Douluo: My Sharingan is not serious

Chapter 472 The conflict intensifies when Huo Wu comes to visit

"I, I don't want to compete with you for a man. I just have something to tell Ye Qiu clearly."

Huo Wu's expression changed and he immediately retorted.

"Is there anything that can't be said here?"

Ning Rongrong raised her eyebrows.

"Yes, Miss Huowu. If you have anything to say, you can say it directly here. We are not outsiders."

Dugu Yan walked over to Ye Qiu, leaned on his shoulder, and turned to look at Ye Qiu.

"Right. Husband."

Faced with Duguyan's inquiry.

Of course, Ye Qiu nodded knowingly.

He said to Huo Wu, "Yan Yan is right. If Huo Wu you have anything to do with me, you can just tell me that they are all my women. There is nothing you can't listen to."

He does not mean that.

Jiang Zhu, who was at the back of the team, couldn't help but blush when she heard Ye Qiu's words.

His clear eyes looked straight at Ye Qiu's back.

The young man who often dreams about him actually says that she is also his woman?

Suddenly he noticed Liu Erlong's looking back in front of him, the teasing look in his eyes.

Jiangzhu immediately lowered his head, his face was hot, and there was a small amount of sweat on his forehead.

Xiao Lan is much more upright.

Standing next to Xiao Wu, she giggled. She had always wanted to sleep with Ye Qiu.

Although since that time of ice and fire.

Occasionally she could lie with Ye Qiu again, drinking milk from a straw, and she would also feed him her own mountain grass milk.

But that's all.

Ye Qiu didn't even spend the night in her room.

And Huo Wu heard what Ye Qiu said.

There was a bit of anger in his eyes, and his face gradually turned red.

What this bastard wants to explain is that it’s hard to explain because these women are here!

They are all your women.

How shameless! He has caused harm to so many women, yet he is still so confident!

Those women are also so playful with him, but they can still get along so well with them.

Huo Wu tried her best to suppress the unrealistic fantasies in her heart.

Although Ye Qiu is indeed very strong and has the urge to let her understand, she has not lost her mind yet.

Everything is still in the curiosity stage.

At most, I have a little favorable impression.

At least that's what Huo Wu thinks.

Think of this.

Huo Wu couldn't help but think of the gossip Feng Xiaotian told him.

Suddenly she looked at Ye Qiu in front of her in disbelief, saying that he was stupid. She, Huo Wu, couldn't believe it.

He was obviously having such a good time. Even the teacher in the college was his woman and couldn't escape his stick.

Huo Wu glanced at Ye Qiu's side.

Liu Erlong, who has a fiery figure and delicate face, has a ripe aura all over his body. Like a peach in midsummer, it is indeed a fatal poison for young people with strong blood.

"Little girl, if you have anything to do, please tell me quickly. We will go on stage to compete later."

Liu Erlong didn't care at all about Huo Wu's gaze.

There was nothing to hide about the fact that Ye Qiu was her man, and she didn't want to hide it.

"Yes, yes, Sister Xiaowu still wants to fight."

Xiao Wu raised her fist. She really wanted to appear in Thunder Academy this time.

Huo Wu is the only female in the Blazing Academy team.

Naturally, many people are paying attention to her whereabouts, and many people around her have pricked up their ears, wanting to know what Huo Wu is going to say.

Many people speculated that Huo Wu wanted to confess to Ye Qiu or something.

Heard this rumor

Huo Wu gritted his teeth, and his face slowly turned red.

"Confession? What confession."

Ning Rongrong and the others naturally heard the discussions around them.

Look at Huo Wu's pretty red face.

Even though Ye Qiu had already mentioned his guess before, Ning Rongrong still believed it.

After all, she would always rather believe that this kind of thing happened than not believe that it didn't happen.

He frowned and said to Huo Wu:

"I said, if you really want to confess, you should go back. We have already asked for you. Ye Qiu doesn't like you."


Huo Wu looked at Ning Rongrong in shock, her face flushed.

Just now I said it was okay for her to steal a man, and now I said she was here to express her love. What the hell is this? !

"You, don't talk nonsense, who is here to confess? I am not here to confess."

Huo Wu quickly retorted.

He stared at Ye Qiu again.

This bastard doesn't really think he's in love with him, does he? ! He even said that he didn't like himself.

How abominable!

The anger in Huo Wu's heart drowned out the loss that appeared in her heart unconsciously.

He said to Ye Qiujiao:

"Ye Qiu, don't be so shameless! Why do you say you don't like me and make it seem like I like you! It's simply wishful thinking."

Seeing Ye Qiu being pointed at and scolded, Xiao Wu suddenly became unhappy.

"Hey! What are you talking about? Xiaoqiu has never thought about you. It was obviously you who said you like Xiaoqiu. You are so shameless!"

Bai Chenxiang looked at Huo Wu, with a hint of displeasure flashing in her eyes: "That's right, we heard that you like Ye Qiu, so we asked him if he likes you. Please don't slander anyone."

"Little girl, don't talk nonsense. My husband is really not interested in you. My sisters are no worse than you. He doesn't have extra time to miss you."

Liu Erlong didn't have a very good temper. Only when she stayed with Ye Qiu could she control her fiery personality.

Huo Wu's words had already made her a little angry.

The other women also glared at Huo Wu. They couldn't stand it when their men were scolded in public.

"You, you."

Huo Wu looked at Liu Erlong and the others, her face flushed with shame and anger, and she didn't know how to refute.

He had no choice but to point the finger at Ye Qiu: "Ye Qiu, do you only know how to hide behind women?!"


Liu Erlong did not hesitate any longer.

The Contra-level aura was oppressive, and Huo Wu, who was still aggressive at first, suddenly calmed down.

His face was a little pale, his legs were trembling, but he still gritted his teeth and stared at Ye Qiu.

"Forget it, Erlong."

Ye Qiu raised his hand to stop Liu Erlong from increasing his pressure.

Huo Wu gasped for breath, staggered, and almost fell down.

Looking at these women and Ye Qiu in front of her, she felt that she had been greatly humiliated!

From small to large.

No one has ever dared to treat her like this!

"Sister, are you okay?"

The rest of the Blazing Academy team finally rushed over.

Huo Wushuang looked at the pale Huo Wu and hurriedly stepped forward to support the shaky Huo Wu.

Huo Wu said nothing, still staring straight at Ye Qiu.

Ye Qiu shook his head helplessly and said to Huo Wu:

"Huo Wu, what do you have to say to me? If it's because of the rumors in the spirit fighting arena, I don't think we have anything to talk about. I never took those words seriously, so you don't have to take them to heart."

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