Douluo: My Martial Spirit is the Ten Fierce Sky Horned Ants

Chapter 586 Have you heard of the Sun Moon Continent?

The person who came was none other than Dong Qing, who was very familiar with Tang Yuehua whom he hadn't seen for many days.

"Sister Yuehua, I haven't seen you for a long time, so I'm naturally thinking, but I don't know, is my sister well?" Dong Qing smiled.

"It's okay, but sometimes I feel uncomfortable deep in my heart, and there is nowhere to relieve that stagnant feeling." Tang Yuehua said in a pointed tone.

"Recently, I will be cultivating on Sea God Island for a while, and I will not go to other places for the time being. If I am free, I will naturally take the time to visit Sister Yuehua." Dong Qing said softly.

Maybe Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er didn't hear it, but Dong Qing understood what she meant very well.

Congestion needs to be unblocked.

Women need love.

Dongqing and Tang Yuehua have changed jobs many times, and their status relationship is not so simple.

There are some things that you don't need to say too clearly, you will naturally understand what each other wants to express.

"That's good. I thought that His Highness Dongqing had already been fascinated by that mysterious woman during the past three months, and he didn't remember us rouge vulgar fans at all."


With a casual move by Tang Yuehua, her Martial Soul Ruyi Ring appeared behind her. She lightly adjusted the hem of her skirt and sat on it. The round fat under her waist pressed hard on the Ruyi Ring.

The Ruyi ring under her body doesn't look very big, but it's only three meters in height.

The outer ring is pure white and flawless, and the surface is extremely sharp, cutting stones and gold, but it's easy.

The inner ring is red and golden, and the surface is as wide as a palm. It is as smooth as jade and can sit on people.

As you wish, as I wish.

The wishful ring, whose flaws in the martial soul are complemented by immortal herbs, can change according to Tang Yuehua's inner wishes, but it doesn't necessarily have to be the appearance of the original wishful ring.

As long as she wanted, she could turn the Ruyi Ring into the Clear Sky Hammer, Seven Killing Sword, Seven Treasure Glazed Tower, etc. Weapon Souls. Of course, they could only be limited to Weapon Souls.

After successfully transforming into other shapes of Wuhun, Ruyihuan can also acquire the same characteristics of Wuhun.

"She has a special status, some things, let's tell Sister Yuehua later."

Dong Qing didn't know what to say, why were they all so bitter about Gu Yuena, the Silver Dragon King, that sometimes he didn't know how to answer their words.

In a trance, several hours passed, and night fell.

Sea God Island, main island, Sea God Temple, fifth side hall.

Tonight, the moon and stars are rare, it is a rare and good day, in a not too big room, there is a large lacquered red mahogany armchair, and a quaint but still hard to conceal the gorgeous carving materials of the big bed.

There is a small square table in the center of the room, surrounded by a painted flower and bird porcelain pot, next to the steaming flower and bird porcelain pot, there are several small porcelain cups with the same flower decoration, which are simple and comfortable.

Dong Qing and Tang Yuehua sat shoulder to shoulder, with most of her body leaning in his arms, her face flushed with satisfaction.

"His Royal Highness Dongqing."

"Call me Dongqing, or Qing!"

"Qing, what condition did you and her meet behind the scenes? She is the great enshrinement of Sea God Island. Everyone in this sea knows about Sea God Douluo Bo Saixi. She was originally inaccessible and cold, but now Not only are you allowed to drive the guardian beasts of the Sea God Island at will, but they even allow you to enter and leave the Sea God Temple at will."

"She wants to become a god, but it's up to me."

"Becoming a god?"

"Well, she wants to become a god and get rid of the fate of being a sacrifice. She volunteered to be driven by me for sixty years. I promised her that if she behaves well, she will be given the chance to become a god in thirty years."

What Dong Qing said greatly stimulated Tang Yuehua, taking advantage of his inattention, she bit him hard on the shoulder.

However, even if her soul power level has broken through level 30 now, trying to bite through Dong Qing's current skin is tantamount to nonsense.

The only thing she can do now is to leave a puddle of saliva.


Tang Yuehua didn't simply want to bite Dongqing, she was mainly stimulated by the agreement between Dongqing and Bo Saixi to become a god. She never expected that there are still people in this world who say the word "become a god" so simply .

Let alone thirty years, even sixty years, what is it?

For a Peerless Douluo like Bo Saixi, whose lifespan has already exceeded a thousand years, even if the agreement to become a god is calculated based on the longest sixty years, it is definitely an agreement that will not lose money.

She refused to accept, she was jealous, why would Dongqing give up the chance to become a god to Bo Saixi.

Think here.

Tang Yuehua's beautiful eyes moved slightly, and her tone was slightly sour, "Qing, I don't know how to achieve the godhood you mentioned, but I know that you are not a man who talks about it, since you say that, you must have control in your hands that can make others God's stuff."

"Furthermore, facing the temptation of becoming a god, immortality, and the opportunity to become a god and ancestor, I don't know how many people can maintain their rationality and desperately fight for this opportunity to become a god. Very slim."

"Qing, I know that with your talent, which is thousands of times stronger than my grandfather Tang Chen, you don't need to worry about becoming a god, but the problem is that you don't want to use it yourself, and you don't need to give it to outsiders. You can completely consider the people around you.”

Tang Yuehua, who had experienced life hanging by a thread, was no longer the Tang Yuehua she used to be. She had completed an essential transformation in her thinking, and compared to before, her whole person could be regarded as completely reborn.

And as the innate ninth-level soul power cannot be promoted for life, the defect of the martial soul was filled by the immortal herb ninth-grade Zizhi, and the long-forgotten ambition deep in her heart finally began to gradually revive.

Become a god and become an ancestor, and become a god at the hundredth level.

What my grandfather Tang Chen couldn't do, I, Tang Yuehua, have the opportunity to do!

At this moment.

Seeing Tang Yuehua's vigorous expression, Dong Qing blinked his eyes, thought for a while, and soon understood Tang Yuehua's inner thoughts.

He touched the tip of his nose and said in a regretful tone: "I'm sorry for the people around me. Since I promised her, I won't break my promise and gain weight for no reason. This is irresponsible to her and also irresponsible to me." responsibility."

"I am a man who keeps my promises. If I can say it, I can do it. As long as she doesn't have any problems, in sixty years, or because she has performed well, in thirty years, I will directly use this as a chance for God." give her the stuff."

"Furthermore, to be honest, apart from one person who has died, she is the only one who can use this thing now, and the others, due to their own reasons, are temporarily unable to meet the basic requirements of the Nine Tests of Gods. "

Although Tang Yuehua didn't say who the people around her were, Dongqing already understood what she meant, because she was so close to naming herself by name.

But Dongqing couldn't give her the thing, no kidding, he really couldn't cover the vast sea, this ancient soul tool that contained the chance to become a god, and let her use it.

It's not that Dongqing is stingy, after Tang Yuehua made up for the defects of her martial soul with the immortal herb Ninth Grade Zizhi, she has an innate ninth-level soul power, and she can be regarded as one of the top batch in the mainland.

But the problem is.

Compared to Bo Saixi, she was still a lot worse, and she couldn't compare to Tang San who had twin spirits.

The third brother died early, so let's not talk about him.

And Bo Saixi, as the great priest of Sea God Island, has her own unique advantages.

With her formidable strength, if she absorbs the universe shield from the vast sea, and the trace of soul origin from the first sea god inside, she will be able to occupy the magpie's nest.

With the power of the original soul left over from the first generation of Seagod, he forcibly bypassed the restriction that the great priest of Seagod Island cannot become a god by himself.

Once successful.

She can directly inherit the position of the first sea god and become the first-level god [main god] of Douluo God Realm.

Do not know why.

However, in the face of Dongqing's patient explanation, the atmosphere at the scene became a little tense.

"Qing, you'd better not tell me that you are interested in an old woman from my grandpa's generation. She is over a hundred years old and old enough to be your grandma."

Tang Yuehua narrowed her eyes slightly, her beautiful eyes were full of suspicion.

It's no wonder she was suspicious, this is a chance to become a god.

Not to mention that Dongqing and Bo Saixi were just strangers before, even husband and wife, father and son, mother and son, brothers, sisters, such close relatives would betray each other in order to become gods.

Secular power can corrupt people's hearts, live forever, and become gods and ancestors. This kind of thing is more attractive than secular power, and it can even make close relatives turn against each other.

For no reason, Tang Yuehua didn't believe it, and she didn't want to believe it either. Dong Qing was generous enough to give someone a chance to become a god just for a promise that he could back out at any time.

To whom is not good, to that person.

Dongqing, you are the holy son of the Wuhun Temple, don't you really know that Bo Saixi, the great priest of Sea God Island, is the woman my grandfather Tang Chen likes?

You pried off my second sister-in-law, but now you're giving me away.

Why, now they are focusing on my grandfather Tang Chen's former lover?

Think up to this point.

Tang Yuehua glared at Dong Qing angrily. She felt that this man was thinking that way, and he was staring at other men's women Huo Huo.


How could a man be so generous and give the chance to become a god to a strange woman for nothing, unless he himself didn't look down on this so-called god's inheritance at all.


If it wasn't for Dongqing, there would also be Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, Bai Chenxiang, Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuyun, Ye Lingling, Shui Bing'er, Shui Yue'er... These young and beautiful women followed.

She really thought that Dongqing's hobby was mature wives, and she especially liked the perverted kind of prying other people's wives.

Dong Qing didn't know the messy thoughts in Tang Yuehua's heart. In her heart, she almost became the kind of Cao thief that everyone shouted and beat.

Regarding her strong suspicion, his expression was always calm, and he said: "It's nothing, it's just nonsense, I have no idea about her at all, and I won't be interested in it in the future."

"My relationship with her is just a simple superior-subordinate relationship. She only needs to fulfill her promise and obey my orders within sixty years. If she behaves well, I will give her that thing in advance thirty years later."

"And the reason why I did this was just to take the opportunity to subdue Seagod Island, a huge overseas soul master organization, and strive to turn Seagod Island into a force in my hands."

Seeing that Dong Qing was so calm, and his words were logical inside and out, Tang Yuehua reluctantly believed it.

"So, Qing, you still have thoughts about Sea God Island, is that why you brought Shui Binger here?" Tang Yuehua asked proactively.

"Not entirely." Dong Qing shook his head slightly.

"I heard that today's Poseidon Island is dedicated to Bo Saixi, and she became the High Priest of Sea God Island only after passing the eight red-level tests. You hope that Shui Bing'er, who also has the eight red-level tests, will become the future High Priest of Sea God Island. ?" Tang Yuehua asked again.

"With her talent, coupled with a top beast spirit like Ice Phoenix, she definitely deserves something better. I'm not stupid, and I won't lock her into the position of great priest of Sea God Island."

Dong Qing directly denied Tang Yuehua's words, and then he continued: "As for her future, I really don't know, but I hope she can give me a surprise, and not just be satisfied with being the great priest of Sea God Island."

"She, Shui Bing'er, is a genius who possesses the top-level beast spirit, the ice phoenix. How can her ambition be tolerated in a mere position of enshrinement on Sea God Island?"

After hearing what Dong Qing said, she knew that he didn't want to talk anymore, so Tang Yuehua didn't ask further.

She changed the subject.

"Speaking of which, Bo Saixi is really not an easy woman. Although I was very young at that time, I remember that it was because of her that my grandfather Tang Chen embarked on the journey to find the inheritance of the gods. It has been decades since then. In the past, there is still no trace of audio coming back.”

"Although for them, the peak ninety-nine-level Peerless Douluo with a lifespan of more than a thousand years, decades is just a short journey in life, but for decades, my grandfather Tang Chen has no news. Sometimes I really worry about him, worrying that something will happen to him.”

"But after thinking about it, my grandfather Tang Chen is a peak ninety-nine-level peerless Douluo who used to be known as invincible on the ground. If he can't solve those accidents, how can I help? Besides, so far, he has not done anything. I can't help him when the news comes back."

Speaking of which.

Tang Yuehua was a little disappointed, she was very disappointed with Tang Hao and Tang Xiao, disappointed that they let her take the blame, and almost died under the machete in the butcher's hand.

But she had a very good sense of Tang Chen, and she couldn't find the slightest shadow in this open and upright grandfather.

Tang Yuehua felt a little disappointed.

Dong Qing quickly opened his mouth and comforted him softly: "What are you talking about? In the past few decades, you have lost too much time to practice due to the lack of martial soul. Now in Sea God Island, a place that is very suitable for cultivation, sister Yuehua, you have to work hard. To cultivate, to cultivate to the realm of Titled Douluo as soon as possible is the truth."

"When you get stronger, I will accompany you to find him. Maybe your grandfather is still fine now, but because of some accident, he has temporarily forgotten you relatives."

After a few words of comfort from Dongqing, Tang Yuehua felt much better.

"It's okay, I also believe that Grandpa is still fine, it's just delayed by something."


Tang Yuehua took the initiative to entangle Dongqing, like a white python, devouring a humanoid object.

A sleepless night.

the next day.

In the early morning, Sea God Island, on a remote beach.

"You came?"

"I am coming!"

"Do you know why you are here?"

"have no idea."

"You want to know?"

"Dong Qing, I'm the High Priest of Sea God Island, I don't have time to play with you all these twists and turns, just talk about things."

"Have you heard of the Sun Moon Continent?"

"Sun Moon Continent?"

"Well, I chose a name for the wild and uninhabited continent next door. How about it? Isn't it good?"

"You think you're the first to discover it? It has a name, but forget it. It's up to you, it's called Sun Moon Continent. What are you trying to do by calling me out so early in the morning?"

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