Douluo: My Martial Spirit is the Ten Fierce Sky Horned Ants

Chapter 536 You can manage it, but it's not necessary.

But now Dong Qing doesn't know that this god bestowed spirit ring has a limit.

He happily picked up the small light blue ball and began to study how to use it.

However, before he could think for long, the small light blue ball exploded in his palm, turning into a colorless soul ring, floating above the position of his sixth soul ring.

Then this colorless soul ring, the so-called god bestowed soul ring, began to frantically absorb the vitality of the world from the outside world, and continuously increased the lifespan of the soul ring itself.

The huge energy of heaven and earth from the outside merged into it, setting off a terrifying storm. The vitality of heaven and earth was like a huge funnel, continuously pouring into Dongqing's body.


The sixth soul ring on Dongqing's waist, which is the god bestowed soul ring, began to change color.

What started off as colorless turned bright white in the blink of an eye.

A second later, the soul ring turned pale yellow.

A few seconds later, it turned into dazzling purple again.

A minute later, the soul ring turned pitch black.

But this is far from Dongqing's end, nor is it the limit of the god bestowed spirit ring.

As the god-bestowed spirit ring absorbed more and more vitality from the world, it became deeper and deeper, and the color of the spirit ring became darker and darker, with spots of scarlet quietly appearing in the spirit ring.


Thirty minutes later, the god-bestowed spirit ring seemed to break through a certain limit, and the spirit ring completely turned scarlet. The sudden burst of coercion from the 100,000-year spirit ring shocked the entire Sea God Island.

Including the main island of Seagod Island, all the creatures living in the seven subsidiary islands, and the city of the Seven Sacred Pillars, felt the suppression of the spirit ring coming from the direction of Seagod Temple.

Soul ring suppression is an indescribable feeling, the superior suppresses the inferior, just as a ten thousand year soul ring and a thousand year soul ring are a qualitative change, a hundred thousand year soul ring is a bigger qualitative change than a ten thousand year soul ring.

But the surprise is.

This one hundred thousand year soul ring originated from the god bestowed soul ring, at this time it is still absorbing the vitality of the world from the outside world, and the scarlet soul ring becomes brighter and more dazzling.

It's getting redder and brighter, until it turns black.

the other side.

Tang Yuehua and Shui Yue'er have also successfully obtained the rewards for successful assessment, and their soul power levels have been raised by several levels, although they were brought up by Dongqing cheating.

But the rigid Sea God Temple and the Seven Sacred Pillars still judged that they passed the assessment successfully.

And the only one who can correct and judge the results of the assessment is the great enshrinement of Po Saixi.

She is Dong Qing's person now, and it is impossible for those who will be driven by him for the next sixty years to jump out and accuse Dong Qing of helping Shui Yue'er and Tang Yuehua cheat.

And even if there is no such relationship, she will still secretly release water in the future, which can be regarded as indirectly helping Bibi Dong to cheat in the Shenkao, so she still has the face to express any opinion on this.

Sea God Island, Vice Island, Seven Sacred Pillars Sea Dragon City.

Outside a noble and luxurious mansion, a plaque with the word Hailong hangs high.

The area of ​​the mansion is very large, with several courtyards scattered throughout it, and the area of ​​a single courtyard is definitely not smaller than a large football field.

In one of the courtyards, on a three-story attic, dozens of Yingying and Yanyan gathered together, which looked like a fairyland on earth from a distance.

Although they looked at each other slightly hostilely, their attention was all focused on the man with the horns on his head next to the window.

As for the man with the horns on his head, there was no one else but Sea Dragon Douluo.

He is as special as Sea Witch Douluo.

It's just that she is a mermaid, but he is a half-dragon, and they can be regarded as humanoids in essence.

"The unique coercion of a hundred thousand year spirit ring, that kid really has something! At this age, he can withstand the indescribably huge energy of a hundred thousand year spirit ring." Sea Dragon Douluo slammed his mouth and sighed.

In fact, the Seven Sacred Pillar Titled Douluo like them, although not as perverted as Dongqing, got a god-bestowed soul ring in the first test, but they also got a god-bestowed soul ring in the last test.

But because their bodies don't have the ability to withstand a hundred thousand year soul ring, they can only get a ninety thousand year limit soul ring in the end.

When Hai Long Douluo was sighing, a graceful and luxurious woman walked out of dozens of Yingying Yanyan behind him.

"Husband, if I guessed correctly, it was the aura of a god-bestowed spirit ring just now, or a god-bestowed spirit ring of the hundred thousand year level. Only a god-bestowed spirit ring will not have the soaring resentment when a soul beast dies."

Such an elegant and luxurious woman, she is the official wife of Hai Long Douluo.

Unlike the women around Dongqing, there is no clear distinction of size, Hai Longdouluo's more than forty wives and concubines are of different sizes, and the status of the main wife is far above the concubines.

When she was talking, the other concubines could only stay where they were, not daring to argue with this old woman and his wife.

"Ma'am guessed right, it is indeed a hundred thousand year spirit ring. I never thought that besides the great offering, there are people in this world who have the powerful physique to withstand a hundred thousand year spirit ring." Sea Dragon Douluo's tone was full of disbelief.

"Can ordinary people bear a hundred thousand year spirit ring?" the woman asked curiously.

Regarding the woman's curiosity, Sea Dragon Douluo didn't give a shit, he very generously revealed the secret of the hundred thousand year spirit ring.

"That's not right, even a Titled Douluo like your husband and I would not dare to casually absorb a hundred thousand year soul ring, just like the soul masters before the fifth ring would not dare to easily absorb a ten thousand year soul ring."

"The ten-thousand-year soul ring is because of the resentment attached to the death of the soul beast. If a soul master with five rings or below does not have an adventure-like fortune, it is especially easy to be fooled by this resentment if he rashly absorbs the ten-year-old soul ring."

"The one hundred thousand year spirit ring is because the energy of the spirit ring is too powerful. The average Title Douluo is not absolutely sure, so he dare not absorb this kind of hundred thousand year spirit ring that may explode his body at any time."

"However, according to ancient records, it would be much easier to absorb a hundred thousand year spirit ring if one finds the legendary fairy herb to fundamentally change the body's physique."

"It's a pity that immortal herbs are hard to find in the world, and they have always been legendary. Your husband and I have been the Seven Sacred Pillars for decades, and we have never heard of the birth of immortal herbs."

"This His Royal Highness the Holy Son is so young that he can withstand the power of a hundred thousand year spirit ring. I think he is not only physically strong, he may have also taken the legendary immortal herb."

Hear here.

The woman frowned, and asked suspiciously: "Aside from being strong enough, or looking for the legendary fairy herb, is there no other way to safely absorb a hundred thousand year spirit ring?"

"Yes, but it's very difficult." Sea Dragon Douluo shook his head slightly.

"How difficult is it?" the woman asked.

"If you don't have immortal herbs to strengthen yourself, you don't have the ability to forcibly absorb a hundred thousand year spirit ring, and you don't even have the confidence to take a gamble at the risk of exploding and dying."

"The only way, it seems, is to deceive the 100,000-year-old soul beast to sacrifice the 100,000-year-old soul ring to yourself, which can reduce the risk in the process of absorbing the 100,000-year-old soul ring."

"However, 100,000-year-old soul beasts are very wary of humans. It is basically impossible to trick them into giving up their sacrifices with ordinary methods."

"Unless there is a real reason not to do so, asking an intelligent life to voluntarily give up its life for you is as difficult as persuading a normal person to commit suicide on the spot."

Hai Long Douluo's tone seemed a little helpless, did he not want to absorb a hundred thousand year spirit ring?

of course not!

But even if he had a god-bestowed spirit ring, he didn't need to take the risk of hunting a dangerous 100,000-year-old soul beast, but he still gave up when the god-bestowed spirit ring grew to a 90,000-year-old soul power.

For an existence that has grown to the level of a Titled Douluo, who is willing to risk his life? There are a few people who dare to risk their bodies exploding to absorb a hundred thousand year soul ring that far exceeds the limit of their bodies.

As for the immortal herbs and the 100,000-year-old soul beast sacrifice.

He didn't have that luck for the former, and he didn't want to deceive people for the latter.

In essence, he is not a purebred human being, so to deceive a 100,000-year-old human-shaped soul beast with wisdom, he, a half-dragon, is also very psychologically burdened.

There are always some people in this world who don't understand, thinking that a hundred thousand year spirit ring is easy to absorb, as long as it is a Title Douluo, it can absorb it 100% successfully.

If a hundred thousand year spirit ring is really so easy to absorb.

Sea Dragon Douluo can be sure of one thing. In the core area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest, those two ostensibly overlord-level hundred thousand year spirit beasts have probably been slaughtered by greedy humans long ago.

One Titled Douluo couldn't beat them, two Titled Douluos couldn't beat them, and three Titled Douluos teamed up to fight together. Could it be that this couldn't take down a hundred thousand year soul beast?

Although he doesn't know how many Title Douluo are hidden in the mainland, he can be sure that the Title Douluo on the surface can definitely sweep the entire continent.

But if not necessary.

There is no need for these titled Douluo to hunt and kill hundred thousand year soul beasts, because unlike the uniqueness of soul rings, hundred thousand year soul bones will plunge them into endless civil wars.

As Titled Douluo, they are high in position and weight, and they are the core pillars of their respective forces. Naturally, they are unwilling to take this risk, which will lead to a crisis in the forces behind them.

Moreover, the soul beasts of 100,000 years have been psychic and possessed wisdom. If life and death are really hanging by a thread, they can't be cheap to humans. There is a high probability that they will directly explode and destroy the soul bones in their bodies.

As for the remaining 100,000 year spirit rings, they can only watch helplessly.

Really have the ability to absorb a hundred thousand year spirit ring.

It is not possible for them to work together to besiege and kill a 100,000-year-old soul beast. I am afraid that they have already become Bibi Dong, Tang Chen, Bo Saixi, and Qian Daoliu.

"So that's the case. I heard that the 100,000-year-old Blue Silver Emperor, who is famous in the mainland soul master world, seemed to sacrifice herself for a human being more than ten years ago. It seems that she was miserably deceived by others. !"

When the woman said this sentence.

She didn't notice that not far from her, that is, in the corner of the wall directly below the attic window, a blue-gold blue-silver grass lowered its upright branches sadly.

But at this time, Hai Long Douluo, who heard his wife say this, changed his expression, and said quickly: "Madam, why are you meddling in those things in the mainland again? If the great priest blames this, your husband and I will be half disabled if we don't die. "

Seeing the somewhat nervous Sea Dragon Douluo, the woman smiled slightly, and said softly: "Don't worry, sir, didn't you represent Sea God Island as an envoy to the Heaven Dou Empire a few days ago? communication with the outside world.”

Perhaps because what the woman said made sense, Sea Dragon Douluo gradually let go of his worries.

"Madam is right, but speaking of it, so far, it seems that only those few people have truly absorbed a hundred thousand year spirit ring, the great priest of our Sea God Island, the Pope of the Spirit Hall on the mainland, and the people I have seen before. The two powerhouses who have passed, Tang Hao, who is known as the invincible on the ground, and Qian Daoliu, who is invincible in the sky."

"Now, there is another holy son of the Wuhun Temple, His Highness Dongqing who is famous in the mainland."

"From this we can see how difficult it is to absorb a 100,000-year soul ring. The huge soul power seems to be able to explode the body. I am afraid that only peerless geniuses like them can absorb it."

At this time.

The woman looked at Hai Long Douluo, leaned sideways and whispered in his ear: "Husband, you seem to have missed someone else. I heard that there is a mysterious second person hidden in the worship hall of the Wuhun Temple." The enshrinement, second only to that great enshrinement, also absorbed a hundred thousand year soul ring, which is one of the true heritage of the Spirit Hall."

As soon as this remark came out.

Sea Dragon Douluo suddenly became excited, with powerful mental power, he instantly sealed off the surrounding space, ensuring that no one could use mental power to peek behind the two of them talking.

He just said anxiously: "Madam, don't mess around, you dare to plant spies in a place like Wuhundian, if you accidentally find out about me"

The woman quickly comforted: "Don't be afraid, husband, the mainland is different from our Sea God Island, they have long been used to having spies hidden by other forces under their command, because even they themselves often do this, as long as we don't pry into the core secrets of the Spirit Hall , even if it is exposed, it will not be too dangerous."

Sea God Island, Vice Island, Seven Sacred Pillar Mermaid City.

"If I read correctly just now, Xiaoqing is just the first test, and now there is a god bestowed spirit ring descending?" Bibidong looked at Bo Saixi beside her in surprise.

Bo Saixi shook his head slightly and said: "Originally there wasn't, and the soul power can be increased by a few levels at most, but he forced more than 30 times the Seagod's Light to complete the assessment, and the final assessment reward has been multiplied many times. "

"Are you sure it's not because you, as the great priest of Sea God Island, deliberately opened the back door for him?" Bibi Dong still couldn't believe it.

"Of course not. The power of the Great Priest of Sea God Island is not as great as you imagined. Apart from adjusting the difficulty of the assessment appropriately, that is to judge whether their assessment has been completed." Bo Saixi explained in a very calm tone.

"Those two women obviously cheated, so you don't care?"

When Bibi Dong was speaking, the spiritual power originating from the peak ninety-nine peerless douluo had been secretly watching Dong Qing, Tang Yuehua and Shui Yue'er.

But when she saw that Tang Yuehua and Shui Yue'er had successfully passed the Seagod's Light assessment with the help of Dong Qing, for some reason, she felt a little blocked in her heart.

It's not that Tang Yuehua and Shui Yue'er are jealous, they are not qualified to make her jealous.

She just... felt like something was robbed.

It's not surprising that Bibi Dong would feel this way.

Because before that, Dong Qing had only helped Bibi Dong pass the divine test alone, but now...she felt that she was no longer unique.

"You can take care of it, but it's not necessary." Bo Saixi said lightly.

"Why?" Bibi Dong was puzzled.

"Your Majesty the Pope, don't forget, what are we doing now, pretending to be best friends and deceiving outsiders, is this behavior different from their cheating behavior?" Bo Saixi asked back.

"Heh, what does it have to do with me, it's because you can't hold back your face, you want to find a high-sounding excuse, and you don't want to lose the face of your great priest in front of everyone on Sea God Island." Bibi Dong crossed her arms and said with a sneer.

"Too much"

"Do it if you don't accept it!"

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