

"Your Majesty the Sea Witch, it looks like there are a lot of people in Sea God City! According to visual estimates, there are at least 100,000 people, so there are so many sea soul masters. I'm afraid there are not so many soul masters in the three schools and the two empires combined?" Dong Qing asked. road.

"His Royal Highness Dongqing thinks too much, not all of them are sea soul masters. It would be good if half of them are sea soul masters. Most of them are ordinary people with soul power below the twentieth level." The sea witch said casually.

"Haha. Ordinary person, so the me before wasn't even an ordinary person?" Tang Yuehua suddenly felt so desolate, having maintained her innate soul power level nine for decades.

"Ordinary people in your family have soul power?" Dong Qing asked with strange eyes.

Sea Witch Douluo couldn't understand the expression on Dongqing's face.

She couldn't help shaking her head and said: "Ordinary people naturally have innate soul power. Humans without innate soul power can't pass the examination of staying on the island at the age of eighteen."

"Generally speaking, after awakening the martial soul at the age of six, humans who have not awakened their innate soul power will prepare to move out of Sea God Island and choose to live on other islands,"

"But you don't need to worry about their safety. Most of the islands in the entire sea have people from our Sea God Island. No one dares to offend the majesty of the Sea God."

Tang Yuehua asked: "Then what about their parents? Don't you worry? They were only six years old then!"

"Human, you are so strange. Parents are soul masters, and children can basically awaken their innate soul power. Even if they can't, we won't force their parents to stay. Their parents can go together."

Sea Witch Douluo folded her hands on her chest, she pursed her lips angrily.

"Didn't your Sea God Island not allow sea soul masters to go out?" Tang Yuehua continued to ask.

"That's a rule for you outsiders. Of course, we sea soul masters can walk freely on this sea, but we can't just set foot on the mainland casually."

Sea Witch Douluo stretched out her finger and poked Tang Yuehua's shoulder, saying that you outsiders have so many strange rules.

At this time.

Dong Qing interrupted and said: "Your Majesty, Sea Witch, she has never been to Sea God Island. Although I have been here once, I don't know much about it. Why don't you introduce Sea God Island to us?"

Hear the question.

Sea Witch Douluo tilted her head and blinked her big eyes quickly.

"Okay, Sea God Island can be divided into two parts, a main island and seven sub-islands. The main island is hundreds of kilometers in size, and the sub-island is also ten kilometers in size."

"There is the Sea God Temple on the main island, and the Seven Sacred Pillars on the sub-island, and each of the seven sub-islands has a city, so the leading Sea God Island naturally has a city."

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