Douluo: My Martial Spirit is the Ten Fierce Sky Horned Ants

Chapter 550 Congratulations, you have exceeded the assessment task!

"Why such a desperate expression, you are so cute now!" Demon Soul Great White Shark [Personal Royal Sister Form] reached out and touched Dongqing's cute little head.

"Don't touch my head! I'm not a child." Dong Qing slapped her hand off.

"Oh! Little brother is angry!" Demon Soul Great White Shark [Personal Royal Sister Form] covered his mouth and chuckled.

Just when Dongqing was about to continue speaking, two figures of light and shadow flashed across the vast sky.

next second.

The figures of Bo Saixi and Bibi Dong appeared next to Dong Qing, and they watched him carefully, one after the other.

Being stared at by the two of them, Dong Qing suddenly felt uncomfortable, but he couldn't move.

He was caught in the middle of them.

Naturally, Bibidong, Dongqing's teacher, was in the front, and Bo Saixi, the great priest of Sea God Island, was behind.

And because his body has changed back to his six-year-old appearance, he is not as tall as their long legs. If he insists on moving forward or back, he can only bump his head against their long white legs.

After a few seconds.

Bo Saixi was the first to express his thoughts, and said softly: "Dongqing, your soul power level has not dropped, which means that this reverse growth has not caused much damage to your body itself."

At this time.

Bibi Dong looked at Dong Qing's appearance, rolled her bright and moving eyes, bent down and hugged him directly.

"Xiaoqing when I was six years old. Although I remember that you will be a handsome man when you grow up, but the teacher feels that you are more attractive when you were young."

A look of reminiscing about the past flashed across Bibi Dong's pupils, but when she unconsciously stroked Dong Qing's waist with her hand, and felt an object whose size and hardness had not changed at all, the look of nostalgia on her face gradually became a little weird stand up.

Good guy, even though his body has become smaller, that aspect is still normal.

"I'm ashamed to see people, and I've become a six-year-old child. Teacher, I don't want to live anymore." Dong Qing's face was full of grief and indignation.

At this moment, he still doesn't know that when his bloodline awakening rate successfully breaks through the 50% limit, there is a supreme treasure in his body that is currently being conceived.

This is an extremely powerful pure-blooded Skyhorn Ant Supreme Treasure Art, or an exclusive Supreme Treasure Art specially evolved based on his now extremely sublimated pure blood.

Unique, born supreme.

Given time.

After it is successfully awakened, it will surely be able to cover the sky with one hand.

"It's just that your body has become smaller, and your strength has not declined in the slightest. Do you know what many people dream of! Why do you look like you want to die?"

Bo Saixi reached out and pinched Dong Qing's little face, her fair and jade-like face was full of bad humor.

But just as Bibi Dong said, Dong Qing was more likable when she was a child, because compared to the young version of Dong Qing, she really liked the young version of Dong Qing more.

Generally speaking, women with normal three views and non-perverted thoughts are basically soft-hearted, and their hidden motherhood will drive them to get close to young children.

Not to mention that Dong Qing's appearance looks extremely cute now, and the aura he exudes makes people want to get close to him irresistibly.

for a while.

Bo Saixi really had an inexplicable urge to occupy Dong Qing deep in his heart, and wanted to snatch this cute and cute boy as his apprentice.

As for the word man

This is a bit far away for Bo Saixi, she has always been thinking about another man in her heart, a man who promised her to become a god, but there has been no news of him for decades.

Besides, not everyone is as perverted as Bibi Dong, who would have immoral thoughts about her apprentice, she just simply wanted Dong Qing to be her apprentice.

If he is really his apprentice, such a thing as the Vast Sea Cosmos Cover, if he wants this soul guide that contains the chance to become a god, it is not something that can be done with a single sentence!

Wait for the six-year-old apprentice?

Bo Saixi didn't know what to think of, she suddenly raised her head and said in a low voice: "Bibi Dong, since we've already fought, why don't you give me half of your apprentice?"

The words did not fall.

Bibi Dong glanced over coldly, and directly interrupted Bo Saixi's next words, with an expression that if you dare to say a word, I will make you look good.

Seeing this, Bo Saixi could only keep her mouth shut. She found that this woman had already regarded Dong Qing as her own bondage, and she did not allow the second person to touch him.

After Bo Saixi calmed down, Bibi Dongfang withdrew her cold gaze.

She lowered her head and let her red lips stick to Dongqing's ear, and only he alone could hear the voice saying: "Xiaoqing, it's okay, anyway, what should be normal is still normal, and the height and shape will become smaller if you get smaller. Yes, it can be changed back in the future.”


Dong Qing looked up at Bibi Dong in a daze. What does it mean that the normal place is still normal?

Did she mean the level of soul power?

Or are you talking about my strength?

You can't talk about the lower body, right?

Without waiting for Dongqing to understand this matter, Bibidong continued: "Xiaoqing, since the assessment task has been successfully completed, let's accompany the teacher to receive the reward for the divine examination!"

The voice fell.

A terrible sound suddenly exploded in place, and the figures of the two of them disappeared in place in an instant.

Dong Qing subconsciously hugged Bibi Dong Yangliu's waist tightly, before he could feel her scent carefully.

next moment.

The two of them arrived at an altitude of 10,000 meters. Dong Qing looked at the vast white clouds floating below his feet, and unconsciously hugged Bibi Dong even tighter.

The vast sky, the blue sky.

For planets, even Douluo Star, once the altitude reaches over 10,000 meters, it will reach the stratosphere, which is the upper hot and lower cold layer of the planet's atmosphere.

it's here.

You can see the endless white clouds when you look down, and when you look up at the sky, there is a blue sky with no end in sight, and you have a feeling of stepping on the sky and coming to the fairyland.

"Teacher, in fact, you don't need to be so anxious, the rewards of the divine test can't escape."

"Hmph, the teacher doesn't want to see her, that old woman wants to trick you into being her apprentice."

"She wants to deceive me into being an apprentice? Is there any other apprentice who deceives me? Isn't she afraid of deceiving the master and destroying the ancestor?"

"Xiaoqing, you have returned to the age of six, and you are no longer the youth you were yesterday. She is eager for love in her heart, and naturally wants to accept you as an apprentice."

"Come on, she wants my Vast Sea Universe Cover, to satisfy her desire to become a god."

"But the teacher can also see that this old woman really wants to have you as an apprentice."


"Xiaoqing, are you tempted?"




"The teacher doesn't believe it!"

Bibi Dong stared at Dong Qing seriously, her words were full of possessiveness.

At this time, although she was full of possessiveness when she spoke, her overall appearance was still beautiful.

Yao has a high nose, bright red lips, and bright teeth inside.

Her charming face was like a lotus, and the neckline on her chest was very low, revealing her fair and delicate collarbone.

The large expanse of white skin and a deep ravine are mouth-watering, and a pair of peaks prop up the fabric of the chest, forming a perfect ball.

However, regarding his teacher Bibi Dong's possessiveness, Dong Qing could only helplessly touch his nose, and said softly: "Teacher, you really don't have to worry about this matter. Some unexpected accidents happened to me, which led to my body reversed and reborn. Back to the six-year-old period, but I have not really become a six-year-old child in essence, and I am mature in thinking, and it is absolutely impossible for me to worship the teacher indiscriminately."

"Of course the teacher knows, Xiaoqing, that you are not really a six-year-old child. How can a six-year-old child be like an adult in that respect." Bibi Dong casually nodded and said.

"Teacher, it's up to you, don't do it." Dong Qing's complexion changed, and she quickly pressed her teacher Bibi Dong's hand, not letting her slip down her waist.

"Teacher, this is to help Xiaoqing check your body. What if there are hidden dangers after you become smaller?" Bibi Dong narrowed her eyes slightly, she couldn't move her hands, but she could move her legs.

"What hidden dangers could there be?"

"In case it's not as strong as before."

"How can it be!"

"Would you like to try?

"Try it and try it. Could it be that the teacher is still afraid of the apprentice?"

"Forget it, if I didn't say it, it's really not suitable here."

"Xiaoqing. Could it be that you are really dying?"

"everything is normal."

"No, no, no one really can't do it, right?"

"Teacher, I'm not a three-year-old child, and your aggressive method is too old-fashioned."

"Really? The teacher read a very interesting book recently, and there is a very interesting sentence in it, Xiaoqing, don't you want to listen to it?"

"Teacher, it's okay to say."

"Can you do it? Little dog."

Bibi Dong's soft-spoken words, coupled with the look of pretended disgust.

Dong Qing took a deep breath, suddenly feeling that the man's dignity was gone.

He didn't continue to talk nonsense with Bibi Dong, because it was very easy to prove himself.

He stretched out his hand and made a light move, and the small red flag burst out of the air in an instant, turning into a huge red curtain covering the sky, enveloping the figures of the two of them in an instant.

In fact, Dongqing didn't know how to complain about such things as job transfers in the air.

He also didn't know why after his body was reversed and reborn, his ability in that aspect was not affected at all, and he could still complete the job change task of Jockey Killing Spider.

He guessed it was because of the difference between the first reverse respawn and the second reverse respawn.

The first time was because the pure blood of the astrohorn ant in his body left only the last trace of the true and pure blood, so his body naturally wanted to reverse and be reborn as a baby.

The situation was very different the second time. He, who was deliberately stuck at 49% for a long time, belonged to the most sublimated bloodline, so naturally he didn't need to reverse the rebirth and return to infancy.

At the same time, not long after the reversal and rebirth returned to the six-year-old period, Dong Qing was worried deep in his heart that he would not be able to face them, and the subconscious deep in his mind quickly restored that ability to its former state.

For Dong Qing, a ten-thousand-level pure-blooded skyhorned ant, he was still in his prime when he had not left the perfect world to travel through the endless chaotic sea.

A drop of blood fills the sea.

At the flick of a finger, the sky fell apart.

The current Dongqing, although his bloodline awakening speed can barely break through 50%, is not as good as he used to be for the time being.

But it was nothing more than recovering certain aspects of the body. As long as he had this kind of thought in his heart, there was basically nothing he couldn't do.

It's just that the height and shape are flawed, there is no way to suddenly become taller, and it will take some time to grow slowly for the time being.

And seriously.

Although all the strength that Dong Qing possessed now was far inferior to the one who was just born, but at that time, he also had no ability to completely sublimate the pure blood of the Skyhorn Ant in his body.

This is like forged steel.

It is difficult for steel in a normal state to undergo morphological changes, but when it is put into a furnace and calcined at a high temperature, it can become alloy steel under continuous efforts to calcine and purify.

How big is the gap between ordinary steel and alloy steel?

The blade forged from the latter can easily cut through the former.

In the past, Dong Qing was a pure-blooded Skyhorned Ant, the Ninth Prince of the Skyhorned Ant Clan, but his bloodline talent at most supported him to reach the immortal king-level life form.


However, he had a slight chance to get his hands on the supreme opportunity, so that he had the talent to step up to the supreme step.

The immortal emperor of the perfect world, and the saint of the prehistoric world, both are supreme beings.

In a trance, three hours later.

[Successful job transfer——Death Spider Emperor Knight]

[Successful job transfer——Soul Eater Spider King Knight]

Douluo Continent, Mysterious Area, Raksha Temple.

This is a deserted wilderness, surrounded by open spaces, and there are wreckage of buildings everywhere.

The whole looks like a ruin that has been abandoned for a long time, not to mention that it can't be compared with other Sea God Temples on Sea God Island, even the martial soul branch halls in large cities in Douluo Continent seem to be stronger than this Raksha Temple on the whole. much.

"It's been a long time since I've been here, and it's still so dilapidated. Teacher, can't you send someone to repair it? It's also the place where you got the divine test." Dong Qing sighed.

"No, why should I fix it? The rewards for the first four exams are so perfunctory, even if you send beggars off like this, it almost pissed me off. I have nothing to spend money on repairing here!"

Bibi Dong's face was flushed, with a sense of satisfaction on her face, but unfortunately her voice sounded a little weak, as if her body was overdrawn because of some physical exercise.

"Sigh..." Dong Qing sighed, and he didn't say anything more. Some things were indeed out of the ordinary of Rakshasa, how could he treat himself as an heir like this.

Take a look at the sea god.

The old man was afraid that something would happen to his heir to the throne, so he deliberately left an imprint of his original soul on the Vast Sea Cosmos, preparing to help the heir of the Sea God to tide over the difficulties in the future.

But time also fate.

Without this original soul imprint of Sea God, Dong Qing felt that Bo Saixi would not have the chance to become a god.

At the same time, there is no Dongqing.

It is estimated that she has no chance to become a god. The imprint of the original soul hidden in the cover of the vast sea is not something ordinary people can deal with. In today's world, only the female Tianjiao Yi Yuniang can completely erase it with a single thought.

If the consciousness of this original soul imprint cannot be obliterated, it will naturally only help the future Seagod heir. Bo Saixi has no chance to absorb the soul origin left after the consciousness of this original soul imprint is annihilated.

Want to become a god.

She had to rely on this pure god-level soul source to break through the restrictions on the status of the great priest of Sea God Island.

Otherwise, as the great priest of Sea God Island, she is destined to sacrifice everything, including life and soul, for the future successor of Sea God.

"Xiaoqing, stop moaning, and go with the teacher!"

Bibi Dong directly took Dong Qing's hand, and led him to a moss-covered stone wall, and then she stretched out a pair of white and smooth jade hands and pressed it down.

Not long after.

There was a "click" sound from above the stone wall, and a stone door about three meters thick slowly slid open, slowly retracting into the right stone wall, and a passage appeared on the spot.

In the passage, Dong Qing and Bibi Dong were very close, the passage was not big, they walked side by side, there was a stone gate blocking the way every seven or eight meters.

After passing through five or six stone gates, Dong Qing and Bibi Dong finally entered the underground palace. The moment they entered, the dark underground palace suddenly lit up with bright lights.

Looking up, the underground palace is very large, covering an area of ​​at least a dozen square kilometers.

It is about the size of thirty-four modern world football fields, and one square kilometer is an area of ​​1,000 square meters, and ten square kilometers is naturally the size of ten square kilometers, which is 10,000 square meters.

Such a large area is about the size of a large city in Douluo Continent, as if someone built an underground palace the size of Tiandou City underground.

However, now this underground palace, which is comparable to a large city, seems very empty and quiet, as if there are no other living things except Bibi Dong and Dong Qing.

Afterwards, Dong Qing followed Bibi Dong to the center of the underground palace, where there was a stone tablet more than ten meters high, on which was written the contents of her Raksha Six Examinations.

Beside this stone tablet, there are five other stone tablets of the same height, on which are the contents of the one, two, three, four, five Rakshasa Examinations, but the words [Passed] are displayed below the stone tablet.

【Sixth Test of Rakshasa】

[On the sea, fight Bo Saixi, the great priest of Sea God Island. If you don't lose, you can persist for ten hours. There is no limit. You can invite friends to challenge together, but the person you invite must not exceed the age of 18. 】


[Bibi Dong's assessment is overfulfilled, 30% of the meaning of Rakshasa will be rewarded, all soul rings will be rewarded with an increase of 10,000 years, and a god-given soul ring will be rewarded. 】

[Accompanying the examiner Dong Qing to pass, get special rewards, all soul skills born from soul rings below 100,000 years can evolve again according to the original characteristics. 】

next second.

A misty brilliance began to shine on the stele, and a dark woman with a good figure appeared in front of Dong Qing. Her face was completely unclear, shrouded in a dark mist.

"Congratulations, you have overfulfilled the assessment task!"

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