Douluo: My Teacher Is the Pope

Chapter 106 Meeting Meng Yiran for the first time!

As soon as Li Changan said this, everyone turned to look at Li Changan with doubts. Of course, these people included Zhao Wuji.

Logically speaking, this kid's mental power shouldn't be very strong, but if he didn't use his mental power, then how did this kid determine the year of this crested cockscomb snake?

But after hearing what Li Changan said, neither Zhu Zhuqing nor anyone else had any doubts. No one would question his words. This is Li Changan's prestige!

"And Xiao Ao, if you can hunt this soul beast and use it as your soul ring, then you should get a good flying soul skill!" Li Changan continued to add.

Tang San also echoed at this time: "Teacher Li is right. According to common sense, there should be this opportunity."

Oscar was naturally overjoyed. If he could really have a flying soul skill, it would be really exciting!

At this time, Zhao Wuji was too lazy to think about it and said directly: "Let's work together to catch it!"


At this moment, Zhu Zhuqing's voice happened to come out. Amidst the low shout, she actually jumped down from the air, without any fear that the opponent was a thousand-year soul beast!

The sharp claws with dark light attached to the body, the first soul ring lit up at the same time, and the Nether Thrust was activated!

It was a huge snake, its appearance was exactly as Zhu Zhuqing described, six or seven meters long. There is a bright red fleshy crown on the head. It looked a bit ferocious, and its fast-moving body was hit by Zhu Zhuqing. Zhu Zhuqing's nether thorns shot directly towards the fleshy crown on its head.

The Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb reacted very quickly. Even as it rushed forward, the snake's head swerved in its haste. Zhu Zhuqing's claw did not hit the fleshy crown, but hit it on the body, making a muffled sound. The speed of the wind-tailed cockscomb snake's forward movement was suddenly reduced by a few points.

Moreover, Zhu Zhuqing's power of dark elements was also extremely terrifying, directly destroying the body of the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb Snake!

The phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake was immediately annoyed. The snake tilted its head, opened its mouth suddenly and sprayed out a mouthful of colorful mist towards Zhu Zhuqing. At the same time. The bright red fleshy crown on top of its head lit up, and the sluggishness just now increased instantly!

Dai Mubai below yelled "Be careful!", and when he was about to take action, he found someone who was faster than him.

A black shadow almost flashed before everyone's eyes, and then they saw Zhu Zhuqing being held in the arms of Li Changan who jumped into the air. At the same time, Li Changan gave the phoenix-tailed cockscomb a whip kick while falling!


The phoenix-tailed crested snake was directly hit to the ground by Li Changan's whip!

In Li Changan's arms, Zhu Zhuqing actually felt a peace of mind that she had never experienced before. She was not afraid at all when faced with the venom of the cockscomb snake just now, because she subconsciously felt that Li Changan would come to save her!

Although he saved people, Li Changan never wanted to be a disciple in front of Zhu Zhuqing, so after landing, he let Zhu Zhuqing go in a gentlemanly manner without any violation of the rules.

Zhu Zhuqing said "thank you" to Li Changan, but this time Li Changan found that Zhu Zhuqing did not have a cold face, but a gentle expression.

Well, there is progress!

The phoenix-tailed crested snake on the ground was quickly subdued by Tang San and others. They who thought it was a big chase were also confused at this time, and they all mentally labeled Li Changan as not to be messed with.

Xiao Wu, on the other hand, glanced at Li Changan and Zhu Zhuqing meaningfully, her big eyes darting around as she didn't know what she was thinking.

The next thing happened naturally. Everyone beat the Cockscomb until it was breathless, and then left it to Oscar to deal with it.

Li Changan also returned to Xiao Wu at this time. Xiao Wu took Li Changan's arm and suddenly said softly: "Brother, do you think humans must hunt soul beasts?"

Li Changan knew Xiao Wu's identity and naturally knew what Xiao Wu was thinking. He gently held Xiao Wu into his arms, stroked her scorpion braid and said softly:

"The weak eat the strong, this is the law of survival, but trust me, I will find a way for humans and spirit beasts to coexist as soon as possible."

Xiao Wu subconsciously held Li Changan's hand tighter, looking at Li Changan with gentle eyes: "Brother, I believe you!"

Li Changan patted Xiao Wu's head without saying anything more. Is it difficult to solve the coexistence problem between humans and spirit beasts?

In fact, it is difficult to say it is difficult, it is not difficult to say it is not difficult, it depends on whether he can stand in the long river of Douluo Continent and think about this problem.

However, whether it is a soul or finding another planet for the soul beast, it will not be a matter of time. He has a better solution, becoming a god!

After becoming a god, he will overthrow the Douluo God Realm and create a new God Realm again, a God Realm where both people and soul beasts can compete equally and become gods!

At this moment, Li Changan suddenly looked in one direction and thought to himself: "Here we come, Sister Snake!"

The moment Oscar was about to swing his knife, a voice suddenly sounded: "Stop!"

Immediately afterwards, two figures jumped out from the direction where the Wind-tailed Cockscomb Snake had flown and appeared in front of everyone.

These two people, one old and one young, are both women. The old one looks like he is sixty or seventy years old. His white hair is combed very neatly. Although he is not young, he is very energetic and has a wrinkled face. Although there were quite a few, they were as ruddy as a baby's, with a pair of eyes full of energy.

She holds a three-meter-long snake-head crutch in her right hand. The six soul rings on her body are moving up and down. Her body has not changed, but the soul ring shows that she has used her martial soul. Needless to say, the crutch in her hand should be It's her martial spirit.

Following the old woman was a beautiful girl with short ear-length hair who looked about sixteen or seventeen years old.

A neat outfit tightly covered her already well-developed figure. A pair of big dark brown eyes were staring firmly at the wind-tailed cockscomb snake in Zhao Wuji's hand. She also held a handle. The snake-head crutch was just a little shorter than the old woman's, only about two meters long, and the soul ring on it was only two hundred years old.

The appearance of the old woman and the little girl shocked the students at the same time, but when they saw that the old woman had six soul rings, they all breathed a sigh of relief. After all, the seven soul rings on Zhao Wuji were not vegetarian. , and they also have an unfathomable Soul King, Teacher Li!

Tang San and the others relaxed, but the old woman's expression changed a little. She was anxious before she shouted, but after she came over, her expression became a little bad.

Although she couldn't accurately judge Zhao Wuji's strength, her natural vigilance told her that although this middle-aged man was not as powerful as her old man, he was a more powerful being than her!

Soul Saint!

Soul Saint, this is the outskirts of the Star Dou Forest, why did a Soul Saint appear? The old woman's heart suddenly sank, knowing that she might not be able to get anything done today.

And what frightened her the most was not Zhao Wuji, but the young man in black. Although he looked very young, she felt a fatal threat from Li Changan, a kind of threat that she couldn't even run away from. The threat of falling!

how come!

"What's the matter?" Zhao Wuji glanced at the old woman, his eyes fell on the snake-head crutch in her hand, and he couldn't help but think of someone.

His voice was not too harsh, but sounded a bit gentle, which surprised Dai Mu who knew him very well. King Fudo never had a good look towards people who were not as powerful as him. Especially when the opponent is obviously interested in the Millennium Wind-tailed Cockscomb.

The old woman coughed to make her facial expression look softer:

"Hello, respect the Earth Soul Saint, you cannot give this wind-tailed cockscomb snake to this child."

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